Chapter 412
The autumn moon is accompanied by dust, and the horse neighs at dusk.Lovesickness does not cause mixed wine marks.Unexpectedly, when they met for the first time suddenly, the frost disappeared.

The secret fragrance is heard with a smile, and the two places are deeply in love.Looking forward to good news so far away.Generously flick the clip to go to the country's calamity, and Bi Luo sings long.

——"The Legend of the Ranger of the Tang Dynasty" Liang Yusheng

The last food of the Suiyang garrison—bark, tea and paper—was almost gone.

If the reinforcements and food don't come, how long can the soldiers last?

Zhang Xun looked at the map hanging in the tent, lost in thought.

There are three Tang armies in counties and counties near Suiyang: Xu Shuji is stationed in Qiaojun, Shang Heng is stationed in Pengcheng, and Helan Jinming is stationed in Linhuai.Among them, He Lan Jinming had the strongest troops, but in order to preserve their strength, these three generals ignored Suiyang's safety, and all supported them.

Zhang Xun is not a lonely person, so why doesn't he want to ask for reinforcements?
However, the Anlushan change made the court no longer trust the leading general.When the imperial court dispatches troops, it will deliberately arrange several leading generals who have conflicts in a war zone to check and balance each other.This is also one of the reasons why the Anlushan Rebellion has not been put down for a long time.

At the beginning, Fang Guan served as prime minister and was responsible for the deployment of troops.Fang Guan never liked He Lan Jinming. When he appointed He Lan Jinming as the Henan Jiedu envoy, he also appointed Xu Shuji as He Lan Jinming's Duzhi military envoy—actually commanding the Henan Jiedu envoy's army.

Both Xu Shuji and He Lanjinming also served as imperial censors.Xu Shuji relied on the elite troops under his command, and his official position was equal to that of He Lan Jinming, so he was never restrained by He Lan Jinming.

He Lan Jinming never dared to mobilize his troops to rescue Suiyang, not only because he was jealous of Zhang Xun and Xu Yuan's outstanding military exploits, but also because he was worried that Xu Shuji would take advantage of the false attack after the division of troops.

Now, Suiyang has reached the last moment of life and death, and cannot sit still.

Zhang Xun decided to ask for help again, if these generals still refused to save them, these [-] soldiers of his own would pledge their lives to the country and sacrifice their lives on the battlefield!

Zhang Xun handed over the task of asking for help for the last time to Nan Jiyun.He asked Nan Jiyun and Bai Fu to lead thirty elite cavalrymen to break out of the siege and go to Linhuai to ask He Lan Jinming for help.

Before leaving, Zhang Xun called Bai Fu into the account, handed a thick letter to Bai Fu, and said: "Brother Fu, this time you break out of the siege, no matter whether you can call for rescuers or not, you don't want to go back to Suiyang again." .”

Bai Fu was in a hurry, and said: "General, I also made a blood alliance with my brothers, and I have already made a death will, vowing to live and die with Suiyang!"

Zhang Xun looked solemn, nodded and said: "I know that everyone is not afraid of death, and I am the same. But as a general, I cannot let everyone die in vain.

This letter contains the names of all the soldiers who died in battle since the battle of Yongqiu.I hope that their blood was not shed in vain, and that the court can comfort their families and engrave their names on the bricks and stones of the city wall.

One of us must live to tell their story to future generations.

I can't do anything for them now, I just hope to keep their names..."

With tears in his compound eyes, Bai nodded in agreement.


Nan Jiyun and Bai Fu led [-] elite cavalry out of the city, and tens of thousands of Yan troops swarmed to attack. Nan Jiyun and Bai Fu "directly charged at the crowd and shot left and right", making "thieves invincible" and killing two soldiers The small price of the cavalry forced them to rush out of the encirclement of the Yan army.

Nan Jiyun and Bai Fu rushed to Linhuai without stopping and starry night with the full expectations of the [-] soldiers.

The Linhuai defenders saw the thirty iron cavalry, their robes stained with blood, hurriedly opened the city gate, and lined the road to welcome the warriors from Suiyang.

The Tang army in Suiyang was famous for wiping out [-] enemies with just a few thousand men, and it has already spread throughout the entire Jianghuai theater.

"Veterans don't die!"

