Chapter 463
There is no motivation in the world, and it is too old to hang the Confucian crown.

Only the flavor of the poet is there, and an altar of pines and moons accompany the autumn chant.

——Fan Zhongyan in "A Gift to the Taoist Priest"

Bai Fu told this story to Princess Qingluan, and Princess Qingluan was very interested in hearing it, and said: "I didn't expect that there would be such an allusion in Daming Palace, it's very interesting. Then what do you think of Yan Liben?"

Bai Fu didn't answer Princess Qingluan's question directly, looking at the palaces and palaces, he said: "The Taifu once said that most of the history books from ancient times to the present are handed down by emperors and generals. Professionals such as books, divination, chess, and art are rarely included in the official history.

When the imperial court selects scholars, it only looks at the literature and economics, and puts the rest of the hundreds of lines and thousands of schools and skills into the "last tricks and trails".If you want to be a prominent clan, there are only two ways to become an official in the court or gain military merits;

If this is the case in all dynasties, after thousands of years and generations, all the elites in the world will be turned into corrupt Confucians, and scholars will only know their fame in the imperial court, and they will be reduced to eunuchs.Or warriors rule the country, superstitiously believe in swords, guns and cavalry, and frighten the world with iron and blood killings.

This is the great misfortune of the world. "

Speaking of this, Bai Fu changed the subject and said: "When Yan Liben was the deposed emissary of the Henan Province, he assessed the officials and recognized his talents with his eyes. He made an exception and promoted a low-status little soldier to the Bingzhou Governor's Law Cao. This person is full of ambitions. , From then on, he was able to display it and eventually became a generation of famous ministers. This young soldier is Di Renjie and old Dige.

If Yan Liben could only know the "last tricks and small ways", how could he have such skill in knowing people? "

Princess Qingluan was thoughtful, silent for a moment, and sighed: "It's a pity that after the Wu Zhou Dynasty, all officials are afraid of the heroine coming to the court. Otherwise, I will learn from the Emperor Zetian and revive the court!"

Bai Fu laughed loudly, bowed and said with a smile: "Okay, I will assist His Majesty to turn things around."

Princess Qingluan lightly stretched out her sleeves, covered her mouth with a smile and said, "At that time, shall I make you the prime minister, or..." Her beautiful eyes glanced at Bai Fu, with deep meaning.

Bai Fu smiled lightly and changed the topic.Pointing to Hou Gongyu, he said: "Fengshui pays attention to 'a thousand feet is the momentum, and a hundred feet is the shape'.

The potential refers to the peaks.This Daming Palace is like rolling peaks, powerful and smooth;
The shape refers to a single mountain.Linde Hall, Zhujing Hall, Lingqi Hall and other halls are like mountains.Taiye Pool has "one pool and three mountains", just like rivers, seas and lakes.

The entire Daming Palace hides wind and energy, is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and has excellent site selection and construction.

The height, shape, scale, and form of various temples are designed and laid out according to the Longmai mountain peak of the Big Dipper and Nine Stars.The direction, ups and downs, and turning changes of the palaces are like dragons.As the saying goes: "High mountains must recognize the star peaks, and the dragons on the flat ground are not famous."The peak is named after the star, and the star takes shape under the light of the mountain. '

There is a gully in Master Yan's chest, it's not easy.Being able to become Zhongshu Ling is not as simple as winning the trust of Emperor Taizong through painting. "

Princess Qingluan curled her lips and said, "I don't like this place."

"Why?" Bai Fu was quite curious.

Princess Qingluan said: "The day is sunny and sunny, the sky is as clear as washing, and the palaces layered upon layers are majestic and majestic.

But at night, when people go to the building, the place is too empty and quiet, chilling and desolate.The huge palace is full of silhouettes, like monsters devouring people in the dark.In some places, you can't see your fingers, and you don't even know that there are things lurking in the darkness in the corners.

