The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 541 King Kong Appears

Chapter 541 King Kong Appears
Arranging herringbone all over the sky for a long time, flying against the wind, the hair feathers drifting everywhere, and the book was not sent.

——"Ziyu Fragrant Slowly Sending Goose" Qu Dajun (Qing Dynasty)


After the camp was properly set up, Lynx left alone in accordance with the old rules and hid in a place outside the camp.

The scouts lit bonfires and took turns on duty at night.

According to Lynx'er, this old forest is extremely dangerous at night, and the rebel scouts dare not easily go out to investigate.So you can rest assured to light the fire.

A raging bonfire can drive away wild animals.

After walking cautiously for a day, everyone was exhausted despite their high martial arts skills. They lay in the tents, sleeping with their clothes on, and soon snored everywhere.

Sleeping until midnight, I heard thousands of hooves galloping outside the camp, the continuous sound of piercing through the forest and beating leaves, and the howling of wolves echoed. It should be the formation of wolves hunting deer.

From time to time, I heard the sound of hunting and the howling of deer, and I felt pity when I heard it.Next, there was the sound of tearing the prey and disemboweling it.Just by listening to the sound, one can tell that the picture is bloody and cruel, and the intestines flow all over the place.

The sound of wolves sharing food and snatching gradually arose.

Suddenly there was a bear roar, and the wolves roared loudly, as if a black bear had broken in and seized the wolves' spoils.The pack of wolves bared their teeth, surrounded the black bear, and challenged him.

Hearing the howling of bears and howling wolves, although the black bear fights alone, it is huge in size and has fierce paws, so it does not fall behind.The wolves attacked for several times to no avail, so they could only watch the black bear pick and choose, feasting on it.

Suddenly a gust of wind was heard, the tiger roared in the forest, the tiger came down the mountain, the birds clamored, the beasts were overwhelmed, and the black bear ran away in a hurry.

The tiger threw down a panicked red deer, bit off its throat, drank the deer's blood, and licked the deer's meat.The tiger king was full, and left with his head held high, only then did the wolves dare to approach slowly, picking up some leftovers and roasting them coldly.

After the wolves finished eating, they scattered and left.The sound of insects reappeared, and the forest gradually returned to silence.


I thought that this night would be passed safely without any danger, but I didn't expect that there would be another disturbance.

The full moon rose to the middle of the sky, and suddenly there was a roar of a wild beast on the top of the mountain.

Everyone was startled awake, and they could tell from the sound that the size of this beast was probably far greater than that of an elephant.

The howling of the wolves sounded again, echoing the giant beast on the top of the mountain.

Only the sound of "whoosh" sounded, and the wolves all over the mountains rushed towards the camp of the Lone Eagle Squad from all directions.

Iron Hammer stood up and roared loudly: "Brothers, you guys!"

Everyone rushed out of the tent, armed with weapons, jumped into the trench, and entered the state of facing the enemy.

As soon as the wolves rushed into the first line of defense, they heard the sound of the machine, and countless crossbow arrows shot out, shooting down the wolves row by row, like harvesting crops with a sickle.

Under the clamor of the giant beast on the top of the mountain, the wolves rushed in like a tide, charging again and again.

After the wolves charged five times, the defensive crossbow arrows had all been exhausted.The charge of the wolves continued, rushing into the second line of defense.

A bamboo forest appeared in front of the wolves, and the bamboos were bent like horned bows ready to go.

When the wolves broke in, the trigger was triggered, and the sharpened bamboo tips popped out like a sharp spear, stabbing the rushing wild wolves.Many bamboo tips pierced through several wild wolves at once, forming a string of "wolf gourds".

The wolves suffered heavy losses and their deaths were miserable. The wolves began to retreat a little bit, and some wild wolves turned around and left.

On the top of the mountain, the roar of the giant beast came again, the wolves fell into madness again, and the wild wolves from all directions gathered again, launching another round of suicidal charge.

Four huge hunting nets descended from the sky, covering the surroundings of the camp, and engulfing the wolves that rushed in in the nets.The wild wolves crowded more and more, but they couldn't break through the hunting net no matter what.

Several huge log stakes fell from the top of the tree and fell on the wolves.Several wild wolves were smashed to death.The other wolves were frightened and crowded into the hunting net pocket even more desperately.

There is a thick rope between the log post and the hunting net, echoing through the organs on the branches.With this squeeze, the log pile was pulled up again, and then fell heavily, hitting the wolf's flesh and blood...

