Chapter 227
The dangerous building is a hundred feet high, and the stars can be picked by hand.

Don't dare to speak loudly, for fear of shocking the heavens.

——"Night Overnight in Mountain Temple" Li Bai


Elder Kong Jia feigned anger to Bai Fu and said, "Who are you? Why did you take such a vicious action and kill him without being interrogated by the government?"

In fact, Bai Fu had his own reasons, and he didn't want to kill Hojo Katsuki.It's just that the Vulture Eagle Claw skill is not yet proficient, and I can't fully control it.I was so eager to do meritorious service just now that I lost my sense of proportion.

Bai Fu was originally apologetic, but Elder Kong Jia blamed him so much, he couldn't help thinking in his heart: "Shaolin monk is really a hypocrite! The Japanese people have gone mad, and their heart and veins are damaged. Even if I don't take action, he won't live long. Maybe he is dying. Before, people became crazy, killed innocent people everywhere, and ruined Shaolin's reputation.

This is good, I rescued the hostages for them, eliminated demons, defended the way, and eliminated hidden dangers, but they blamed me for the murder. "

Thinking of this, Bai Fu reappeared his hatred for Shaolin monks for several days.

Bai Fu snorted coldly, stood proudly, clasped his fists with both hands, and said: "I am the school secretary, Bai Fu, who was ordered by the imperial court master Xu to arrest Japanese thieves."

Seeing Bai Fu's arrogant attitude, Elder Kong Jia lost his goodwill just now.Since he is not a Shaolin disciple, he has no intention of accepting disciples.He also no longer asked how Bai Fu acquired the lost move of Vulture Eagle Claw Kung Fu.

The emotions between the two made each other miss a big opportunity.As the saying goes: one thought becomes a Buddha, and one thought becomes a demon.In the final analysis, there is still no fate.


The truth about the pirates stealing books is now revealed.

Elder Kong Jing's face turned red and then white, feeling uneasy.According to Shaolin precepts, his punishment for corruption and breaking the law is not light.Although Elder Kongjing is a monastery supervisor appointed by the sage, Abbot Kongjian and the other elders did not dare to embarrass him easily, but the nature of the spying on Datang intelligence by the Japanese is of a bad nature, and the matter is of great importance. Can't escape the guilt.

Before the meeting of elders, Elder Kongjing asked to have a detailed discussion with Abbot Kongjian alone.

Entering the meditation room, Kong saw that the abbot remained calm, and when Elder Kong Jing finished speaking, he kept silent and silently twirled the rosary in his hand, the atmosphere in the room fell into a stalemate.

Seeing that the abbot was silent, Elder Kongjing was even more flustered. He begged hard, but he no longer had the arrogance and arrogance of the past.

Seeing the abbot pondering for a while, Fang said: "Master Supervisor, how do you want me to help you?"

Elder Kong Jing gritted his teeth, and made up his mind: "I can apply to Eunuch Gao for transfer, and according to the request of the abbot, recommend to the Holy Majesty the candidate for the temple supervisor. There is only one condition, and this time, the abbot will help me to explain this to the Holy Majesty." A few words."

Seeing the abbot chanting the Buddha's name, Kong said: "Amitabha, I will follow the advice of the temple supervisor."

The two looked at each other and smiled, got up and gave each other a salute, saying: "That's good, that's good..."


After the two reached an agreement, the Elder's House invited Elder Kong, Master Cheng Da and other eminent monks into the inner hall to discuss together.An hour later, the elders appeared in front of the monks again.

The chief elder of the Discipline Academy came to the stage and announced the result of the punishment for this matter:
Mingsha concealed his identity as a Japanese, stole the secret books of martial arts from the Cangjing Pavilion, poisoned the elders of the Arhat Hall, and was fined a hundred sticks, his martial arts were abolished, and he was permanently expelled from Shaolin.The matter of killing the elder with poison has already violated the criminal laws of the Tang Dynasty, and it was handed over to the Luoyang government office for conviction and sentencing according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty.

Minglun colluded with the Japanese and assisted him in stealing scriptures. He was fined a hundred sticks, his martial arts were revoked, and he was sent to a precepts academy for ten years of closed-door punishment.

Elder Kongxing neglected his duties, neglected his duties, did not follow the precepts of the Arhat Hall, authorized Mingsha and others to borrow martial arts secret books from the Sutra Pavilion, and let his disciples learn martial arts secretly, which led to the expansion of the situation.He was punished with a staff of one hundred sticks, exempted from positions in the elders' house and Luohan hall for life, sent to the precepts house, and closed for punishment for five years.