It is said that the concubine who died suddenly in the palace, the resentment persisted, and turned into a lonely ghost.Therefore, there are the most female ghosts in the palace, who come out at night and hide in the daytime.The wind and the grass, the cat and the mouse chasing, can scare people half to death.

Living here, I feel restless and terrifying, and I can't sleep well at all. "

Seeing that Bai Fu didn't take it seriously, Princess Qingluan said: "Don't believe me, my maid Yuan Xiaoer told me a ghost story two days ago.

It is said that an old court lady was called up by her concubine to run an errand in the middle of the night when she was young, and she was quite scared in the dead of night.

When I was walking, I met a watchman at the corner of the palace, and the maid followed him.The two chatted while walking, and the maid asked: "You old man is here every night for watch, have you ever met a ghost?" '

The beggar laughed loudly, and said: "What kind of ghosts are there in this world? I have been begging in this palace for 300 years, and I have never seen any ghosts!" '"

Princess Qingluan's speech was full of emotion, Bai Fu felt lingering fear, and also had goosebumps all over his body.

Seeing that the effect was achieved, Princess Qingluan covered her mouth with a smile and said, "It's a pity that you are still a hero, and you are still so timid."

Bai Fu said helplessly: "Your Highness, if you scare people, you can scare people to death, okay?"


When the two were teasing and laughing, they vaguely heard the sound of arguing in Linde Hall.

The two looked at each other and thought, "Why is there someone making such loud noises in the harem?"

Princess Qingluan brought Bai Fu into the palace.The officers and eunuchs of the Imperial Guard on duty all knew Princess Qingluan.Knowing that His Majesty likes this princess the most, and this princess has always been bold and reckless.So he didn't stop him, checked that Bai Fu had no weapons on him, and let the two of them into the hall.

The two entered the nave from the apse and stopped in the side room of the nave.

Princess Qingluan looked in through the window lattice, and saw only four people in the nave.The Supreme Emperor is discussing state affairs with his father.Gao Lishi and Li Fuguo separated on both sides.

Xuanzong sat on the dragon chair and lectured. Although Suzong was the emperor, he still stood with his hands down like a prince back then.

Xuanzong seemed to be explaining something, but Suzong looked embarrassed and shook his head slowly.In the end, Suzong couldn't bear it anymore and said a few words.

Xuanzong was furious, and he reprimanded twice, taking advantage of the opportunity, he slammed the crutch with the dragon's head on the ground, and the gold bricks on the ground clanged loudly.

Su Zong's face was extremely ugly.

Seeing this, Li Fuguo hurriedly stood up and smoothed things over with a smile.


When Suzong was the prince, Gao Lishi took good care of him.If it weren't for Gao Lishi's mediation in front of Xuanzong many times, Li Heng might have been deposed long ago.Therefore, Li Heng has always respected Gao Lishi as "A Weng".

Seeing that Li Fuguo had no dignity, Gao Lishi was so loyal, he couldn't help but come out, glared at Li Fuguo, and reprimanded: "The emperor speaks, so let you, a slave, interrupt, and don't back down!"

Li Fuguo didn't show any weakness, he didn't intend to back down at all, his eyes were vicious, and he stared at Gao Lishi fiercely.

Taishang Emperor Xuanzong couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted at Suzong angrily: "You are such a good son, even a slave is so presumptuous!"

Seeing that Xuanzong was furious and eager to protect the Lord, Gao Lishi stepped forward again.The innate qi emanates from within, domineering and raging.

Gao Lishi was tall and mighty, with Gang Qi gushing out from his chest, his aura was overwhelming.Li Fuguo was no match for Gao Lishi, he was forced by Qi Jin, he took three steps back and sat down on the ground.

Gao Lishi has always regarded Suzong as a junior, and couldn't help saying: "Your Majesty, although you are the emperor, you must not disobey the emperor!"

After Su Zong was assassinated by Aunt Gongsun last time, he became a frightened bird. He was frightened by Gao Lishi, and in a panic, he shouted: "Guard!"

(End of this chapter)

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