Chapter 538
The beacon illuminates Xijing, and his heart is insecure.

Yazhang resigned from Fengque and rode around Dragon City.

The snow is dark withered and the flag is painted, and the wind is full of jumbled drums.

Better to be a centurion than a scholar.

——"March in the Army" Yang Jiong (Tang Dynasty)

After leaving Luoyang, the scouts followed the Sogdian caravan along the Yellow River, all the way eastward.Between Bianzhou (now Kaifeng, Henan) and Puzhou (now PY, Henan), the Lone Eagle Squad and the caravan parted ways.

According to General Li Guangbi's inference, when Shi Siming's army went south, Huazhou, Bianzhou and Huaizhou were likely to be the targets of the first battle.

The mission of the Lone Eagle Squad is to patrol between Bianzhou and Puzhou to detect the rebel movement.

After being separated from the caravan, the scouts had one man and two horses, and only the camels were still driving five camels.Bai Fu was quite surprised, and asked: "We are scouts, don't we pay attention to coming and going like the wind? Will bringing camels affect the marching speed?"

Iron Hammer said with a smile: "The horses we scout are all war horses. One has amazing explosive power and is used for short-distance dashing, and the other is known for its endurance and is used for long-distance raids. But these two war horses are not suitable for long-distance carrying.

We don't know when the war will break out, and we need to survive in the wild for a long time.With camels, our supplies can be carried by camels. "

Bai Fu continued to ask: "Then why don't you use horses with strong load-bearing capacity to pull the carriage, so that you can carry more baggage."

The scholar said: "Scouts march, most of the time they walk on narrow paths, the roads are muddy and rugged, and horse-drawn carriages cannot go."

Bai Fu suddenly realized.

The camel also laughed, and Weng said: "Once the white camel I am riding is running, it will be faster than our horses. Its speed is no worse than our war horses. It's just that it is lazy, and it is not a crisis. It's walking slowly."


At first, when traveling with the Sogdian caravan, everyone ate and lived together, which was not wrong.Camping in the wild after separation, the difference between the scouts was revealed.

When burying the pot for cooking, Bai Fu found that the location of the hammer was more particular.First of all, it must be close to the water source, and it must be a flowing clean water source.

If there is a pika burrow near the water source, the hammer will not pile up soil as a stove like an ordinary picnic, but dig a hole like digging a tunnel and connect it with the pika burrow.

When the firewood is lit, the camel blows the drum with a wind bag and pushes the smoke into the tunnel.Pika tunnels are like underground city-states, extending in all directions. Once cooking smoke enters the tunnel, it will either be invisible or appear in a very far place, so as to ensure that the cooking smoke will not rise up and expose the position of the scouts.

Occasionally, a hare couldn't bear the smoke, and when it sprang out of the hole, the lynx shot arrows.After shooting, Lynx's hounds took the hare to the hammer.

The hammer was not in a hurry to skin the hare, but put it in water to cool it.Wait until the hare is completely cold before skinning and deboning the prey.

Bai Fu was quite curious about this, and took the initiative to ask.

Iron Hammer laughed and said, "Things like hares and voles carry fleas and lice on their bodies. After hunting, you must wait for their bodies to cool down before handling them. At this time, the fleas and lice will take the initiative to leave the cooled prey."

Bai Fu suddenly realized.

After the hare was washed and peeled, the hammer added a meat dish for everyone.

After eating, the scouts will bury all the ashes of the stove and food residues with sand, so that no one can see the traces of burying the pot for cooking.

The scholar muttered to Bai Fu while gnawing on the rabbit's leg: "In order to hide, many scouts dare not light open fires, and can only eat dry pancakes and fried rice in cold water. After a long time, living in the wild is like being tortured, and the body becomes emaciated and weak. Sometimes I have diarrhea, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Only follow the hammer class, go out on patrol like hunting with an eagle, go outing in the green to enjoy the flowers, and enjoy the rural scenery, so happy. "

When the iron hammer camps, the mountains are far away from the valleys, and try to choose a high place to camp in a sunny place.When at a high altitude, the field of view is wide, which is convenient for defense.On the sunny side, the camp is relatively dry, warm and comfortable, and it is not easy to get sick.

The camels unloaded their baggage, and the scouts set up their own tents.The scouts of Lone Eagle Squad don't want to sleep in big tents, they like to be alone.

Bai Fu worked for a long time before setting up his tent.Looking up, I found that the lynx had disappeared at some point.

Bai Fu asked the scholar, the scholar smiled but did not answer, raised a red flag and planted it on the ground, only to hear a "swish", a cold arrow flew from nowhere and nailed to the flagpole.

The scholar then replied: "Lynx'er is a sniper, and will always be hidden away from us. On the one hand, he will be on guard at a distance; The news never stops.”