All the monks involved in the incident, such as the knowledgeable monk, the little Misha who tipped off the news, and the stick monk who patrolled the mountain, were all punished to varying degrees.

The bribery of the temple supervisor, Elder Kong Jing, was not made public, and only a few elders knew about it.


Seven days after the punishment result of the Discipline Academy was announced, Grand Tutor Xu, Governor of Luoyang and other officials accompanied the eunuch who passed the decree from Chang'an to Shaolin to announce His Majesty's decree.

The elder Kongjing, the temple supervisor, made great contributions to spying on the intelligence of the Tang Dynasty. He was rewarded with a purple gold fish bag and 500 taels of gold. go to office.

Abbot Liaokong of Baima Temple, Abbot Kongjian of Shaolin Temple and others also received rewards for uncovering the book theft by the Japanese.

Master Chengda of Baima Temple possesses both virtue and conduct, and is superb in Buddhism, so he was transferred to be the supervisor of Shaolin Temple.

Abbot Kongjian's first disciple, Master Zhaohuan, has made meritorious service in protecting the temple supervisor Kongjing Elder all the year round. Chen Xuanli, the general of Longwu, was restrained.

This personnel arrangement was beyond everyone's expectations.

Master Zhaohuan was surprised and angry at the same time.

The good news is that Qin Xunyi Wei Habayashi Zhonglang will be one of the military chiefs of the three prefectures of the Imperial Guard, Qin, Xun, and Yi, and he is the lower rank of the fourth rank.In the past, this official position was held by Xuanzong's trusted generals.Assuming this position, he became Xuanzong's pro-army, staying in the palace, and his future official career is limitless.

What's annoying is that he didn't know the whole thing.The temple supervisor, Elder Kong Jing, neither asked for his own opinion nor informed in advance, which completely disrupted Master Zhaohuan's power layout in Shaolin Temple for many years.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Master Zhaohuan can only take one step at a time.Fortunately, the Shaolin Iron-Blooded Youth Sangha is in my hands, and the painstaking efforts were not in vain. In the future, it seems that the name will be changed to "Iron-Blooded Youth Guards".


This is the end of the story of Japanese pirates stealing books.

When Xu Taifu and Bai Fu were alone, Bai Fu told Xu Taifu the secret conversation between pilgrims and monks that he overheard at the secret passage.The Tai Tuo pondered for a moment, then smiled and said: "It seems that Abbot Kong Jian has already noticed it. This time, we will take back the power of Shaolin from our Majesty without a single soldier, without bloodshed or killing. Just as Sun Tzu said in the Art of War: Those who are good at fighting have no reputation for wisdom or meritorious deeds!"

Bai Fu was puzzled.

Xu Taifu asked: "Fu'er, you are from the Jianghu. Let me ask you, among the various martial arts sects in the Central Plains, who has the highest martial arts?"

Bai Fu replied: "If you don't count sword masters, sword demons and other peerless masters who are close to myths, just take the Central Plains martial arts as an example, Jianghu is recognized as the head of the seven sects such as Shaolin, Kunlun, and Kongtong."

Xu Taifu asked: "You have been in Shaolin Temple for a while this time, have you ever seen Master Kongjian make a move?"

Bai Fu said: "I haven't seen it before, but according to the martial arts of the two first elders of Luohan Hall, Kong Ka and Elder Kong Xing, the martial arts of Abbot Kongjian should be unfathomable."

The Taifu smiled and said: "If I tell you now that Abbot Kong Jian doesn't know martial arts, would you believe me?"

Bai Fu was shocked, and said: "No way? Taifu, don't you want to tease me!"

Taifu said slowly: "For hundreds of years, among the seven martial arts sects in the Central Plains, masters have emerged one after another, and those whose martial arts are higher than the head of Shaolin can't be said to be everywhere, but they are not uncommon.

But for hundreds of years, people in the world have recommended Shaolin as the supreme martial arts.


Because Shaolin has always regarded itself as a chivalrous man, acting chivalrously and righteously, eliminating violence and peace, practicing the way of heaven, eliminating evil and rebellion, and presiding over justice in the world.As long as Shaolin is mentioned in the world, no one will give a thumbs up!As the saying goes, the benevolent is invincible!
And to stand out among the Shaolin disciples, to become the master of Shaolin, not only rely on martial arts, but also rely on the great wisdom to comprehend the warmth and coldness of human feelings, and the great compassion to understand all kinds of living beings..."

(End of this chapter)

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