Chapter 666
If you ask about the river tide and the sea, how does it resemble the love of the king and the concubine?
Hatred is not as good as the tide has faith, lovesickness begins to feel that the sea is not deep.

——Bai Juyi, "Waves Washing the Sand, Asking about River Tide and Sea Water"

After returning to Chang'an, Bai Fu went to Daming Palace to visit Princess Qingluan every day, rain or shine.

Princess Qingluan was frightened a lot during this trip, and after returning to the palace, she relaxed, only to find that she was physically and mentally exhausted, exhausted, and had been lying in bed to rest.

Bai Fu went to the palace every day to help the princess restore her true energy with Kan Ding's true energy.

People are in good spirits every happy event, and Princess Qingluan can see Ailang every day, she is very happy, she feels very happy, and the treatment effect is more and more obvious.

Under Bai Fu's careful conditioning, Princess Qingluan's health gradually improved.

It is necessary to cure the symptoms.Bai Fu decided to pass Shaolin's "Yi Jin Jing" to Princess Qingluan.

Bai Fu said to Princess Qingluan: "Although I come from the gate of Qingcheng, in terms of inner strength and mental methods, Shaolin's "Yi Jin Jing" is better than Qingcheng's in terms of elucidation of principles and construction of martial arts system. The Taoist heart method is even better. It is worthy of being the treasure of the martial arts.

However, the "Yi Jin Jing" is extensive and profound, and those who have not reached a certain level of cultivation may not be able to comprehend its true meaning.

From today onwards, I will pass on the mental methods I have comprehended to you step by step.

If you practice according to the law and meditate every day, over time, not only will you be able to quickly recover your body, but your internal strength will also be greatly improved.

Even if the body recovers, it is necessary to practice more frequently. "Yi Jin Jing" is worth studying for a lifetime. "

Princess Qingluan lightly held her cheeks, looking obsessively at Bai Fu's handsome face, eyes full of love.

Bai Fu coughed uncomfortably, knocked on the desk, and said, "Your Highness, concentrate."

Princess Qingluan said coquettishly: "Why don't you call someone Luan'er, don't talk to your highness, it sounds like an old master is giving a lecture."

Bai Fu pretended to be angry and said: "It's the time for class now, if you don't listen well and delay your homework, I will punish you."

"Yes, I like it." Princess Qingluan's eyes were full of little stars.

Bai Fu became angry.After coaxing and deceiving, only five formulas were passed on.


Seeing Bai Fu's speechless appearance, Princess Qingluan burst out laughing, and said: "Who told you to make others suffer so much, I have to make up for it to relieve my anger.

Well, I won't play tricks on you anymore.Let me tell you something serious, today is the birthday of the imperial sister, Princess Changle, why don't you accompany me to her house to celebrate her birthday?
Today is a family banquet, there are no outsiders, and all those who go are the children of the father and emperor.Miss Huang wants to meet you, so I must invite you to attend. "

The communication between the royal family made Bai Fu feel dizzy when he heard it, so he wanted to refuse.Seeing Princess Qingluan's expectant expression, she couldn't bear it.

Seeing that Bai Fu agreed, Princess Qingluan was overjoyed.After tidying up, she rode the princess Luanjia to Princess Changle's mansion.

Bai Fu didn't have time to change his clothes, so he had to wear Qianniuwei's military uniform, ride a horse, tiger or leopard, and guard the princess's car.

Bai Fu's bodyguards, wearing Mingguang armor and holding long lance shields, followed closely behind Bai Fu.Bai Fu's personal soldiers are all elite soldiers who fought on the battlefield, tall and strong, with cold and murderous eyes in their eyes.

When the Jinwu Guard soldiers patrolling the city defense saw this field army, they didn't dare to go straight to its front, and avoided it far away.

Hearing that Princess Qingluan came here in illness, Princess Changle greeted her out of the mansion in person.

