Chapter 415
The north wind is rustling and Hu Maming is blowing, and the people around have left the empty courtyard.

The gold is buried and discarded, and the road is empty and hungry every day.

It was reported that the general killed the Hulu and took the mountains and rivers to the Han Lord.

The remnants of life only wish to return to their hometown, and save their descendants from military disasters.

——"Abandoned House" Xu Zhao (Song Dynasty)


On the second night, at midnight, Bai Fu led two elite Tang soldiers, disguised as Yan soldiers who buried the corpses, and escorted Li Zhuer, who was "deceased from serious injuries", through the Yan army's camp in a thrilling manner.

The four of them went out day and night, headed north all the way, and then headed towards Chang'an from the ferry of the Yellow River.


On both sides of the Yellow River, broken walls and ruins, thousands of miles of fertile fields turned into scorched earth.The people are displaced, and the journey of thousands of miles is deserted.Du Fu has a poem: "After the lonely Tianbao, the garden is full of Artemisia annua. There are more than a hundred families in my village, and the world is in chaos."

In the Gyeonggi area, only Jianghu gangs haunt.The heroes of the green forest formed a rebel army, haunted by ghosts, killed the patrol team of the Yan army today, and killed a few scouts of the Yan army the next day, and they reappeared one after another, making the Yan army hard to defend and troubled their brains.

Bai Fu quickly contacted the underground rebels through the connection code that Gang Leader Jiang told him to memorize.Not only can you supply dry food, change horses, and ferry, but you can also obtain a large amount of military reports.This is especially valuable in wartime.

First, two battle reports from Bashu caught Bai Fu's attention:
He Tao, the leader of a wealthy family in Nanchong County, gathered his troops and captured Yang Qilu, the defense envoy of the county alive.Jiannan Jiedu envoy Lu Yuanyu sent an army to crusade and put it down. '

"He Tao is Zhong Yaya's uncle. Could this matter be related to Jianning Wang Li Tan being punished? When Yong Wang Li Lin was defeated, didn't Ding Dong go to rescue Zhong Yaya? I don't know what will happen next?" Bai Fu frowned, guessing the connection.

On the night of the second day of the seventh month, Guo Qianren, a soldier from Shu County, and others gathered together to fight.Chen Xuanli, the soldier and horse envoy of the Sixth Army, and Li Qiao, the new Jiannan Jiedu envoy, jointly sent out troops to attack Guo Qianren and others. '

"Shu County has been peaceful for many years, and there have been several mutinies or rebellions in succession. Could it be related to An Lushan's secret envoy in Shu County, secretly planning and deploying?"

Bai Fu was puzzled, and remembered a battle report in the first month: "On the seventeenth day of the first month, 5000 soldiers including Tang Jiannan Army soldier Jia Xiu gathered to raise an army. General Xi Yuanqing and Linqiong County Governor Liu Yi killed him for unknown reasons. "

According to Li Zhuer's intelligence analysis, Jia Xiu and other 5000 people gathered together to form an army, which is probably one of the military deployments of An Lushan secret envoy in Shu County.

Leaving aside the matter of the mutiny, this counter-insurgency general Xi Yuanqing is very famous.

Back then, when Gao Xianzhi pacified Xiaobolu Kingdom, in order to prevent Tubo from rescue, Gao Xianzhi ordered the vanguard officer Xi Yuanqing to lead the army to stop it.

Sixty miles away from Neduo City, the capital of Xiaobolu, there is a rattan bridge, which connects Xiaobolu and Tubo.

Pioneer officer Xi Yuanqing cut down the vine bridge at sunset.As soon as the rattan bridge was cut down, the Tubo soldiers and horses had reached the east bank of the Poyi River, and they had to sigh across the water, unable to rescue them.

Without reinforcements from Tubo, King Bolu had no choice but to surrender with Princess Tubo.After the pacification of the small Bolu country, the Tang army's prestige was greatly shaken, and the 72 countries of Futu and Dashi were shocked and surrendered.

Xi Yuanqing rose to fame after the first battle of Xiaobolu.But since then, this person seems to have disappeared from the military world, and has never had the opportunity to make contributions.And Gao Xianzhi, the coach who fought in the Southern and Northern Wars, had already been executed by Xuanzong outside Tongguan City.

Creation tricks people!

