Chapter 224
Shiyu Lake is like Dongting, and summer water is full of green mountains.

The mountain is a bottle, the water is a marsh, and the drunkard always sits on the island.

The long wind makes big waves for several days, so we can't waste people to transport wine boats.

I sit on Baqiu with a long scoop, and sit around with a drink to relieve my sorrow.

—— "Drunk Song on Stone Fish Lake" Yuan Jie (Tang Dynasty)

The poisoned middle-aged monk Mingsha, whose real name is Sato Sehei, is also a secret agent of Fusang.I have been lurking in Shaolin for many years, starting as a low-level novice monk.After more than 20 years of hard work, I finally entered the Arhat Hall.I thought I could do whatever I wanted, but found that the most core martial arts classics in the Sutra Pavilion, including 72 unique skills, need the permission of the head of the Arhat Hall before they can be borrowed.

Although Elder Kongjia is rough and open-minded and easy-going, he is extremely principled and cannot be bribed.

Ming Sha, a middle-aged monk, has been working hard for two years, but still has nothing, so he plans to kill.

He bought Minglun, the elder brother of the Dakini elder, and made a careful plan.After the arrangements were made, he waited for an opportunity to poison Elder Konga's diet.

After the elder Kongjia passed away, Minglun, driven by profit, relied on the large amount of money supported by Mingsha, bribed the temple supervisor, the elder Kongjing, with a lot of money, and recommended his master, the elder Kongxing, to take over as the head of the Arhat Hall.

When Elder Dakini became the head of the Arhat Hall, Minglun also became the head of the stick monks of the Arhat Hall as he wished, and vaguely became the candidate for the next head of the Arhat Hall.

In exchange, Minglun helped Mingsha to obtain the authorization from the elder Dakini, who can enter and exit the Sutra Pavilion at will and borrow core martial arts classics.

After Yamamoto lost contact, Mingsha became alert and paid special attention to the news of visitors entering Shaolin.After the news of Bai Fu's fight with the patrolling stick monk reached his ears, Mingsha bought the little novice who cleaned the room of the Zhigu monk, and learned of Bai Fu's intention to come.

That night, Mingsha asked Minglun to steal the Buddhist Buddhist artifacts such as the Langa Sutra, Bodhidharma's tiger stick, incense board, wooden fish, and gold tin stick, and then set the blame on Baifu.

When stealing in the middle of the night, he accidentally alarmed the monks who were watching the night.In the confusion, Minglun's subordinates lost the Sri Lanka Sutra, the Dharma tiger stick, the incense board and the wooden fish, and only gave Mingsha the golden tin stick.

Mingsha secretly scolded Minglun for being cunning, and refused to hand over all the Zen forest elephant utensils, and kept a hand for himself.But the situation is urgent, and there is no rush to investigate the truth of the matter.

In the early morning of the next day, Ming Sha mobilized Ming Lun to lead the Arhat Hall stick monks and law-enforcing monks to search Bai Fu's residence and set the blame on Bai Fu.

Originally wanted to use Ming Lun's hand to get rid of Bai Fu, but during the fight between the two, Ming Sha found that Ming Lun's martial arts were not good enough to do this.Therefore, Mingsha sent someone to invite the elder Dakini, the head of the Arhat Hall, in a hurry.

But I didn't expect that Bai Fu's martial arts were so strong that he even drew with the elder Kong Xing.In desperation, Ming Sha took the risk and waited for an opportunity to kill Bai Fu with poison.

Thousands of calculations have been made, but Bai Fu has a body protected by a dragon and a python with reverse scales. After being poisoned, he can also injure the elder Kongxing, and escaped.

When the matter developed to this point, Mingsha could only use a backup plan and arranged for another fellow monk, Ichiro, who was lurking in the temple to take advantage of the chaos to abscond.In order to make sure everything is safe, Ming Sha is still poisoning the wine of breaking up with Monk Ichiro, and he will die on the way if he can't run very far.

As long as Ichiro dies, the clue provided by Hojo Mabi will be broken.Not only can he continue to lurk in Shaolin Temple, but he can also protect the young master.

