Chapter 298

Don’t be suspicious, don’t need to drill tortoises and Zhu Xing.

The test jade must be burned for three days, and the material identification must wait for seven years.

Zhou Gong was afraid of rumors, and Wang Mang remained courteous.

Xiang Shi died in the first place, but who knows the true or false of his life?

——"Five Poems of Words Part Three" Bai Juyi

Bai Fu laughed and said, "Are you not afraid that I will sue the Golden Luan Hall for assassinating a first-rank official?"

Li Linfu stroked his whiskers and said with a smile: "The reason why I came to see you in person tonight is first of all to show the sincerity of cooperation. Secondly, the most secret thing must not be witnessed by a third person. If you want to bite me back, Our two statuses are vastly different, if we tell it, let alone the Holy Majesty, even I won’t believe it.”

Bai Fu praised: "As expected of Zaifu, he is so sophisticated, I admire him."

Li Linfu was unmoved when he saw Bai Fu pulling drawers back and forth and going around in circles, and had no intention of agreeing.Li Linfu changed the subject and said:
"In the decisive battle on Yuanxi, you are well-known all over the world, but you are only rewarded with the honor of a sixth-rank cavalry captain. You are a military officer and have no real power.

The old man has been the prime minister for 20 years, and all the civil and military affairs of the Manchu dynasty came from the old man's family.

As long as you hand in the nomination certificate and officially become the old man's disciple, the old man can make you a general of Qianniuwei Zhonglang, or a pro-Xunyiwei Yubayashi Zhonglang, and take charge of the Habayashi Army without any effort.They are all the real deficiency of the fourth grade.

If you want to fight on the battlefield and make achievements on the battlefield, the old man can recommend you to be a Jiedushi.At a young age, he can become a big official in the frontier and reach the sky in one step. "

Bai Fu smiled lightly, and said, "I'm afraid after I kill Yang Zhao, what is waiting for me is not a tiger talisman, but a sea arrest document posted all over the world, right?"

Li Linfu smiled proudly, and said: "Worried about the old man killing the donkey? Hehe. It's not that the old man looks down on you, but because of your weight, I really don't need it.

The old man can understand your concerns, after all, this is the first time we have teamed up to make a game.Dispel your worries, the old man has already made arrangements.


The old man played tricks and exercised power all his life, but he did not lie.Today, he is an extremely human minister, and he keeps his promises.If you don't believe me, you can ask your master. "

Li Linfu's methods of persuasion and the amount of money invested are indeed beyond Bai Fu's imagination.

Bai Fu remained unmoved, with open eyes, and said: "A man has a clear distinction between grievances and grievances. Miss Yang and I have made a clean break, and there is no relationship anymore. Enmity and enmity are all personal. I will not cause hatred because of love. Kill innocent people indiscriminately and implicate others.

As for Yang Zhao, if he harms the country and the people, he will have his own court rules.

You and I have different ways and do not conspire with each other. "

Li Linfu said with a smile: "The word killing innocent people is not accurate. Yang Zhao is ignorant, spoiled and manipulated power, and messed with power. If he is the prime minister, the empire will be destroyed in his hands sooner or later.

Your master Qingxuan Daoist has always been a chivalrous man, worried about the country and the people, worked tirelessly day and night, and worried every day that the situation of "killing the wolf" would appear.Why don't you take the opportunity to share the worries for the teacher and eliminate the harm for the people?

With my secret support, I guarantee that you will escape unscathed after the assassination is successful. "

Bai Fu couldn't help laughing, and said: "Your Excellency is arbitrarily good at power and chaos, monopolizes the court, connives at the frontier generals, is jealous of the virtuous and capable, and is ruthless. With the two great skills of 'Sword with Honey and Belly' and 'Sword of Luo Tongji', Xiang Li, you have framed many good and loyal ministers.

Now that the court is full of traitors and barbarians are in charge of soldiers, I am afraid that Li Xiangcai is the No. 1 disaster in the Tang Dynasty, right?When it comes to sharing worries for the teacher and eliminating harm for the people, the one I should kill should be you, Li Xiang, right? "

Li Linfu's face darkened, his eyes were cold, he slapped the table, and said angrily: "In the past 20 years, no one dared to challenge this old man!"

Li Linfu looked into the darkness of the street and said, "I've laid a net around here. As long as I snap my fingers, I'll kill you every minute!"

