Chapter 616
Therefore, it is sorrowful to leave.

When the road leaves the cold clouds, people return to Mu Xueshi.

It is early to be a guest, but it is difficult to know the late.

Covering the weeping sky and facing each other, where is the wind and dust?

——"Li Duan Gong" Lu Lun (Tang Dynasty)


After Li Guangbi left, he left the Lone Eagle Squad to Bai Fu.After a few months, the brothers met each other very cordially.

Tie Hammer took a step forward, gave a military salute, and said, "General Bai, Tie Hammer, commander of the Shuofang Army's scout battalion, is here to report."

Bai Fu hastened to hold the hammer and said angrily: "Hammer class, if you do this again, we brothers will have nothing to do!"

Tie Hammer chuckled, and said, "You are now a military envoy, and our etiquette cannot be broken."

Bai Fu sighed: "I'm just worried that this will make everyone very confused. I still like you to call me Xiaobailong."

Tie Hammer smiled and said: "Okay, when the big tent leads the military order in the future, we will call you General again, but in private we still call you brothers."

Bai Fu sighed secretly, knowing that some things cannot be changed.Once there is a distinction between high and low officials, it is impossible to go back to the beginning.

Bai Fu thought to himself: "Famous generals like Wu Qi and Li Guang have always been brothers and sisters. I don't know how they do it?"

This is the end of the matter, we can only talk about it later, Bai Fu put aside his distracting thoughts, hugging with his good brothers such as Tie Hammer and Luo Tuo Er one by one.

Bai Fu asked about everyone's situation.

Tie Hammer said: "The old wolf has gone to Chang'an to buy land and settle down with his family. The scholar went to the academy in Louguantai, hoping to recruit the scholars who studied together back then to join the army. The two will return to the barracks soon.

The other brothers are all the same. Lynx wants to take in an apprentice, but has not been able to do so.The food in the camp has been good recently, and the camels have gained a lot of weight..."

Camel rubbed his belly in embarrassment, and smiled smirkly.

The brothers greeted each other for a while, it was very lively.After the two sides confided their hearts, they returned to the next step of the battle plan.

Bai Fu said: "Chuiban, this Northern Expedition needs to detour from the north of the Great Wall to Fanyang. You have been in the camel caravan of the Sogdians for many years and are familiar with the customs and customs outside the Great Wall. I want you and the old wolf to be guides."

Tie Hammer said: "I have walked this line several times, and with the help of the old wolf, I should be sure."

Luo Tuoer made jokes and said: "I can go for several days without water and rice, and make a long-distance raid outside the Great Wall, how can I be missing!"

Iron Hammer spat: "If there is food, I won't give you food, just to let you lose weight!"

Everyone laughed.

Bai Fu said to Lynx: "Don't you want to take apprentices? What's the point of taking one or two apprentices? I want

You form the Divine Crossbow Battalion and help me train a group of eagle archers! "

Lynx nodded and said, "Little Bailong, don't worry.

I heard that you have Zhuge Liannu here, let me see it when the time comes.I'll see if I can improve it and modify it into a crossbow capable of super long-distance sniping. "

Bai Fu said: "Tang Sect sent me a [-]-member Ordnance Division, all of whom are skilled craftsmen no less than Gongshuban, and should be able to make the bows and crossbows you want."

Lynx was overjoyed.

Bai Fu said: "However, you don't have to go outside the Great Wall with us. At that time, I plan to let Xiucai and you lead the main force of infantry, cross the Valley of the Savages, station at Eagle Fort, surround the points for reinforcements, and wait for the opportunity."

Hawkeye said: "They have made arrangements, what tasks do I have?"

Bai Fu said: "I am going to put you in charge of the scout battalion in Anxi Court.

This Northern Expedition, going to Mobei, is a long way, the most important thing is not to get lost.In addition, maybe you will encounter horse thieves and ambushes.

