Chapter 411
The Zhao dagger in the sleeve was bought from Mrs. Xu.

The jade box is closed with frost and snow, and the Qin Dynasty was restored by Yan.

A honest husband only values ​​righteousness, and a horse does not work hard.

Knowing each other is important in life, why bother with gold and money?
——"Gift to a Friend" Li Bai


After several battles in Suiyang, the Yan army suffered heavy casualties, several times that of the Tang army.

Facing the soldiers of the Yan army who came to attack the city, Zhang Xun stood on the tower and persuaded them with loyalty, filial piety and righteousness.Moved by Zhang Xun, more than 200 soldiers of the Yan army surrendered to the Tang army and fought desperately for Zhang Xun.

In desperation, Yin Ziqi gave up the tactic of forcibly capturing the city, and ordered the soldiers to dig three trenches outside Suiyang City, and set up wooden fences and caltrops to prevent the Tang army from breaking through and prepare to trap the Tang army in the city.

Yin Ziqi calculated the Tang army's supplies and the number of soldiers and civilians in Suiyang. He knew that the Tang army's food and supplies were running out and time was running out.

In mid-July, the food in Suiyang City was completely eaten up, and the food for the soldiers was bark, tea and paper.

Of the dead and wounded soldiers in Suiyang, there were only 300 soldiers left.Zhang Xun and Xu Yuan each led [-] people to garrison in separate cities: Zhang Xun guarded the east and north gates, Xu Yuan guarded the west and south gates.Zhang Xun and Xu Yuan guarded the top of the city day and night, sharing weal and woe with the soldiers.

If things go on like this, Suiyang will be in danger!
The Tang army was too small, the soldiers were hungry and weak, and they no longer had the ability to attack the Yan army's camp at night.

Bai Fu, Nan Jiyun, Lei Wanchun and a few others with high martial arts skills planned several beheading operations - assassinate Yin Ziqi, the leader of the Yan Army, hoping to capture the thief and the king, depending on the battle.

However, Yin Ziqi is also very cunning. Every night, he keeps changing bed tents, and even his cronies don't know where he lives in the camp.

After several actions, the Tang army lost troops and generals, and gained nothing.In order to avoid unnecessary sacrifices of soldiers, Zhang Xun had no choice but to terminate the assassination.

At the third watch of the day, Bai Fu, dressed in night clothes, went out of the camp alone and floated down to the city.The purpose of stealing the camp this time was not to assassinate, but to get some food for the brothers.If there is no more food, before the Yan army can attack, all six hundred soldiers will starve to death.

Bai Fu, like a wisp of black smoke, climbed over the fence and invaded the Yan army camp.

According to the layout of the barracks, Bai Fu quickly found the cooking camp of the Yan army.Seeing no one around, Bai Fu sneaked into the tent.

Dozens of strips of cured meat are hung on the beams of the stove, jars of pickles and salt sauce are placed in the cabinets on the walls, and the baskets on the ground are full of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Bai Fu's stomach was rumbling with hunger, his index finger moved wildly, and he couldn't help swallowing.

Bai Fu took out a huge purple pear from the bamboo basket, wiped it with his right hand, and ate it up, including the belt and pit.Purple pears are sweet, crunchy and juicy, giving Bai Fu endless aftertastes, and there is nothing more delicious than this in the world.

Thinking of Zhang Xun's increasingly thin and haggard cheeks, Bai Fu took another big pear into his arms.

Bai Fufei put the beam on his body, took off two pieces of cured meat and put them in the rucksack behind his back, not daring to take too much, for fear that the Yan army would notice.The scene in front of him made Bai Fu feel in a trance for a moment, remembering that in the winter night in Chengdu, Chen Honghu, Tang Li and others took him to steal sausages and eat hot pot in Chunxi Lane.

I was happy at that time, as if in a lifetime...

Bai Fu shook his head, shaking off the memory.With salt and other items in his pocket, he sprang out of the cooking tent and came to the rear camp granary.

The food and grass here are piled up like a mountain, enough for an army of [-] to need for three months.

Bai Fu took out a fire pocket, trying to burn down the granary with a torch.But after blowing out the fire several times, I couldn't bear to do it.People who are on the verge of starvation know how precious food is.Burning it with a fire is too sinful.

