Chapter 474
At night, I know the snow is heavy, and when I hear the sound of breaking bamboo.

—— "Night Snow" Bai Juyi

(I added a chapter today, adding more than [-] words.)
After investigating the outer house, the three of them walked towards the inner house.

There is also a snow wall between the outer house and the inner house, and there is an arch in the middle, also called "two gates".

The outer house is the place where the male master meets guests, discusses official affairs, and entertains guests. The female relatives and children are not allowed to come and go at will.

The "second gate" of the inner house is usually guarded, and outsiders are not allowed to enter indiscriminately, and maidservants in the inner house are not allowed to leave indiscriminately.

Pass through the 'two gates', and you will come from the outer house to the inner house.

Like the outer house, the inner house is also a square courtyard.In the middle of the courtyard is a small two-story building, which is the inner hall in charge of the hostess, and is used to receive female relatives and manage housework.

The swallowing beasts at both ends of the main ridge of the inner hall roof are also "dragon kisses", but there are no squatting beasts on the four vertical ridges, and each vertical ridge has two back-to-back arched dragons.

The first floor of the small building is surrounded by walls.The second floor has no walls, it is a hollow attic with curtains as walls, supported only by wooden pillars, like a pavilion.Under the eaves on all sides, there are bamboo roller blinds, which are rolled into a bunch and hung on it.

The three of them went upstairs and lowered the bamboo curtain.Through the bamboo curtains, the figures of the people upstairs are covered without hindering the view. You can have a panoramic view of the pavilions, pavilions, lakes and mountains in the back garden.

Bamboo curtains shade the sun, and sitting upstairs, the three of them just enjoy the cool breeze and take a rest.


Bai Fu asked: "I don't know how you all judge the situation and determine the location of the treasure when you are looking for the dragon in the underground palace? Besides, will Mrs. Guo hide her treasures in the manor outside the city?"

Tu Xingsun said: "According to the tactic of '重', my elder brother does not need the cooperation of a compass and a golden needle to divide the golden points, and accurately confirm the dragon, sand, points, water, and direction in Fengshui, so as to confirm the ancient The location of the tomb."

Sun Dashan said with a smile: "I have some confidence in looking at the tomb, but where will the living people hide the treasure? It is also the first time for me to find out the treasure according to the picture. I can only try it. Touch the method of Jin Xiaowei to divide Jinding acupoint It may not work.

It is said that Mrs. Guo's wealth is accumulated in mountains.I speculate that she will hide precious things such as jewelry and jade in the mansion, and store the stables and sheep and horses in the manor.Therefore, if her hidden treasure is not found, it must be hidden in her home in Chang'an City. "

Bai Fu said: "But Mrs. Guo's mansion is so big, how can I find the exact location?"

Sun Dashan said with a smile: "The layout of the organs in the ancient tomb and the location of the sacrificial tunnel can be calculated through the ground seal, Minglou and other structures to calculate the outline and orientation of the underground palace of the ancient tomb.

Living people hide treasures, if you change your mind, there are traces to follow.

Mrs. Guo Guo has many houses in the city, but this house occupies the largest area, and the ground of the outer house is compacted, which is suitable for building secret passages and secret rooms.

The undulating terrain of the back garden, where the wind gathers energy, not only prospers the house, but also prospers wealth, and it is also a good place to hide treasures.

According to Brother Bai, the construction of the roof of the main hall is not in accordance with the etiquette system.Mrs. Guo Guo dared to take the risk of presumptuousness to design this style, and it is very likely that the clue to the secret room is in the main hall.

Bai Fu thought about it for a while, and said: "In the middle of the main hall, to the north, it is said that there used to be a large landscape screen, inlaid with jewels, and framed with red sandalwood. In front of the screen is an Arhat bed. There are several under the bed. Cases and certificates. In front of the big bed, there are a row of small sitting beds on both sides, and there are several cases on the bed.

Various incense burners, heaters, lamps and candles stand in the corner of the main hall, and the whole room is separated and decorated with tents and curtains.The ground is covered with a thick Xuancheng carpet.

Now, there is nothing in the main hall. I have knocked on the walls and floor tiles on all sides, and they are all solid, unlike mezzanines and dark rooms.According to the records of Sun Xiaozhe's staff, they searched Guo Guo's wife's mansion no less than five times, and found many secret rooms and hidden compartments, but they did not find a mountain of treasures.

How to find the mechanism to open the darkroom, please teach me seniors? "

Sun Dashan said with a smile: "The traps in the ancient tombs have deep Yi theory hidden in them, if you are not proficient in the changes of the five elements, it is difficult to get a glimpse of the door.

