Chapter 464
A life of disappointment has become today, and no one in the world is concerned about the sunset.

——"Recalling the Former Residence" Chen Yinke

Before the words fell, Princess Qingluan pushed open the door of the side hall, flew over, stood in front of Suzong, and shouted: "Don't be rude!"

When Gao Lishi saw Princess Qingluan coming forward, he knew that Suzong had misunderstood.Just about to step back and apologize, unexpectedly, Princess Qingluan made a sudden move, and the green bamboo stick pierced out, like a golden snake lighting up electricity, and pierced Gao Lishi's vital acupoints all over his body.

Where did Gao Lishi put Princess Qingluan in his eyes, stretched out his hand, pecked with five fingers, and swung the hand in the shape of a crane, then used his bare hands to grab the white blade and the green bamboo stick.

Unexpectedly, the emerald bamboo sticks were like lightning in the sky, with many shadows on the sticks, punching holes and moving, shining brightly.If you don't pay attention, you will be poked at the key point in your chest by the stick head.

Gao Lishi didn't have time to think about it, he instinctively made a move, and with one lunge, his claws turned into palms.Hold the left palm and hold it in front of your chest.Picking the stars with the right palm, chopping the green bamboo stick with the other palm.

Gao Lishi's innate qi was extremely domineering, Princess Qingluan didn't dare to take it hard, but felt a soft force behind her, like the wind, pushing her waist and gently pushing Princess Qingluan half a step away.

Just after Princess Qingluan moved and dodged, a person appeared behind him, with his wrists rolled up and his sleeve robe waved out.Sweeping out one sleeve, it flutters like a beard, unstoppable.

Although the sleeve robe is soft, it is filled with strength. Its domineering power is no less than that of a copper mace and an iron whip, especially the tail of the sleeve robe.

Gao Lishi only felt a strong force coming from him, the force was strong, like the huge waves of the Yellow River, agitated and furious, rolling towards him.The vigor is not only domineering and powerful, but in the fierceness, it is also whirling with countless femininity, like a torrent vortex, with a turbulent undercurrent.

Only relying on the innate qi, it may be difficult to parry.If you don't fight back, once you are broken by the strength to protect your body, you will be severely injured.

Gao Lishi was excited to kill, shouted loudly, and finally made a move with his whisk. The whisk swept across and bowed left and right, just like a child whipping a top, whirling towards him, the force became stronger.


The sleeve robe touched the dust whisk and made a loud noise.After the sound, the entire hall was suddenly silent, like moonlight condensed on the lake.


Gao Lishi's arm-thick ivory dust whisk turned into fine powder, and the silver dust whisk was cracked.

The opponent's sleeve robe was shattered into pieces, like dozens of butterflies, dancing lightly, hovering in the cassia peppers, soaring in the boiling water;
Even a master like Gao Lishi would not be able to bear the power of Haotian's heavy hammer.

Gao Lishi could have taken a step back to defuse Juli's momentum, but in order not to lose Xuanzong's face, Gao Lishi did not back down, stomped his right foot, sank his left shoulder, and stood firm.The upper body couldn't help shaking slightly, like a hurricane hit.

Gao Lishi felt a sweetness in his throat, and quickly swallowed the gushing blood.


After losing all his energy, Gao Lishi took a closer look, and behind Princess Qingluan, a man stood proudly with his hands behind his back.

The whole person is as sharp as a long knife drawn out of its sheath.A pair of sharp eyes are bottomless, as deep as a bitan pool, revealing a cold chill.

Majestic and majestic, look down on the world!
Bai Fu, yes!

Gao Lishi was horrified, and thought to himself: "It's been a few years since I've seen him, but this kid's kung fu is so terrifying! Wasn't his kung fu abolished by Yongwang Li Lin? It is said that his tendons were also broken.

If this is the case, even if Qingcheng's medical skills are unparalleled in the world, it will not be able to cure it.It is already very remarkable to be able to restore the power of five or six successes. I didn't expect this person to be able to improve Ruosi? !It seems that this child must have other opportunities.

I was still soft-hearted back then, if this person is not eliminated, it will be a serious disaster for Li Tang! "

Fighting with Gao Lishi, although Bai Fu took a step back and seemed to have lost half of the move, he did not suffer any internal injuries.

Bai Fu's slightly raised lips implied a look of aloofness.He looked at Gao Lishi coldly, and said: "The crime of disrespect in front of the palace is punishable! Eunuch Gao doesn't know, does he?"

Gao Lishi realized that he had been tricked, and said in his heart: "Just now he must have used Qingluan to lure me to attack. Doing something in front of His Majesty, regardless of the outcome, is a capital offense.

Now it's passive.Now killing and cutting are all in His Majesty's hands.I didn't expect to play eagle all my life, but was pecked by an eagle! "

At this time, dozens of soldiers of the Forbidden Army put on their helmets and armor, and filed in.The swords, guns, and halberds in the hall are sharp and cold, full of murderous aura.