I don't know which Linhuai soldier yelled first, the blood of all the soldiers on the city tower was boiling, the three armies lined up, drew their long knives, stabbed into the sky, and paid tribute to the brave soldiers of Suiyang!

Tears glistened in the bloodshot eyes of Nan Jiyun and the other generals. They held their heads high and held their chests high in military salute!

When the generals from Suiyang came to Helan Jinming tent, what they saw was a different scene.

After reading Zhang Xun's autographed letter, he listened to Nan Jiyun's appeal for help.He Lan Jinming remained expressionless, and said slowly:
"Today Suiyang does not know whether to live or die, so what's the use of sending troops?

(It has been several days since you arrived in Linhuai, and it will be several days before the reinforcements arrive in Suiyang. According to the number of Suiyang defenders, when the reinforcements arrive, Suiyang has already fallen, and the soldiers will be lost out of thin air!)”

Nan Jiyun's beard was like a halberd, and he said angrily: "If Suiyang falls, Jiyun please thank the doctor with death. And after Suiyang is pulled out, it will reach Linhuai. It's like fur and fur. It's safe!"

(If Suiyang falls, Jiyun is willing to die to thank Helan Yushi. Suiyang and Linhuai are like skins and skins. If there is no skin, how will they be attached? If Suiyang falls, the puppet Yan army will definitely come out and attack Linhuai, how could he not be saved?)
The generals in the camp whispered to each other and nodded frequently.

He Lan Jinming stroked his long beard, unmoved in the slightest, and said to himself: "I have heard that Nanji Yunyi is thin and strong in martial arts, and when I saw him today, he is really proud and heroic.

The isolated city of Suiyang is dangerously guarded, and it will be a matter of time before it falls. It is a pity that this person put his life on Suiyang for nothing.If it can be used by me, it would be a good move. "

Thinking of this, He Lan Jinming's expression softened, and he smiled and said, "This is a big matter that needs to be fully debated. Now it's time for the dinner party. Please take a seat, and we will talk while eating."

He Lan Jinming held a grand banquet, and in order to attract Nan Jiyun, he ordered all the musicians and singers in the army to appear on the stage.At the dinner party, the food and wine were rich and delicious.The diva sings and dances beautifully.The whole camp was peaceful and joyful, with a festive atmosphere.

Linhuai generals are very used to this kind of occasion, and the soldiers in the tent are drinking and chatting happily.But after just two sips, the generals stopped drinking and couldn't go on.Because none of the soldiers in Suiyang moved their chopsticks.

What makes the Linhuai generals different is that although the generals of Suiyang are yellow and thin, they are as thin as sticks, and they look haggard.But in the face of food and wine, he didn't gobble it up and eat big pieces.

Led by Nan Jiyun, all the soldiers did not drink at all, and did not even touch their chopsticks.Everyone watched their noses and noses, their noses looked at their hearts, their faces were expressionless, their bodies straightened like javelins, and they knelt on the couch.

He Lan Jinming gave Yin Feng a wink, Yin Feng understood, got up from the couch, picked up the wine lord, and came to Nan Jiyun.

Yin Feng laughed and said: "General Nan, with less than 10,000 troops, the generals of Suiyang fought against the puppet Yan army of [-]+ for several months, and wiped out [-] enemies. Such a result is as impressive as the past.

Come, I, someone from Yin, toast the general on behalf of the Linhuai Army! "

Nan Jiyun showed sadness, and said to the generals in Linhuai: "When we broke through, Suiyang had been out of food for a month. Even the sparrows and mice were eaten up. The only food left was bark, grass roots and paper. .

To tell you the truth, we were all so hungry we could eat a whole cow.But when I think of the brothers in Suiyang, I can't swallow.

They guarded the city tower day and night, looking at Linhuai from a distance, eager to see through, hoping that we would call in friendly troops for reinforcements as soon as possible to save the lives of the soldiers and civilians in the city. "

Nan Jiyun sadly stated that the generals in Linhuai who came to toast in turn, their faces were dull, and they left angrily and returned to their seats.

The rest of the Linhuai soldiers put down their cups and chopsticks, and lowered their heads in shame.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, He Lanjin clapped his hands, and the soldiers served ten large plates.On the plate were neatly placed yellow gold ingots and a thick stack of silk.

