Chapter 665
In the autumn wind today, there is a sick man in He Xiang.

The strength is weak and the stick is raised, and the heart is with whom.

——Excerpt from "Sickness" Chen Shidao (Song Dynasty)


On this day, Bai Fu came to the Zuoqianniu Guard Camp to be on duty.It is said that it is on duty, but in fact it has nothing to do.For the daily affairs of Zuo Qianniuwei, the soldiers only reported to another Zuo Qianniuwei Zhonglang, the Duke of Chu, Li Ni.

Bai Fu didn't take it seriously at all, he spread the map of the imperial city and Miyagi on the table and studied it with relish.

"Those who don't know the terrain are not good enough to fight." Master Zhong Si's earnest teachings still ring in my ears.

Just when Bai Fu was concentrating, he only heard a noise outside the house.

A young general rushed into the house in a hurry.This person has red lips and white teeth, handsome appearance, wearing a lotus leaf helmet and chain mail, standing in the hall, looking dignified.

Bai Fu secretly praised: "What a great general."

The young general entered the house, gave a military salute, and introduced himself: "My Li Xiang is General Youqianniuweilang. See General Bai."

"General Li, please sit down." Bai Fu signaled Li Xiang to sit down, and ordered him to serve herbal tea to relieve the heat.

Li Xiang was not polite, he drank the herbal tea in one gulp, stared at Bai Fu with piercing eyes and asked, "To be honest, I am very disappointed in General Bai?"

"Oh, how do you say that?" Bai Fu took a sip of tea without changing his expression.

"I heard that General Bai was training troops in Shanzhou, and in just a few months, he trained Guo Wanxiangyong to become an elite Tang army.

I thought General Bai was in charge of Zuo Qianniuwei, and he would train Qianniuwei to become the absolute elite among the sixteen guards of Nanya.Even if they singled out the Sixth Army of the Beiya, they would not lose the wind and reproduce the glory of Qianniuwei. "Li Xiang complained.

"Oh, why did General Li have such inappropriate expectations?" Bai Fu smiled slightly.

Li Xiang said proudly: "Because Qianniuwei's goal from the beginning of its establishment is to become the elite of the elite, the leader of the Imperial Guards of the Northern and Southern Yamen!
Most of the soldiers of the Qianniu Guard were taught by famous teachers since they were young. After entering the imperial army, they were screened layer by layer before being selected into the Qianniu Guard.Not to mention one in a hundred, one in a thousand is not an exaggeration.

From General Bai's tone, it seems that he doesn't like our Qianniuwei? "

Bai Fu put down the teacup, his gaze never backed down, and he said: "General Li, let me ask you, it is also a fierce tiger, do you think it is the domesticated tiger that jumps through the fire hoop in the theater troupe, or the jungle tiger that roars in the mountains? "

Li Xiang suddenly felt insulted, he jumped up like a hairy hedgehog.He shook his fist at Bai Fu and shouted: "Although our family is rich, it doesn't mean we are a group of embroidered pillows? How dare you insult us like this? If I spread your words, will you know the consequences?"

The corners of Bai Fu's mouth turned up slightly, and he asked back: "Don't believe me? General Li, would you like to have a contest?"

"Just compare, how can you compare?" Li Xiang said angrily.

Bai Fu pointed to the ten-year-old soldier who was serving tea and water beside him, and said, "This is the villager I recruited in Shanzhou, do you dare to compete?"

Li Xiang thought he was going to compete with Bai Fu, but he didn't expect to fight with Bai Fu's personal soldiers.He was furious, and said: "Bi, Bi, give me two wooden swords, save me from accidentally injuring this little boy!"

"There's no need to change swords, if General Li can hurt me, it's only because the last general is not good at learning!" Bai Fu's soldiers bowed and clasped their fists.

Bai Fu smiled slightly, noncommittal.

"What an arrogant boy!"

Li Xiang was furious, walked into the courtyard with three big strides, drew his sword, and shouted: "Please!"

Bai Fu's soldiers are none other than the village brave recruited in the mountains of Shanzhou - the son of Yue Huzhu and a young man with a slingshot, Yue Suigong.

