The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 414 Hunting Suiyang

Chapter 414 Hunting Suiyang
It is impossible to say that Suiyang will overthrow our teacher, and who will be the bandit of Tang Zuo again.

Wandering Dianpei righteousness is not humiliated, go to the heart of life and death.

The political envoy He Lanfei is an elder, so why not Nanba is a man.

The universe is turbulent, the wind and dust are dark, and the poems of the emperor's trapping thieves are extremely worrying.

——Huang Tingjian (Song Dynasty) in "Shu Suiyang Aftermath"



A lasso flew out close to the ground and caught Bai Fu's horse's ankle. The horse stumbled and threw Bai Fu to the ground again.

Before Bai Fu got up, five more lassoes flew out, and they were put on Bai Fu's neck, legs and arms respectively.

Bai Fu was startled.

With my own kung fu today, the opponent was able to trap me. His martial arts are so high that it must be extraordinary for the grassland iron cavalry.

Bai Fu's prediction was correct.

On that day, Bai Fu, a lonely hero, went deep into the Yan army to build and steal food.The kung fu of flying to the city shocked the generals of the Yan army.

During the several months of siege, Yin Ziqi knew that besides Nan Jiyun and Lei Wanchun, there was another powerful general in the Suiyang army.But I didn't expect that this fierce general was not an ordinary general, but a knight-errant, with superb lightness kungfu, elusive and invisible, without a trace.

If you don't get rid of this person, you will feel like a thorn in your back, and you will have trouble sleeping day and night.

Therefore, Yin Ziqi played the puppet Yan court, asking the court to send Jianghu masters to support the Yan army, and wait for an opportunity to assassinate this person.

After discussing with An Qingxu, Yan Zhuang sent Ashina Chengqing and Li Zhuer to the Yan Army Camp.

Ashina Chengqing is a well-known archer on the grassland, known as the eagle shooter,
And Li Zhu'er's kung fu is even more amazing, this person is the disciple of An Lushan's biological mother, Witch Ashid.He was originally an abandoned baby of Khitan, but by chance, he was bumped into by the witch Ashid and accepted as his disciple.

After she finished her studies and went down the mountain, the witch Ashide asked Li Zhuer to follow Anlu Mountain and serve by her side to protect the safety of Anlu Mountain.

Li Zhuer was originally loyal, but unfortunately, An Lushan was worried about his wife and concubine having an affair with him, so he castrated him, ruining Li Zhuer's good life.From then on, Li Zhuer felt resentful.But in view of the great power of Anlu Mountain, Li Zhu'er did not dare to act rashly.

After An Lushan became obsessed with the poison, he viciously beat Li Zhuer all day long.At this time, Witch Ashid had been burned to death at Jianmen Pass.Li Zhuer had no more scruples, and finally, together with An Qingxu and Yan Zhuang, assassinated An Lushan.


The five nooses in Bai Fu's house are exactly Li Zhu'er's unique weapon 'Binding the Immortal Rope'.

Silk made from beef tendon or deer tendon, cooked silk and human hair are mixed and braided into a rope about two fingers thick.Finally tie a slipknot at the end.This rope is so strong and strong that even a sword cannot cut it.

Seeing Bai Fu caught in the quilt, he whistled, Bai Fu jumped up, was pulled up by the rope, lay flat in mid-air, and made a "big" character.

Five vigorous horses galloped away separately, intending to dismember Bai Fu's five horses.

There is a slipknot at the head of the noose that binds the fairy rope, and the more you struggle, the tighter it is.Bai Fu only felt a strong force coming, and his bones and joints creaked.The blood in the neck was surging, the breathing was not smooth, and there were stars in the eyes.

Li Zhu'er descended from the sky, with fingernails several inches long, sharp like eagle claws, and five fingers like hooks, he tried to insert Bai Fumian's door, piercing his head.

Bai Fu took a big breath, and took three breaths in a row, Xun Ding's true energy was drawn into his body, his belly swelled up rapidly, like a toad with a round belly.

Bai Fuheng used the "Thousand Jin Pendant" to suddenly fall from midair to the ground, avoiding Li Zhu'er's full blow.

Li Zhu'er jumped into the air, touched the ground with his toes, and rushed towards Bai Fu again.

Bai Fu was like a large elephant-skin drum, with the help of the pull force of five horses, it suddenly bounced upwards, his belly was like a drum head, and hit Li Zhu'er head-on.