Going back and forth like this several times, like pounding medicine with a mallet, many wild wolves were smashed into meat, and the bloody smell permeated, making people sick.

The wolves were terrified, no matter how the giant beast on the top of the mountain gave orders, they refused to step forward, howled a few times, dropped their injured companions, and fled in a panic.

It seemed that the danger was about to pass, and several strong and huge black bears rushed down from the hillside, "tattling", aiming at a hunting net and sprinting with all their strength.

The log pile was smashed down again, although the black bear's head was bleeding, but it could not be killed.

With a 'chi' sound, a breach appeared in the hunting net after the violent impact.The sharp bear's paw swung out forcefully, waiting for an opportunity to expand the breach.

Seeing the black bear break through the net, the ground suddenly collapsed, and several black bears, together with the surviving wild wolves in the hunting net, fell into the trap.The bottom of the pit was facing upwards, and the sharpened moso bamboo that was as thick as the wrist pierced through the chest and abdomen, chilling the heart.

Before everyone could rejoice, a gust of wind hit, and a huge tiger leaped a few feet, and rushed into the camp from the side where the hunting net fell.

The tiger opened its jaws wide and aimed at Xiucai and bit off.

Hawkeye stepped forward and stood in front of Xiucai, swung out the mace, and hit the tiger firmly on the head.

Hawkeye is so powerful that he once killed a fierce horse with a single stick.Unexpectedly, the tiger's head was abnormally hard. After being smashed back two steps, the tiger was covered in blood, and the head suffered from pain. Not afraid of retaliation, it was even more dangerously aroused.

The tiger roared, turned its head, cut back, let Xiucai go, and rushed towards Hawkeye.

The camel rushed out obliquely, grabbed the tiger's tail and swung it with all its strength.

The camel was more than a giant, and the huge two-foot-long tiger was like a puppet in his hands. With all four hooves in the air and the belly facing up, he was flipped somersault and hit the raised rock wall hard. His spine was shattered and his bones were broken. Broken ribs.

Hammer Ban's movements were swift, he rushed forward, and with a slipping step, he raised the knife and dropped it, piercing the tiger's heart with one knife, and the tiger died instantly before it could whimper.

Hammer Ban leaned on the tiger's body, stroked the soft and thick fur, smiled greedily at everyone, and said: "The knife is perfect, the tiger skin is intact, and it is worth a lot of money!"

After the tiger was slaughtered, the surroundings suddenly fell silent, not to mention birds and beasts, not even small insects dared to sing.

Bai Fu said in his heart: "It's broken, the giant beast on the top of the mountain is here!"

Hearing the sound of piercing through the sky, a few huge stones the size of a millstone smashed towards the camp and extinguished the campfire.The surroundings suddenly darkened.Fortunately, it was the night of the full moon, and the moonlight was like water, sprinkled on the forest tops.Not to be plunged into darkness.

The second round of boulder rain followed.

Bai Fu and the others dispersed quickly, the ground was full of bomb craters, and the trench that was hidden just now had been smashed into ruins by boulders.

After the rain of boulders, there was an earth-shattering roar of a beast, which was so close that it was deafening.

Immediately, the ground trembled, the earth trembled and the mountains shook, as if a god and demon were born, and the sky fell apart.Rows of big trees hugged by several people were either uprooted or smashed together.

The bamboo forest outside the camp was torn out in an instant like a spring onion being pulled out.The three hunting nets also disappeared without a trace as if blown by a hurricane.

In an instant, a gigantic black shadow appeared, covering the heads of everyone.In the shadows, two amber lanterns blinked and blinked, and upon closer inspection, they turned out to be the eyes of a giant beast.

In the shadows, there appeared the appearance of a gigantic beast—it was actually a gigantic King Kong the size of a mountain peak!
 I hate Sha Peng, but follow others, and I feel more pity for misty willows.Ask Zheng Hong Nanxiang, when will it be warm to return to Longting.There is boundless smoke and snow, and Xian Biao travels thousands of miles to the Great Wall.Xiang Bingmen waited a little longer, and the white-headed herdsman was on the sea, with Li Qing in his hand.

  Qiu Sheng, Su Ding was still shocked.Worry about the moon, not clear.There were many sorrows and sorrows, the anvil of clothes was intermittent, and I was hurt all night.Children across the sheep compete to shoot, so you can get there, Bai Pingting.Arranging herringbone all over the sky for a long time, flying against the wind, the hair feathers drifting everywhere, and the book was not sent.

  ——"Ziyu Fragrant Slowly Sending Goose" Qu Dajun (Qing Dynasty)


(End of this chapter)

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