The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 531 Undercurrent

Chapter 531 Undercurrent
The young child's golden basin is off the ice, and the colored silk is worn as silver.

Knocked into a jade chime through the forest, there was a sudden sound of broken glass.

——"Children Making Ice" Yang Wanli (Song)


The disastrous defeat in Ye City woke Bai Fu up from his daze.Now is not the time to wallow in an emotional vortex.For Bai Fu, who is burdened with heavy burdens, not to worry about parting is a luxury.

Tai Tu once said: "The reason why a person becomes the ultimate person is often not his own choice, but forced by the situation."

The light in Bai Fu's eyes suddenly appeared, reappearing the color of determination.

Huang Zhen and Tang Kui were overjoyed to see Bai Fu finished the retreat, full of energy.The two will elaborate on their recent situation.

After the rebellion, the haze of war in the sky of Datang lingered for a long time.

It has to be said that the battle of Yecheng caused waves to rise again.Like a mass of ashes, it was already extinguished, but it was blown away by a gust of wind and burned blazingly.What's even more frightening is that the ashes rekindled and turned into fire, overwhelming the sky.

This time the Tang army was defeated and took advantage of the chaos to harass the people, turning the land of the Central Plains into scorched earth again.Wherever the rebel army went, they burned, killed and looted, which was even worse than the rebels in Anlu Mountain back then.The people in the counties and counties they passed were miserable.

After the chaos, thousands of miles of red land, many bones, plague raged.Spring plowing was destroyed, accumulated grain was robbed, people's livelihood withered, food was scarce, and people could not afford to raise children, so they could only sell their children.In some places, the famine was serious, and the people even had to change their children to eat, which was terrible...

The An Lushan wolf is ambitious and leads Hu Qi to chaos the world, and the common people can still understand it.But now, the people who rob the people are the people of the Tang Dynasty, and they are the soldiers of the folks in the village on weekdays.

During the Wu Zhou Dynasty, although the royal family of Li Tang was brutally massacred and courtiers loyal to Li Tang were imprisoned by cruel officials, the court never disturbed the people.The people are stable, the people's farming and the livelihood of merchants have never been damaged or severely injured.

Many local wealthy families who originally supported Li Tang's court also complained.

The powerful families in the east of the river and the tyrants in the Jianghuai area no longer actively donated to the Li and Tang courts. They used the saved money and food to build large-scale fortresses and fortresses.

In addition to the local clans, even the Jianghu gangs who had been assisting the Tang army stood by and stopped intervening in the counter-insurgency.

There is a strange atmosphere among the people.

Especially during the battle of Yecheng, the "magic eye" that appeared in the sky of the battlefield heralded an ominous omen.One spreads to ten, and ten spreads to a hundred, which makes the people panic all day long.

The doomsday catastrophe, the savior comes to the world... Prophecies are everywhere.Religions such as Maitreya, Five Dou of Rice, and Manichaeism took the opportunity to make a comeback. They used spells and sacrifices and other methods to heal people, eliminate disasters, and solve problems.

For a time, there were tens of thousands of folk believers, and it seemed like a different day.

If there is something wrong, it must be something wrong with Li Tang Chaotang: the treacherous ministers are in power, the generals are not ministers, or the Li family is exhausted...

Li Tang's court gradually lost popular support.


Bai Fu asked: "Yuan Xiye, what about the Maitreya believers we arrested?"

Tang Kui said: "The one who was injured by your roar was a Dharma King of the Maitreya Sect. After he was arrested, no matter how severely he tortured him, he didn't say a word. The forces behind him are still hidden underground. Master Fang Shuliu is still investigating.

By the way, Master Fang said that this person's martial arts came from Shaolin.

When the rebellion was suppressed back then, Shaolin disciples joined the Tang army one after another, fighting to the death with the rebels.When An Lushan invaded Luoyang, he razed Shaolin to the ground in order to avenge the attack.Many Shaolin disciples died at the hands of the enemy.After the recovery of Luoyang, the imperial court intended to rebuild Shaolin, but firstly, there was insufficient funds, and secondly, there were very few Shaolin disciples left, and there was no trace of them.

Therefore, it is impossible to find any clues about this person from Shaolin.

Brother Fu, didn't you once hang around in Shaolin for a while?Master Fang asked if you have any clues? "

After finishing speaking, he handed over the scrolls of portraits of the captured Maitreya believers to Bai Fu.

Bai Fu read the scrolls one by one, shook his head and said: "I have never seen these faces in Shaolin Temple. In other words, there are many Shaolin disciples, I may have seen them, but I can't remember them."

Speaking of this, Bai Fu's thoughts moved, and he said: "I remember that day, the imperial court issued an imperial edict ordering the monastery supervisor, Elder Kong Jing, to return to vulgarity and send him to Fan Yang's army as a supervisor.

In addition, Master Zhao Huan, the first disciple of Abbot Kong Jian, was appointed as General Yulin Zhonglang of Wei Xunyi, and the Shaolin Iron-Blooded Youth Sangha formed by him was transferred out of Shaolin and incorporated into the Forbidden Army. Xuanli restraint.

