The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 539 No Man's Land

Chapter 539 No Man's Land
The sound rose from all corners, and in the thousands of miles, the long smoke and the setting sun closed.

——Fan Zhongyan in "Fisherman's Pride · Autumn Thoughts"

In the next few days, the Lone Eagle Squad headed northward, gradually approaching the rebel territory, and the march became more and more dangerous.

There is a war buffer zone with a radius of hundreds of miles between the Tang army and the rebels.

Because this is the frontier of the battle between the two armies, it is extremely dangerous, not to mention ordinary people, even horse bandits and thieves do not patronize this area.Therefore, the buffer zone is also a no man's land.

The no-man's land is barren with weeds, lemurs fleeing, and there are few people. Only the scouts from both sides investigate and set up ambushes here.

The Lone Eagle Squad had exchanged fire with a small group of rebel scouts two or three times, and each time they were left alive. After torture, they obtained the passwords and seals of the rebel scouts.

Xiucai imitated the handwriting of the rebel scouts, and kept sending disguised messages back to the rebels.

After interrogating the captives that day, the scholar gathered everyone together and drew a map on the sand with branches.

The scholar said: "If the rebels want to go south, they must pass through this no-man's land. There are three official roads in the no-man's land, which can guarantee the passage of the brigade. Therefore, these three official roads are full of our scouts. .

The no-man's land has a radius of hundreds of miles. Even if the rebels speed up their march and travel day and night, it will take three days to pass through the no-man's land.Tang Jun had time to deploy his defenses, and even set up an ambush halfway to block the attack.

Walking a hundred miles north from our feet is a virgin forest called Savage Valley.Only Savage Valley, the Tang army did not fortify.

Savage Valley is only more than ten miles away from the Yellow River. If the rebels organized a rapid march across the forest, felled trees to build rafts, and went down the river, it would only take one day to reach Luoyang.

When An Qingxu left Luoyang, he deliberately destroyed the city defenses. To this day, the city walls have not been repaired, making them easy to attack and difficult to defend.Once the rebels suddenly appear in Luoyang, it will definitely cause the Tang army to panic and the people to panic..."

Before the scholar finished speaking, Lynx interjected: "I understand what you mean. This strategy may be difficult for the rebels to implement. I have been in this primeval forest. It is densely covered with thorns, inaccessible, wild animals, poisonous insects, and miasma. Three or five martial arts A strong man may be able to pass through, but a large army can hardly pass through."

Iron Hammer looked serious, and said: "We will think so, and the rebels will think so too. The more impossible we think, the weaker our defense is.

When Wei Guo attacked Shu, Jiang Wei had blocked Zhong Hui's army outside Jianmen Pass.Seeing that the Wei army was running out of food and grass, it was about to withdraw.Deng Ai took advantage of the negligence of the Shu army's underestimation of the enemy, crossed the [-] mountains, and suddenly broke out from Jiangyou, forcing Liu Chan to surrender.This situation is exactly the same as today, so we must guard against it. "

Xiucai continued: "I questioned the captives just now, and the captives told them that the rebels had built an Eagle Fort that could accommodate 30 people a few days ago on the peak at the northern end of the Savage Valley, and they had hoarded a large amount of food and supplies.

This move is very abnormal.

Although we don't know how the rebels will use this forest, it is very likely that they will use the Savage Valley to make trouble.

The more you can't guess the opponent's strategic intentions, the more disturbing you are. "

Hawkeye said to Lynx: "How big is Savage Valley?"

Lynx replied: "I can cross it in three days and two nights by myself. If we are together, it will take about five or six days."

Hawkeye said: "If I can walk half the distance, I can let the eagle scout."

Iron Hammer looked at Lone Wolf, and Lone Wolf finally spoke, saying, "Shi Siming is cunning and cunning, and he doesn't rule out taking risks and surprise attacks."

Iron Hammer slapped his thigh, and said: "That's it. Xiucai, write down our plan in detail. Hawkeye, send a pigeon letter to the scout battalion.

Let's set off immediately and strive to enter Savage Valley early in the morning the day after tomorrow. "


The Lone Eagle team traveled all day and night, and finally arrived at the edge of Savage Valley on time.

After receiving the letter from the pigeons, the Tang Jun scouts who were ambushing nearby came to respond.The Lone Eagle Squad handed over camels, horses, heavy weapons and other supplies to the corresponding Tang Army scouts, and only brought short weapons, dry food and items necessary to cross the jungle.