Thinking of this, Bai Fu sighed: "What's the point of a generation of famous generals, they can't escape their fate."


Bai Fu learned from the military newspaper the movements of the Tang court in the past six months:

On February [-], Suzong had arrived in Fengxiang County from Lingwu.

On February 22, Guo Ziyi, Shuofang's Jiedu envoy, dispatched his son, Li Shaoguang, his envoy Li Shaoguang, and general Wang Zuoji to attack Tongguan, broke it, and beheaded five hundred levels.An Qingxu sent troops to rescue Tongguan, Guo Yu and others were defeated, and more than [-] people died. Li Shaoguang and Wang Zuo died in battle.

On March 23, General An Shouzhong of Yan rode 5000 soldiers to the east of the river, and Guo Ziyi shot them away, beheaded [-] people, and captured [-] prisoners.

In April, Suzong took Guo Ziyi as Sikong and deputy marshal of the world's soldiers and horses, and sent his generals to Fengxiang.

On April [-]th, Yan general Li Guiren invited him to the northern suburb of Sanyuan with five thousand cavalry.Guo Ziyi ordered Pu Gu Huai'en, Wang Zhongsheng, Hun Shizhi, Li Ruoyou and other ambush soldiers to attack Liuyun Bridge in Baiqu, killing them slightly, and Li Guiren swam away.

Guo Ziyi and Wang Sili's army joined forces at the Xiwei Bridge in Xianyang, and entered the west bank of the Jushui River.Yan generals An Shouzhong and Li Guiren garrisoned troops in Qingqu in the western suburbs of Chang'an.The two armies confronted each other for seven days, and the Tang army could not advance.

On May [-]th, General An Shouzhong of Yan pretended to retreat, and Guo Ziyi's entire army pursued him.The Yan army formed a long snake formation with [-] elite cavalry.When the Tang army charged, the head and tail of the Yan army's long snake formation instantly turned into left and right wings, encircling and attacking the Tang army, and the Tang army was defeated.The judge Han Ye and the eunuch Sun Zhigu were captured alive by the Yan army.The Tang army's military resources and equipment were all discarded.

Guo Ziyi retreated to Wugong and stood firm.Fengxiang, the place where Suzong stayed, was shaken and had to be put under martial law again.

On May [-], Sikong Guo Ziyi asked to be demoted to take responsibility for the defeat in the Battle of Qingqu.Suzong demoted Guo Ziyi as Zuo Pushe.

During the battle of Qingqu, Guo Ziyi deeply felt that the Yan army was strong, and advised Suzong to ask Huihe for help again, and asked Huihe to send elite soldiers to help.Su Zongyun.


The above are the main battle reports for the past six months. The battle is in a stalemate and has not gone smoothly as expected.

Bai Fu encrypted the information he learned from Li Zhu'er with the highest level of security, and passed it on to Mr. Xu.

Not a day later, Bai Fu received a letter from Master Xu.

In view of the inner ghost lurking around Suzong, the Taifu suggested that Bai Fu should not meet His Majesty directly, but go to Li Mi first.

At the same time, Taifu Xu also wrote in the letter that Li Mi's proposal for Peng Yuan's countermeasures in December last year had not been approved by Emperor Suzong.

It turned out that ten days after Suzong arrived in Fengxiang County, the armies of Longyou, Hexi, and Anxi, as well as the task forces from various countries in the Western Regions also arrived one after another.The taxes, grain, grass and supplies that Jianghuai submitted to the imperial court were also transported to Yangchuan County and Hanzhong County one after another.

For a time, the morale of the army was lifted.

After the assembly of the Tang army, Li Mi took advantage of the momentum to bring up Pengyuan's countermeasures to Emperor Suzong, suggesting that the Anxi Army and the corps of various countries in the Western Regions should be dispatched to attack the northeast along the northwest frontier, from Guichuan County and Miyun County, and go south to capture Fanyang County, the home of the Yan Army. .

However, Suzong turned his back on his words and vetoed Li Mi's Peng Yuan's countermeasures.

Su Zong said: "Now that the army has assembled and the food, grass, and supplies are ready, we should take advantage of the high morale of the army and the sharpness of the soldiers to attack Luoyang. If we don't take the opportunity to recover the two capitals, we will march long distances, travel thousands of miles, and go around to the northeast frontier. Fan Yang, didn't you go too far?!"

