Chapter 475
When will you return to see the tide of Zhejiang?
The straw shoes are broken and no one knows, which bridge of cherry blossoms have you stepped on?
—— "Ten Poems of Ingenuity · Two Selections" Su Manshu (Modern and Contemporary)


Mr. Sun Dashan found a ladder, leaned on the eaves, and took out the ink pencil used by the carpenter.Then climb up the ladder and trace carefully.It took about an hour for Sun Dashan to draw the hundreds of small parts of this bracket one by one.

During this period, Tu Xingsun was not idle either. He took out a five-section iron rod and folded it in half to form an iron spear several feet long, each with a small shovel.Tu Xingsun took the spear and shovel and walked around the mansion, inserting the spear and shovel into the ground from time to time.After pulling it out, carefully observe the fineness of the soil on the small shovel.

After painting the brackets, Mr. Sun Dashan carefully observed the platform base of the main hall.The main hall is built on the base of Xumizuo.The platform base is divided into upper and lower lotus petals.The upward protruding lotus petals are Yanglian, and the downward protruding ones are Fulian. The middle part of the platform base is concave, like a curved waist.The lowermost edge of the base is like a foot, which is a Gui foot.

After watching the platform, Mr. Sun Dashan looked at the drum-holding stone in front of the main hall gate.The drum-holding stone is also built on the lotus-petal Xumizuo, which is exquisitely carved. Two swimming dragons are carved in the center of the drum surface, and there are rows of drum nails on the edge, which have the tendency to roll forward.

At this time, Tu Xingsun returned and said to Sun Dashan humanely: "Brother, the entire courtyard has been surveyed, the soil quality is consistent, and there are no traces of digging tunnels or secret rooms."

Sun Dashan said humanely, "Are there abundant underground water sources?"

Tu Xingsun nodded and said, "There should be several underground rivers a few feet underground."

Sun Dashan walked to the well near the main hall, probed into it, and said to Bai Fu, "Brother Bai, what can you see?"

Bai Fu nodded and said: "The main entrance, the main hall and the inner hall each have three large wells. The mouth of the well is three times wider than the mouth of ordinary wells, and the wooden barrels used to hold water are also several times larger than ordinary wooden barrels. Ordinary wells use a potter's wheel to draw water, and these three Well water is drawn with a millstone-shaped winch.

I asked the servants of the nursing home, and they said that they were worried that the three halls would catch fire, so in order to save the fire in time, the well had to be built larger than ordinary wells.

The rebel soldiers went down to look at it, but found nothing unusual.In order to ensure that there are no hidden passages here, I personally dived into the bottom of the well to see. There is no hidden passage inside the well wall. The well is several feet deep and connected to an underground river. "

Back then, Bai Fu followed Tang Li into Liu Bei's tomb through the well, so he paid special attention to the well.

The three of them walked through the mansion again, but found nothing in the main entrance and the well in the main hall.

When he arrived at the well in the inner hall, Mr. Sun Dashan noticed two swimming dragons carved in the center and edge of the winch respectively.Turn the winch along, and the wooden barrel filled with water will be lifted out of the water.At this time, the pattern on the winch forms the pattern of Erlong Xizhu, which is consistent with the pattern on the caisson in the main hall.

Sun Dashan narrowed his eyes into a line, thoughtful.

Mr. Sun Dashan turned the winch in the opposite direction. When it was turned to the bottom, the barrel returned to the bottom of the well, and the winch seemed to be unable to turn any more.Sun Dashan asked Tu Xingsun and Bai Fu to continue turning the winch harder.At this time, the two swimming dragons on the winch become two back-to-back dragons, which are exactly the same shape as the bow-backed dragon on the roof of the inner hall.

I only heard the sound of '咔咚', followed by the sound of running water.After half an hour, I looked into the well again, and the water level in the well dropped, exposing the bottom of the well.

Tu Xingsun said: "Brother, you stay on top, I'll go down and have a look." After that, he climbed the rope and entered the well.

After an incense stick, Tu Xingsun was as nimble as an ape, grasping the rope with both hands, he jumped out of the well after a few ups and downs.

Tu Xingsun said with a smile: "Brother, I really let you find it, the treasure is in this well."

Bai Fu was overjoyed.

This time it was Tu Xingsun guarding the mouth of the well, while Sun Dashan and Bai Fu entered the well.

This is the second time for Bai Fu to enter this well. Before seeing the underground river, Bai Fu didn't go down again.Now it seems that, like everyone else, he was confused by the dark river and missed the treasure hunting opportunity.

At this time, the water had receded, and there was a foot of mud at the bottom of the well.Standing in the mud, looking around, as if standing in a ten-foot-high culvert.

Numerous cave dwellings of different sizes are densely distributed on the walls of the culverts.The organs of several of the cave dwellings have been broken by Tu Xingsun, and the copper doors that locked the cave dwellings are open.

Entering the cave, there are layers of copper boxes inside.The copper box was wrapped in layers of tarpaulin.Bai Fu picked a copper box at random, cut open the oilcloth with a dagger, and lifted the lid, and there were dazzling gold ingots neatly stacked inside, making people dazzled.

Another copper box was opened, and inside was a huge pearl.

Open the third copper box, filled with rubies, sapphires and other gemstones, the emerald green is more like a lake that cannot be melted...


Back on the ground, looking at the bright sun, Bai Fu let out a long breath.

Mr. Sun Dashan found a pen and paper, drew on the paper and said: "It can be seen that the treasure cave is located under the three halls of the main entrance, the main hall and the inner hall. It is to demolish the house and dig down hard, otherwise it will be difficult to find.

The three wells are the entrances and exits to the Treasure Cave. Due to the barriers of several feet deep well water, ordinary people have a short time to breathe and cannot reach the bottom of the well.

Even if he can breathe freely underwater like Brother Bai, it is still difficult to find that there is another cave underground because of the confusion of the dark river. "

Bai Fu nodded and readily agreed.

Sun Dashan said humanely: "The sluice that controls the release of water is the winch of Neitang Well. When the bucket bottoms out, continue to turn the winch in the opposite direction to open the sluice. Conversely, it can close the sluice.

The terrain of the inner lake in the back house should be lower than here. Once the sluice is opened, the water in the culvert will flow to the inner lake, so that outsiders will not be able to notice the change. "

Bai Fu asked curiously: "If the terrain here is high and the inner lake is low, how can the lake water be brought into the culvert before the sluice is closed?"

Sun Dashan said with a smile: "That's a good question. Let's try it later. According to my inference, I guess there is also a sluice under the well near the main entrance. When the main entrance sluice is opened, there should be a culvert that is lower than the inner lake. As long as a little airflow is drawn, the water from the inner lake can be poured into the culvert, forming an underground river again.

If my prediction is correct, the valve of this airflow is on the main ridge of the roof of the main entrance, just pull out the sword inserted into the back of the main ridge "Owl Tail". "

"Where is this culvert whose terrain is lower than the inner lake?" Now even Tu Xingsun was curious.He surveyed the entire courtyard with a spear and shovel, but found no traces of digging tunnels or secret rooms.

Sun Dashan said with a smile: "According to the location of the platform foundation and the base soil, this culvert should be under the snow-white house wall!"

(End of this chapter)

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