Chapter 671
The sword is far away from the army, and there is no home and clothes.

Three feet of snow off the pass, back to dreaming of the old Mandarin machine.

——"Going to Dongshu after Mourning the Sorrow to Sanguan and Encountering Snow" by Li Shangyin

The next day, after receiving Suzong's permission, Usa Hachiman, as the special envoy of Fusang, went to Xingqing Palace alone to pay homage to the Supreme Emperor Li Longji.

Abe Nakamaro, as an interpreter, was by Usa Hachiman's side.

After the two exchanged polite greetings, Xuanzong asked Usa Hachiman God about the customs of Japan with great interest.

Usa Hachiman smiled and said: "I am not good at words, but I know some tricks. Since His Majesty is interested, I can present the scenery of Fusang to Your Majesty through magic.",
Xuanzong is very interested, wait and see.

God Usa Hachiman ordered someone to fetch a pot of clean water and poured it on the floor of the main hall with his own hands.The gold bricks on the floor were tightly jointed, and the clear water poured on the floor did not leak down, but turned into a pool of shallow puddles.

The surface of the water is like a mirror, reflecting a misty fairy mountain on the sea.

On the top of the fairy mountain, there is an exquisite tower supported by colorful clouds, in which there are graceful figures emerging, and there are countless light and soft fairies.

A crane passed through the layers of fairy mansions and pavilions, and came to a courtyard carved out of jade. It knocked on the courtyard door with its mouth, and made a human voice, calling: "Is Fairy Taizhen here?".

A beautiful woman in a palace dress with skin like snow was sleeping in a begonia tent in the hibiscus tent. When she was awakened by the sound of a crane, she walked out of the tent wearing a gorgeous embroidered robe tailored by Yunxia.

The bead curtain and the silver-decorated screen are opened one by one.

This beautiful woman in palace attire swept Emei lightly, half combed her hair in a cloud bun, and walked to the front of the hall before she had time to do her makeup.

The wind blows the fairy sleeves fluttering, and the floor-length skirt flutters with the wind, just like the neon clothes and feathers dancing back then.

The beauty of the beautiful woman in the palace costume is better than that of a peony, but her expression is lonely and sad, and her tears are still there, like pear blossoms with rain.She leaned on the railing, looked at Chang'an from afar, and stared at...

The old Xuanzong burst into tears, stood up from the dragon chair tremblingly, looked at the flowers in the mirror, and cried, "Yuhuan, is that you? I miss you day and night..."

The illusion dissipated, and Usa Hachiman asked Xuanzong to get rid of the idlers.

After only Gao Lishi, Abe Nakamaro and others were left, Usa Hachiman bowed and saluted, saying: "Your Majesty, the imperial concubine is not dead. After the Maweipo Rebellion, she was rescued from the coffin by Fusang scholar Xuanfang , Cast a spell to save him.

Now, the imperial concubine has been in Fusang Kuya Town for a long time, looking forward to reuniting with His Majesty day and night. "

After all, he handed the tin box containing Yang Yuhuan's green silk and a Luanfeng purple gold hairpin to Xuanzong's hands.The tin box and the gold hairpin are exactly what Yang Yuhuan was buried with.

Xuanzong held the gold hairpin in the tin box with tears in his eyes.Gao Lishi stood by, silent, with a complex expression.

When Xuanzong returned to Chang'an from Chengdu, he reopened the tomb of Concubine Yang Guifei in Maweipo, hoping to bring the concubine back to Chang'an for reburial.But the coffin is empty, there is no lady's body, only the sachet she wore during her lifetime.

Since then, rumors have spread everywhere, and Yang Guifei's life and death have become a mystery.

Uzuo Hachiman secretly observed Xuanzong's expression, and said: "Your Majesty, I am old enough to bring the imperial concubine back to Your Majesty, and I will stay with Your Majesty from now on."

"Oh? If you can really do it, I will reward you a lot!" Xuanzong breathed heavily, and his desire was beyond words.

Usa Hachiman smiled and said: "I don't ask for generous rewards because of my age. But I beg Your Majesty Chrysostom to tell me a clue."

Xuanzong's dragon's eyes flashed, then turned away, and asked lightly: "Please tell me."

Usa Hachiman smiled slightly, and said: "If Your Majesty is gracious, I would like to inquire about the whereabouts of the Ninth Cauldron and the "Vajra Subduing Demon Sutra"."


After Usa Hachiman left, Xuanzong asked Gao Lishi for his opinion.

Gao Lishi recalled: "In the fifth year of Kaiyuan (717), Abe Nakamaro set sail from Namba (now Osaka) with the ambassador of Tajibi County, Japan, and went to Datang. The accompanying envoys sent to Tang Dynasty also included Kibi Zhenbei and knowledge. Seng Xuanfang and others."

Xuanzong said: "I have an impression of this learned monk Xuanfang. After he entered the Tang Dynasty, he studied under the third patriarch of the Faxiangzong, Abbot Zhi Zhou. Xuanfang has profound attainments in Buddhism and is known as the fourth patriarch of the Faxiangzong .

I also summoned him, bestowed on him purple clothes and cassock, and made him a third-rank official.

Tell me, are the words of God Usa Hachiman believable?Could it be that Xuanfang rescued Yuhuan and took her eastward to Fusang? "

Gao Lishi shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, if the Resurrection Pill is to work, the person who takes it must have deep internal strength.

The imperial concubine does not know martial arts, after taking the Huanhun Pill, the erysipelas invades the heart veins, and she will die after burning an incense stick.

