The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 615 Peng Yuan's Countermeasure

Chapter 615 Peng Yuan's Countermeasure
In the past, I was full of strength, and Tige first fought the festival.

The heart follows the sun and the sun is high, and the ambition and the autumn frost are clean.

Yifeng was shocked and moved to Changhe Jue.

The battalion shattered and the stars sank, and the formation rolled and the clouds split.

——Excerpt from Li Shimin of "Jing Po Xue Ju Battlefield"

Early the next morning, Li Guangbi presided over the military meeting.

The meeting was extremely confidential, and Li Guangbi's generals Murong Yi and Zhang Fengzhang only invited a very small number of senior generals from the Anbei Court camp to attend.

In order to completely put down Shi Siming's rebellion, Li Guangbi made a statement to His Majesty, requesting to resume the strategy of Li Mi, the prime minister in white, and Peng Yuan:
Li Guangbi, deputy marshal of the world's soldiers and horses, Shuofang Jiedu envoy Li Guangbi, is in Heyang, and Hedong Jiedu envoy Wang Sili is in Taiyuan Prefecture, and Hexi Jiedu envoy Lai Zhen is in Xiangyang.

Wei Boyu, the envoy of the four towns in the west of the town, Li Zhongchen, the envoy of the Shaanxi Army and the Shence Army, stationed in Shanzhou, Li Feiyuanli, the governor of Huaizhou and the envoy of the Beiting camp, stationed in Huaizhou, and the three generals took turns to attack , forming a long and narrow war zone on Henan Road.

The Yan army rescued the head, the Tang army attacked the tail, and the Yan army rescued the tail, the Tang army attacked the head, making the Yan army exhausted for thousands of miles.

The Tang army waits for work with ease, avoids the front when the enemy arrives, and takes advantage of the disadvantages when the enemy goes away, neither attacks the Yan army's cities nor cuts off their roads.

In the spring of next year, he ordered Baifu to be the envoy of Fanyang Jiedu. He attacked from the north of the Great Wall, along the northwest frontier, and went northeast. From Guichuan County (now Huailai County, Hebei Province), Miyun County (now BJ Miyun District), south to Fanyang County (now BJ City), and Li Guangbi's Shuofang Army formed a north-south pincer attack, directly attacked Fan Yang, and covered his lair.

The Yan army has no way to retreat, no home to return to, stick to the same place and have no way to be safe. At that time, the Jiedu envoy of Hedong, Wang Sili, and the envoy of Hexi Jiedu, Lai Zhen, will be ordered to encircle Qin Wang's army from all sides. Shi Siming will definitely be captured without a fight!

At this point, the rebels can be completely eradicated!
After hearing this, the generals were overjoyed.This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make contributions.

Bai Fu pondered for a moment, and said: "If the commander-in-chief transfers the Lone Eagle Squad from the Shuofang Army's scout battalion to me, this battle can be further planned."

Li Guangbi smiled and said: "I knew you missed the Lone Eagle scouts, I brought them all, and they are in the personal army. Tell me, tell me about your plan."

Bai Fu was overjoyed, and thanked Li Guangbi with his hands clasped in salute.

Pointing to the map, Bai Fu said: "For this battle, I will lead [-] elite cavalry from the Anbei Court to go out of the Yanmen Pass, detour to Fanyangbei, and attack Youzhou in the south.

The Lone Eagle Scout can be a guide, leading [-] infantry "King Kong" across the Savage Valley and stationed in Eagle Fort.Once our army goes south to attack Youzhou, Shi Siming will inevitably order the rebel general Linghu Zhang to lead the army back from Liyang (Jun County, Hen Province) to rescue.

At that time, the infantry "King Kong" can surround the point to fight for reinforcements, break out from Eagle Fort, and together with the Hebei Rebel Army led by Husi Village, cut off Linghu Zhang's army in half.

After destroying Linghuzhang's army, the infantry "King Kong" can quickly go northward and encircle Youzhou with our army. "

Li Guangbi smiled and said, "So, you have 5000 troops left in the Northwest Court camp, how do you plan to arrange it?"

Bai Fu said: "The remaining 5000 troops are infantry who have mastered Wuhou Bagua Formation. When a large formation is launched, it can strangle ten times the enemy. It is the nemesis of Shi Siming and Fan Yang's iron cavalry.

If the commander-in-chief does not dislike it, I plan to reciprocate and let this group of people follow the commander-in-chief and guard Heyang. "

Li Guangbi laughed loudly and said: "What a 'reciprocate'! How can I refuse such an elite army!

After you return triumphantly from Fan Yang, I will return this iron army to you. "

According to this strategy, the generals planned carefully in the big tent, and after three days, the deployment was completed.Li Guangbi led his army back to Heyang.

Before leaving, Li Guangbi took off his sword and handed it to Bai Fu, saying earnestly: "This sword belongs to Goujian, King of Yue.

