Chapter 470
This body is a hut in the world, and the world's affairs wear away the green temples.

After all, a few people are really a deer, and they don't know that they dream of being fish all day long.

——"Miscellaneous Poems" Huang Tingjian (Song Dynasty)


The shopkeeper first held out a jade seal, and said with a smile: "This is the jade seal of the imperial family of the Han Dynasty. Please appreciate it."

Bai Fu held the jade seal in his hand, and saw this jade seal, a rectangular seal with a chi button, written in Chinese seal script, the jade is delicate and moist, transparent and white, like creamy fat.The carving skills are exquisite and exquisite, and the style is gentle, revealing the royal demeanor.

Bai Fu was about to nod his head, when Princess Qingluan took a sip of the tea, without raising her eyes, she said, "This jade comes from Hetian, and it is only 30 or [-] years old. It was newly carved by a jade craftsman in the south of the Yangtze River. The patina of the jade is old-fashioned." Yes, it seems that the technique should come from the literary and play dealers in Luoyang."

The shopkeeper laughed, raised his thumb, and said: "Your Excellency has good eyesight." After finishing speaking, he asked the clerk to take out a sandalwood box from the inner room.

The shopkeeper carefully opened the sandalwood box, and inside the box was a bronze mirror wrapped in layers of brocade.

The surface of the mirror is rough and patina-green, unable to reflect human appearance at all, as if withered time.

On the back of the bronze mirror, the lines are complicated and detailed, the reliefs are rich and rhyme, and the decoration is exquisite. The outer button seat is decorated with the patterns of four gods, namely: Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu.

The shopkeeper said with a smile: "This mirror is called 'Four God Mirror of the First Year of Yongping', and it is said to be an ancient relic from the Western Jin Dynasty. We can't say for sure about the exact origin, and please help us to hold the eye."

Bai Fu glanced at it, the copper mirror was thin and small, the mirror surface was only a few inches.Copper and simple workmanship.The mirror button is shriveled.The patterns on the exterior of the mirror buttons are even more monotonous, unlike the bronze mirrors sold in the market today. The decorative patterns include ladies with hairpins, water waves and clouds, sea animals and birds, flowers and curly grass, mysterious and blurred, rich and colorful.

Bai Fu was afraid of being timid, so he hurriedly asked Princess Qingluan to appreciate it first.

Princess Qingluan put the bronze mirror in her palm and looked at it carefully.On the edge of the wings of the phoenix bird on the mirror button, there are 36 characters cast: "Made in the first year of Yongping, I am a bright mirror, research gold and three merchants, invincible forever, red bird Xuanwu, white tiger and green dragon, Changle Weiyang, Jun Yi Hou Wang." '

Princess Qingluan sighed, and said: "This mirror is indeed an ancient artifact from the Western Jin Dynasty, and the owner of the bronze mirror should be Yang Zhi, the second empress of Sima Yan, the founding emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty.

The "Book of Jin" written by Master Fang Xuanling records that Yang Zhi said, "Wanmao has a woman's virtue, and Meiyingjiaofang is very favored." '.

This bronze mirror is a genuine antique, but it is an ominous thing. I suggest that you seal up this mirror and stop selling it. "

The shopkeeper hurriedly nodded, and said, "I've been taught. Mr. Da, who is in charge of the cabinet, only deduced that this mirror is an ancient relic from the Western Jin Dynasty. He didn't know the specific origin.

Listening to the two talk today opened our eyes.We will remove this object from the cabinet immediately, unless it is a bronze mirror collector who wants this kind of collection by name, otherwise our store will not sell it easily. "

Bai Fu was familiar with the "Book of Jin", and he also knew about the past in the first year of Yongping.

Jin Hui Emperor Sima Zhong empress Janan was ugly and sexually jealous. Because of Hui Emperor's cowardice, she once monopolized power. She was the chief culprit of the "Eight Kings Rebellion" in the Western Jin Dynasty. The rebellion triggered the darkest era in history - Wuhuluanhua.

On March [-]th, the first year of Jin Yongping, Empress Jiananfeng murdered Taifu Yang Jun and the Yiqi tribe.Yang Jun is also the father of Empress Yang Zhi, Sima Yan, Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty.

At that time, Jian Nanfeng, who was still the crown princess, was imprisoned in Jinyong City by Jinwu Emperor Sima Yan for murdering the crown prince and other pregnant concubines.It was because of Queen Yang Zhi's intercession that Jananfeng was not deposed and saw the light of day again.

After the death of Emperor Wu of Jin, Jianan Fengen, who became the empress, avenged his revenge. After killing Yang's family, he deposed the empress dowager Yang Zhi as a commoner, imprisoned her in Jinyong City, and starved to death.