The old slave thought that it must be because the Yang family members were worried that the rebels would destroy the tomb of the empress, so they removed the body of the empress and buried it in another treasure hunting place.

Otherwise, if your majesty is lucky enough to survive, after your majesty returns to Chang'an, your majesty will definitely come to join your majesty. "

Xuanzong stared out of the window in a daze, and it took a long time before he spoke.With a sad expression on his face, he sighed: "If Yuhuan is still alive, the person I don't want to see the most is probably me."

Gao Lishi didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only silently accompany Xuanzong.

Xuanzong let out a long breath and put down the matter of Yang Yuhuan.He said to Gao Lishi: "The night is long and the dream is full, it's time to do it."

A cold light flashed in Gao Lishi's eyes, and he bowed to accept the order.

Gao Lishi was about to turn around and leave when Xuanzong called Gao Lishi and said, "For this operation, Zhu Rong, General of Changsai Army, and General Dou Rubing, General of Zuowuwei, will take the lead. They have been conspiring to elect Qi Wang Li Zhen as emperor. This time Just let them do what they want.

If the secrets are not kept secret and the news leaks out, the coup can also be pushed on them. "

Gao Lishi understood and took the order to retreat.

Xuanzong went to the window, opened the window and looked north.Overlooking the majestic and majestic Hanyuan Hall from a distance, Xuanzong was full of heroism.

"Yuhuan, whether you are still alive or not, I, Li Longji, will not let your sacrifice be in vain..."


On the Changqing Building adjacent to the market, with the accompaniment of Liyuan disciples, the court lady Ru Xianyuan appeared in person, playing the pipa and playing "Ambush on Ten Sides" for Xuanzong.

For example, Xianyuan's pipa music is like the sound of nature. People in the market passing by downstairs stop and listen with intoxicated expressions.

In a wine shop facing the street, a painter was moved by the sound of the piano, and couldn't help but walk to the table for inscribing poems in the private room, took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and with the help of the rhythm, the pen followed the dragon snake, and splashed ink freely.

Several guests at the next table couldn't help but gather around the artist and watch him paint with his head.

The painter draws from the right end of the rice paper to the left, and first uses light ink to gently render a hazy and empty mountain scenery.

Then, the painter painted the close-up, first outlined some rocks, and then drew a lush forest, enclosing a temple.

After passing through the dense forest, the artist dipped the tip of a brush into a little bit of ink that was almost invisible, and with a sweep of light ink, he gently outlined distant mountains and rivers.

A touch of blank space immediately gives the scroll a sense of the vastness of the world.

The painter instantly created an experience of traveling between mountains and rivers, first taking you into the temple in the dense forest and feeling the incense of the temple.

After leaving the temple, the big river rushes in front of you, and the river is open, which is refreshing.

Just when everyone was enjoying the ethereal and remote environment, the painter suddenly drew a steep cliff.

On the big river below the cliff, a fishing boat is anchored, and the bow of the boat casts a large net.At the same time, several passenger ships slowly approached from afar, with their sails full.Maybe it's the merchants returning home with a full load, maybe it's the wanderers returning home...

On the huge cliff, there is an elegant thatched pavilion, and several hikers are watching the scenery in the pavilion.

After passing the cliff, there is a very high stone arch bridge. In the middle of the bridge, there is an octagonal pavilion with carved beams and painted buildings. People in the pavilion sit here with high crowns and brocade belts, cooking wine and tea, and watching the mountains and rivers quietly.

The painter moved freely, adding many steep mountains on the left side of the scroll.The mountains are undulating, and the mountain roads are far away.At the foot of the farthest mountain peak, there is a narrow bamboo bridge, and a person in fluttering white clothes walks across the bridge.

Just like Xianyuan finished a song, the painter also stopped writing in response to the sound, splashing ink on the landscape, and it was done overnight.He named this painting "Qingyuan Picture of Streams and Mountains" and used it to stamp on the side of the painting.

Viewers seem to be in the clouds, from far to near, can not only overlook the panorama, but also gain insight into the details, with a strong sense of movement.

The painter looked at his masterpiece, shaking his head, full of pride.He picked up the wine bowl, drank three cups in a row, and shouted to his heart's content.

The crowd around the audience applauded in unison and donated money to buy one after another.A merchant eventually won out and spent a lot of money to buy this masterpiece.


After the restaurant closed, one person came to the table for painting and spread a piece of rice paper on the table.He took out the wine gourd, took a sip of the wine, exerted strength in his dantian, and sprayed a sip of the wine on the rice paper.

The unthinkable happened.

The color of ink seeps from the rice paper.Mountains, rocks, bamboo groves, temples, cottages, fishing boats, distant sails gradually appeared on the rice paper...

It's the "Picture of Qingyuan Mountains and Streams" just now!
The visitor gave an unpredictable smile, slowly rolled up the rice paper, put it into the painting tube, and carried it behind his back.

After dealing with all this, someone took out a pen and ink, drew a door on the whitewashed wall of the private room, chanted a spell, entered through the wall, and disappeared.


  "Mountains and Streams" is one of the most famous works of Xia Gui, a painter of the Southern Song Dynasty, and it is now in the collection of the National Palace Museum in Taipei.

  The piece is 46.5 centimeters wide and nearly 9 meters long.It is not a silk work, but a paper work, which is made of 10 pieces of paper.Such a long piece of ink landscape painting on paper is very spectacular.

(End of this chapter)

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