The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 540 Bravely Entering the Savage Valley

Chapter 540 Bravely Entering the Savage Valley

It must be believed that this old man is not dead, but now he is awe-inspiring and angry.My friend's thoughts have always existed in ancient and modern times, high mountains and flowing waters.It is inevitable to be rich and noble in the next year, but it should also be tasteless.What's going on in Dongshan, it was also said at that time, and it was born for the common people.

——Excerpt from Xin Qiji's "Water Dragon Song·Once I Know Tao Yuanming"

After walking for about half an hour, Lynx had observed everyone's state after entering the forest, and adjusted the team in time.

Lynx said: "Lone Wolf, you don't need to worry about the little white dragon, just take care of the scholar. You two follow me closely.

Little White Dragon, you are in charge of taking care of the camels, you two will switch between Hawkeye and Hammer. "

Everyone was quite surprised by this adjustment.In the eyes of everyone, Bai Fu's rich clothes and fine food, Mr. Guijie, should be in the same rank as a scholar.Before entering the forest, Lynx and Hawkeye suggested to keep Bai Fu, but it was Hammer who persuaded them to take Bai Fu with them.

Lone Wolf seemed to have foreseen the need to make adjustments like this, without the slightest hesitation, he changed his position and stood behind Xiucai.

This shift was very timely.

Not long after walking, a pitch-black viper slid down from the treetops without a sound, and went straight to the back of Xiucai's neck.

Xiucai didn't notice it, only felt a cool breeze in the back of his head, and when he looked back, the lone wolf scimitar had been sheathed.A viper was cut in two.

The scholar hurriedly saluted to thank him, but Lone Wolf remained expressionless and simply returned the salute.

Seeing it, Hammer Ban cheerfully took out the boning knife, picked out a green snake gall from the belly of the viper, soaked it in medicinal wine for a while, handed it to Xiucai, and said, "This is the black-browed viper, extremely poisonous. Swallow the snake gall with wine, and in the jungle, ordinary snakes will not dare to provoke you."

The Savage Valley gets deeper and deeper, and the huge trees block out the sky and the sun cannot be seen.Lynx seems to have a compass in his head, looking for the way, not ambiguous at all.

Camels are top players in the desert and Gobi, but when they get to the jungle, they get confused after three or two turns.The camel looked around and muttered: "The surrounding scenery is similar, and the sun can't be seen. How the hell can you tell the east, west, north, south?"

Hammer pointed to the dense vegetation in the jungle and said with a smile: "Vegetation generally tends to grow towards the sun, and the moss on the tree trunk facing the sun will be greener, on the contrary, the moss on the corresponding side may appear yellow or brown.

The trees usually have lush foliage and smooth bark on the south side; sparse foliage on the north side, rough bark, and sometimes moss.If it is in a mountainous area, it is generally shady (northern hillside), and the low ferns and vines grow more luxuriantly. "

After all, the hammer class asked the camel to cut down a big tree as thick as a bucket with a sharp axe, and pointed to the cross section of the stump and said: "The growth rings on the stump have small intervals in the north and large intervals in the south."

Luo Tuo'er suddenly realized, and said, "Bai Long, do you know what Chuan Ban said?"

Bai Fu smiled and said, "I grew up in the mountains, so I know a little bit about it.

To identify the north-south direction, in addition to looking at the vegetation, you can find a striking rock for comparison in places where there are many rocks in the wild.

The north side of the rock has a wetter bottom and may grow low bryophytes, while the south side is usually dry and bare.In winter, the snow melts faster on the south side of the rock and slower on the north side.

In addition, you can also observe animals. Many animals are extremely sensitive to direction, such as wild geese, which fly south in autumn and north in spring;

When Luo Tuo heard this, he happened to see an ant nest the size of a grave mound three feet away. He smiled innocently and said in a low voice, "I'll go and see if the little white dragon lied to me, and whether the ant's hole is facing south. .”

Taking a step forward, he was already more than ten feet away, and deviated from the route set by Lynx'er.

