Chapter 223
If you don't know what to do, you will be a hero.

But Qin was not rewarded, and it was meritorious to attack Jinning.

Hold yourself in the white blade, kill people in the world of mortals.

When the court bows to high righteousness, the world is called a hero.

——Excerpt from "Gift to Brother Xiangyang Shaofuhao" by Li Bai


As soon as the sky was bright, the bells and drums in Shaolin Temple sounded together.This situation is extremely unusual, and it will only happen when the monks of the whole temple are called together to announce important matters.

The disciples in the temple put down their work one after another and quickly entered the square in front of the Daxiong Hall.

Bai Fu felt that his disguise technique should be able to fool around, so he mixed in with the team of Shaolin lay disciples and stepped into the square.

Although there were monks in the square, there was no sound.

When all the people arrived, they only heard the bell ringing three times, and saw the abbot wearing a cassock with gold silk and red background, holding an agarwood rosary, and leading several elders out of the Daxiong Hall.Abbot Liaokong and Master Chengda of Baima Temple are also among them.

Bai Fu looked intently, was taken aback, and thought to himself: "Isn't Abbot Kongjian the same old monk who taught Hu Changgang the Dharma at midnight?"

Seeing Abbot Kong come to the stage, he cleared his throat, and said to the monks, "Abbot Liao Kong, Master Cheng Da and other elders from Baima Temple came to our temple this morning and brought a shocking news. The Hojo feudal lord of Fusang Kingdom sent spies Sneak into this temple and steal the secret books of martial arts in the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion of this temple."

The monks in the square began to whisper to each other without waiting for the abbot to finish speaking.

Abbot Kongjian looked at the five monks standing in the front row, and asked solemnly: "Abbot Liaokong just told me that the messenger from the White Horse Temple should have arrived at the temple three days ago to bring news about Fusang's spies. Among you, are you Who received it, why didn't you report it to me?"

The fat, big-eared monk who received Bai Fu smiled awkwardly and said: "Reporting to the abbot, the messenger from Baima Temple was received by a young monk. He refused to explain the purpose of his visit, and the young monk didn't know how powerful he was, so I arranged him in the firewood room." , thinking that I will report back to you when you are free.

Unexpectedly, he acted recklessly and stole four volumes of "Langa Sutra" handwritten by Patriarch Bodhidharma, gold tin stick, Bodhidharma tiger stick, incense board, wooden fish and other Zen forest utensils that Patriarch Bodhidharma used with him.When Luohantang Law Enforcement Stick Monk went to arrest him, he escaped. "

Abbot Liao Kong and Abbot Kong looked at each other, Abbot Liao Kong clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, I'm afraid there is a misunderstanding here. Young Hero Bai Fu is a direct disciple of Qingxuan sect master of Qingcheng, and is also a subordinate of Taifu Xu. Your school secretary will never do such a thing!"

Seeing Abbot Kong, he said: "What Abbot Liao Kong said is very true. This young man Bai was the No. 2 sword master in Shushan, when the Holy Majesty was selecting martial arts, he was framed by others. Taoist Priest Suxu and I were still his guarantors. He definitely didn't do it. Mingxiang, you tell everyone about the process of Bai Shaoxia's ascent to the mountain."

A gray-clothed monk stepped forward and reported the situation to the elders in detail.

Seeing that Abbot Kong listened, his complexion darkened, and he said sharply: "Ming Yu, you received the call letter and didn't report it in time. Instead, you teamed up with the mountain patrol stick monk to bully others, misleading the law enforcement stick monk in Luohan Hall to arrest Bai Shaoxia, and caused the elder Kong Xing to arrest Bai Shaoxia. Injured, Fusang Mi explored and fled, are you guilty?"

Mingyu, the guest monk, turned pale, wept and wiped away his tears, and begged for mercy on his knees.

The law enforcement elder Kong Yun said: "According to the temple regulations, they are punished with fifty sticks and confinement in the back mountain for a year to reflect on their mistakes. The rest of the mountain patrolling stick monks' violations will be punished together after investigation."

After saying that, the law-enforcing monk dragged Ming Yu down and executed him immediately, making Ming Yu, a know-it-all monk, howl like ghosts and wolves.

Master Chengda saw that Shaolin enforced the law fairly and showed no favoritism, so he couldn't help but secretly nodded.

Elder Kong Jing, the temple supervisor, poked the orchid finger, and said, "Who stole the sacred objects of Shaolin, such as the "Langa Sutra" and the golden tin staff? Mingxiang, have you ever investigated? Luoyang Qiushou hand-picked it to see, if it is lost, only you Luohantang will ask!"