Old Hu of the scout team of the Tang army said: "Hammer, if you want to enter the Savage Valley, you must have your reasons, and I won't ask too much. However, the Savage Valley is extremely dangerous, and it is also called the Cannibal Valley. Even the local hunters dare not take it lightly." Into the mountains. You have to be careful."

Hammer class laughed and said: "Old Hu, don't worry, it's not that you don't know old brother, you have no other skills, that is, you are very lucky.

By the way, send my greetings to my siblings, my nephew looks more and more like me now..."

"Get out of here, stay in Death Valley." Old Hu kicked the hammer and cursed.

When parting, Lao Hu took out a red rope and put it around the hammer's neck, saying: "Hammer class, be careful all the way, with this thing by your side, the land is protected, and all poisons will not invade!" After that, he hugged him fiercely Hit the hammer and wave goodbye.


After entering Savage Valley, Hammer handed over the command to Lynx, after all, he is the real king of the jungle.

The lynx is also welcome, the jungle has the law of the jungle, if you don't follow the rules, you will die.

Since there are newcomers Lone Wolf and Bai Fu in the team, and Luo Tuo Er who has no jungle experience at all, in order to ensure safety, Lynx Er first explained a few precautions, saying: "First, obey my orders, remember to Follow my path.

Although the military situation is urgent, we cannot blindly seek speed.The speed of walking in the jungle depends not only on our physical condition, but also on the weather conditions, terrain, equipment and food quantity, as well as the location and number of poisonous beasts and even rebel scouts in Savage Valley.

I will arrange the daily itinerary, leaving enough time and energy to build a safe and comfortable camp.

Secondly, the terrain of the Savage Valley is complex, consisting of undulating peaks and valleys, with streams, cliffs and forests in the middle.In order to avoid getting lost, save physical strength, and increase the speed of travel, one should strive to have roads that do not pass through forests and mountains.

But there are dangers in marching the path of the beast.On this road, the enemy can easily observe our number and marching direction from our footprints, and it is also easy to lay out ambushes on the road, so we should be extra careful.

If there is no road, you can choose to travel on longitudinal ridges, ridges, mountainsides, edges of rivers and streams, and terrain with high trees, sparse forests, large gaps, and low grass.Generally, don't go to deep and deep ravines and canyons and places with lush grass and vines and bamboos, and try to walk on the beams and not the ditch, and walk vertically but not horizontally.

Again, in Savage Valley, there are big trees covering the sky, dense vines, and many highly poisonous plants. There are many obstacles when traveling. It is necessary to coordinate the body to avoid these vegetation: side shoulders, hips, bending over, etc.

Adjust the stride and speed according to the type and density of the vegetation.Especially when passing through dense vegetation, the movement should be slow and steady.Sound can travel very far in the jungle.It is necessary to stop from time to time to listen to the movement around and to identify the direction.

You can use a machete to open the way, or you can use branches or sticks to separate the plants, so as not to encounter poisonous leaves and poisonous insects.

In general, don't try to climb hills or over obstacles by grabbing branches or vines.They may have prickly thorns or sharp spines, and may not support a person's weight.

When you encounter a fallen tree, try to go around it instead of turning it over.Walking in circles saves energy and reduces the chance of injury.

Also, it is easier to travel on ridges than in valleys.Ridges usually have the tracks of wild animals, which can lead the way, provide observation points, and find waypoints.

However, walking on the ridge, under the contrast of the sky, the traces will be fully exposed. You need to hide yourself as much as possible, and beware of cold arrows from rebel scouts and ambushes arranged on the road.


If you get separated, when looking for a way out in the jungle, you should look for the safest route with the least resistance.Situation, weather, and terrain are the main factors to consider when choosing a route.

Often the route of least resistance is by water.If possible, try to avoid cross-country travel.Find a stream and follow it downstream.

Traveling along a stream may involve wading, detours, walking through dense vegetation, etc.The advantages of the stream are: the route is clear, and it is likely to lead to a place where people live; it can also provide water and food, and you can even float on the stream on a raft.


"Do you understand?" Lynx asked loudly.

"Understood!" The scouts responded with a loud voice.

Lynx smiled satisfied, and shouted: "Okay, Hawkeye is in the middle, after the hammer is broken. Let's go!"

 The scenery is different in autumn, Hengyang geese go without paying attention.The sound from all sides rises, Qianzhangli, long smoke and sunset close the city.

  With a cup of turbid wine, Yan Ran was at a loss.Qiangguan was frosty on the floor, people were sleepless, and the generals had white hair and tears.

  ——Fan Zhongyan in "Fisherman's Pride · Autumn Thoughts"
(End of this chapter)

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