Li Mi replied: "With the current force, directly attacking Chang'an and Luoyang, the two capitals will naturally be able to recover. The problem is that with this strategy, the rebel forces will sooner or later turn from weak to strong. If you can't get rid of the roots, the Tang army will fall into embarrassment again. , is not a strategy for long-term stability.”

Suzong disagreed.

Li Mi insisted on his own opinion and tried to persuade Suzong, saying: "Your Majesty, the main force of the Tang army assembled this time is the Northwest Frontier Army and the Hus from the Western Regions. The soldiers are resistant to the cold and heat. If the Tang army is in full swing and wiped out the rebels, Definitely win the battle.

However, after the recovery of the two capitals, the weather will inevitably turn hotter, and it will be difficult for the Northwest Frontier Army and the Hus of the Western Regions to adapt.Once the hearts are united, the soldiers of the Northwest can still be persuaded to mobilize, and it may be difficult for the barbarians of the Western Regions to stay.

After the rebels fled back to Fanyang, they happened to recuperate and prepare their troops.Once Qin Wang's army withdraws from the Central Plains, the rebels will inevitably make a comeback and go south again.

The anti-insurgency war has been protracted for a long time, and the consumption of food, grass and supplies is very high, and the imperial court may not be able to afford it.

It is better to send the Northwest Frontier Army and the Huhu of the Western Regions to march from the cold land of Yanzhao to sweep the rebel lairs, leaving them nowhere to retreat and homeless, so as to completely eradicate the root cause of the disaster and leave no hidden dangers. "

Su Zong was silent for a long time, and said: "I am eager to regain the capital and welcome the Supreme Emperor back to take care of me, so I cannot follow your strategy."

Li Mi heard it, fell silent, and sighed secretly.


Bai Fu read Xu Taifu's letter and sighed deeply.

Influenced by Taifu Xu and General Zhongsi, Bai Fu naturally knew that Li Mi was far-sighted and far-sighted.Peng Yuan's countermeasures are comparable to Prime Minister Zhuge's Longzhong Opposition, and they are all grand strategies and grand strategies to stabilize the country.

It's a pity that Suzong had his own knots and couldn't follow his advice.

Bai Fu secretly said: "Xu Taifu often said: 'The lust is too deep and the secrets are shallow'.

Those who hold power are often overshadowed by desire, while those who have insight into wisdom are often too calm and unwilling to hold power.The only way to resolve this contradiction is..."

As soon as this thought came out, Bai Fu was terrified and didn't dare to think deeply.

  "No Home" by Du Fu (Tang Dynasty)

  After the lonely Tianbao, there is Artemisia annua in the garden.There are more than a hundred families in my family, and the world is in chaos.

  The survivors have no news, and the dead are dust and mud.Because of the defeat, the cheap son came back to find the old trail.

  After walking for a long time and seeing empty alleys, I feel thin and miserable every day, but I cry out in anger at foxes and raccoons.

  What are the neighbors, one or two old widows.The old bird loves its own branch, and it is peaceful and poor.

  Fang Chun hoes the lotus alone, and at dusk he also irrigates the furrows.The county officials knew I was coming and ordered to practice drums.

  Although he served in this state, he had nothing to carry inside.Go near and stop, go far and end up lost.

  The hometown is full of turmoil, and the principles of distance and distance are also in order.Always suffering from a long-term sick mother, Weigouxi for five years.

  I have no strength to give birth to me, and I will hoarse twice throughout my life.There is no home in life, why is it steamed.

  2. The north wind is rustling and Hu Maming is blowing, and people around me leave the empty courtyard.

  The gold is buried and discarded, and the road is empty and hungry every day.

  The son, the west, and the father, Nanfu, stood by each other, looking up at the sun and crying silently.

  The birth and body do not belong to the Middle Earth, and there has been no time and no war since the past.

  Home mulberry cooked wild moths, rabbits jumping mat Ketian Chengpo.

  Several states along the way are deserted, and there are many bones and flat grass everywhere.

  It was reported that the general killed the Hulu and took the mountains and rivers to the Han Lord.

  The remnants of life only wish to return to their hometown, and save their descendants from military disasters.

  ——"Abandoned House" Xu Zhao (Song Dynasty)

(End of this chapter)

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