Chapter 559
I want to be young in black clothes, Zhilan has beautiful hair, and Geji Yunheng.Sit and watch the arrogant soldiers sailing south, the boiling waves frighten the whales.Looking forward to the eastward flow of water, one glance at success.

——Excerpt from Ye Mengde (Song Dynasty) of "Eight Sounds of Ganzhou Shouyang Tower Bagong Mountain Work"


According to the pre-war deployment, Hawkeye, Xiucai and Luo Tuoer stayed at Eagle Fort.

Iron Hammer, Lynx, Lone Wolf, and Bai Fu formed a team of four scouts, walked out of Savage Valley, and went out to investigate.

Leaving the mouth of the Savage Valley, and walking through the hilly area for three or four miles, the endless plains unfolded in front of everyone.

The four changed into military uniforms, disguised as soldiers of the Yan Army, and lurked in the bushes on a hillside. The official road under the hillside was the only way for the Yan Army to go south.

At this time, the moon is rising, the official road is full of traffic, and the Yan army's supply team is transporting supplies day and night.

The four of them walked another five or six li in the dark along the dividing line between the official road and the hillside, and arrived at the camp where the siege equipment was hoarded.

Lynx cat jumped down the hillside, and went to investigate first.

In less than a stick of incense, several soil Kela flew from the air and landed around the bushes.This is a signal to inform everyone that the front is safe and you can start.

The camp is on the east side of the official road.A road branched off from the official road leading to the gate of the camp. The gate of the camp was well lit and heavily guarded.

Except for this fork that leads directly to the gate of the village, the camp is surrounded by a moat two feet deep and three feet wide, like a moat.

The lone wolf leaped over, turned around and threw out a rope.

Bai Fu took the rope, wrapped his wrist twice, and grabbed it hard.

Lynx and Hammer each took out an iron ring, climbed the rope, and slid past.

As soon as the toe of the hammer hit the ground, the lone wolf whispered, "There are dead bodies here, be careful!"

"dead body?"

The hammer let go of the rope and landed safely.

Less than three feet away from the hammer, lay a headless corpse with its hands bound upside down, blood spurting out of its cavity.

"Hammer class, there are still a few more ahead."

Looking in the direction of Lynx'er's finger, within a hundred meters, there were several headless corpses lying flat.

Judging from the uncoagulated blood, Yan Jun hadn't killed people for a long time.

Lone Wolf's eyes darkened, and he said, "The rebels did this to scare the people who crossed the trench."

Seeing that both Hammer and Lynx landed safely, Bai Fu waved goodbye.

From here on, Bai Fu will act alone.

As soon as Bai Fu left, the hunting dogs in the camp seemed to have heard the movement and howled loudly.Shoot several sharp arrows from the watchtower to test whether there are people lurking in the dark surrounding.

Before the arrow fell, the three hammers had already fled away, and all the arrows they shot were nailed to the ground.


The two camps hoarding siege equipment and supplies were relatively close to each other, and in less than an incense stick, Bai Fu turned into the camp hoarding grain and grass.

Bai Fu, like a civet cat and swift as a gust of wind, sneaked into the granary through the vent on the beam.

The grain and grass in the granary are piled up like a mountain, and the sacks are neatly stacked together.

Bai Fu stabbed five or six gunny sacks with his dagger, and white corn flakes leaked out from the hole.

Confirm that the grain and grass are correct.

The siege of Suiyang made Bai Fu taste the taste of hunger for the first time in his life.Seeing that he was going to burn all the food and grass with a fire, Bai Fu still couldn't bear it.

After meditating for a moment, Bai Fu let out a long breath and made up his mind to do it.

He poured the kerosene he carried with him on the pile of grain, and then stuffed pine nuts, dried wormwood and other flammable materials into the gaps in the sack...

In the same way, Bai Fu quickly finished setting up the granary, with a little tiptoe, he was about to fly on the beam and go to the next granary.

Bai Fu felt nothing under his feet, a pedal was opened, and a trap about Zhang Xu wide appeared on the ground.

"There are organs!"

Bai Fu flipped over, stopped his fall, and landed firmly on the edge of the trap.


A large net fell from the beam, enveloping Bai Fu in the net.

With a sweep of his body, Bai Fu flew horizontally, like a swift catching water, when the big net fell, he would jump out from the bottom of the net and avoid it.


The gate of the granary was opened, and dozens of armored soldiers broke into the granary holding torches.

The crossbowmen of the Yan army were divided into three layers, inside and outside, and the crossbow arrows were fired in turn, shooting at Bai Fu.

Bai Fu grabbed a grain bag to block in front of him, when he retreated, he picked up the grain bag beside him with his left foot, and kicked it out in the air with his right foot.

The food package carrying Xunkan Qi was like a huge boulder, smashing the three rows of crossbowmen to pieces and smashing them to the ground.

Bai Fu folded the fire and threw it on the sack


The granary was ablaze.

Bai Fu stirred his legs, clasped his fists together, and the tornado spun and soared into the sky, like a boulder thrown by a catapult, crashing into the ceiling of the granary.

"Bang" the tiles on the ridge of the granary scattered, a big hole was opened, and Bai Fu broke through the wall.

There were shouts of killing everywhere, and countless figures came towards Bai Fu.

Bai Fuqing drew out the black iron saber, and chopped the oncoming enemy off the eaves.Without waiting for the enemy to encircle, go up to another roof.

