The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 558 The strategy of surprise attack

Chapter 558 The strategy of surprise attack
Six games are competing for supremacy, and the gold plate is thrown to thousands of people.

The husband gambled his life to repay the emperor, and he should behead his beard and return his clothes.

——"Three Poems of Sending My Nephew Zheng Guan to Join the Army" by Li Bai


At this time, Li Guangbi was inspecting the defense on the south bank of the Yellow River, and immediately rushed to Bianzhou after receiving the pigeon letter from the Lone Eagle scout.

Li Guangbi said to Xu Shuji, the governor of the Bianhua theater stationed in Bianzhou:
"General Xu, the military situation is urgent, and I must rush back to Luoyang immediately. Only by setting up three defensive positions in Zhengzhou, Luoyang, and Shanzhou can we ensure that the Henan Road is solid and avoid a repeat of the scene where the rebels invaded Tongguan.

According to the scout's informant, Bianzhou may be the first battle between the Tang army and the rebel army. The rebel army is in full swing, and Bianzhou is naturally under great pressure.

However, the main target of the rebels in Henan Province is Luoyang. Therefore, although the enemy forces are coming fiercely, they will not be delayed for a long time.Once they are unable to attack for a long time, they will definitely bypass Bianzhou and go west to Luoyang.

General Xu, if you can stick to Bianzhou for fifteen days, I will definitely send troops to rescue you.

If you think the thieves are too powerful to support alone, I can make other generals serve as defenders to defend Bianzhou.You will withdraw to Luoyang with me and set up defenses around the Eastern Capital. "


This guy Xu Shuji is cunning and cowardly.Don't talk about persisting for fifteen days, even if he insisted for three days, I'm afraid it won't work.He almost said yes.

On second thought, no, there is fraud!
Xu Shuji rolled his eyes and thought, "If the first battle of Yan's army going south was in Bianzhou instead of Huazhou or Zhengzhou, why didn't my scouts report and the marching commanders never reminded me?

After you, Li Guangbi, took over the Shuofang Army, you rejected dissidents and adjusted Guo Ziyi's main generals wantonly, thinking that this commander didn't know?Could it be that he took the opportunity to cut down my military power?
Today, the world is in chaos, and military power is the foundation of one's life.I was able to become the Jiedushi in the Bianhua theater because of the tens of thousands of Tang troops under my command.

Once I hand over the soldiers and horses of Bianzhou to you Li Guangbi, I will no longer have the capital to bargain with the imperial court. "

As soon as this thought came out, Xu Shuji laughed, patted his chest, and swore:
"General Guangbi, don't worry, this commander also came out of the rain of guns and arrows. An Lushan's general Yin Ziqi is so fierce, he has never captured the territory I guard.

As long as I, Old Xu, have breath, people and cities will exist! "

Although Li Guangbi had doubts about Xu Shuji's ability to lead the army, he thought that with the strong city walls of Bianzhou, the multitude of soldiers and horses, and the abundance of food and supplies, it was still possible to defend the city for fifteen days.

After all, Shi Siming's main goal is Luoyang!
Seeing this, Li Guangbi couldn't say much.

Li Guangbi raised his account and called together the main generals in the Bianhua war zone to explain in detail the strategy for defending the city.

Even so, Li Guangbi was still not at ease.With the way Li Guangbi viewed people, he was extremely worried about Xu Shuji's character.

However, Xu Shuji's position as Jiedushi in the Bianhua war zone was promulgated by His Majesty himself, and was not subject to the control of the Shuofang Army.If the imperial court has no will, he cannot transfer him away at will.

You can't just care about the military and disregard the king's life!Lessons learned from the past, how can we repeat the same mistakes!

He looked at the candlelight in the tent, frowning.

Suddenly the candle wick flickered, Li Guangbi's eyelids twitched slightly, and he thought, "Yes!"

Li Guangbi took out a pen and paper, wrote two secret letters in hand, and ordered his soldiers to send them to Dong Qin, the prefect of Puzhou (now Juancheng County, Shandong Province), and Tian Shengong, the general.

After the arrangements were made, Li Guangbi led his own troops and hurried back to Luoyang overnight.


