Chapter 526

You don’t have lovesickness in your life.

The body is like a floating cloud, the heart is like a fly, and the air is like a gossamer.

There is a scent of emptiness here, hoping for a daughter-in-law.

When did the syndrome come?When the light is half dim, when the moon is half bright.

——Xu Zaisi (Yuan Dynasty)


Tears welled up in Princess Qingluan's eyes, and she thought to herself: "What a simple people! The emperor's grandfather was to blame for the chaos in Anlu Mountain. However, even so, the people are still loyal to our Li Tang royal family and warmly support them.

As a princess of the Tang Dynasty, I must do something for the people of the Tang Dynasty, so as to live up to the heavens who gave me birth in the emperor's house. "

Hearing a commotion behind him, Suzong arrived at the tower of Miyagi with all the civil and military officials.Suzong had just given a banquet to his officials, and his footsteps were slightly drunk. Seeing this peaceful and festive scene, he felt mixed feelings and was very energetic.

"Since Maweipo divided the troops and Lingwu proclaimed himself emperor, I have been under tremendous pressure and every step of the way has been frightened. I often wake up in a dream, and if I make a wrong step, there will be an abyss, mountains of swords and seas of fire."

The past is unbearable, but fortunately it has finally come to today.

Recovering the two capitals and regaining the cracked soil, in terms of military merits, since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, only Emperor Taizong's great achievements have surpassed himself.

When the rebels like An Qingxu and Shi Siming are completely wiped out, I will make an announcement to the world, worship the ancestral temple, and comfort the ancestors of the Li family! "

When Suzong was fascinated, he suddenly felt a strong wind blowing.

This evil wind came suddenly, flying sand and rocks, and the wind was strong, blowing down all the lanterns hanging around, making people almost unable to open their eyes.The people watching the lanterns scattered and fled, hiding in the corners of the eaves and alleys, temporarily avoiding the limelight.

Several court ladies who were rushing to collect the palace lanterns were staggered and staggered by the strong wind.

After the strong wind passed, a few golden and black clouds floated from the sky, covering the full moon and making the night dim.

The dark clouds slowly gathered and turned into a huge "Maitreya" Buddha statue, with a solemn expression and a solemn appearance, sitting high on the clouds.

There is a vision in the sky!There must be signs!
Prime Minister Wang Yu was the first to prostrate on the ground, trembling, his head like garlic.Seeing that the prime minister is still like this, some people who are stalking others follow the prime minister Wang Yu and kneel on the ground.

When the incident happened suddenly, Suzong was hesitant and didn't know how to respond, kneeling or saluting?
The 'Maitreya' in the sky opened his mouth and scolded: "Li Tang has no way, which caused the world to be in chaos and the people to die. Now, Li's luck is exhausted, and the world should be returned to the virtuous people.

The new Buddha is born, the old demons will be removed, the Li family will be destroyed, and the Liu family will be king! "

After finishing speaking, 'Maitreya' stretched out a palm the size of a mountain peak, pressing down on Suzong with overwhelming force.Suzong only felt the strong wind hit his face, the raindrops were sharp, and the huge waves hit him.Suzong's eyes darkened and he fainted on the spot.The eunuchs hurriedly supported Suzong and summoned the imperial physician.

The imperial guards quickly lined up to fight, and set up a shield wall with shields to protect Suzong.The rest of the guards raised their bows and arrows and shot at 'Maitreya' in the air.

The rain of arrows shot into the body of 'Maitreya', just like shooting into the clouds, passing through the air. 'Maitreya' was unscathed.

'Maitreya' laughed loudly, and with a sweep of his giant palm, like a big broom, he swept away more than a dozen imperial guards from the tower.All the guards fell down the city, life and death unknown.

Princess Qingluan was shocked, and took a green bamboo stick to protect Suzong.

'Maitreya' smiled contemptuously, and said, "You little girl dares to block me? Believe it or not, I'll crush you to death with one finger!"

Without fear, Princess Qingluan stretched out her green bamboo stick to point to the sky, and said sharply: "Buddha Maitreya has the virtue of loving life, just based on your words, I conclude that you are a monster who caused trouble by pretending to be Maitreya to cause harm to the world."

