Chapter 228
As soon as the cloud and mist descend to Tianguan, the sky is empty and the first to go to the twelve idlers.

Who cares about the thin bones today, the shadows on the beach in the setting sun are like mountains.

——"Skinny Horse Picture" Gong Kai (Song)


Early the next morning, Xu Taibo respectfully sent off the eunuch and his party.After the guard of honor left, Tai Tuo took the opportunity to stay in Shaolin Temple for a few days.The Taifu and Abbot Kong Jian are good friends who have known each other for many years. This time they met, they talked and laughed happily.

Although Abbot Kongjian had already met Bai Fu, Xu Taibo formally recommended Bai Fu to Abbot Kongjian.

Grand Tutor Xu said to Bai Fu: "Fu'er, why don't you thank Abbot Kong Jian! On the eve of the Yuan Dynasty, you offended Prime Minister Li because of Li Musheng. I beg you, even if you escaped the prison, you would have been expelled back to Qingcheng long ago. If there is no abbot, how would you have the opportunity you have today!"

Bai Fu was taken aback for a moment, he didn't know that he had such a relationship with Abbot Kongjian back then, it seems that the abbot already knew about him.Bai Fu hurriedly knelt down and bowed his head, the bluestone bricks on the ground made a "dong dong dong" sound.

Bai Fu was extremely ashamed, and said: "The boy is reckless and reckless. This time he came to Shaolin, he caused so many troubles, he caused a big disaster, and he asked Master Abbot to punish him. No matter how he dealt with it, the boy is willing to be punished!"

Seeing Abbot Kong laughed out loud, he lifted Bai Fu up, and said: "That's not bad. The first time you came to Shaolin, you caused so many troubles, which turned Shaolin upside down. It can be seen that there is a lot of fate between Shaolin and Shaolin.

However, in my opinion, these disasters are well done!If you want to say punishment, you have to punish the Taifu, and punish him for arranging a candidate for me to make a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace! "

After finishing speaking, Master Xu and Abbot Kongjian looked at each other, understood, and laughed.

Grand Tutor Xu said to Bai Fu: "Zen Taoism is profound and ingenious. You stay with me for a few more days this time, and ask Master Abbot for advice. Master Abbot's Dharma is profound. Maybe he will pass on the mantle to you when he is happy!"

Kong saw the abbot laughing, stroked his beard and said: "Of course! My mantle was passed on to him a few days ago! It is nailed and hung. I'm afraid this kid doesn't know yet."

It was only then that Bai Fu realized that Abbot Kongjian should have known about that night when he was spying on Abbot Kongjian to teach the Dharma to Hu Changgang, but he did not reveal it.I thought that God didn't know it, and ghosts didn't know it.Thinking of this, Bai Fu was extremely ashamed, and immediately put away his contempt and underestimation.

Taifu Xu and Abbot Kong Jian talked about what happened in the past few days, and the two were quite emotional.Bai Fu was also very confused about this.Under the loving gaze of Abbot Kong Jian, Bai Fu mustered up his courage and asked:
"To tell you the truth, Master Abbot, Shaolin Temple has always been the temple of martial arts in my heart. It is a place that I have dreamed of since I was a child.

Although I am far away in Bashu, the touching stories of Shaolin disciples fighting for righteousness have inspired me countless times to dance and move forward.But this time, from what I saw and heard, it would be a lie to say that I was not disappointed.

I don't understand why there are still many good and bad disciples in the dignified Shaolin? "

Kongjian Abbot nodded frequently while listening.He didn't answer directly, but smiled and told a fable for Bai Fu to understand:

"At the northern foot of our Songshan Mountain, there is a mountain with the most lush forest. This forest is rich in trees. The trunk is thick and strong, and it takes several people to hug it. It is most suitable as the main beam of the Daxiong Palace.

In this forest, every six months, a pest that rots the heart of the tree will grow on the tree.

Simply cutting down diseased trees at first will prevent the pest from spreading.But after a few years, more and more infected trees could not be cut down.Seeing that the pests will spread to other peaks and destroy the entire Songshan Mountain.

Every time this life and death comes, a mountain fire will fall from the sky and burn all the forests on the entire mountain.The pests will also be completely burned up in this fire.

After the forest is burned, the pests and trees are reduced to ashes, combined together, mixed into the soil, and become the most nutritious fertilizer for the entire forest.

