Chapter 200
There are fools in the world who read prescriptions for three years and say that there is no disease in the world that can be cured; and cure diseases for three years and know that there is no prescription in the world.Therefore, scholars must be knowledgeable about medical sources, be diligent and tireless, and must not hear hearsay. In terms of medical knowledge, it is a deep mistake.


——"Great Physician Sincerity" excerpted from Sun Simiao's (Tang) "Emergency Prescriptions"


On the next day, the symptoms of chest tightness and hypochondriac pain of the old woman were obviously relieved.But cough occurs, expectoration increases, and expectoration is white thick sticky phlegm.The tongue and pulse are the same as the day before.

Seeing that the old woman's condition had improved, Bai Fu stopped changing prescriptions, and the regimen of acupuncture and medication was the same as before.The only change is that the yin and yang are reversed. This time, the Yangxi acupoint is first pierced, and then the Taiyuan acupoint is pierced to enhance the acupuncture effect.

Five days later, the old woman felt distressed in her chest, and the pain in her hypochondriacs had improved significantly.Coughing up less phlegm and clearing the color.The turbid and greasy tongue coating slowly began to subside, and the slippery pulse on the right inch gradually became smoother.Bai Fu continued to apply the needle according to the previous method.However, the proportion of some medicinal materials in the medicine was changed, perilla seed and white mustard seed were removed, and tangerine peel and poria cocos were added.

By the time of consultation on the eighth day, the old woman's symptoms of chest tightness and discomfort had completely disappeared, and the dull pain in the flanks had basically disappeared. She occasionally coughed with itchy throat, accompanied by a small amount of sticky phlegm.Na Meike, two convenient adjustments.Pale tongue, white and greasy fur.Shuangmai overall has a slippery appearance, and the left Guan is slightly larger.

On the tenth day of the consultation, the old woman's condition has improved after evaluation by everyone, and there is no need for acupuncture and medicine, and she only needs to recuperate at home.Fifteen days later, the follow-up visit revealed that the old woman's face was rosy, her complexion was normal, her spirits were hale and hearty, and she no longer felt any discomfort in her body.

After Qingcheng disciples settled in Bingying, they found that almost all the patients with blast disease had the characteristics of white thick and greasy fur and smooth right-inch pulse, which indicated that turbid phlegm accumulated in the lungs was the basic pathogenesis.Half a month after the acupuncture and medicine intervention, the symptoms were all improved or eliminated.

After treating dozens of plague patients, Bai Fu believed that this plague also had the characteristics of "straight centrality", with an insidious onset and direct invasion of the lungs and other organs.The onset is manifested as dry cough or even no cough.

After Bai Fu's syndrome differentiation, he believed that the reason why the disease was highly contagious and rapidly deteriorated was difficult to be cured by general typhoid warm medicine. The main reason was that although the patient's lungs were damaged, he had less cough and sputum production.The patient's dry cough or no cough leads to the inability to discharge the sputum, and because of dampness and turbidity obstructing the middle energizer, the road of transportation and transformation is blocked, and the phlegm turbidity blocks the airway, resulting in chest tightness and hypochondriac pain.

In view of this, Bai Fu tried to focus his treatment on moistening the lungs and expeling phlegm.After acupuncture and medication, as long as the patient's ability to cough and expectorate is restored, the condition will improve.For individual patients, through qigong guidance, the phlegm turbidity and lung poison can be discharged from the feces, which can also achieve the effect of eliminating viscera and viscera.

Since the main pathogenesis of the patient is the combined disease of Taiyang and Yangming, and the two senses of Taiyin and Yangming, Bai Fu combined the healing experience of dozens of patients and finally came up with an acupuncture plan that can be widely promoted: Acupuncture and acupoint selection in the Taiyin meridian Taiyuan acupoint, Yangxi and Hegu acupoints of Yangming Jing.The silver needle passes through the Taiyuan point and pierces the Yangxi point and Hegu point, which not only relieves the two senses of Taiyin and Yangming, but also promotes defecation through gastrointestinal peristalsis, so as to reduce turbid phlegm in the lungs.

In addition, if the patient feels chest tightness, acupuncture can also be performed at the Neiguan point of the Jueyin meridian.If the patient feels hypochondriac pain, acupuncture at the Waiguan point of the Shaoyang meridian can be used.The silver needle penetrates through the Neiguan acupoint and penetrates the Waiguan acupoint, which can effectively relieve chest tightness and hypochondriac pain.

When applying needles, there is no need for traditional acupuncture methods such as lifting, inserting, twisting, and turning. The Qingcheng nine-needling method is the best for Qi circulation and the fastest effect.If the patient is old, no need for special acupuncture and reinforcing and reducing techniques.If the patient's main fire is unclear, it can be supplemented with Daoyin to speed up the acupuncture and Qi movement and strengthen the needling sensation.

Acupuncture combined with medicine has the best effect, and Baifu also gave a medication plan that can be widely promoted: using Guizhi method as the base to unlock the Sun Meridian and reconcile Yingwei.

In addition, according to the individual symptoms of patients, there are methods of addition and subtraction: for those with severe aversion to wind and cold, it is advisable to add Fangfeng, Nepeta, and light soybean meal to disperse the wind and cold; ; For those with cough and asthma, it is advisable to add almonds, perilla seeds, and platycodon grandiflorum to relieve cough and asthma.

(End of this chapter)

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