The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 527 The Prairie Wolf King

Chapter 527 The Prairie Wolf King
The slight sun at the bottom of the well did not return, and Xiao Xiao was cold and wet with rain.

Who is more like Master Su, who is not willing to spend time alone.

—— "Winter Solstice Day Tour to Jixiang Temple" Su Shi


Back in the palace, Princess Qingluan threw herself on the embroidered bed, tears streaming down her face.For three consecutive days, I shut myself in the boudoir.

Asking what love is in the world, it makes people feel like a knife cuts their hearts, and their hearts are broken...

The personal maids Yuan Xiao'er and Xiao Lantern persuaded: "Your Highness, your body is important, don't feel sorry for this idiot. With your peerless beauty and noble status, Your Highness, admiring your talent is like a crucian carp crossing a river..."

This consolation didn't have any effect, Princess Qingluan never thought about eating or drinking, and couldn't afford to be sick...


Bai Fu's mood was not much better than that of Princess Qingluan, walking alone on the cold long street aimlessly.

For several days in a row, Bai Fuku sat under the tree in the garden, neither drinking nor eating.Others know that Bai Fuding has thoughts, so they dare not disturb him.

On the 28th day of the first lunar month, Tang Kui ran over in a panic with a pigeon letter in his hand. After he calmed down, he said: "This morning, General Siye's arrow sore burst open and he bled profusely. The medical treatment failed and he passed away..."

Bai Fu slowly opened his eyes, and a line of hot tears flowed down his cheeks silently...


The news of Li Siye's death from serious injuries spread to Chang'an, and Emperor Suzong was shocked and regretful.Emperor Suzong issued an edict to commend Li Siye's achievements during his lifetime, bestowed him with the posthumous title of Zhongyong, made him king of Wuwei County, and sent a hearse to escort his body back to his post.

On the day of the burial, Suzong sent imperial eunuchs to offer condolences, and important officials from the court and the central government flocked to express condolences for this famous general of the Tang Dynasty who was powerful in the Western Regions, brave and skilled in war, loyal and worrying about the country.


The fall of a generation of generals seems to indicate some kind of omen.

From October of the first year of Qianyuan to February of the following year, hundreds of thousands of troops led by the nine great Tang envoys surrounded Yecheng with two layers of camps and three trenches, which were airtight.

The Tang army attacked day and night, but it took half a year, and they got nothing, but they couldn't attack the tiny city of Yecheng.

Unable to attack for a long time, the Tang army had no choice but to adopt the strategy of water attack, building a dam on the upper reaches of the Zhangshui River flowing through the north of Yecheng, and pouring Zhangshui into the city.

The wells and springs in Yecheng overflowed the wells, turning into a land of water.The Yan army and the people of Yecheng could only live in wooden houses on the water.

After a long period of siege, the food in the city was gradually exhausted, and the people in the city began to dig and eat rats.Rat meat immediately skyrocketed, and a rat sold for [-] yuan.

Later, even a mouse could not be found in the city, so people dug up the soil on the wall, took out the grain husks mixed in when the wall was originally built, and washed the mud with water; Fiber, used to feed horses.

Many soldiers of the Yan army in the city wanted to surrender to the Tang army, but there were floods everywhere inside and outside the city, trapping them, and they couldn't get out of the city at all.

Hundreds of thousands of troops have no justifiable commander in chief, and the nine Jiedu envoys act independently, moving forward and retreating, and no one decides.

The officers and men of the Tang army thought that the capture of Yecheng was just around the corner, but they didn't expect that after half a year, Yecheng still could not be captured.

After the siege lasted for a long time, the three armies were exhausted, and they were scattered up and down, and they were scattered.

At the end of February in the second year of Qianyuan, Shi Siming finally made a move.

Shi Siming was like a wolf king on the grassland, not in a hurry, he hid in the dark and observed carefully, waiting for the opportunity to massacre the Tang army to appear.He has been reluctant to rescue Yecheng because he wanted to find out the weakness of the Tang army and find a way to defeat the Tang army.

Sure enough, after half a year of careful observation, Shi Siming discovered that Tang Jun had made a fatal mistake-the dragons had no leader.