'Maitreya' laughed loudly and said, "It doesn't matter if it's true or not, I will wipe out your Li and Tang royal family today."

'Maitreya' pointed out, like a huge wooden rafter, hitting Princess Qingluan.

Princess Qingluan shook her heart, and was about to fly away, when she heard a familiar voice behind her: "Don't be afraid, the white rainbow pierces the sun!"
A warm palm was attached to Princess Qingluan's shoulder blade.Princess Qingluan only felt that her whole body was full of energy, full of infinite strength.Wave after wave, the huge force like a sea wave emerges from the arm and rushes out.

Princess Qingluan was overjoyed, gathered all the strength of her whole body, pointed at the finger of 'Maitreya', and stabbed out with all her strength with a move of 'White Rainbow Piercing the Sun'.

There was a "bang", and the finger stick hit, making a loud thunderbolt.

'Maitreya' was startled, turned his finger into a fist, and swung it out, hitting Princess Qingluan.

With a "click", thunder and lightning flashed, and Princess Qingluan's green bamboo stick was like the mirror of the mother of lightning, and a dazzling green light shot out from the stick head towards the center of 'Maitreya''s eyebrows.

'Maitreya' let out a roar, covered his eyebrows with his hands, and showed pain on his face.When the demon cloud rises, it is necessary to escape.

Princess Qingluan finally breathed a sigh of relief, only to feel that the palms holding the green bamboo stick were drenched with sweat.Princess Qingluan had a thought, she turned her head and saw Bai Fu, dressed as a royal bodyguard, was sticking behind her with a smile on her face.

Princess Qingluan's eyes are like a crescent moon, her smile is like a flower, and she is about to embrace Bai Fu.Suddenly there was a blur in front of his eyes, and Bai Fu turned like a ghost, standing on the battlements.

Seeing that 'Maitreya' was about to retreat on the clouds, Bai Fu stood with his hands behind his back and let out a long howl.At the beginning, the whistling sound was clear and soft, and after a while, the dome slammed, and the sound of thunder and drums vibrated the sky; suddenly it was shocking again, the sound was like thunder, deafening, and all the audience felt terrified.

In the fight just now, Bai Fu has already figured out the magic method of luck used by the demon to cast illusions, and he used the Taoist inner strength to destroy it at a fixed point.

I saw a lantern-watching monk downstairs suddenly roared, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and fell down on the bluestone road.Liu Hanyan and Su Yubao, who were hiding nearby, both rushed out, and captured him in one fell swoop without waiting for him to turn around and escape.

At this time, the dark clouds dissipated, the moon was in the middle of the sky, and the moon was bright and the breeze was clear, illuminating the city of Chang'an again.

Princess Qingluan could see clearly from the top of the city tower, and a group of police officers pulled out dozens of hounds from the ferocious animal cage that had just performed juggling.

Liu Hanyan tore off several pieces of clothes from the lantern-watching monk and let the hounds sniff them carefully.With an order, dozens of hounds rushed out, followed by all the police officers and soldiers of the Jinwu Guard, arresting the remnants of the demon monks.

Suzong, who was in a coma, finally regained consciousness, and with a touch of his hand, it turned out to be Fang Shuliu, the catcher, in disguise!Only then did the prince and the officials suddenly realize that they dared to ask about it.

Fang Shuliu hurriedly saluted the crown prince and all the officials, and said with a smile: "Your Highness, my lords, the emperor's life is in my body, and I ask my lords to forgive me for concealing the crime."

Prince Li Chu asked anxiously, "How is Father?"

Fang Shuliu said: "We have received a secret report that Maitreya believers will use the Lantern Festival to assassinate His Majesty under the guise of the Lantern Festival, plotting evil.

After asking Your Majesty, we will make a plan for today.

Instead of being beaten passively and being hard to defend against, it is better to take the initiative to attack.Therefore, taking advantage of the opportunity of Her Royal Highness to raise money for lanterns, a lantern competition was set up to attract Maitreya believers here.