Yue Suigong drew his long sword, showed his hand, and said: "Please, General Li!"

Li Xiang soars into the sky, dances with a long sword and makes several sword flowers, and the sword moves like clouds and flowing water, with chic, graceful and suave movements.

Yue Suigong lived up to his name, his body was like a bow, he braked quietly, the tip of his sword trembled slightly, looking for flaws in Li Xiang.

"Be careful!"

Li Xiang flew over like a big bird, the sword pierced Yue Suigong's face, the point of the sword was less than three feet away from the tip of his nose.

Yue Suigong swept across with his right leg, shoveling up a piece of sand with his toe, and went straight to Li Xiang's eyes.

Li Xiang was blinded by the dust, and his eyelids closed involuntarily.Opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue, he spat out the sand in his mouth.

At this very moment, Yue Sui moved his bow like a rabbit, and finally drew his sword. His movements were simple and neat, with just one word, "Quick!"

Before Li Xiang opened his eyes, he felt a flash of sword light, and the opponent's long sword pierced his chest, tearing two layers of armor.

Li Xiang was shocked!

The opponent defeated his famous sword move "Sunset Liuxia" with only one move.

You must know that the Liuyun sword technique is the untold secret of Zhongnanshan Hidden Sword Villa.Just relying on this move of "Sunset Sun Liuxia", Li Xiang defeated more than a dozen masters in the Zuo Qianniu Army.

Li Xiang refused to accept it, and reprimanded: "What kind of rogue move is this?"

Bai Fu sneered, and said: "On the battlefield, there is no distinction between noble and humble moves. A sword technique that can kill is a good sword technique."

Li Xiang said angrily: "The last general refuses to accept and demands another fight!"

"Okay, follow the bow, you can accompany General Li to do two tricks." Bai Fu said lightly.

"No!" Yue Suigong responded with his sword in hand.

The two stood facing each other again, facing each other at a distance of ten steps.

This time Li Xiang didn't act rashly, he was ready to go, and only "knocked down the crossbow" when the momentum reached the highest point.

Li Xiang dashed five steps forward, like an arrow flying off the string.The body followed the sword, and the sword was thrown at will, turning into a long rainbow, slashing Yue Suigong's neck obliquely.

Yue Suigong remained unmoved, holding the sword in both hands, his eyes fixed on Li Xiang's vitals.The upper body does not move, and the right foot suddenly takes a step, like a tiger pounces.It's still the same move, but this time with the help of the waist and abdomen, the sword is faster.

Li Xiang only felt a flash of cold light, and a strong wind hit his face, and thought: "My life is over!"

Before Li Xiang had time to dodge, the tip of a long sword was already on his neck, and the sharp blade pierced the skin, leaving a drop of blood.

On the other hand, the sword in Li Xiang's hand was still three inches away from Yue Suigong's neck.

This short distance of three inches has already decided life and death.

If this was an actual battle, before Li Xiang's sword could strike Yue Suigong, Yue Suigong's long sword would have pierced Li Xiang's throat, killing him with one blow.

One move to defeat the enemy!
Li Xiang was still in shock, and asked with lingering fear: "What kind of sword technique is this?"

Yue took a step back with his bow, put his sword back into its sheath, and said calmly: "Sword three".

Li Xiang was at a loss and continued to ask.

Yue Suigong said: "This is General Bai's own swordsmanship, there are seven moves in total, this is the third move."

"Only seven moves?" Li Xiang asked in surprise.

Bai Fu smiled lightly, and said: "The swordsmanship for killing people is more expensive than refined."

Li Xiang was thoughtful.He already understood the difference between a domesticated tiger and a jungle tiger.

However, Li Xiang was still not reconciled.After a pause, he retorted: "This only shows that I am not good at learning, and does not represent the overall level of Qianniuwei. An excellent army does not entirely depend on the level of martial arts of the soldiers."

Bai Fu nodded and said, "I agree. Then what kind of army do you think is an excellent army?"