With your Costin, the march of the army is like having eyes in the sky. "

Hawkeye smiled proudly: "Little Bailong, my Qing'er, I promise to fulfill my mission!"


Bai Fu refueled his troops and prepared for the spring military action.

Prior to this, Bai Fu used Xu Taifu's influence to hire a group of young and well-educated scholars from the Hongwen Museum to serve as military commanders, to teach the generals to read and practice calligraphy in addition to being military counselors.

On this day, a well-educated scholar, Cen Changhe, suggested changing the complicated military regulations and disciplines into military songs and singing them with songs for easy memory.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

The Tang army did have military songs, and they were all songs about "Majestic Tang Dynasty, a hundred battles against the yellow sand". No one would dare to change the strict military regulations into ballads.

Bai Fu was very interested and ordered Cen Changhe to compose and sing in the big tent.

Cen Changhe is a member of the frontier poet Cen Shen's family, and his songs and poems are unique.He had already had a belly draft, he lifted his robe, stood up, and sang solemnly: "

Anyone who leaks the military will be killed; anyone who leaks the conspiracy in the army and makes a complaint will be killed.

Those who walk with the army on their backs will be cut; they will be the same on the road and in the camp.

Those who surrender to the enemy without fighting will be beheaded;

Anyone who communicates privately with the enemy will be beheaded; his family's language and books will not be the same.

Those who do not rescue each other in times of difficulty shall be beheaded; the same shall be true for those who do not rescue each other in the face of an enemy's urgency.

One, those who use the strong to bully the weak, those who fight in anger, drink too much, make noise, swear and be rude, and those who don't follow the rules, will be beheaded; those who get drunk at a public banquet will not sit down.

As soon as the enemy is broken, the first person to take captive will be beheaded; the same is true when entering the enemy's territory.

Anyone who rapes the common people and rapes their children or brings women into the camp will be beheaded; for fear of hurting people in the army, be cautious about children. "


The lengthy and cumbersome military rules and regulations were adapted by Cen Changhe into catchy ballads, which are easy to sing and remember.

Many generals deeply agreed and nodded with their beards stroked.

The beautiful melody lingers in Bai Fu's heart.Bai Fu thought about it, and thought: "The soldiers of the Tang army used to be illiterate farmers, and it is really difficult for them to memorize the complicated military regulations one by one.

With these songs, it is not only conducive to memory, but also conducive to praise.

In the years of war, regardless of the rebels of the Tang army, they were all like tigers and wolves in the eyes of the common people.

It may be possible to destroy the rebels by force.If you want to bring peace to the world and let the flames of war in all directions be extinguished, you must win the trust and support of the gentry and common people everywhere.

Only in this way can the Tang Army respond to all calls like the Hebei Rebel Army.The common people ate pots of pulp to welcome the king's teacher.

The people should know that our army regulates military discipline and supervises the words and deeds of the soldiers. If any soldiers disturb the people, they can demand that the culprit be punished accordingly.

This point may bind the hands and feet of the soldiers, and even sacrifice a few fierce generals.But only in this way can we continue to get supplies from the local gentry and people when the court is short of food and salaries, and we can confront the rebels for a long time.

Rewards must be done, punishments must be believed, only in this way can this Anbeiting army become an army with faith, take the lead, wear strong and persistent, face difficulties, and be invincible, making the iron cavalry of the world frightened and fleeing with their heads in their hands! "

After singing a song, there was thunderous applause in the big tent.

Bai Fu looked around at the generals, and said with a smile: "It seems that I don't need to say, everyone already has the answer!"

Bai Fu handed the arrow to Cen Changhe, and said solemnly: "From today onwards, sir, please show your strength and set a precedent for us to secure the Northwest Court Army!"

Looking at the piercing eyes of the tiger generals, Cen Changhe suddenly became proud.He fell to the ground with a bow, and said loudly: "The last general will definitely live up to the general's mission!"

(End of this chapter)

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