Chapter 299
In the past 40 years, my family and country have covered three thousand miles of mountains and rivers.Fengge, Longlou, Lianxiaohan, Yushu and Qiongzhi make tobacco, how many times have you ever known how to fight?

Once classified as a prisoner, he sinks his waist and spends his time away.It was the day when the emperor left the temple in a hurry, and the Jiaofang still played a farewell song, crying to Gong E.

—— "Broken" Li Yu (Five Dynasties)


In the back garden of Li Xiang's mansion, Li Xiu walked with his father.

Li Xiu said: "Father, you really decided to betroth Teng Kong to Bai Fu? Why? Bai Fu's game skills are indeed unparalleled in the world, but choosing a son-in-law is another matter?
You don't agree with so many royal relatives who came to propose marriage, why did you only fall in love with him? "

Li Linfu smiled lovingly and said: "Xiu'er, when playing chess, you must learn to take one step at a time. Some seemingly insignificant idlers may turn the world around in the future and decide the fate of the entire chess game.

Bai Fu seemed to be just a mere ninth-rank school secretary, and a petty official of this level was caught in Chang'an like a crucian carp crossing the river.

But Bai Fu is like a gentleman in white clothes, condescending to the aristocratic family, and becoming a person that both the prince and King Qing rely on. Apart from personal strength, it seems to be the choice of fate in the dark.

Qing Wang Li Cong has always been optimistic about Bai Fu because of Changsun Yanxing's Yuedan comments.In this polo competition, Bai Fu helped King Qing's team win the championship, and indirectly helped Li Yan and Li Qiu brothers to be promoted to the county king, which further deepened the connection with King Qing.If King Qing's branch has a prince and grandson enthroned, Bai Fu will surely be able to become a general and a prime minister in the future. "

Speaking of King Qing, Li Xiu was indignant and said, "Father, you contributed a lot to the King Qing's team winning the championship. The Persian princess Boni Atti and General Alberts, the commander of the imperial army, were both recommended by you, so you have made great contributions. King Keqing turned a deaf ear and didn't send anyone to thank his father, which is chilling.

The boy really didn't understand why his father showed his kindness to King Qing again and again, and why he endured it again and again. "

Li Linfu didn't think it was pestering, and said with a smile: "My sincerity is well known in King Qing's heart. It is a tacit understanding when a master makes a move.

In the early years, His Majesty deprived King Qing of the opportunity to become the crown prince because of King Qing's disfigurement, and he always felt a little guilty towards King Qing.Therefore, he was very tolerant towards King Qing.

Ever since Crown Prince Li Ying, King E Li Yao and King Guang Li Ju were killed, the other princes were cautious and stayed behind closed doors for fear of getting into trouble.Only King Qing had a wide range of friends. The royal family, civil and military officials, local governors, and Jiedu frontier soldiers all had their relatives, friends, and old students.

Once the holy dragon is not in good health, King Qing is the most powerful person.Even if he doesn't want to be enthroned, he can decide who will be enthroned.

This is why Weifu has been clinging to King Qing.

In the past two years, King Qing was worried that His Majesty would be jealous, so he deliberately distanced himself from me.

Looking at it now, Bai Fu might be a minister appointed by King Qing to assist the government in the generation of the emperor's grandson.If you hold Bai Fu firmly, it will be very difficult for King Qing to get rid of our Li family.


In addition to King Qing, Bai Fu also had a close relationship with the prince.

From this polo match, the crown prince gave Ma Baifu a gift regardless of His Majesty's suspicion. It can be seen that the crown prince never forgot about Bai Fu's rescue of Princess Qingluan.

Because of Princess Qingluan, Bai Fu was deprived of the qualification for the Huben Martial Arts Examination, how could the prince not know?Because of Bai Fu's grievance and persecution, after the crown prince ascends the throne in the future, he will definitely double the compensation to Bai Fu.

The act of venting anger on behalf of your younger brother Mu Sheng for your father actually achieved Bai Fu and pushed Bai Fu into the prince's party.Hehe, good fortune tricks people, and the heart of heaven is unpredictable.

These years, the crown prince and I have been on fire, if Li Heng ascends the throne, my Li family may not be able to escape the catastrophe.Marrying your sister Teng Kong to Bai Fu seems condescending now, but this move may save your sister's life in the future.


Outbreak relatives like Yang Guozhong, within a few days of being an official, their eyes are over the top and they forget their roots.I was born as a commoner, and I still look down on the common people.Treating a person as nothing, also depends on whether the person is worthless or reckless!