Bai Fu's move is unconstrained, unimaginable.

Not only did Li Zhuer's eagle claws not have time to pierce Bai Fu's body, but was bounced into the air by Xun Ding's strong elasticity, reaching a height of several feet.

Li Zhu'er doesn't know how to use his gliding skills to fly against the wind, and he fell from such a high place, and he fell completely.

He stretched his shoulders and neck, crouched down, using his hands and feet together, all four hooves soared into the air, like a wild wolf running and hunting in the wasteland, he ran towards Bai Fu again.

Bai Fu exhaled suddenly, exhausting Xun Ding's true energy.The body is like a deflated air bag, and the figure shrinks rapidly, pulling the five horses backwards.

With a stretch of his right hand, Bai Fu drew out the Xuantian Hou's saber behind him, and cut off the lasso around his neck, hands and feet with one stroke.

Bai Fu rolled his blade and chopped towards Li Zhu'er's head.

Li Zhu'er was as fast as the wind, jumping and moving, his figure accelerated and he sprinted away, avoiding the point of Bai Fu's knife.

Bai Fu grabbed a lasso, swung the rope out, and a steed, like a huge meteor hammer, smashed towards Li Zhu'er.Li Zhuer couldn't dodge in time, and was crushed by the horse.

Li Zhuer's eagle claws split left and right, tearing the horse into two pieces.

Li Zhuer was furious, and resorted to the guard weapon—the brocade lasso, which is different from ordinary lasso in that it has barbs on its head and thorns on the rope.

Li Zhuer's brocade lasso is nearly ten feet long, and when stretched out, it is as poisonous as a viper and as powerful as a swimming dragon.Coupled with the momentum of maneuvering and leaping, the power is as far as several feet.

Li Zhu'er danced the brocade lasso, and hooked it to Bai Fu's left neck with a strong wind.

Bai Fu flickered and dodged easily.Li Zhu'er didn't wait for the barb to turn back, he flicked his wrist, tied the thorn like a scorpion's tail, and rushed directly to Bai Fumian's door.

Bai Fuxuan's iron saber slashed horizontally.

The brocade lasso is like a spirit snake. When the snake is hit, it is attached to the pole and wraps around the black iron knife.

Bai Fu sneered, and with a flick of the black iron knife, all the thorns on the rope were cut off.

The moment the thorn fell off, a puff of yellow smoke scattered from the brocade lasso.It turned out that there is a small hole behind each burr, which is highly poisonous.Once the thorn is cut off by the opponent, the poison will spread in the wind.

When Bai Fu heard it, he seemed to be inhaling poisonous smoke, and he was on the verge of collapse.

Li Zhu'er grinned grimly, waved the rope, and hooked the barb to Bai Fu's carotid artery.

Bai Fu let out a loud roar, twirling his hands in Tai Chi, and pushing his palms, the Xunding Zhenqi rolled up the poisonous smoke and enveloped Li Zhu'er all around.

Li Zhuer was shocked, and hurriedly reached into his arms to get the antidote.

Bai Fu used his own way to treat his own body, threw out the "immortal binding rope", caught Li Zhu'er, and tied him firmly with a slipknot.

Li Zhuer failed to take the antidote in time, rolled his eyes strangely, and fell down slowly.

Bai Fu turned over in the air, stood on the back of a horse, dragged the five horses together, raised the lasso, and the five horses charged together like chain horses.

Li Zhu'er was dragged on the ground, dragged by five horses, and rushed towards the Yan army besieging Lian Tan's tribe.

Bai Fu opened his bow with his left and right hands at the same time, and the Zhuge Liannu shot out one after another, and all the arrows were fired.The iron cavalry of the Yan army fell to the ground one after another, killing a bloody path.


After a bloody battle, Nan Jiyun led the reinforcements to break through the encirclement of the Yan army and killed thousands of enemy generals.In this battle, the Tang army also suffered heavy losses. Two thousand of the three thousand reinforcements were killed, and only 1000 people rushed into Suiyang.

Fortunately, Zhang Xun personally led his troops out of the city to cover up the killing. Taking advantage of the chaos, he robbed the Yan army of a lot of food, grass and horses, enough to support the Tang army for a while.


Back in the camp, Bai Fu didn't care about bandaging the wound, picked up the water bowl, and gulped down three bowls of well water.