Although the Tang army was powerful and numerous, they had different orders and had no basis for advancing or retreating.Although the Nine Great Jiedu Envoys were considered to have made great military achievements, they were restrained by a eunuch who was stupid, conceited and had no experience in the battlefield.

How can a stupid sheep lead a group of fierce tigers undefeated?

"No wonder Brother Lushan looked down on Prince Li Heng back then. This guy was lucky enough to become emperor, but he is also a pussy, and he made such a foolish move! God help me!"

Shi Siming laughed heartily.

Shi Siming personally led the army from Weizhou, pointed directly at Yecheng, and ordered the generals to set up camp [-] miles away from Yecheng.

He also ordered each battalion to select 500 elite cavalry, equipped with strong horses, to go to the vicinity of the Tang army camp to harass and plunder every day.When the Tang army attacked, they scattered and fled, each returning to their base camp.

If the Tang army was on guard during the day, the rebels would attack at night; if the Tang army was on guard at night, they would attack during the day.In short, the enemy is tired and we are disturbed, and the enemy is advancing and we are retreating, which makes Tang Jun nervous, exhausted and miserable.

The rebels looted like the wind, coming and going without a trace. Every day, soldiers, cattle, horses, or luggage of the Tang army were looted.Many Tang army cooks just went out to cut firewood and mow grass, and they would be shot and killed by rebel scouts with crossbow arrows.

In addition to harassing the Tang army day and night, Shi Siming also has a deadly move-cutting his food supply.

Shi Siming is worthy of being a Yan general who has experienced many battles. After several observations, he finally found the weakness of the Tang army-grain and grass.

Shi Siming took stock of the total strength of the Tang army, and the number of Tang troops who came to Yecheng to gather in succession turned out to be as many as 60 in the end.

Although the strength of the Tang army was several times that of the rebel army, the stupid and conceited eunuch Yu Chaoen refused to adopt Li Guangbi's suggestion—to order Li Guangbi's Hedong army and Guo Ziyi's Shuofang army to encircle Weizhou, where Shi Siming's main force was, and launch a thunderbolt against the rebels. Hit, quick fight.

Yu Chaoen's wishful thinking is: after all the Tang army reinforcements in Yecheng are assembled, first destroy the Yan army in Yecheng, and then crush Shi Siming's reinforcements.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages.

The army of 60 people eats horses and feeds them, and consumes a huge amount of food and grass every day. Once there is a shortage of food, they will definitely lose their positions and fail to attack themselves.

The rebellion has not been suppressed, the world is famine, and the Central Plains has not yet resumed farming, so it is impossible to defeat the enemy with food.

The Li and Tang courts could only adjust food from various sources, and attacked Yecheng with all their might.The people who transported food and salaries traveled from Jianghuai in the south to Bingfen (now Shanxi) in the west. Every day, a large number of convoys and fleets continued to deliver food to the Tang Army Camp.

Shi Siming sent multiple scouts to scout the Tang army's grain transportation route.

After the route was determined, Shi Siming ordered Yan Jun's scouts to disguise themselves as Tang Jun, steal Tang Jun's orders, and intercept Tang Jun's grain transport team.He was furious at the civilian husbands who delivered the food and wages. In the name of slow speed and delay, he raised his knife and killed all the officers, soldiers and civilian husbands in charge of escorting the food, and then burned the food.

As the number of killings and looting increased, the news spread, and the peasants were terrified.Within a hundred miles, no one is willing to risk their lives to deliver food.

When encountering the main force of the Tang army escorting grain ships or vehicles, the Yan army scouts sneaked into the Tang army and secretly set fire to them.

The scouts of the Yan Army moved erratically, coming and going like the wind, and in an instant they assembled into a powerful force, and in an instant they fled in all directions without a trace.

For these rebel scouts who came and went without a trace, Tang Jun was very troubled, but he was helpless.Because they were all wearing Tang Army uniforms, no one would be able to recognize them even if they swaggered past Tang Jun.

After Shi Siming's method of looting food was implemented, the Tang army's food and grass were not available, and the morale of the army was greatly slackened. Deserters fled from the camp every day.

Shi Siming realized that it was time for a decisive battle!
(End of this chapter)

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