Bai Fu took his time and said: "The wrath of the emperor, laying down a million corpses, bleeding for thousands of miles. The wrath of a soldier, laying down two corpses, bleeding for five steps!

Elder Ge and I are only one step away, if I make a move now, no one can save you unless the sword demon manifests himself! "

Bai Fu's eyes were sharp and sharp, and he and Li Linfu looked at each other for a long time without giving in.

After a long while, Li Linfu laughed loudly, lifted his robe, sat down calmly, and said: "It's no wonder that he is a disciple of Taifu Xu, and his bearing is bold, not surpassing that of a prince.

To be honest, although Mrs. Xu and I are two distinct types of people, I have to say that Mrs. Xu really admires me when it comes to knowing and employing people. "

Li Linfu poured the wine for Bai Fu again, and drank it all. He moved his hands and feet, sent and received freely, and never mentioned the assassination of Yang Zhao.

Although he is an enemy, Bai Fu is still overwhelmed by his demeanor, secretly picking his thumb.

One old and one young, like friends for many years, facing the wind by the window, singing to wine, how much life is.

Li Linfu poured himself a drink, recalling the glorious years in the past, and said: "Although I have the status of a royal family, I started as a small official and served under Yu Wenrong, Pei Guangting, Xiao Song, and Han Xiu. , Only then won the honor of presiding over the compilation of "Liu Dian of Tang Dynasty".

In the 23rd year of Kaiyuan, the streamlining of redundant institutions and reduction of financial expenditures achieved outstanding results, and it was only in the eyes of His Majesty.

Since I took the post of Zaifu, I have been vigilant to the virtuous and vigilant, to wear clothes and eat food, to depose the sycophants of the left and right, and to enter the ministers of the shoulders.Thrift on finances, reduce taxes and pay taxes, clarify laws and canons, standardize official administration, reform institutions, local tribute, government soldiers, and imperial examinations...

Prevent the power of the Eastern Palace from endangering the imperial power, kill Prince Ying for His Majesty, and restrain Prince Heng.

Prevent the Guanlong nobles from controlling the army and forcing a coup in the palace, help His Majesty complete the military deployment of the world, and ensure the transfer of military power to the border towns.

During Tianbao's reign, the Holy One expanded his territory and used troops frequently. His army went on expeditions to the Western Regions and Liaodong, and the money and food were expensive, but the empire was still operating efficiently...

Your Majesty is wise and wise, with superb martial arts, if I don't have the ability to do things and accomplish things, how can you allow me to be a prime minister for twenty years?Ask around, besides me, how many prime ministers in this dynasty have been in the cabinet for more than five years?
Zhang Jiuling and Xu Chong cherish feathers, disdain to be with me, and disagree with His Majesty, so they resign and go back to seclusion.Seemingly generous and noble, but leaving the messy government affairs of the empire to His Majesty's holy judgment.

Without me in Taiheng, following the rules and regulations, and Bingjun for several years, could there be such a glorious and prosperous age with years of abundance, years of success, and brilliance? "


"Boy, how can you comment on the merits and demerits of this old man in his life?!
The skill and ability of the old man, you will not know how to appreciate until you reach the position of prime minister! "


Li Linfu drank the remaining wine in the cup, flicked his sleeves, and floated downstairs.

Walking to the door of the wine shop, Li Linfu stopped, turned around and said with a smile:
"The old man has a daughter whose boudoir name is Vengkong, and who loves her more than the apple of her eye. The youngest girl is twenty-eight years old, and she is waiting for her boudoir. She is beautiful and beautiful.

The little girl admired Taoism since she was a child, and once followed her teacher to hide in Lushan Mountain to practice.Acupuncture with medicinal stones, alchemy and health preservation, all of which are excellent.

However, her eyes are higher than the top, and she looks down on the children of princes, nobles, and royal family members.After reading your "The Picture of Mountains and Streams in Snow", I can never forget it.

In today's finals, you hit the ground and rode so fast that you made the little girl secretly promise you.

The old man can betroth his beloved daughter to you to show his sincerity. "

Bai Fu was on the spot...


Li Linfu clapped his palms and laughed, and left lightly. The lingering voice lingered: "If the little girl hadn't vacated, Bai Fu, you would have been blood-splattered five steps today, and your head is in a different place."

(End of this chapter)

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