Nan Jiyun smiled calmly and said: "Gold and silver treasures, if you don't bring them with you when you are born, or if you don't take them with you when you die, they are nothing more than dung to the soldiers of Suiyang."

He Lan Jinming smiled and said: "There are 32 commissions here. With these commissions, each of you can lead an army, step from soldier to general. When the war is over, you will all be county guards and governors. You will be named wives and sons, and you will honor your ancestors.

If you don't want to join the army and become an official after the war, would it be a pleasure to take this gold, marry a wife and have children, and return home to be a rich man? "

Speaking of this, He Lan Jinming pointed his fingers back and said: "This young general is not as old as a weak crown, so I'm afraid he hasn't married a wife yet?

There are three types of unfilial piety, the greatest of which is having no descendants.Wouldn't it be a pity to sacrifice one's life for one's country at such a young age and bury one's bones in the battlefield? "

Bai Fu smiled proudly, noncommittal.


He Lan Jinming spent a long time talking, but all the generals in Suiyang remained unmoved, none of them wanted to join him.

He Lan Jinming's complexion darkened, and he was as cold as frost, and said: "Forgive me, if you are a 10,000+ army of Yan's army, you really can't take down your little Suiyang?

absurd!It's absurd!

Yan general Yin Ziqi is proficient in the art of war. He is encircling the point to fight for reinforcements. He wants to attract Tang troops from all counties to come to rescue, and then set up an ambush on the road and attack halfway!

How can I, the majestic Henan Jiedu Envoy and Yushi doctor, fall into the trick of this bastard?

General Nan, the enemy is at hand and the overall situation is the most important thing. Please forgive me for being helpless! "

After finishing speaking, He Lan Jinming flicked his sleeves, got up and left the table, and wanted to leave immediately.

He Lanjinming's heartbreaking words not only insulted the soldiers who died in Suiyang, but also completely shirked the responsibility for not helping Suiyang!

It can be said that if you want to add a crime, why do you have nothing to say?
The generals in Suiyang were heartbroken, and their eyes spit fire.

Seeing that He Lan Jinming had no intention of sending troops to rescue, Nan Jiyun completely gave up.

Nan Jiyun's eyes wept blood, and he made an angry statement: "The doctor is sitting on a strong army, watching Suiyang fall, and he has no intention of sharing the disaster and saving the suffering. How can a loyal minister and righteous man do it!"

(Doctor He Lan has a strong army and a strong horse, but he watched Suiyang fall, and he didn't have the slightest intention to rush to rescue the disaster. How can this be done by a loyal person?)

Before he finished speaking, Nan Jiyun suddenly pulled out his rhino horn saber, and cut off one of his fingers with one blow!
All the soldiers in the tent, including He Lan Jinming, were all shocked and moved.

Nan Jiyun laughed wildly, and said: "Jiyun can't reach the general's intention, please leave a finger as a sign of return."

(The command of the commander cannot be fulfilled, the rebels cannot be wiped out, and the country will not be peaceful. Please leave this finger to show your heart, report to the commander, and live and die with the city.)
All the soldiers in the tent wept.

At this moment, Nan Jiyun had insight into He Lan Jinming's mind, he smiled and said to Bai Fu and the others: "Brothers, let's go!"

After all, he lifted the tent door and led the soldiers of Suiyang to stride out of the big tent.

The soldiers of Suiyang stood up in unison, with strong bones and piercing eyes, as if death was at home...

Thirty cavalry beat their horses and raised their whips, galloped away, and soon arrived at the gate of Linhuai city.

There is a Buddhist temple built at the gate of the city for business travelers to worship.There is a brick pagoda in the Buddhist temple, with exquisite floating pictures and magnificent momentum.

Nan Jiyun held his breath in his chest and couldn't let go. When he was about to leave the city, he took out a spiked arrow from the quiver and shot it at the high tower of the Buddhist temple. .

Nan Jiyun glared angrily, and swore to the sky, saying: "After the rebel army is put down, they will surely enter the Ming Dynasty. This arrow is my ambition!" "After that, he waved his horsewhip and left in the dust.

Bai Fu silently looked at the arrows on the top of the tower, without saying a word, clamped his horse's belly, and followed Nan Jiyun away.

(End of this chapter)

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