Luo Tuoer was about to take the second step when he felt a force behind him pulling him back.Luo Tuoer retreated three steps in a row, stabilized his center of gravity, and just returned to Bai Fu and Tie Hammer.

Luo Tuoer complained: "Little Bailong, you have great strength. However, even if you are wrong, it doesn't matter, I just want to see and see."

Iron Hammer said unhappily: "Silly Camel, you know that Little White Dragon saved you just now?"

The camel scratched his head and said, "Really?"

Bai Fu pointed to a dirt bag that looked like cow dung on the ground, and said: "You almost stepped on it in the second step. This is not a dirt bag, but a hive of a wood dog bee. Cattle and sheep, even a blind man dare not provoke them.

If you step on their nests, you are guaranteed to be stung half of your life by wasps. "

Only then did the camel realize that there were a few huge wasps flying around the dirt mound, buzzing.The camel stuck out his tongue and said, "I thought wasps only built nests in trees, but I almost poked a hornet's nest. The jungle is too scary, but the desert is more friendly."


As expected, Lynx was cautious. There was still an hour before dark, so he stopped moving and arranged for everyone to set up camp.

The lynxes are very cautious in choosing a campsite, which is close to the water source, but not too close.

Tents set up too close to water sources are easily harassed by poisonous insects, and the sound of water flow will interfere with vigilance, making it impossible for night scouts to detect danger in time.

What's more dangerous is that if there is a thunderstorm in the mountains, a gurgling stream is very likely to turn into a turbulent flow and flood without any warning.

Lynx found a relatively safe jungle: there is no trace of wild animals; it is far away from solitary tall trees—may become the target of lightning strikes; it has better concealment and is not easy to be discovered by rebel scouts.

Lynx carefully inspected the surrounding trees: whether there are beehives above the head, whether there are dead trees that are easy to fall down in strong wind and rain...

After the investigation was correct, Lynx instructed everyone to adapt to local conditions, use nearby existing materials, and use various techniques to disguise the shelter camp, and planned a hidden escape route.

Then, Lynx himself set up all kinds of traps and traps outside the camp with barbed caltrops, sharpened bamboos, tree stumps, and huge logs... The ingenuity is complex and dangerous, which made Bai Fu and others dumbfounded.

After the outer defenses were properly placed, Lynx used the protruding rocks and trees on the cliff to guide everyone to build shelters of different styles.

Lynx asked everyone to find two rows of small trees of suitable size, clean up the dead branches, weeds, rocks and other objects in the middle of the two rows of small trees, and then tie the upper parts of the corresponding small trees together to make a tent the top bracket.After the bracket is ready, cover the top with a tarpaulin, and use stones or logs to press the bottom edge of the tarpaulin.Then choose small branches with lush leaves, weave them together with branches, and reinforce and densify with peat moss and shrub branches.

In the camp, after the two rows of small trees available were all used up, there were still two tents missing.

Lynx instructed everyone to build two more conical tents: cross one end of three or more wooden sticks and tie them together as the apex of the conical tent.Insert the other end of the sticks diagonally into the ground, hold them firmly in place, then cover all the sticks with a tarp, hide, or birch bark, and you're done.

After everything was arranged, it was gradually getting dark, and Bai Fu finally understood why Lynx arranged for everyone to camp an hour before dark—because there were too many things to prepare for building a safe and secluded camp.

It is precisely because of Lynx's meticulous arrangement that the Lone Eagle Squad can sit back and relax in the deserted and wild wild man valley.

 I used to know Tao Yuanming when I was old, and I saw him in a dream.Feeling a deep hatred, stop the wine, stop singing.White-haired West Wind, bowed five buckets, should not be worthy of this.Ask about lying high by the north window, Dongli is drunk, there should be some intention of returning.

  It must be believed that this old man is not dead, but now he is awe-inspiring and angry.My friend's thoughts have always existed in ancient and modern times, high mountains and flowing waters.It is inevitable to be rich and noble in the next year, but it should also be tasteless.What's going on in Dongshan, it was also said at that time, and it was born for the common people.

  ——"Water Dragon Song·I Know Tao Yuanming When I'm Old" by Xin Qiji
(End of this chapter)

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