More importantly, Bai Fu knew that the Yan army had plenty of supplies. Even if the entire army was burned out, the Yan army would transfer food from Hebei Road and other places.

Bai Fu took out the rope and tied five big sacks of millet tightly to his body, like five flowers tied together.

After being tied up, Bai Fu is like a snail with a thick shell on its back.Fortunately, Xunding's real air flow circulated around his body, although he couldn't come and go like the wind, his movements were not too slow.

Bai Fu was like a black panther in the rainforest, landing silently.

Bai Fu was on alert, with sharp eyes and light steps, walking in the darkest part of the camp.He was more cautious than usual when attacking the camp.Every time he passed a checkpoint and avoided a patrol, Bai Fu was cautious.

In Bai Fu's mind, what he was carrying on his back was not five bags of grain, but the lives of six hundred soldiers, and there was no room for loss!

After much difficulty, they climbed over the fence, jumped over the ditch, and saw that they were only three to five feet away from the bottom of the city wall.Bai Fu secretly rejoiced and quickened his pace.

"Jingle Bell"

I just heard a crisp ringtone, which was particularly eye-catching in the quiet and empty late night.

It turned out that Yin Ziqi was worried that the Tang army would steal the camp, so he secretly buried many silk screens at the junction of the city wall and the trench.Unlike tripping ropes, silk threads are not used to trip people, but to alarm through hanging bells.

The silk threads and bells are painted black, making it extremely difficult to be spotted in the middle of the night.

Bai Fu ran too fast and didn't pay attention to his feet, when he came across a silk thread, it triggered the bell.

At this time, the bell rang loudly.In three shifts, the crossbowmen of the Yan Army who were on standby day and night rubbed their sleepy eyes, poked their heads out from the fence, drew their bows and set up arrows, and shot at Bai Fu.

Bai Fu was in a hurry, while blocking the arrows, he retreated, and quickly retreated to the base of the city wall.

Facing the direction of the arrows, he was still able to block most of the arrows with the black iron knife and Xunkan's true energy.But if you want to go to the city, you have to turn your back on the enemy and step on the wall to make a vertical leap.

Bai Fu was in trouble for a while.

At this time, the gate of the Yan Army camp was wide open, and thousands of crossbowmen rushed out of the camp, entered the range, knelt down and half squatted in unison, with uniform movements, and fired ten thousand arrows at Bai Fu.

I can't wait any longer, once my true energy is exhausted, I will be shot to death by random arrows.

Bai Fu didn't hesitate anymore, facing the city wall, he flew up.Listen to the wind to identify the position, and backhand to block the arrows shot at him.It was extremely dangerous for a while.

The Suiyang City Tower was built by smearing stones and mud.The wall is not as smooth as a mirror like Chang'an, Luoyang and other Xiongguan.There are some convex corners in many places.

For ordinary soldiers, these bumps don't make much sense.And for a top expert like Bai Fu, these protrusions are enough to become a foothold for flying upstairs.

Bai Fu raided the battalion many times, and he knew the protruding corners on the city wall like the back of his hand.Bai Fu pointed his toes and flew straight for a few feet. When he was about to fall, he borrowed his strength again and continued to fly.

The Yan army's arrows were divided into two groups, one part was aimed at Bai Fu's body, and the other part blocked Bai Fu's flight path.

The third time he landed, Bai Fu did not fly straight up, but took a breath in the air, changing his form and shadow, like a big bird, gliding across the sky, sliding to the other side of the city wall, and using the convex angle here, he circled and soared again.

Such a superb lightness skill was unheard of, and the bowmen of the Yan Army couldn't help applauding!

There were still a few feet left before reaching the top of the wall, and Bai Fu regained his spirits.

Suddenly hearing several strong winds behind him, Bai Fu secretly thought it was not good.This time it was not an ordinary crossbow arrow, but a bed crossbow iron arrow!

The iron arrow is like a short spear and javelin, its strength becomes stronger, and it covers all the places where Bai Fu moved up, down, left, and right, and dodged.

Bai Fu could only turn around, facing the enemy camp, and chopped off the five iron arrows that were aimed at his body one by one.But when the true energy is diverted and the inner breath is turbid, Bai Fu's flying power dissipates, his body sinks, and he is about to fall.