After Hawkeye called Hai Dongqing back, he spent three circles on Xiucai's map.

Hawkeye said: "According to the observations in the past few days, these three locations are the transit places for the rebel army's supplies and siege equipment.

According to the mission of the scouts, we only need to send the general information to the nearby Tang Junge Station in the form of a pigeon letter.But the transit camp is right in front of you, and it's really not reconciled to misuse the rebels' nest!
But our manpower is too small, so we attack rashly. I am worried that not only will we not be able to complete the task, but we will also be taken in.Could you ask the nearby Tang army scouts to help? "

The scholar said: "Because we crossed the Savage Valley, we went directly behind the enemy. The Tang army scouts on the front line can't get through at all, unless we use the Tang army secret spies in Fanyang City?"

Iron Hammer shook his head and said: "The secret spies in Fanyang City should not be easily transferred. They managed to lurk and cannot reveal their identities. There may be more important tasks in the future."

Bai Fu was also thinking about whether to mobilize the secret agents of the Tang Sect lurking in Fanyang City, but he immediately rejected his plan.

Bai Fuxin said: "It's a few days' journey away from Fanyang City, and the spies can't hurry up and march day and night, openly.

By the time they arrived here, the military supplies should have been transferred in a hurry.It's really not worthwhile to deploy troops once. "

Lynx said: "Then watch this batch of supplies arrive at Henan Road and be used to massacre local soldiers and civilians?"

Luo Tuoer said: "Let's take a chance, even if we only burn one stronghold."

The iron hammer slapped his thigh, and said with a smile: "Luo Tuoer and I want to go together, let's play his mother's vote. If we succeed, it will just destroy Shi Siming's prestige.

Xiucai, can you help us find out where to start? "

After calculating, Xiucai said: "Because we need to keep people to guard Eagle Fort, with our manpower, we can only sneak attack one place at most, so I suggest choosing a transit camp to store siege equipment.

These huge siege vehicles and trebuchets are not easy to manufacture. If they are burned out, the rebels will need to spend more time preparing for battle.

Without these siege equipment, the combat power of the grassland cavalry would be greatly reduced.As long as the Tang army sticks to the city and does not leave the city to fight in the field, the Tang army will be able to compete with the sturdy Hu Qi. "

Iron Hammer said: "Okay, that's it!"

The silent lone wolf said: "These strongholds are places where the army supplies heavily, and Shi Siming will definitely take special precautions. The Yan army is full of masters, and there are Japanese and other foreign warriors to help, everyone should be extra careful.

I suggest that the number of surprise attacks should not be too many, and it is best for Hawkeye, Xiucai and Camel to stay at Eagle Fort. "

Iron Hammer nodded, ignoring the objections of Hawkeye and the other three, and said: "I have made up my mind, so there is no need to say anything."

Bai Fu studied the map repeatedly, and said: "There are so many masters in the rebel army, even so, the risk of sneak attack is still very high. I suggest to stick to the old method - attack east and west, encircle Wei and save Zhao."

Pointing to the map, Bai Fu said: "The siege equipment and the camps with food and supplies are relatively close to each other, so I will go alone and attack the camps hoarding grain and grass in the east.

I will deliberately delay the time of the battle, and when I attract the masters of the rebels, you can start quickly.Once you succeed, and I see the siege equipment camp on fire, I will evacuate immediately! "

Everyone denied in unison: "Absolutely not!"

You know, it is extremely dangerous to sneak into a camp for a surprise attack. If you take on the task of attracting reinforcements from the Yan army, you will never escape the danger!
Bai Fu said: "If we want to be safe, it is safest for us to stay in Eagle Fort. Once a surprise attack is launched, in terms of danger, the two plans are not substantially different.

I'm not a big fan, I'm good at lightness kung fu, and it's easier to escape by acting alone..."

Bai Fu talked dry, and finally persuaded everyone to adopt the strategy of dividing troops into two routes.

This matter should be done sooner rather than later, the plan is set, and it will be done that night!

The scouts who are on the mission put their clothes on and lie down, rest as soon as possible, recharge their energy, and get ready for tonight's action!

(End of this chapter)

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