Under the nourishment of this kind of fertilizer, within ten years, this forest will be rejuvenated, and it will be more lush and plump than before. "


Speaking of asking for advice on Buddhism, Bai Fu recalled a past event and asked, "Master Abbot, once a monk from Lingyun Temple in Jiazhou recited a verse to me: 'Ordinary people are Buddhas, and afflictions are Bodhi. It is an ordinary person, after thinking about enlightenment, you will be a Buddha. Before thinking about the state, you will be afflicted, and after thinking about leaving the state, you will be Bodhi...'

I just listened to it at the time, and thinking about it now, I think it is quite meaningful. How should I understand this gatha? "

The old monk said: "Afflictions are unsatisfactory. People in the world can become Buddhas precisely because of the heart of afflictions. If you don't suffer, you will not increase your wisdom.

People in the world have two naive ideas in doing things: first, there are no enemies; second, it is smooth sailing.As everyone knows, difficulties are benefactors, and enemies are mentors.

People with small roots always understand the Dharma at the cost of suffering.No pain is not enough, there must be pain before you can understand.When the heart is pierced by a knife and all thoughts are burnt, if you are blessed, you will meet the Zen master, give him a blow, give him enlightenment, and help him to understand life through "pick-up".

Or when you are in great pain, reciting Zen scriptures can also enlighten you and realize Prajna.Therefore, great suffering is great opportunity.

Unhappy things in life are often eighty-nine.Fu'er, if one day your heart is pierced by a knife and you are in pain, and when you come to the darkest moment in your life, you must not be decadent and absurd, let alone die lightly.

When you are lost, you can teach yourself, and you can understand yourself.At that moment, the old monk and the Taifu may have passed away and passed away, and only you can save yourself. Before you make the final decision, remember the old monk's words: great suffering is great opportunity.Now is the time to practice! "

Bai Fu seemed to understand, and kept nodding his head, but Fang Zhang didn't take it seriously when he saw it.He looked at Bai Fu thoughtfully, and spoke solemnly.


After consulting the Dharma, Bai Fu told Abbot Kong Jian about his adventure in the Bodhidharma Cave, and the abbot smiled and said: "We are not mistaken, Fu'er is indeed a person with a deep connection with Buddhism. Congratulations for having this great opportunity!
As Tai Fu Xu said, 'Our world is the shadow of another world'. 'Shadows are the only two-dimensional objects in our world. '

Patriarch Bodhidharma learned of this secret by chance, and only then did he meditate in the cave for nine years.Through introspection, through the gate of shadow, to communicate with other dimensions of time and space.In the sea of ​​wisdom and Mount Sumeru in another time and space, you can gain insight into the mysteries of the universe, gain the wisdom of heaven and earth, and create Zen Buddhism and Shaolin martial arts.

As the saying goes: "My heart is the universe, and the world is mysterious, so there is no need to seek it from outside." The original heart is the bridge to communicate with the world and gain wisdom.

Shaolin eminent monks of all dynasties can reach the sea of ​​wisdom and the mountain of Sumeru through Zen meditation and introspection, and they can draw nutrients from the treasure house of Buddhism and water the tree of bodhi bit by bit.

For these eminent monks, Buddhism and Taoism are the dharma joy, and martial arts don't have to be done deliberately, and they can be acquired by chance.

However, I don't know when, the 'Shadow Stone of Dharma Face' has lost this function.My master is the last eminent monk who cultivated the supernatural power of "fate power" from the "shadow stone facing the wall of Dharma".

When I was a teenager, under the blessing and protection of Master, I once entered the Shadow Gate for a short time.Except for me, no one among Shaolin disciples has been able to pass through this gate for decades. "

Taifu Xu said to Bai Fu: "This is also the reason why Abbot Kong Jian asked me to recommend someone to come to Shaolin. Abbot Kong Jian has a broad mind and profound knowledge, which is admirable."

Seeing that the abbot returned the courtesy and humility.He looked at Bai Fu with piercing eyes, and said, "Fu'er, Patriarch Bodhidharma travels through time and space, and his imprint can be on you. It must have a deep meaning, and I hope you can do it yourself."

Bai Fu was so moved that he knelt down and kowtowed again, thanking Abbot Kongjian and Taifu Xu for their care.


Taifu Xu asked Abbot Kongjian: "The reason why the Holy One sent the elder Kong Jing of the prison temple to monitor Shaolin is also to force you to reveal this secret?"

Master Kong put his palms together, chanted the Buddha's name, and said: "Amitabha, so good. If the king of the world wants to become the emperor in the hearts of all living beings, I am afraid that the common people in the world will not be far away."

(End of this chapter)

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