Li Xiang said proudly: "A good army should fight bravely, from soldiers to generals, everyone is not afraid of death;

For an excellent army, the generals should have high tactical qualities, commanding thousands of troops like arms and fingers;
An excellent army should have strict military discipline, and wherever it goes, the people will warmly support it, and eat a pot of pulp..."

After finally waiting for Li Xiang to be listed, Bai Fu looked at Yue Suigong and said, "Tell me, what is an excellent army?"

Yue Suigong replied calmly: "An army that can defeat powerful enemies and win battles continuously is an excellent army."

Li Xiang was choked by these words, feeling like an idiot just now.

Bai Fu did not comment on which of the two was more reasonable.

He said to Li Xiang: "General Li just said about military discipline, can you verify Qianniuwei with this?"

Li Xiang said, "Would you like to hear more about it?"

Bai Fu's expression was as usual, his tone was deep cold, and he said: "If you are in the tent of the Anxi army now, I can drag you down and behead you just because of your yelling at the general!
But here, as the general of Zuo Qianniuwei, I still have to debate with you verbally, which army is the number one elite among the Northern and Southern Yamen Guards.

A team without military rules and discipline is at best a green forest tycoon dominating the mountains, how can it compare to a blood-stained battlefield. "

Li Xiang was shocked, knelt down on one knee, sincerely admitted his mistake, and said: "I am eager to make contributions, and offend General Huwei, please forgive me."

"General Li, get up quickly, and speak slowly if you have something to say." Bai Fu's face turned calm, and he stretched out his ape arms, and gently lifted the portrait of Li.

Li Xiang opened up the chatter box, telling his purpose of coming here one by one.

It turns out that this Li Xiang is also from the clan of Li Tang, the seventh son of King Rong Li Wan.
In the 14th year of Tianbao (755), An Lushan rebelled. Xuanzong appointed Rong Wang Li Wan as the conquest marshal, and the famous general Gao Xianzhi as the deputy marshal to conquer the rebels. Soon after, Li Wan passed away and presented it to Prince Jinggong.

Li Wan was known for his elegance and elegant style. At that time, the civil and military officials had great hopes for Li Wan to put down the rebels, but Li Wan's sudden resignation disappointed the government and the public alike.

If Li Wan hadn't died, Gao Xianzhi wouldn't have died wronged either.With Gao Xianzhi and Feng Changqing's ability to lead the army, it should be easy to block the rebels at Tongguan.

Li Xiang had both civil and military skills, but after his father died, he decided to join the army.

However, due to his prominent status, the Ministry of War did not dare to send him to the front line to fight, so he could only leave him in Qianniuwei to serve as his majesty's guard.

Over the past few years, except for the glamorous armor, no size has been built.

There are many people in the Imperial Guard who are eager to make contributions like Li Xiang.

Bai Fu's fabulous record has become a legend in the military circle.In the imperial guards, many young generals paid homage to Bai Fu.

Hearing that Bai Fu was transferred to Zuo Qianniuwei as a general, Li Xiang and others were overjoyed, and they were all willing to follow Bai Fu, transform from the imperial guards to the frontier army, imitate their ancestors, and make illustrious military exploits.

However, after Bai Fu arrived, he did not take any vigorous actions to govern the army, which greatly disappointed Li Xiang and other young generals.

Under the recommendation of a group of young generals, Li Xiang, as a representative, pleaded with Bai Fu face to face with gongs and drums.


Li Xiangdao: "General Bai, there are not a few young generals in Qianniuwei who think like me. Unlike the nobles and nobles, we are all descendants of the clan, and we will be prosperous with the Tang Dynasty, and we will be harmed with each other.

Now that Datang is in dire straits, we have no ambition to serve the country, but we have no one to lead us.If the general does not give up, we are willing to follow the general, go through fire and water for the Tang Dynasty, and sacrifice our lives to serve the country! "

 In the autumn wind today, there is a sick man in He Xiang.

  The strength is weak and the stick is raised, and the heart is with whom.

  Disasters and diseases are worth a thousand enlightenments, and karma and relatives are all gone.

  A hundred years to get old, three defeats are not poor.

  ——"Sickness" Chen Shidao (Song Dynasty)

(End of this chapter)

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