Chapter 469
I am Chang'an Juan Ke, 20 years, in the soft world.Speechless and alone, the green light is on, and the mind wanders into the sky.

——Excerpt from "Shuilongyin · Falling Flowers and Flying Catkins" Wen Ting Style (Modern Times)


After hearing this, Princess Qingluan was very envious, and said: "If only I had a profitable business."

Bai Fu wondered, "You are a princess, why do you still want to make money?"

Princess Qingluan sighed: "After the Anlushan rebellion, the royal family looked beautiful, but in fact it was miserable. Many years of savings of the royal family were too late to take away when they fled. The palace was looted by the rebels. The manors and fertile fields in the suburbs have long been Barren, no crops. A large number of tenant farmers fled into the mountains, missing...

In order to maintain his previous dignity, he had to slap his swollen face to pretend to be fat.The royal family spends a lot of money, in fact, they are already struggling to make ends meet.

As far as I know, many children of the royal family are looking for errands, but they suffer from no connections. "

When Princess Qingluan said this, Bai Fu immediately understood.He pondered for a moment, and said: "Your Highness, there is an opportunity in front of you. If you are willing to do it, it will be a good deal."

Princess Qingluan was interested and hurriedly asked for details.

Bai Fudao: "I just mentioned the exchange method of "flying money and exchanging". Merchants from all over the country went to Chang'an and Luoyang, and handed over the money to the "Jinzuo Yuan" established by the armies, envoys, or Taoists in the east and west. Tickets. Half of the certificates will be issued by the "Jinzuoyuan", and the other half of the certificates will be sent back to the corresponding institutions in various places. After the merchants return to the local area, they can be withdrawn after they are checked and verified to be consistent. These government-issued certificates It's called 'Flying Money'.

Today, the "Jinzuo Yuan" established by various armies, envoys or Taoists in Chang'an and Luoyang has been abandoned.If you can persuade Your Majesty to let Sheng Taikui run the 'Jinzuoyuan' exclusively, and restart the government-run "Flying Money", I can suggest to Gangzhu Jiang of the Chuan Gang that the imperial court should become the richest owner of the 'Jinzuoyuan', Sheng Taikui You are the second wealth owner, and you are the third wealth owner.

I don't know what your Highness wants? "

Princess Qingluan smiled, and high-fived Bai Fu as a promise.He didn't even bother to eat, so he hurriedly filled up two pieces of snacks, asked his attendants to bring a box full of gold ingots, and hurried back to the palace.

Five days later, when the two met again, Princess Qingluan brought back Suzong's will.

Su Zong fully agreed with Bai Fu's proposal, and he asked the Ministry of Accounts to set up a special bank ticket department, which was responsible for the preparation and management of the "Jinzuoyuan".Bai Fu served as the doctor of the bank notes department of the household department.

The master book of 'Jinzuoyuan' was recommended by Chuanbang and selected by the Bank Ticket Department.The rest of the staff will be selected and employed by the master book of the 'Jinzao Academy'.

The richest owner of 'Jinzuoyuan' is the Department of Bank Tickets of the Household Department, the second richest owner is Sheng Taikui, and the third richest owner is Princess Qingluan.

"Jinzuoyuan" distributed dividends according to the ratio of silver shares, and all dividends to the Bank of the Ministry of Households belonged to Zuo Zang and were used for court expenses.

The pigeon letter from the leader of the Chuan Gang, Jiang Gang, has also arrived at the Bashu Guild Hall.Gang leader Jiang strongly supported Bai Fu's move.He authorized Bai Fu to handle the matter with full authority, and gave Bai Fu himself half of Sheng Taikui's silver shares in 'Jinzuoyuan'.

Bai Fu divided half of the silver shares allocated to him and set them up as "top body shares" as a reward to the chief bookkeeper and fellows.Bai Fuming said: "Investors are silver shares, and those who contribute are body shares."

With Suzong's imperial decree and the support of Chuanbang, the 'Jinzuoyuan' was successfully prepared and put into operation soon.

