The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 530 Who will take responsibility

Chapter 530 Who will take responsibility
The world is bleeding every day, who will invite the court?

Jishi dare to love to death?Lonely and shocking!
——Excerpt from Du Fu's "Sui Twilight"


The fiasco in Yecheng undoubtedly made Datang even worse.

Datang had prepared for many years to gather so many soldiers, horses and food to fight this war against rebellion.All of this disappeared overnight.

This unexpected failure disgraced Su Zong and disappointed the ruling and opposition parties.

Someone has to take responsibility for this!
The civil and military generals of the Manchu Dynasty aimed their spearheads at the military envoy—the eunuch Yu Chaoen!

When Yu Chaoen learned of this, he rushed back to Chang'an without stopping, entered the palace overnight, pleaded guilty, and cried bitterly in front of Suzong.

Seeing Suzong's expression softened, Yu Chaoen cried and said that when the two armies were fighting each other, Guo Ziyi, whom he saw with his own eyes in the Chinese army, fled first.This matter, other Jiedu envoys can testify.

Guo Ziyi fled before the battle, which led to the defeat of the Tang army.If Guo Ziyi is not held accountable, there will be no way to rectify the court discipline.

After Yu Chaoen left, Suzong's face was ashen, and he thought and calculated repeatedly in the bedroom.

Suzong didn't believe Yu Chaoen's words, at least not all of them.

However, the appointment of Yu Chaoen as the envoy to watch the army and control the nine major festival envoys was a decree drafted by himself against all opinions.If Yu Chaoen was severely punished, he would undoubtedly be slapping himself in the face in front of the world.

This matter must not be done!


In the early morning of the next day, Suzong Longyan was furious and ordered the Ministry of War to thoroughly investigate Guo Ziyi's escape.

There was an uproar in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, and they complained for Guo Ziyi one after another.

The decree of the Ministry of War was passed to the Shuofang army camp, and Guo Ziyi suppressed the decree and kept it secret.

That night, the sky was full of stars, Guo Ziyi put on his clothes and went out of the tent, standing in front of the tent of the Chinese army, looking up at the starry sky, thinking alone.

Guo Ziyi's eldest son, Wei Weiqing Guo Yao came to Guo Ziyi's side and said, "My lord, you can't take the blame for this.

The defeat of Yecheng began when Yu Chaoen disobeyed his father's advice and randomly arranged formations; after the battle, Lu Jiong was injured and took the lead in retreating, and the chaotic army defeated Shuofang's army; Terrified, the army was defeated...

In the battle of Yecheng, the Tang army suffered heavy losses. The troops, weapons, food and supplies accumulated by the imperial court for several years were completely destroyed... One will change and the other will change. It will be even more difficult to wipe out the puppet Yan rebels in the future.

Once you plead guilty, at least you will be dismissed from office, and at worst, you will be implicated in the nine clans!Please daddy think twice! "

Guo Ziyi turned her head, looked at Guo Yao and said, "Yao'er, even you know that this is an unbearable burden. As the head of the Nine Great Jiedu Envoys, if I don't take the blame, who else can? Who will carry it?"

Guo Yao said angrily, "Of course it's Yu Chaoen who will recite it. Isn't he the one who watches over the army and commands the army? If he doesn't recite it, who will recite it?"

Guo Ziyi shook her head, and said, "Yu Chaoen is a celebrity in front of the emperor. He acts according to the order and represents His Majesty. If he recites it, His Majesty will recite it."

Guo Yao snorted coldly, and said: "When the Son of Heaven appoints eunuchs to restrain the army, and connives the children of the aristocratic family to pretend to lead the army, he should think of the bad consequences."

Guo Ziyi's face changed, and he made a silent gesture.

Guo Ziyi looked around and said in a low voice: "Walls have ears, so you must not say such rebellious words in the future.

The reason why His Majesty created the post of military commander is because he is worried that our Jiedushi will become the second in Anlu Mountain, arrogant soldiers and unrestrained.

Shuofang's army is the elite of the world. He controls tens of thousands of cavalry for his father.

Originally, I was still hesitating, but listening to your words today has strengthened my judgment.

The responsibility for Yecheng's fiasco must be borne by me. "

Guo Yao was very anxious and said: "Even if His Majesty is furious and dismisses our father and son, the worst is to abandon the official position.

But how could my father take the initiative to admit his mistakes, bear this innocent injustice, and be abused by the world? !

Don't Dad feel aggrieved by being a scapegoat for eunuchs like Yu Chaoen? "

Guo Ziyi smiled lightly, and said: "Yao'er, because my father usually asks you to read more books by Lao Zhuang, it seems that you still haven't read them thoroughly!

If you can't stand being wronged, you can't make a big deal!
His Majesty knew right from wrong in the battle of Yecheng.

If the responsibility for the defeat falls on Yu Chaoen, the emperor will be ashamed.Your Majesty can't vent his anger, and he will definitely attack other things in the future.At that time, it will be the catastrophe for my Guo family.