But I never thought that the praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.The elder Kongjia who turned into a ghost did not die!He who has been lurking in the dark, took the opportunity to save Ichiro!
The general situation is gone, Mingsha wanted to die by swallowing gold, but Elder Kongjia had long guarded against this move, with five fingers like a wheel, he hit the key points all over his body, preventing him from moving.

Elder Kongjia said to Mingsha: "Back then you tried your best to please me, the purpose was to borrow the martial arts secret books in the Sutra Pavilion. I never agreed, not only because your motives were not pure, but also because of the rules of Luohan Hall."

Speaking of this, Elder Kongjia looked at the disciples in the arena, and said in a loud voice: "Shaolin 72 stunts and other martial arts cheats, not to mention idle disciples, even Arhat Hall disciples can't borrow them at will, but they need the promise of the head of the Arhat Hall to practice.

The reason why the abbot made such a rule: First, he was afraid that his disciples would be overjoyed by hunting and become obsessed with fighting and martial arts, forgetting to practice Buddhism.My Shaolin is the ancestral court of Zen Buddhism. Although it is famous all over the world for its martial arts, the foundation of its school is Zen Zhenru Taoism.Knowing the mind and seeing the nature is the only way.Pursuing martial arts and ignoring Buddhism is an act of abandoning the basics and chasing the last.

Second, Shaolin 72 stunts and other martial arts cheats require advanced Buddhist practice to master.

Zen Buddhism and martial arts are like lamps and lights.Light is light, light is dark.Lamp is the body of light, and light is the function of the lamp. Although there are two names, the body is basically the same.Dinghui is the same, and the same is true.

Luohan Hall is the first to teach martial arts, and let the disciples practice meditation first.External separation is Zen, and internal chaos is samadhi.If the appearance is on the outside, the heart will be chaotic; if the appearance is separated from the outside, the heart will not be chaotic.

Only when the mind is unable to think and the self-nature does not move after practicing, the master will teach martial arts.

Dharma and martial arts are both practiced. If the disciple is practicing, he will always have a correct view in his heart, and he will not be stained with afflictions and dust.That is to reach the realm of seeing.Only by getting rid of obsession can martial arts be mastered without hindrance.At this time, practicing Shaolin 72 unique skills and other martial arts secrets, the spiritual awareness is wonderful, the wisdom is always there, the result is twice the result with half the effort, the inside and outside can't stay, and you can come and go freely.

On the contrary, if one abandons the Dharma, becomes obsessed with martial arts, and loses one's mind, one will go mad and escape into the way of the devil.At the least, the tendons and veins are all broken, disabled and paralyzed, and at the worst, they are insane and crazy, killing people and destroying the sect.

Comprehending this method of samadhi and wisdom, combining Chan and Wu, achieves no thoughts, no memories, and no attachments.Use self-truth and nature, contemplate with wisdom, never take or give up, that is to see the nature and become a Buddha. "

After Elder Kongjia finished speaking, all Buddhist elders, including Abbot Kong and Master Chengda, put their hands together and said: "Amitabha, the exquisite teachings of Elder Kongjia have deeply captured the essence of Zen Buddhism, and have benefited Lao Na and others a lot. shallow."


Hojo Mabi hugged Monk Ichiro and cried, "I almost lost my brother! We made a mistake, so please regret it!"

Monk Ichiro fell to his knees and said, "Second son, you misunderstood me. I am not your elder brother Hojo Katsura! I am also a samurai of the Hojo feudal lord. My name is Sato Ichiro, and Sato Sehei is actually my uncle. But I didn't expect He is so cruel, in order to protect the eldest son, he even poisoned me to death."

Hojo Mabi was stunned on the spot, and said, "But your appearance and characteristics are the same as my elder brother's?"

Monk Ichiro replied: "Second son, they know that you grew up outside the feudal lord's mansion and have never seen the eldest son and third son, so what Yamamoto told you about Hojo Katsu's appearance is actually my information. The purpose is to protect each other.

Similarly, the eldest son does not know what you look like.Only the third son knows all the information about the eldest son and you. "


In this way, there should be a Japanese inner ghost in Shaolin Temple.

Elder Kong Jia said to Sato Sehei: "This is the end of the matter, you don't have to be stubborn anymore, tell your accomplices. Who is Hojo Katsura?"

Sato Sehei sneered and said, "Who is the young master, how could I let you know? You kill me, I won't tell."

(End of this chapter)

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