This sword has been with me for many years, not because it is extremely sharp, but because the engraving on the sword reminds me to always remember it.

Today, I present it to you. I wish you a successful Northern Expedition and live up to the glory of the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. "

Under the sun, Bai Fu discovered that Li Guangbi's temples were graying, and a few more wrinkles appeared on his weather-beaten face.

At the end of the farewell ceremony, Li Guangbi let out a long laugh, beat his horse and swung his whip, and left in a hurry.

Bai Fu drew out his saber, the blade was sharp and cold, and the body of the sword was simple and colorful, engraved with two lines of ancient seal characters: "If you use the light lightly, it will hurt you when you move it, it is a murder weapon; if it is hidden deeply, it is a sharp weapon if you decide at the moment .”

Bai Fu was moved in his heart, looking at the back of Li Guangbi who was drifting away, full of ambition and ambition.


After Li Guangbi left, Bai Fu raised his troops and prepared for the spring military action.

Li Guangbi left a batch of military newspapers for Bai Fu to read.Among them, several military newspapers caught Bai Fu's attention:

First, on August [-], Xiangzhou generals Kang Chuyuan and Zhang Jiayan gathered troops to occupy the city.Governor Wang Zheng fled to Jingzhou (now Jiangling County, Hubei).Kang Chuyuan claimed to be the Overlord of Southern Chu.

On August 25th, Suzong sent eunuch Cao Risheng to Xiangzhou to persuade and comfort Kang Chuyuan, and demoted the governor Wang Zheng to Rao Governor Shi (Poyang County, JX Province).He ordered Sinonong Shaoqing Zhang Guangqi to be the governor of Xiangzhou (now XY City, Hubei).Kang Chuyuan didn't accept it.

Kang Chuyuan, the leader of Xiangzhou's mutiny, and others, had more than 200 people. The governor of Shangzhou (now Shangzhou District, SL City, Shaanxi Province) and Wei Lun, the governor of Jingxiang and other Daozuyong, went out to crusade and camped in Dengzhou. They surrendered and were generously appeased; when they slackened their vigilance a little, they launched an attack and captured Kang Chuyuan alive, and all the tribes collapsed;The order in Jingzhou and Xiangzhou was fully restored.

On December [-]th, Wei Lun escorted Kang Chuyuan to the capital and beheaded him.

From the relegation of Wang Zheng by the imperial court, it can be seen that this is another incident of injustice and nowhere to appeal.Kang Chuyuan was Taifu Xu's right-hand man when he was transporting supplies in Xiangzhou. If he hadn't been forced into a desperate situation, he would definitely not have embarked on the road of gathering crowds to rebel.

Second, Prime Minister Wuqi casts "Qianyuan money" and "double wheel money", which are used together with "Kaiyuan money". Many people starved to death.

Many courtiers went to the emperor to ask Wu Qi to be held accountable for his crimes.

On November [-], His Majesty demoted Fifth Qi to be the governor of Zhongzhou.Fifth Qi was originally a subordinate of He Lan Jinming, and He Lan Jinming, the censor, was accused of forming a clique with Fifth Qi, and was demoted to Qinzhou Yuanwai Sima.

When Fifth Qi cast "Qianyuan money" and "double round money", Bai Fu anticipated the situation today.Thinking of his idleness in the household department, his humble position and his inability to stop him, Bai Fu sighed.

He Lan Jinming and Bai Fu have a deep blood feud.

When Suiyang was besieged, Bai Fu followed Nan Jiyun to break through to Linhuai, and asked He Lan Jinming for help, but He Lan Jinming sat idly by.

When leaving Linhuai, Nan Jiyun drew an arrow and shot at the high tower of the Buddhist temple near the city gate, vowing to destroy Helan Jinming.

Now, Brother Nan Jiyun and Prefect Zhang Xun have passed away, and the great revenge has not been avenged.But Bai Fu always kept this matter in his heart.

Bai Fu secretly prayed: "Helan Jinming, you must not die too early. After I wipe out the rebels, I will take your heart and liver with my own hands, avenge the big brothers, and comfort their spirits in heaven!"

 In the past, I was full of strength, and Tige first fought the festival.

  The heart follows the sun and the sun is high, and the ambition and the autumn frost are clean.

  Yifeng was shocked and moved to Changhe Jue.

  The battalion shattered and the stars sank, and the formation rolled and the clouds split.

  With a wave, the atmosphere is quiet, and then the whale salamander is wiped out.

  Yu hereby overlooks the old original, and belongs to Huaxuan.

  There are no traces of sinking sand, but there are traces of reducing stoves.

  The waves are clear through the water, and the peak fog holds the lotus.

  The world is in a hurry to change, and personnel affairs are different from the past to the present.

  Long want to look ahead, stroke the bow and talk about self-adaptation.

  ——Li Shimin, "Jing Po Xue Ju Battlefield"
(End of this chapter)

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