In addition to the usual saying of 'four images and six gods, eight gates of armor, nine stars and nine palaces', there is a most basic method: 'hidden in the public, hidden in the dust, revealed in the special'. "

Bai Fu humbly asked for advice, "How do you say this?"

Sun Dashan said humanely: "That is to say, the most ingenious mechanism is often hidden under the eyes of the public, so that you can see it at a glance, and you don't feel anything strange, and there is no sense of disobedience with the surrounding environment.

But the organ has a unique trigger mechanism, which will not be easily triggered.Even if it is found, the mechanism cannot be activated.

As the saying goes, those who know are easy to know, and those who don't know are easy to confuse.

Let me ask you, based on this rule, are there any corners in the main hall that you haven't noticed?What places do you feel are strange, but you can't find anything after inspecting them? "

Bai Fu patted his thigh, and said: "There is something unusual in the main hall that I can't think of at the moment. But the special thing, apart from the roof, is the algae well directly above the hall!"


The three reappeared and returned to the outer house, and came to the famous hall.

The top of the famous hall is a Douba caisson, which is gradually formed from the eight sides of Liangfang to the center with layers of dougongs. The dougongs are gold-plated and gather to the core, arching and protecting the Longjing, like the sky.The mirror at the top of the center is painted with the sun and double dragons, symbolizing "heaven".

On the Liangfang on the four sides of the Jingkou Haiyan ceiling, four gate towers are built. Although the scale is small, the roof, brackets, beams, and platform foundations are complete, just like mandala and pavilions suspended in heaven.

This algae well is divided into upper and lower sections, the lower section is only a general bucket arch, and the upper section is made into a spiral shape, which seems to have a dynamic sense of spinning.

Sun Dashan narrowed his eyes, stared for a moment and said: "The upper and lower sections of this caisson are distributed according to the heavenly stems and earthly branches, which coincide with the astrology."

After finishing speaking, he took out the compass from his arms and adjusted it to the same position at the upper and lower sections of the algae well.The dragon-finding ruler trembled slightly, pointing to the outside of the house.

The three of them went out of the house to see that the dragon-finding ruler was pointing to the bucket arch at the southeast corner of the eaves.

Dougong is the most wonderful structure of palaces and pavilions. It can break the stressed beams and columns into hundreds of small components, and then combine these small components into a large component by using the relationship between vertebrae and sockets, thus creating many nodes and resolving problems. External force and transmitted weight.

The main hall of Mrs. Guo Guo is huge, with thousands of brackets!

Bai Fukan's scalp was numb, and he said, "What should I do? Could it be possible to dismantle this house and test it piece by piece?"

Pointing to the brackets, Sun Dashan explained one by one: "A group of brackets has at least four parts: 'Dou', 'Gong', 'Ang' and 'Fang'.

"Dou" can be divided into big and small, "arch" can be divided into long and short, "ang" can be divided into true and false, and "defense" can also be divided into length and thickness.

Divided according to its position, "Dou" includes Zhu Dou, Qixin Dou, Huan Dou, San Dou, etc.; Shangang, Xiaang and Zhenang, false Ang; "Fang" includes Zhengxin Fang, Arhat Fang, Jingkou Fang and so on.

According to the shape, the bucket has the lines of "Dan Dou", and the raised mouth can be cut into "Chop Bamboo Ang" and "Qin Mian Ang".The arched head can be carved into grasshoppers, and the arched body can be carved with curves such as dragons, phoenixes, and elephants. "


"Stop, stop!" Tu Xingsun, who had been silent just now, jumped out hastily to stop his brother from continuing.

Sun Dashan smiled embarrassingly, and said: "I'm sorry, I'm very interested in the manufacture and assembly of equipment. This technique of building a bucket arch is the soul of architecture in the Central Plains. I can't help but show off! Haha"

Tu Xingsun said to Bai Fu: "These brackets look complicated, but in fact there is a 'monarch', as long as you find it, you can decipher its mystery.


  1. "Through the Wall and Through the Wall: A Dissection of Classic Chinese Ancient Architecture", Li Qianlang, Guangxi Normal University Press, published in October 2009.

  2. "Guide to Traveling through the Tang Dynasty - Handbook of Chang'an and People's Lives", author: Forest Deer, publisher: BJ United Publishing Company, published in August 2017.

  I was surprised that my pillow was cold and I saw the bright window again.

  At night, I know the snow is heavy, and when I hear the sound of breaking bamboo.

  —— "Night Snow" Bai Juyi
(End of this chapter)

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