Princess Changle is the eldest daughter of Suzong, married to Doulu Zhan, the eldest son of the Doulu family.Princess Changle believes in Buddhism and worships Li Ruyuan, the nun who is the master of Duobao Pagoda Temple in Zhenhua Temple, as her teacher.

It was the first time for Princess Changle to see Bai Fu up close, and she saw Bai Fu's handsome appearance, imposing appearance, and timeless demeanor. He was dressed in a brocade military uniform, which made him tall, tall, majestic, and outstanding.It is far better than the children of aristocratic families like Fu Fan in the capital.

Princess Changle was secretly happy for her sister, holding Princess Qingluan in her arms, chattering non-stop.

Suzong's daughters arrived at the gate of the mansion almost at the same time, and the princesses peeked at Bai Fu from time to time, laughing like silver bells, which made Bai Fu very embarrassed.

A refined middle-aged man greets everyone to enter the mansion. This man is Princess Changle's son-in-law Dou Lu Zhan.

He has also admired Bai Fu for a long time, and said with a smile: "General Bai, let Your Highness and the others chat by themselves, the female relatives are all in the back garden. Let's go to the main hall to drink tea."

Bai Fu hurriedly saluted.

Dou Luzhan talked with Bai Fu for a few words, suddenly felt that Bai Fu's words and demeanor were extraordinary, his insight was far superior to that of ordinary warriors.He couldn't help joking: "General Bai, when will you change your name to brother-in-law?"

Even Bai Fu, who has been in battle for a long time, couldn't help but blush, feeling embarrassed for a while, and didn't know how to answer.

Dou Luzhan laughed loudly, patted Bai Fu on the shoulder, and said, "My fair lady, you are a gentleman, why should you be embarrassed? That's enough, let's not talk about it, when the time comes, Her Royal Highness and I will take care of it for you personally."

All the sons-in-law laughed and walked together.

When they arrived at the main hall, many princes had already arrived.They gathered in groups of three or five and talked loudly.The topic cannot be separated from the war in Luoyang.

Suzong's fifth son, Peng Wang Li Ji, who had just led the Hexi Jiedu Envoy, said: "In my opinion, Li Guangbi is still too cautious, guarding Heyang, and dare not give it a go with Shi Siming.

Cai Chongde, Cui Qianyou and other giants under An Lushan's command have all been killed.Shi Siming's combat power is obviously not as good as that of An Lushan back then.

Most of the generals under Shi Siming's command are from Anlu Mountain's old troops. Many of them were of the same rank as Shi Siming back then, and they were not completely loyal to him.

If Li Guangbi goes south to Luoyang, he will assume the stance of fighting Shi Siming to the death.At that time, the generals of the rebel army will see that the situation is not good, and they will surely fall apart, and all the people will betray their relatives. "

The sixth son of Suzong, Yan Wang Li Wei added: "I agree with the fifth brother's opinion. I think that Lai Zhen is good at taking the initiative to attack, and he should be the commander-in-chief of Duji Province, leading the Tang army, and all of Shi Siming's troops. Annihilated in Luoyang."

Suzong's seventh son, King Jing Li Yi who had just led the envoy of Longyou Jiedu shook his head and said: "These old generals are useless, they are dull and have old-fashioned tactics.

I think that the Tang army should use a group of young generals, such as Wei Boyu, Li Baoyu, Tian Shengong and others.The young generals are full of vigor and unstoppable, and should be entrusted with important tasks as the main force in countering the rebellion. "

Suzong's second son, Generalissimo of the World's Armed Forces and Horses, Li Xi, King of Yue, remained silent all this time.Seeing Bai Fu and others enter the main hall, he said: "Brothers, General Bai is here. He has really led troops to the battlefield. You might as well listen to General Bai's opinion."

Princess Qingluan has always been on good terms with the princes.Being kidnapped by Huihe Khan and being forced to get married made all the princes ashamed and angry.All the princes came forward one after another, asking to rescue Princess Qingluan, but they were all severely rejected by Emperor Suzong.