Seeing a court killing is imminent.

Xuanzong's face immediately softened, and he regretted it in his heart. He secretly said: "It is true that I am old and confused. Now that Heng'er is in power, if I take the opportunity to get rid of Gao Lishi, I will really be alone."

With a silver beard in his hand, Xuanzong laughed and spoke first, breaking the deadlock.

Xuanzong reprimanded Gao Lishi: "You people in the palace don't understand the way of communication between father and son. You are nervous and make a big fuss, which makes outsiders laugh.

Father and son are like teeth and lips, how can they not collide?But it is the norm that lips and teeth depend on each other. "

Suzong also regained his composure, and said with a smile: "What the father said is true. We are chatting with father and son, what are you messing with?!

Let's all go back.

Qingluan, you've been playing like crazy outside the palace recently, and it's been a long time since you paid your respects to your grandpa, so you haven't come here to make amends. "

Xuanzong and Suzong, the father and son, seem to be inseparable, but breaking up at this time is not in the interests of each other.The two of them understood each other's mind, and they fought and eliminated a court turmoil invisible.

Suzong secretly said: "Father Huang Hu is very ambitious, with superb and sophisticated tactics, and he is familiar with palace coups.

This Gao Lishi's martial arts is so powerful, it is really disturbing.If I had the heart of disobedience just now, I am afraid it will be more or less a disaster, but fortunately, I will come back in time.

I was careless, and I must remember not to have such a small-scale meeting in the future. "

Xuanzong looked at Bai Fu with a friendly smile, like a kind old man.He called Bai Fu to him, and sighed: "During my tour to the south, thanks to your master Qingxuan who sacrificed his life to save Datang, Datang did not lose face.

The family of Qingcheng, loyal to the country, is indeed the blessing of our country in the Tang Dynasty.

Seeing you is like seeing Deng Bi when he was young, he is so handsome.

Alas, what a pity.If he hadn't passed away, I really want to find him as a companion, seek immortality and Taoism in Qingcheng, and spend a few days of leisure. "

Bai Fu hurriedly bowed and bowed deeply, taking the opportunity to hide his expression.

The moment he bent down, Bai Fu smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth, and said in his heart: "As expected of a generation of emperors, he is clever and cunning. He even beats and beats me. At the same time, It implied that Suzong had no intention of seizing the throne.

I am still too immature, knowing that what this old fox said is all lies, but these two sentences have already made my murderous intention subside. "

After Xuanzong left, Suzong looked at the heroic Bai Fu, the more he looked at him, the more he loved him, and he said in his heart: "This Bai Fu is really his lucky general, he always steps forward at every critical moment.

It's no wonder that when King Qing Li Cong asked Gu, he repeatedly emphasized that I should take Bai Fu under his command and become a confidant of the auxiliary government.Although he is young, he should not stick to one pattern and promote him in an exceptional way.Only in this way can it be recruited. "

Thinking of this, Su Zong asked with a smile: "General Bai, you have great martial arts skills, would you like to lead the left and right heroic armies and guard the capital for me?"

As soon as this remark came out, the generals of the Forbidden Army in the hall looked at Bai Fu in unison, and even Li Fuguo couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

You must know that the left and right Yingwu armies are the seventh and eighth armies of the forbidden army, divided into left and right wings, with a number of 1000 people.The soldiers are all called Royal Archers, and they are formed by selecting warriors who are proficient in horse riding and archery from the Anxi, Longyou and other frontier armies.

Mastering the Imperial Palace Guards means becoming a confidant of His Majesty and making it to the top!

Bai Fu bowed deeply, calmly, and replied: "I thank Your Majesty Long En! But I am ashamed to say that these days, I have been obsessed with calligraphy and painting, and I have reached the point where I am not crazy.

This is a big matter, and I am obsessed with "the last trick", and I am worried that I will miss the important event in the palace. I also ask your majesty to choose another famous general to lead the forbidden army. "

After all, he bowed to the ground.

Seeing Bai Fu's polite refusal, the generals of the Forbidden Army let out a long breath.Some people admire, some secretly ridicule.Even Li Fuguo was quite puzzled.

Su Zong expressed regret, secretly relieved, and said with a smile: "Everyone has his own ambition, and I will not force it. However, if there is another war, I will recruit you, and you will not be allowed to shirk."

Bai Fu hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Su Zong smiled and said: "Qingluan, General Bai is versatile in both civil and military affairs. You have taken the general to appreciate the calligraphy and painting in the palace these two days. If General Bai has a good copy, regardless of the calligraphy and painting, you will come for me."

Princess Qingluan happily agreed.

Suzong laughed and drove back to the palace.

Li Fuguo followed closely behind, and when he was about to exit the hall, he secretly glanced back at Qingluan and Bai Fu, trying to figure out Suzong's thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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