Bai Fu jumped up and down, his body was like a ghost, he used the cover of the eaves to avoid the incoming arrows.

Buildings, pavilions, rockeries and ponds have become places for Bai Fu to move and hide. Bai Fu uses the terrain to meet each other as much as possible, and only fights with three or two enemies to avoid being surrounded by them.Once the situation is not good, change the venue immediately.

Bai Fu deliberately delayed the battle, attracting hundreds of rebel soldiers, but on the Hammer side, the siege equipment camp was on fire for a long time!

Bai Fu was worried, worried that something would happen to Tie Hammer and the others.Judging from the layout of the organs on the granary, the siege equipment camp is also full of dangers.

More and more enemies rushed up, and the time for Bai Fu to regain blood and breathe became shorter and shorter.There were more than a dozen wounds on his body, and his robe was stained with blood.

Fortunately, at this time, among the Yan generals, there are no generals of the level of Ashina Chengqing and Li Guiren.I have never met a top master like Fusang Ghost Blade.Otherwise, Bai Fu would really be unable to fly, and his life would hang by a thread.

Even so, after an incense stick of time, Bai Fu gradually couldn't stand it anymore and decided to leave!
Bai Fuxuan slashed horizontally with the iron saber, the light of the saber flashed, and three of the enemy's heads fell off.

The besieging enemy will be terrified, and will not dare to go forward alone before closing the siege.

With this hesitation, Bai Fu made a somersault and rushed into a courtyard.Without waiting for the enemy to break in, Bai Fu skimmed over the double roof ridges and pulled out the high wall surrounding the granary.

Digging out of the grain depot, the situation is even more dangerous.In front of Bai Fu's eyes was an open field, unobstructed.

This is an abandoned village with dilapidated walls.On the east side of the village is a jujube tree, and on the right is a jujube tree.In the center of the village, there is a water well, and there is a short wall around the well in a concave shape with a height of half a person.

In the distance at the end of the village, the lights are brightly lit. It should be the Yan Army barracks. There are tents stretching one after another, and the sound of dispatching troops and generals can be heard faintly.

Bai Fu thought, he can only fight back the same way, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

Bai Fu looked at the sky, there was still some time before dawn.

Bai Fu took out the folding bow "Jiazi", flicked the bowstring, and quickly checked the arrows he carried with him.

Bai Fuxin said: "Shoot all the arrows in the quiver, and wait for the last time. If there is still no movement from the hammer class, I will take advantage of the chaos and go back."

Enemies are coming in like a tide.

Looking at the enemies attacking from all sides with his compound eyes, he drew his bow and set his arrows, his heart still like water.An arrow shot out, and shot the Yan general who was rushing to the front upside down.

Bai Fu's arrows were like lotus flowers, headshotting the charging enemies one by one.

Yan Bing quickly adjusted his offensive strategy, instead of launching a charge, he summoned crossbowmen to shoot from a long distance.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh!" Yan Jun's crossbow arrows fired at once.

A cold arrow brushed past Bai Fu's ears, bringing up a gust of wind and driving a puff of yellow smoke from the mud wall beside Bai Fu.

Bai Fu turned his head and saw the Yan soldiers on the east side, howling like wolves, scattered in twos and threes and surrounded them.

"Surrender!" Yan Jiang's voice of persuasion approached.

"Surrender, why do you have to sacrifice your life for that old man Li Heng? Follow Emperor Dayan, eat and drink, be rich and prosperous!"

The land Bai Fu occupied was more than ten feet away, surrounded by enemies on three sides, and the more they gathered, the denser they surrounded him.Like mung bean flies smelling of honey, Yan Bing wanted to fly over to taste it, but he was afraid of getting his feet wet with honey, so he didn't dare to go forward alone.

"Hero, look at the situation around you, it's impossible to get out. If you want to survive, surrender obediently!"

Yan Bing cheered and cheered, howling one after another.

"The North Face is coming!"

Bai Fu looked back, a hundred meters away, dozens of Yan army cavalry armed with spears, shouted loudly, charged out from behind, and galloped towards the concave opening of the low wall.

Bai Fu's body was like an eight-armed vajra, raining arrows in a row, and the arrows were not in vain, killing several people in a row.The enemy was in a mess, so they had to use shields to set up fish scale formations to protect their whole body.

Bai Fu was about to rush out of the low wall, take a risk to break through, and fight to the death.

In the small brick well in the middle of the low wall, a human head suddenly appeared at the mouth of the well.

The man waved his hand and shouted: "Hero, jump into the well!"

 The old capital is lost in the grass, looking at the Changhuai River, still circling the lonely city.I want to be young in black clothes, Zhilan has beautiful hair, and Geji Yunheng.Sit and watch the arrogant soldiers sailing south, the boiling waves frighten the whales.Looking forward to the eastward flow of water, one glance at success.

  At the foot of Bagong Mountain for thousands of years, there are still cliffs and vegetation, surrounded by towering towers.Man Yuntao hesitated, and had nowhere to ask Haoying.Believe in Laosheng, empty into the present and the past, laugh at me, what is the cause of the legacy.Dongshan is old, but he is old enough to listen to the Huanzheng alone.

  ——"Eight Sounds of Ganzhou Shouyang Tower Bagong Mountain Work" by Ye Mengde (Song Dynasty)


(End of this chapter)

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