In order to ensure His Majesty's safety, after the dinner, I used a trick to exchange views with Your Majesty.Your Majesty is currently in the Linde Hall, waiting for the good news. You can come to see me with me. "

Only then did the prince and the officials feel relieved and smiled.

Prime Minister Wang Yu was scared out of his wits just now, but now thinking about it, he feels embarrassed and embarrassing.With a long beard in his hand, Wang Yu pretended to ask, "What do you mean by dispatching the hounds?"

Fang Shuliu said with a smile: "Maitreya believers have the habit of burning flowers and incense, and they have a special smell. We ordinary people can't smell it, but the hounds can smell it. As long as we find out their leader and find out who they are, they will be able to wipe out these rebels." Arrest."

Because it is difficult to distinguish the loyalty and traitors of the officials, Fang Shuliu deliberately concealed a detail: the fireworks that bloomed just now also have a mystery. They fell on the onlookers and lingered for more than ten days.

Using this method, all the people present can be locked.In the following time, the six gates will be checked one by one. Even if they escape today's search and arrest, they will not be able to escape the stalking eyes.


After arresting the demon, Bai Fu finally relaxed, changed his military uniform, and got alone with Princess Qingluan.

Bai Fu handed over a young male lion the size of a mastiff to Princess Qingluan, only to see that the young lion was completely white with no stray hairs, which is rare in the world.Fluorescent green eyes, cute and cute.

Bai Fu said: "This is a male lion from the Balali Kingdom. Its father is Caesar, the lion king on the Balali Grassland.

I have transformed the body of the white lion with true energy, and it is more spiritual than ordinary beasts.

I have already submitted an application to the Ministry of War for this counter-insurgency war, and I may be called up one day and return to the battlefield.

I will give you the white lion, and I will feel at ease with it by my side. "

Princess Qingluan has loved small animals since she was a child. She knelt down and gently stroked the cub's head. She was overjoyed and said with a charming smile, "This is the best gift I've ever received on New Year's Eve!"

Strange to say, lion cubs will grin their teeth and growl whenever they see strangers approaching.At this moment, it is like a cat, with a soft mane, curled up beside Princess Qingluan, whining and acting like a baby...

Bai Fu took out five half gold medals from his pocket and handed them to Princess Qingluan.

Princess Qingluan held it in her hand and looked it over carefully, and asked curiously: "Brother Fu, these gold medals are beautifully crafted, but why are they only half in half? Could it be some kind of surprise?"

Bai Fu smiled and said: "I have made some small fortunes these years, and all the goods in Chang'an are stored in the warehouse of Chuanbang. This half of the gold medal can be used like an army tiger charm. Once it fits perfectly with the other gold medal guarded by the warehouse, it can be Take the treasure in the warehouse at any time.

If one day you need money, give these five half gold medals to Huang Zhen or the new shopkeeper of the Bashu Guild Hall, and Chuanbang will hand over these goods to you. "

Princess Qingluan pursed her lips and smiled, and said: "Except for the rewards from the elders, I will donate the money given by others. But I am reluctant to give it to you, and I will keep it for you. When you return safely, we will spend it together." pin."


After the chaos caused by demons, the Lantern Festival continues, BMW car carvings, fiery trees and silver flowers, and peaceful and festive scenes reappear on the streets of Chang'an.

Princess Qingluan and Bai Fu strolled the streets, leisurely and comfortably.

Bai Fu said with emotion: "The first time I visited the streets of Chang'an was also on the night of the New Year's Eve. Time flies so fast, and it has been a few years since then."

Princess Qingluan's eyes were bright and kind, she smiled sweetly, and said, "I think time is so slow. After that night, I have been looking forward to growing up quickly and meeting you sooner."

Looking at the couples passing by, Princess Qingluan was infinitely shy, dizzy with cheeks, and said coquettishly: "Brother Fu, when you come back safely, we will be like them, as a couple of gods and immortals, and stay together forever. Do you think it's okay?"

Bai Fu stopped in his tracks and remained silent for a long time.

Looking at Princess Qingluan's eyes as clear as a spring, Bai Fu sighed and said, "How can I not know His Highness's heart, but there is one person in my heart that I can't let go..."

(End of this chapter)

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