Yang Guozhong's daughter, Hong Xing, cheated and beat Bai Fu and demoted him to serve. The relationship between the Yang family and Bai Fu was completely settled.This beam is much bigger than the beams of Bai Fu and Mu Sheng.

In the future, if something happens to the father, Yang Guozhong will be the prime minister.This ungrateful villain will definitely not let our Li family go.

The enemy of an enemy is a friend.This is the basis for our alliance with Baifuyou.

You and the Musheng brothers were spoiled and spoiled since childhood, and their skills and abilities are still relatively immature, neither of them are Yang Zhao's opponents. With Bai Fu's backing, Yang Zhao dare not do everything. "


Li Xiu nodded frequently, lamenting Xiangfu's far-reaching strategy and unique vision.

Li Linfu sighed, and said: "If you say one thousand, if you say ten thousand, it's still Bai Fu's own way!

He has served as Minister of the Ministry of Officials for many years for his father. There are two key criteria for the promotion of important officials by the Ministry of Officials: First, the person must have been trained in a difficult environment or region. You can rely on it, and do whatever you want.Second, in this difficult environment, the tenacity and critical thinking ability honed.As the saying goes, tempting and forbearing, once benefited what it couldn't.

Weifu also regarded Bai Fu as an insignificant pawn at the beginning, and even used him to frame the prince.

But Xu Taifu protected Bai Fu in Hongwen Hall, studying hard day and night, keeping a low profile.Especially after Bai Fu followed Xu Taifu to control the flood in Shanzhou, he went through all the obstacles, continued to improve, and transformed.Please report the meritorious service to the court, which surprised the father.

I have seen countless people for my father, and heroes are never cultivated, they are all created by themselves.For my father, I looked through Bai Fu's career history since his debut in Qingcheng. There were bumps and bumps along the way, but he always turned around and turned around.

Coupled with Changsun Yanxing's comments on Bai Fu's Yuedan, my father has a premonition that Bai Fu will rise like a comet at some point!
This person is still very young and will become stronger and stronger in the future.If you don't form a good relationship now, sooner or later you will not be able to climb high in the future.

If you do this for your father, even if you can't form an alliance or get married today, it's because I sincerely betrothed your sister to him, and with my son's nature, I won't embarrass you in the future.Otherwise, your younger brother Mu Sheng will suffer in the future.

Alas, although the giants are flourishing and have deep roots, God will always enlighten the stubborn stones, allowing heroes to break through the ground, emerge from the sky, and come to the world! "


While Li Xiu was walking with his father and talking about Bai Fu, Bai Fu was also on the other side of Chang'an City, walking with Changsun Yanxing, talking about heroes in the world.

Early in the morning, Changsun Yanxing brought Bai Fu to a mansion.This mansion is located in an excellent location and occupies a very large area, but it has been unoccupied for a long time, and it is quite dilapidated.

The walls of the house are covered with vines, the pillars are faded and mottled, the window lattices are covered with cobwebs, and the eaves are dotted with weeds.The garden is overgrown with weeds, and the squirrels are fleeing... What a barren scene.

There is only one lake in the back garden, which is clear and sparkling.This lake is actually a place of running water, and the waterway leads directly to the Qujiang River...

This house was the reward that Bai Fu received in the finals on the New Year's Eve.

Bai Fu finally has his own house in Chang'an, with a youthful heart, he is still looking at it with great interest.

Bai Fu didn't think it was dilapidated, but he was a little puzzled.

Bai Fu asked: "Master Changsun, this mansion is close to the imperial palace, it is located in a prosperous place, and it is quiet amidst the hustle and bustle. Why is there no one to take care of it and let it run down like this?"

Changsun Yanxing said with a smile: "According to the rules promulgated by the Yuanxi Ball Game, the best player will be rewarded with a house in Chang'an. If other princes and grandchildren receive this award, it is probably a magnificent mansion.

I didn't expect that you, a ninth-rank official, won the first prize. The people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs are very realistic, so they give you this house that no one dares to live in! "

Bai Fu was amazed and asked, "No one dares to live here, is it because the place is haunted by ghosts?"

Changsun Yanxing smiled slyly and said, "If it's haunted, are you afraid?"

Embarrassed, Bai Fu scratched his head and said, "Although I have stayed in Nether Valley for three years, every time I hear ghost stories told by scholars, I still get chills down my spine."

Changsun Yanxing laughed loudly and said, "Fu'er, you are really cute!"

Speaking of this, Changsun Yanxing's eyes turned, it was difficult to understand, and he recalled the past with a lot of emotion.

After pondering for a moment, Changsun Yanxing said quietly, "This is the former residence of Prince Yin."

"Li Jiancheng!" Bai Fu was shocked!
(End of this chapter)

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