Bai Fu single-handedly rescued the princess, preserved Qingluan's reputation, and restored the face of Li Tang's royal family, which made the princes very grateful.

With this level of goodwill, the princes did not shy away from telling each other their views one by one.

Yue Wang Li Xi said: "General Bai, what good strategy do you have for suppressing the rebellion?"

Bai Fu said in his heart: "This is a family banquet for His Majesty's children. It may be inappropriate to talk about military affairs rashly. It's better to keep a low profile and be cautious."

Bai Fu hastily said a few words modestly, trying to find a topic to divert this matter away.

Yue Wang Li Xi's eyes were bright, and he said: "General Bai, my father granted me the post of Grand Marshal of the World's Army and Horses, and let the fifth and sixth younger brothers and other princes lead various envoys from a distance, just hoping that we can do something to counter the rebellion. contribute.

To be honest, this king has also read a lot of military newspapers.There are different opinions about the war in Duji Province.Ask for advice today, and ask General Bai to speak freely for Qingluan's sake.

Proper or inappropriate, our brothers will not blame the general. "

At this time, Princess Ningguo also appeared in the main hall, listening to the discussion of everyone.

Compared with the other princes, she has a closer relationship with Bai Fu, she said to Bai Fu: "General Bai, this matter concerns my great Tang country and society, please speak frankly, General."

It's all said and done, it's not easy for Bai Fu to find excuses.

What's more, Princess Ningguo honored the country with her own body, she was called a heroine, and Bai Fu admired her a lot.In the face of Princess Ningguo's expectant eyes, it would be unreasonable to deliberately evade.

Bai Fu pondered for a moment, then said slowly: "In terms of putting down Shi Siming's rebellion, although civil and military officials actively offered advice and suggestions, none of them could beat Mr. Li Mi.

Among the various strategies, Mr. Li Mi's "Pengyuan Countermeasure" is still the best strategy: the main force of the Tang army and Shi Siming's main force confronted Luoyang;

After destroying Fan Yang's lair of the rebels, this Tang army marched southward, encircled the main force of the Tang army from east to west, and squeezed Shi Siming's main force into the narrow strip of Duji Road.

At all times, the rebels were like mice in a bellows, whether they fled east or west, they were surrounded by heavy troops at both ends.

When the rebel army is exhausted and food and grass are cut off, our army can dispatch the main force to launch a general offensive to wipe out the rebel army.

The biggest advantage of this strategy is that once and for all, it can solve the rebels on the Hebei Road in one fell swoop, which can ensure the stability of the Tang Dynasty for a hundred years. "

Peng Wang Li Zhidao: "General Bai, since General Li Guangbi won the great victory in Heyang, why didn't he take advantage of the victory to pursue and kill Shi Siming's main force."

Bai Fu said: "The strategy adopted by General Li Guangbi is the strategy most in line with the strength of the Tang army.

The reason why General Li Guangbi abandoned Luoyang and garrisoned Heyang was because of the special terrain of Heyang City and the ingenious structure of the city defense, which was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Even so, we won the victory in Heyang by a narrow margin.

The rebels are numerous, well-trained, brave and good at fighting, especially good at field battles.

If General Li Guangbi abandons Heyang City and takes the initiative to attack, it will be tantamount to making use of our weaknesses and replacing our strengths.In the face-to-face confrontation between the two armies in the wilderness, the Tang army will not only fail to win, but may also suffer heavy losses.

If the main forces of the two armies are in a decisive battle, if they are not very sure, they cannot easily start the war.

If this battle fails, the balance of confrontation in Dugi Province will be broken.The rebel army is advancing westward, Tongguan is in danger, and Chang'an is in danger! "

The crowd was in an uproar.

All the princes have experienced the embarrassing days when Xuanzong abandoned Chang'an and fled, a deep fear rose from the soles of their feet.

(End of this chapter)

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