Today, it is the best policy for us to take the initiative to take this responsibility on ourselves and share the worries for His Majesty.Losing an official and dismissing him is inevitable, but it can save the life of the family.If you keep the green hills, maybe you can make a comeback.

Even if I become an official and live in seclusion in Linquan, it doesn't matter, I am happy and carefree.

Justice is in the hearts of the people, merits and demerits are still to be judged by the future, why should we stick to the momentary evaluation of the world.

I have made up my mind, no need to say more. "

That night, the big tent was lit with candles, and I couldn't sleep all night.

A few days later, Guo Ziyi's report was sent to the imperial court ten li urgently.

To the surprise of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, Guo Ziyi did not refute Yu Chaoen's false accusation, and was willing to take responsibility for it, and the court would deal with it according to military law without any objection.


Suzong heaved a sigh of relief after reading Guo Ziyi's memorial.

Next, the imperial court made a series of dizzying personnel adjustments.

On March 28, Emperor Suzong appointed Lu Yu, Minister of the Ministry of War, as Tongping Zhangshi.

On March 29, the imperial court dismissed Miao Jinqing and Wang Yu, the ministers of Zhongshu.Tune Miao Jinqing to be the prince and Taifu, and Tune Wang Yu to be the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment.Appoint Jing Zhaoyin to the post of Minister of the Ministry of Officials; appoint Li Kui, a member of the Zhongshu Sheren and Minister of Rites, as the Minister of Zhongshu, and concurrently work with Ping Zhangshi;

On March [-], Suzong appointed Shuofang Jiedu envoy Guo Ziyi as the marshal of Dongji Road (now Luoyang), Shandong Road (east of Xiaoshan Mountain), and Hedong Road (now Shanxi), temporarily staying in Luoyang, Tokyo.

He also appointed Hexi Jiedu Envoy Lai Zhen to temporarily act as the prefect of Shanzhou, and also served as the Jiedu Envoy of Shaanxi and Guohua (headquartered in Shanzhou), stationed in Shanzhou, and assisted in the defense of Luoyang.

On April [-], the imperial court set up the Chen Zhengbo war zone (headquartered in Chenzhou, now Huaiyang District, ZK City, Henan Province), with Lu Jiong, the prefect of Dengzhou, serving as the envoy of Chen Zhengbo.

Shang Heng, the prefect of Xuzhou, was appointed as the envoy of Qingmi and other seven states, with the headquarters in Qingzhou (now Qingzhou City, Shandong, seven states: Qing, Mi, Deng, Lai, Zi, Yi, Hai).

Appoint Li Huan, Xingping Jiedu Envoy (headquartered in Shangzhou, now Shangzhou District, SL City, Shaanxi Province), and concurrently Yu Xuru Sanzhou Jiedu Envoy. (Headquarters is located in Yuzhou, now Runan County, Henan).

Order all the envoys of the world to strengthen patrols at the border of this war zone, and be on high alert to prevent Shi Siming's rebels from going south.


In the Battle of Yecheng, when the two armies clashed, Lu Jiong's troops were the first to flee, and the rebellious army broke through the Shuofang army formation.

When the army was defeated and retreated from the Yecheng battlefield, Lu Jiong's troops had no military discipline, burning, killing and looting along the way, like animals.

Afterwards, I heard that Guo Ziyi retreated to the north bank of the Yellow River, gathered the fleeing Tang army, and made a new purge; Li Guangbi's Hedong army returned to Taiyuan without any crime... Both are Jiedu envoys, but there is a big difference.Lu Jiong was both ashamed and afraid, terrified.

Guo Ziyi's pleading report did not mention Lu Jiong's defeat and escape at all, and took all the responsibility for Yecheng's defeat on himself, which made Lu Jiong extremely ashamed.

In this personnel adjustment, Suzong still had good trust in Lu Jiong and entrusted him with a heavy responsibility.

After receiving the imperial decree, Lu Jiong knelt down and bowed to the imperial envoy, crying.

After thinking about it, Lu Jiong was ashamed and guilty. That night, he hung a tiger amulet on the beam, dressed in court clothes, looked at Chang'an three times and nine times, and committed suicide by taking poison. He was 57 years old.


When Suzong heard about it, he was deeply moved for a long time.

On April [-]th, Emperor Suzong ordered Li Guangbi's general, An Baoyu, Hongluqing, to succeed Lu Jiong as Zheng Chenyingbo's envoy.

In order to show that he is incompatible with the traitor An Lushan, An Baoyu specially asks Suzong for his surname.Suzong gave him the surname Li.From then on, An Baoyu changed his name to Li Baoyu.


Because Guo Ziyi voluntarily pleaded guilty and took responsibility, the court no longer held him accountable.The Jiedu envoys were finally relieved, and refocused on preventing Shi Siming from going south.

Since then, the cloud of Yecheng's defeat has slowly dissipated over the Tang army.

 At the end of the year, we are far away as guests, and we still use soldiers in the corners.

  The smoke and dust offend the snowy mountains, and the drums and horns move the river city.

  The world is bleeding every day, who will invite the court?

  Jishi dare to love to death?Lonely and shocking!
  ——Du Fu in "Twilight"

(End of this chapter)

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