That's why Princess Qingluan said that the bronze mirror was inauspicious, and there was some reason for it.

The two consecutive treasures failed to catch the eyes of the guests, so the shopkeeper found a personal assistant and whispered a few words in his ear.

After a while, the clerk brought in a bronze tripod with mottled green and green, more than one foot high, about eight inches wide, and weighed about twenty or thirty catties.

The body of the tripod is rectangular, the mouth of the tripod is slightly larger than the bottom, and there are ribbed decorations around the tripod body.There are wide ears on both sides of the bronze tripod, and the ears are pierced in a round arch shape. The upper side of the ears is decorated with zigzag corners of animal face patterns, the lower side is painted with animal face patterns and legs and feet, and the cloud and thunder pattern is the overall pattern.

The surface of the body is decorated with high-relief human-mask decorations around the body, with accurate facial features, wide and square face, wide mouth, plump and beardless lips, high cheekbones, big nose and curved eyebrows.There are cloud and thunder patterns around the human face, with horns on both sides of the forehead and claws on both sides of the chin.

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "This is an old object from the Shang Dynasty. Because there is an inscription "Dahe" on the inner wall of the tripod's belly near the mouth, Mr. Zhangyan named it 'Dahe Square Ding with Human Face Pattern'."

Princess Qingluan watched it carefully, and said after a while, "This thing should be authentic, and it should be in the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

In the Shang and Zhou dynasties, bronzes with animal-mask patterns as the main decoration were common, but human-mask patterns were relatively rare and precious.This tripod is even more peculiar with four identical human-mask patterns adorning the main parts of the body.

This group of human face tattoos have claws but no body, and they should belong to the legendary monster Taotie with a head and no body.But the answer to the mystery is still unknown. "

After the shopkeeper listened, his face became pale, and he invited Bai Fu to come and watch.

Bai Fu looked up and down the bronze tripod.The half-relief human faces on the four sides of the tripod body are extremely weird, giving the viewer a daunting, glamorous and weird feeling, as if they will be sucked in by the human faces even if they take a second glance.

Bai Fu couldn't help stroking the bronze tripod with his hands.

The true energy in Bai Fu's body comes from the Xun and Kan tripods, one of the nine tripods of Dayu.Jiuding is the ancestor of the bronze tripod in the world.

At the moment when Bai Fu rubbed his fingers, a strange feeling came to his heart, making him restless, and his killing heart suddenly arose.

A half-human, half-beast god appeared in front of his eyes, with a face like the head of a bull, a human body and hooves, four eyes and six hands, ears and temples like swords and halberds, horns on his head, and wings on his back.


Princess Qingluan asked: "Shopkeeper, what is the price of this bronze tripod?"

The shopkeeper laughed when he heard the words, and was about to answer.

Bai Fu also raised his head, and asked sternly: "Shopkeeper, if you sell your store, how much will it cost?"


  On March [-]th, the first year of Jin Yongping, Empress Jiananfeng murdered Taifu Yang Jun and the Yiqi tribe.Yang Jun is also the father of Empress Yang Zhi, Sima Yan, Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty.

  At that time, Jian Nanfeng, who was still the crown princess, was imprisoned in Jinyong City by Jinwu Emperor Sima Yan for murdering the crown prince and other pregnant concubines.

  It was because of Queen Yang Zhi's intercession that Jananfeng was not deposed and saw the light of day again.

  After the death of Emperor Wu of Jin, Jianan Fengen, who became the empress, avenged his revenge. After killing Yang's family, he deposed the empress dowager Yang Zhi as a commoner, imprisoned her in Jinyong City, and starved to death.

  After cutting off the power of Yang Jun's family, Jananfeng used Runan King Sima Liang and Wei Guan to assist the government, and soon asked Chu Wang Wei to kill Sima Liang and Wei Guan, and then ordered to kill Sima Wei, and then took sole control of the government.

  At the end of the ninth year of Jin Yuankang, Jia Nanfeng deposed the crown prince Sima Yu as a commoner, and poisoned him to death so that he could monopolize power for a long time.King Sima Lun of Zhao took this as an excuse to launch a mutiny to attack Luoyang, beheaded Empress Jia and his relatives, and abolished the emperor to stand on his own.

  A 16-year-long melee of the royal family to seize power began, known as the "Eight Kings Rebellion" in history.In the first year of Jin Guangxi, Emperor Hui of Jin was poisoned and died. Sima Yue made Sima Chi the Emperor Huai of Jin and took power by himself. The "Eight Princes' Rebellion" came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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