At this time, the war was initially decided, and the Central Plains area began to resume construction. It required money to reclaim farmland and build cities; the prosperity of the city and the stability of the people's lives needed to be guaranteed by trade in goods.

As a result, a large amount of money and goods flowed from merchants in the western regions and south of the Yangtze River into the two bank accounts of 'Jinzuoyuan' and Shengtaikui.

The director and fellows of the 'Jin Zou Yuan' are also more motivated because of the 'top body'.In less than a month, 'Jinzaoyuan' was profitable.

Everyone was happy with the first dividend: the left treasury was getting more and more abundant, and the daily life in Suzong's harem was quickly improved.Princess Qingluan instantly became a veritable wealthy princess.

Suzong praised Empress Zhang: "This Baifu really has some ideas. 'Jinzuoyuan' used to be in the hands of various armies, envoys or various officials. money.

Now the financial power is brought back to the Ministry of Households, and private firms are allowed to operate with high efficiency and huge profits, which eases the tight finances of the imperial court.

Now An Qingxu's rebel army has not been completely wiped out, and the army is spending a lot of money.It is still difficult to pay the Ministry of Households to supply military supplies. If the daily expenses of the court are too much, the censors will refer to me again, which is very annoying.

Now it's all right, Zuo Zang is rich, and I can allocate more to my father, so that the old man can live comfortably in Xingqing Palace for two days, and let the world know my benevolence and filial piety. "

Empress Zhang winked and said, "Your Majesty, my concubine's natal family is also in dilapidated condition. Can you arrange some money-making jobs for my brothers so that they don't have to idle around?"

Suzong readily agreed.


Princess Qingluan excitedly found Bai Fu, and asked excitedly, "Next, what else can I do to make money?"

Bai Fu almost sprayed hot tea on the ground, and said in surprise, "Why, could it be that the dividends from 'Jinzuoyuan' are not enough?"

Princess Qingluan smiled coyly, and said: "That's not true. But the feeling of making money by doing nothing is not very good, and there is no sense of accomplishment. So, I want to end it myself and make money by myself."

Bai Fu was speechless, and it took him a long time to speak, and said: "Last time, your description of the current situation of the royal family inspired me a lot. After you left, I sent someone to learn more about the situation of the wealthy and famous families in Chang'an.

After the Anlushan Rebellion, housing prices in Chang'an fell by [-]%. Nowadays, many aristocratic families are struggling, and they are selling redundant houses and manors in the family.

However, although they were eager to use the money, they did not want to lose their dignity and refused to sell the house to merchants and common people.The imperial court also had strict requirements on the level of merchants and common people who lived in the courtyard. If they lived without titles, they would be suspected of trespassing.We know it's an opportunity but we can't profit from it.

Otherwise, let's set up a business together.It's up to you to buy these houses on my behalf, and I will pay for the funds behind it.

After purchasing the house, I asked someone to renovate it.When the war is over, the world is peaceful, and Chang'an is prosperous again, housing prices will definitely rise again.

At that time, we will sell the renovated house at a high price.For the profit part, let's add two to one to make five, how do you think? "

Princess Qingluan beamed with joy, imitating merchants, clasped her fists together, and said boldly: "This job is good, I will definitely satisfy Bai Shaodong's family."

Bai Fu returned the gift, and said with a smile: "Shopkeeper Li has worked hard, and you are tired."


After finishing the business, Princess Qingluan pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Master Fu, you let me earn so much money, I also want to give you some gifts, otherwise I will feel sorry.

But all I had was jewellery, no men's stuff.It's been a long time since I went shopping, why don't you accompany me to the market today? "

After all, he couldn't help but dragged Bai Fu to visit Dongshi.

Before the An Lushan Rebellion, the east and west cities of Chang'an were bustling with merchants from all over the world, and goods from all over the world gathered.There are many shops with various categories.There are countless tea houses and restaurants.Everything you need for clothing, food, utensils and play.Antique jade, a dazzling array.Silk and satin, fashionable and luxurious.