Zhang Xun was displeased, and asked, "Brother Fu, didn't we agree last time? After breaking through the siege, we should not return to Suiyang, and we must keep the names of the soldiers."

Bai Fu smiled lightly, and said: "My lord, I have copied the rosters of all the soldiers three times, and delivered them to Taifu Xu in Xiangyang through the gangs in Linhuai and Ningling. The Taifu will definitely copy the rosters of all the soldiers for us. Pass it to the Holy One.

Now that the matter is over, I don't have to leave, I'd better stay with my brothers. "

Zhang Xun stared at Bai Fu for a long time, then sighed softly.

Bai Fu's youthful face made Zhang Xun unable to make up his mind, so he shook his head.

Just when Zhang Xun was about to persuade Bai Fu again, the prefect Xu Yuan walked in and said to Bai Fu, "Brother Fu, you must leave this time?"

"How do you say that?" Zhang Xun asked.

Xu Yuan said: "The prisoner captured by Brother Fu is not an idler. He is Li Zhuer, the eunuch of Anlu Mountain. Under the method of extorting confessions by torture taught by Brother Fu, he confessed a lot of valuable military information.

The sudden sudden death of An Lushan was not due to illness, but he personally assassinated under the instigation of An Qingxu and Yan Zhuang.

In addition, before An Lushan died, he had already deployed in Yizhou and Shujun to target the Supreme Emperor.

What's more important, An Lushan has a secret person beside His Majesty, and this person is someone His Majesty trusts very much.Leak the Tang army's strategic deployment and combat tactics to An Lushan at any time.If necessary, this person can even assassinate His Majesty at any time. "

Zhang Xun and Bai Fu were shocked, "Who is this person?"

Xu Yuan shook his head and said: "This person only has one-way contact with An Lushan, and Li Zhu'er has never met him.

But Li Zhuer had heard him speak, and although his voice was deliberately concealed, Li Zhuer promised that if he could hear this person's voice again, he would be able to recognize this person. "

Zhang Xun immediately understood what Xu Yuan said when he entered the door.

Zhang Xun turned around and said to Bai Fu: "Brother Fu, you really need to handle this matter yourself.

First, you have a deep relationship with His Majesty.It's a confidential matter, you can't report it publicly in the court, you can only choose the opportunity, and talk about it when you meet His Majesty in private.Your request to His Majesty is more convincing than ours.

Second, Li Zhu'er has high martial arts skills, among the generals in Suiyang, only you have the ability to escort him to Beijing.

The matter is very important, and I hope you will not refuse this time. "

Bai Fu was dejected and nodded in agreement.


Bai Fu accompanies Zhang Xun to go up the gate tower, the twilight is dim, and there is a slant of the sun.

Bai Fu sat on the battlement, took out his bamboo flute, and played it slowly.

The sound of the flute is long, beautiful and resentful, a drop into the soul.

The sound of the flute spread far in the night sky, and the Yan army patrolling on the opposite turret also stopped, frowning and listening.

Impressed by the sound of Bai Fu's flute, Zhang Xun, who hadn't written a poem for a long time, wrote an impromptu poem with a long beard in his hands:
After a trial, the captives are attached to the city.

Don't distinguish between wind and dust, how can you know the heart of heaven and earth?
The door is open and the moon is approaching, and the clouds of war are deep.

Going upstairs day and night, I can hear the sound of the flute in the distance.


Bai Fu stood on the tower and didn't sleep all night.

On the city tower, the soldiers fell asleep with their bows, crossbows and swords in their arms. Many of them still had smiles on their faces. One could tell at a glance that there was no gunpowder smoke, no killing, no hunger, and no crying in their dreams...

The parents, with white hair and crutches, stood at the gate of the courtyard, showing loving smiles; the children were chasing and playing in the courtyard;
As the sun went down, the women of each family came to the alley, eagerly looking forward to their men.Seeing the dusty man come back, stepping forward, beating the dust, coquettishly complaining, sweet and happy.

Not long after, cooking smoke rose everywhere, pots and pans were cooking, frying and frying, and the aroma of rice was overflowing.The women walked out of the courtyard again, calling the children playing in the alley to go home for dinner...

Bai Fu stared into the distance, the red sun jumped out, and the sky was filled with colorful clouds...

(End of this chapter)

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