"Who wants to take our Arhat Hall?" There was a thunder in the sky, and a monk came from the shadow wall of the side hall.This person has thick eyebrows and big eyes, a round cheek and a beard, a tall and strong man, carrying a huge sack on his back.

Seeing this person, the square exclaimed.Many monks kneeled and kowtowed to thank the Buddha for his blessing.

Even the elder Kong Jing, the temple supervisor, screamed: "You, aren't you dead?"

That person's voice was like a bell, and he laughed loudly: "Many people are looking forward to the death of Sajia, but the Buddha said, I am not cultivated enough, and it is not time to go to the West Paradise."

It's hard for the monks not to be surprised. This person is the first elder Kongjia who passed away last year in the Arhat Hall.Elder Kongjia is rough and open-minded, easy-going, and deeply loved by Shaolin junior disciples.The sudden passing away last year caused many juniors pain.At this moment, the birth out of nowhere made Shaolin Temple rejoice.

Elder Kongjia clasped his hands together and saluted and sang to Abbot Kong and Abbot Kongjian.Abbot Liao Kong smiled and said, "Nephew Kong Jia, it seems that you have improved a lot! What is in the pocket behind your back?"

Elder Konga laughed loudly, put down his pocket, untied the rope, and a burly monk fell out. It was the one that Baifu saw outside the Bodhidharma Cave that day. He might be the monk Ichiro from 'Hojo Katsuki'.

After the monk Ichiro got up, he kowtowed several times to Abbot Sora and Abbot Sora.Then, he got up and looked around among the monks. After seeing the middle-aged monk who said goodbye that day, he yelled and jumped off the stage.Fighting with middle-aged monks.

Elder Kongjia also rose into the air, and stopped Monk Ichiro.He is majestic, with piercing eyes, approaching the middle-aged monk step by step.

The middle-aged monk looked flustered, and while stealthily observing the escape route, he secretly took out a handful of black gold needles from his sleeve, aimed at Elder Kongjia and the onlooker monks, and flung them forcefully, intending to take advantage of the chaos to escape.

Elder Kongjia sneered, rolled up his sleeves, and rolled up all the Wujin needles that filled the sky into the sleeves.The sleeve robe was tightly tied, like a piece of mace.

Elder Kongjia grabbed the middle-aged monk and pulled him back.The five fingers are like a wheel, and hit the key points all over the body.Then, he threw it heavily on the ground.

Elder Kongjia pointed at the middle-aged monk and said angrily, "Brother Abbot, this is the person who poisoned me!"

It turned out that Elder Kongjia was poisoned on a certain day last year. The poison was so violent that he almost failed to save him.Abbot Kong Jian saw that this poison should come from a foreign land.The poisoner's method is secretive, and it will be impossible to find out the truth for a while.

Therefore, Abbot Kongjian set up a plan to let Elder Kongjia pretend to be dead, and then lead the snake out of the cave.

As soon as Elder Kongjia died, Elder Kongjing, the monastery supervisor, strongly recommended Elder Kongxing to take over as the head of Arhat Hall.Abbot Kong Jian initially suspected that Elder Kong Jing was playing the ghost, but after several months of observation, he found that although Elder Kong Jing harbored selfish intentions, he was not the one who poisoned him.

The thread was broken.

At this time, Abbot Liaokong of Baima Temple also noticed that Hojo Mabe had stolen Buddhist scriptures.After the two abbots met, they believed that there was a Japanese group conspiring behind Hojo Mabi.So he stood still and followed the vines to find out the whole spy clue.

After Hojo Mabi repented, Abbot Liao Kong thought the time was right, and used the newcomer Bai Fu to pull out a big net.

 If you don't know what to do, you will be a hero.

  But Qin was not rewarded, and it was meritorious to attack Jinning.

  Hold yourself in the white blade, kill people in the world of mortals.

  When the court bows to high righteousness, the world is called a hero.

  The small section is not enough to say, return the farmland to the east of Chongling.

  There is no property after returning, and things are like turning around.

  Once the black fur is empty, the hundred yi gold is empty.

  The swordplayer is passionate, and he is sad when he goes out.

  My brother Qingyun scholar, Rannuo heard about you.

  So Chen Pianyan, a piece of speech is valuable.

  If Dihua does not pick it up, it will be the same as autumn grass.

  ——"Gift from brother Xiangyang Shaofu Hao" Li Bai

(End of this chapter)

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