At the end of the day, Bai Fu benefited a lot, thinking: "These scouting experiences, I haven't written any military book, if I don't experience it myself, I'm almost an idiot."

Indeed, Bai Fu was discriminated against by his teammates when he camped out with the scouts for the first time that night.

It turned out that the weather turned cold that night, and Tie Hammer asked everyone to put a blanket on the ground to prevent catching cold.The other scouts were all sheepskin blankets and jackets, but Bai Fu took out a bearskin blanket and put it on the ground, covered it with a ferret fur cloak.

Hawkeye looked at it, and couldn't help muttering a few words to Hammer.Although the other team members didn't say anything, Bai Fu still read a meaning from the eyes of each other - this brother Guijie is not from the same way as us.


The scouts are all triangular tents, which are only for one person to live in.The wind was howling outside the tent, but inside it was warm as spring.

Bai Fu lay on the bearskin blanket. The bearskin was thick and warm, and he could not feel the coldness of the ground and the harshness of the gravel.

Strange to say, the conditions for camping in the wild are of course not comparable to the large carved bed, light gauze curtains, Shu brocade quilt, and aromatherapy heater in the Bashu Guild Hall...but Bai Fu just feels comfortable and at ease.

After the siege of Suiyang, Bai Fu often dreamed of Zhang Xun, Xu Yuan, Nan Jiyun, Lei Wanchun and other comrades-in-arms, and when he woke up, tears streamed down his face.

Sometimes fighting with iron horses and bloody killings would also wake Bai Fu up from his dream.After waking up, Bai Fu was still in shock, panting continuously, which could not subside for a long time.

Here and at night, the neighing of horses outside the tent, the howling of wolves, and the chirping of insects and owls gave Bai Fu an inexplicable sense of security and belonging.

Bai Fu rested his head on his arms, looked at the top of the tent, thought about the next strategy, and unconsciously fell into Mengxiang.


When I woke up, it was already light.When Bai Fu stepped out of the tent, he felt that the air was cool, refreshing and refreshing.

Camel and Xiucai took turns on duty last night and were still asleep, while Hawkeye and Lone Wolf had woken up.

Hawkeye let Hai Dongqing out, and the two falcons soared in the sky, changing their flying postures from time to time, drawing various patterns in the sky.

Hawkeye said to Tie Hammer: "Hammer class, within a radius of ten miles, it's safe!"

After receiving the message, Hammer started to light a fire and cook.He washed the two skinned wolves and threw them into the pot.Then put in the secret seasoning packet and simmer slowly.

After tidying up, Tie Hammer sat beside Bai Fu.

Bai Fu said, "Hammer Ban, did you hunt and kill this wolf last night?"

Iron Hammer shook his head and said with a smile: "How can I get up. I snored loudly last night, didn't you hear it?

Lynx set up three traps outside our camp, and caught two live ones this morning.Another one bit off its own leg and ran away. This is a ruthless guy.

Prey that falls into a trap is the scariest.These two wild wolves caught in the animal trap bared their teeth, several times more ferocious than usual, and I didn't dare to get close to them easily.Camel came to help and stabbed him to death with a spear.

Whether it is a wolf or a deer, after these prey are killed, they must cut their throats and let the blood out.In this way, its meat is delicious and will not be sour..."

After a while, the wolf meat was stewed, and the aroma was overflowing.The hammer handed everyone a bowl carved from rock salt, and wiped the wall of the bowl with wolf meat, like dipping in salt.

With the blessing of spicy seasoning and salt, the usually fishy and slightly sour wolf meat is as delicious as mutton.

After eating wolf meat, drink wolf soup.

Sprinkle some wild vegetables in the soup.The milky white soup is dotted with green cauliflower, which is very exciting.After eating wolf soup and pancakes, I was sweating and refreshed after a while.

Iron Hammer replied to Bai: "As the saying goes, eat dry food early to be full for the day. The military situation is urgent and unpredictable, and the scout's work and rest are unpredictable. If there is a meal, there may not be a next meal. So whenever you have a chance to eat, you must eat as much as possible."

What the scholar said is true.

It was only then that Bai Fu learned the cooking charm of an iron hammer.If Huang Zhen's dishes are as elegant and vivid as Bashanshushui, Tiehammer's picnic is like the desert outside the Great Wall, with winding scenery, high sky and wide grass.

A delicious meal can improve the relationship between people. Hawkeye, who was slightly critical of Bai Fu yesterday, also relaxed, and took the initiative to exchange a few words with Bai Fu, and handed Bai Fu a bunch of fat wolf livers.

Only the lone wolf, alone, still lonely.

He doesn't eat wolf meat, and sits alone on a boulder in the distance, embracing his knees, looking at the morning star that is gradually fading into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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