Comparing the two cities, Dongshi has better quality goods, more expensive prices, and more noble customers.

Today, the imperial court has just regained the two capitals, and Dongshi has not yet returned to its pre-war prosperity.The two walked around for half an hour before finding a sizable antique shop.

The staff in the store saw that the two were dressed in gorgeous clothes and had a noble temperament, so they didn't dare to neglect them, so they hurriedly welcomed them into the elegant room on the second floor.

The elegant room on the second floor is luxurious and private, and the shopkeeper personally comes forward to receive distinguished guests.

The shopkeeper has seen countless people, and at a glance, he knows that the two are rich and powerful people. The fat smiling faces squeeze the eyes into a line, and the service is more attentive.

The shopkeeper ordered the clerk to make cold fragrant tea, and served four plates, four bowls and eight exquisite snacks for the two of them to have a rest.

The shopkeeper presented a silver box with gilt lotus petals, and said with a smile: "This is the newly prepared Hexiang in our shop. It has the effect of purifying the heart and calming the nerves. Please taste it for two distinguished guests." When the box lid was opened, a dark fragrance slowly escaped. .

Princess Qingluan took off the hollowed-out cover on the back of the Golden Duck Incense Burner, removed the ice-patterned mica partition, and gently fiddled with the incense ash in the burner with chopsticks.

Princess Qingluan pierced seventeen or eighteen exquisite orifices on the incense ashes, reaching the charcoal buried in the incense ashes, and the incense burner suddenly lit up.

Princess Qingluan covered the mica partition back on the incense ash.Holding the chopsticks with slender jade fingers, she picks up a piece of incense from the silver box with gilded lotus petals.

The incense grains are rolled into mica flakes and baked by burning charcoal.

Princess Qingluan then put the hollowed-out lid on the incense burner.Not long after, the golden duck's flat beak of the censer slowly spit out wisps of mist that seemed to exist or not.

Princess Qingluan sniffed lightly, and said: "From the top notes of the incense, you can distinguish the fragrance of agarwood, carapace, clove, chicken bone, smoked land, white sandalwood and ripening incense.

In the middle note, there are fruity aromas of Linglingxiang, Guanxiang, Green Cinnamon, and Baijianxiang.

The back note returns to the sweet and strong taste, I guess it should also be mixed with sparrow's head, styrax, benzoin, and musk. ".

The shopkeeper applauded and said with a smile: "Your Excellency is indeed a master. You can make spices, and you can say that the taste is not bad. I will give you a box of this incense, and it will be a little bit of luck."

Princess Qingluan said with a smile: "This incense is not cheap. Grind so many spices into fine powder, dry the wine in the shade, and mix it with white honey to make these exquisite fragrant cakes. If there is a slight difference, the whole batch will be sold." scrapped.

You are a shopkeeper, and you are doing a good job. "

Bai Fu was stunned when he heard it, and then gained insight.He finally understood what it means to be a relative of the emperor and a famous family.How can rich merchants and ordinary people achieve these little bits of luxury and leisure fun that have been cultivated in their bones? !
Although I am a rich man today, I can only be regarded as an upstart rich man, far from the children of aristocratic families.

Then, a new business idea suddenly popped up in Bai Fu's mind, vaguely.

 1. References

  "Tang Dynasty Crossing Guide", Forest Deer, BJ United Publishing Company, published in August 2017

  2. Falling flowers and flying catkins are boundless, so many people have been sad since ancient times.Gossamer window gap, shocking the bottom of the tree, secretly moving to the world.Waking up from a dream, looking at the mirror, the second hair is born.There are fine wines, hibiscus and swords, none of which are known, and they are life ambitions.

  I am Chang'an Juan Ke, 20 years, in the soft world.Speechless and alone, the green light is on, and the mind wanders into the sky.The sea water floats in the air, castles in the air, and thousands of green.When Xi Luan returned, the sky looked back, and the westerly wind rose again.

  ——"Shuilong Yin · Falling Flowers and Flying Catkins" Wen Ting Style (Modern Modern)

(End of this chapter)

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