You ask Mr. Fang to check and see where these people are now?Maybe some clues can be found. "

Tang Kui frowned, and said, "Isn't Longwu General Chen Xuanli the one who launched the Maweipo Mutiny? Could it be that the Shaolin Iron-Blooded Youth Sangha also participated in the Maweipo Mutiny?"

Bai Fu recalled for a moment, and said: "That day when Maweipo mutinied, I was also nearby. But in the middle of the night, the people and horses were noisy and chaotic, and I couldn't see clearly. I didn't see the soldiers of the imperial army performing Shaolin martial arts. By the way, that General Chen Xuanli is now where?"


Chen Xuanli is currently in Xingqing Palace.

Xuanzong paced back and forth in the Ziyun Hall of Xingqing Palace with his hands behind his back, Long Yan was furious.

Xuanzong yelled at Gao Lishi: "Nine Jiedu Envoys have besieged for half a year, but they can't take down a small city of Ye? Is this the Nine Jiedu Envoys? This is the Nine Great Dunkers! Nine Idiots!
An army of 60, with food and supplies for several years, was wiped out overnight!
The anti-insurgency war launched with all the power of the country has been so useless. Is he worthy of sitting on this dragon chair?Are you worthy of the ancestors of the Li family! "

Gao Lishi knelt down on the ground, not daring to speak out.

After the mood calmed down, Xuanzong ordered Gao Lishi to find Chen Xuanli.

Xuanzong said: "Xuanli, you have followed me for many years, so you naturally know my intentions. I originally wanted to spend my old age in peace, enjoy the joy of Yi'er and grandchildren, stop worrying about state affairs, and be a carefree and comfortable emperor, enjoying peace.

However, the current situation is treacherous, and the situation is rising again.Heng'er wronged the country, if this continues, my Li family's country will be ruined in his hands.

What you mentioned to me before can now be implemented step by step.Tell them that as long as they are loyal to me, after the matter is completed, they will be enfeoffed as marquises and prime ministers, their wives and sons, and they will be rich and prosperous.

And you, I will not treat you badly, I will make you a king with a different surname, hereditary without replacement, and your family prosperous. "

Chen Xuanli hurriedly knelt down to thank you, and wept: "The change of Maweipo, I am deeply worried about it, and I can't sleep at night. I still can't let it go. Your Majesty does not blame me. I am already grateful, how dare I ask for grace again.

Regardless of the road ahead, mountains of swords and seas of fire, I will never hesitate to die in order to repay the king's kindness. "

"Aiqing, get up quickly!" Xuanzong personally lifted Chen Xuanli up and comforted him.

Immediately, Xuanzong's tone turned cold, and said: "I have never blamed you for the chaos in Maweipo, if you hadn't moved the disaster to the east, not only the Yang family would have died...

Who is instigating the soldiers to mutiny, and who is behind the scenes, I have already found out.Just don't want to pursue it.

The past, let it go.

Today, Datang is facing the greatest crisis since the founding of the country.At the time of life and death, how can I be alone?
An old man, with aspirations for thousands of miles.I am an emperor through the ages, and I shall save the situation from peril! "


With the defeat of Yecheng, the world is exhausted, Jianghu gangs stand by and watch, only the Chuan gang and Tangmen are still preparing for the battle.

Tang Kui said: "By the way, your soldier's armor has been forged, and the head of the sect has sent a special envoy to escort it over secretly. Try it out."

Before the words were finished, two disciples of the Tang Sect escorted the armor over.

Tang Kui said: "The head said that this set of armor was cast with your bowing staff 'Moon Hook'. The 'Moon Hook' is made of meteoric iron from the sky, and its material is extraordinary. The soldier armor made out of it can be called a peerless treasure armor."

Bai Fu was overjoyed and went on stage with his clothes on.After putting it on, Bai Fu transformed into an armored soldier, and he immediately swung his sword, majestic and majestic.

On the surface, this set of armor is no different from the Mingguang armor worn by Tang Jun.But wearing the upper body, it is obviously much lighter than the ordinary Mingguang armor, and the weight is only [-]% of the ordinary Mingguang armor.The upper body of the armor does not affect riding a horse, hacking, riding and shooting.Even fighting on flat ground and performing lightness kung fu will not be affected.

The soldier's armor is neither gold nor wood, and the outer layer is extremely hard. When cut with a knife or a sword, there is not even a trace of it left.

What's even more amazing is that when the armor encounters Bai Fu's body-protecting zhenqi, it has great elasticity and flexibility, just like a living thing.When heavy weapons such as broad hammers and giant axes, copper maces and iron whips hit the armor, the armor will be slightly dented, and then rebound, and the attack force will be resolved by the elasticity, which can better protect the person wearing the armor.

This military pawn armor is expensive, but it was built with all the efforts of the Tang Sect.The armor is strong and sturdy, from head to toe, it is equipped with countless organs, which can accommodate all the latest hidden weapons developed by Tangmen, just like a super weapon platform.

Bai Xia couldn't put it down, he stroked the soldier's armor and said with a smile: "Old friend, we meet again. But this time you are not going to accompany me to win the polo, but to fight the enemy.

Accompanied by you, thousands of troops will go in and out of no one's land! "

(End of this chapter)

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