Between life and death, Bai Fuling's altar is exceptionally clear, full of arrogance!
Bai Fu stretched his palms together, drawing the Taiji trajectory of the yin-yang fish, his abdomen curled up, his body shrank, and Sunding's true energy was like cotton clouds, wrapping it layer by layer.

Time seemed to freeze, and Bai Fu's body was suspended in the air for several seconds.

With such a slight time difference, the bed crossbow iron arrows shot at Bai Fu's side were nailed into the wall one after another.Arranged densely, it has become a ladder to go up the tower.

Bai Fu laughed loudly, imitating Zhang Xun's demeanor, clasped his fists and said boldly: "Thank you for the arrow!"

At this time, the generals of the Tang army had also rushed to the wall, suppressing the firepower of the Yan army with crossbow arrows.

With his back against the city wall, holding a black iron saber in his hand, and stepping on a series of arrow ladders, he took three steps in parallel and flew up the stairs.


As soon as Bai Fu fell into the tower, the soldiers covered him with shields and took Bai Fu down the tower and into the bunker.

The five sacks of millet on Bai Fu's back are filled with arrows, like a chubby hedgehog.

All the generals gathered around one after another, helping to unload the five bags of grain from Bai Fu's back, and inspecting Bai Fu's injuries.

Bai Fu's legs were hit by several arrows, but due to the protection of his body, the wounds were not deep.Although it looks like a blood-stained shirt, there is no danger of life.What's even more miraculous is that where the skin has dragon scale texture, the wound will heal quickly and automatically. In less than a stick of incense, the skin is intact and unscathed.

Bai Fu didn't care about the arrow sores on his body, and hurriedly opened the food package.The outermost bag of grain, due to too many arrows, shot through the grain bag, and most of the grain has leaked out.

Bai Fu's nose was sour, his eyes were red, and tears flowed down his face.

The generals were very moved when they saw Bai Fu risking his life to steal food, and wept continuously.

At this time, Zhang Xun also rushed to the bunker, looking at the five bags of grain that Bai Fu had bought with his life, his eyes were moist.He hugged Bai Fu tightly, choked up in his throat: "For these five bags of food, my brother who almost killed me is because of Zhang Xun's incompetence!

Brother, if you die in battle, I, Zhang Xun, will never live alone! "

All the generals, regardless of rank, young or old, cried out with a bang.

"It's not easy, it's really not easy!"

"The city was besieged for seven months, with more than 800 battles, large and small, with 13 people resisting Yin Ziqi's [-] army, beheading [-] enemy generals and killing [-] enemies!"

"With such a record, where is the reinforcement?! Where is the food and supplies?!"

"Great Tang, the Great Tang we died for, has it forgotten us!"

The soldiers of the three armies were full of grievances, sobbing from small to low, turned into wailing.All of them burst into tears like rain, like Hukou Waterfall, pouring down!

Looking at the six hundred soldiers, Zhang Xun burst into tears.

"Let them vent, they are worthy of the supreme glory of Datang!"


As the crying faded away, Bai Fu suddenly thought of something.He took out the huge purple pear from his bosom, held it in front of Zhang Xun with both hands, and said with tears in his eyes, "General, let's have a taste of the pear from your hometown."

Zhang Xun held back his tears, took the purple pear with thin skin and thick fruit, and said with pride, "One bite per person, we don't divide the pears.

The Suiyang brothers, who died for the country with their own bodies, will never be separated from each other forever! "

The purple pears were passed in turn among the six hundred soldiers, one mouthful per person.Sweet, crunchy and juicy, there's nothing better than earthly delicacy.

Six hundred soldiers burst into tears...

 The Zhao dagger in the sleeve was bought from Mrs. Xu.

  The jade box is closed with frost and snow, and the Qin Dynasty was restored by Yan.

  The matter was not successful, and it was reduced to the dust.

  Holding this wish to cast a gift, we are in the same crisis as you.

  After Jing Qing left, many strong men were destroyed.

  The trombone is easy on the water, making waves for me.

  Drilling wells should serve as springs, and Zhang Fan should serve as Jichuan.

  A honest husband only values ​​righteousness, and a horse does not work hard.

  Knowing each other is important in life, why bother with gold and money?
  ——"Gift to a Friend" Li Bai

(End of this chapter)

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