Chapter 672
Desolate Sword Chapter, Detained for Poor Years.

The yellow leaves are still wind and rain, the brothel is from the orchestra.

The new knowledge suffers from the vulgarity, the old one is separated by a good relationship.

Heartbroken Xinfeng wine, sell sorrow and fight for thousands.

——"Wind and Rain" Li Shangyin (Tang Dynasty)


That night, in Fang Shuliu's secret house, Bai Fu and the other three met again.

Zi Che cracked: "Recently, I have been lurking near the Changqing Building, observing secretly. After several days, I didn't find anything wrong. Only today, there is something strange, but I can't understand the mystery."

Looking at the picture scroll "A Picture of Qingyuan Streams and Mountains" spread on the desk, the three knew that the secret of launching the coup might be hidden in this picture scroll.

Fang and Bai listened carefully to Zi Cheli's narration of the drawing process of "A Picture of Streams and Mountains and Qingyuan", not letting go of any detail.

Fang Shuliu said: "After the demon monk who sent the signal was eliminated by General Zi Che, it seems that they have thought of a new way to communicate."

Bai Fudao: "It is said that Xuanzong is proficient in rhythm. If I guessed correctly, Xuanzong hid secrets such as the time of the coup d'état and the letter talisman for dispatching troops in the rhythm, and passed it on through the pipa music of Ru Xianyuan.

The painters in the restaurant are excellent at both piano and painting, and then transform the rhythm into a picture scroll. "

Zi Che Li frowned and said, "Why use such a cumbersome delivery method?"

Fang Shuliu said: "The coup d'etat is of great importance. If one is not careful, the whole game will be lost. The Supreme Emperor is an emperor who got his fortune from the coup d'etat, so the planning must be extremely thorough.

Using rhythm and painting to make a second turn, contact persons such as Xianyuan and the painter only know the corresponding relationship between the change of rhythm and the scenery in the painting, but do not know the true meaning of the code of sound and picture.For example, the contact person knows that a certain melody represents the woods, but they don't know what the woods in the picture scroll represent.

The advantage of this is that during the signal transmission process, even if the contact person is caught, the secret will not be leaked out. "

Zi Che Li nodded in agreement, and said, "Indeed. Even if we know the secret is in the scroll, we still cannot decipher it."

Bai Fu leaned down, carefully studied "The Picture of Qingyuan Streams and Mountains", and said: "This painter was once an imperial painter."

Zi Che said: "Brother Fu, how did you know?"

Bai Fudao: "After the case of Aunt Gongsun and Wu Daozi, His Majesty heard that I could understand martial arts from paintings, so he gave me a gold medal. With this gold medal, I can enter Daming Palace and imitate Zuo Zangku and Linde Calligraphy and paintings of famous masters of past dynasties collected in the palace.

Later, I was ordered to create the picture scroll "Daming Palace Picture".During this period of time, accompanied by Princess Qingluan, I was able to visit many palaces of Daming Palace, as well as Taiye Pool, Imperial Garden and other harem gardens.

Some of the scenery in "A Picture of Qingyuan Stream and Mountains" are the metaphors of Daming Palace. "

Both Fang Shuliu and Zi Checi showed longing expressions, hoping that Bai Fu would give further answers.

Bai Fu pointed to the temple surrounded by a lush forest in the painting and said: "Everyone, please take a closer look, the brackets of this temple are unusually shaped, completely different from ordinary temples.

There are only three halls in the Daming Palace that conform to this bracket-shaped system, the Pearl Mirror Hall, the Lingqi Hall, and the Penglai Hall, and these three halls are the most frequently used sleeping halls for His Majesty. "

Zi Checi pointed to the forest outside the temple, and said, "So, this dense forest refers to the defense map of the imperial guards?"

"That's right, that's exactly the case." Bai Fu's tone was affirmative.

"If so, we can deduce the time of the coup and other secrets step by step according to the map." Fang Shuliu's face beamed with joy.


Bai Fu spread the blank rice paper on the table, trying to quickly draw a map of the Daming Palace.By comparing the maps, you can more accurately find out the code contained in "The Map of Streams and Mountains and Qingyuan".

Zi Che cracked a smile and said, "Lord Fang, I have a spell that can use Brother Fu's memory to overlook the Daming Palace."

Fang and Bai looked at each other, overjoyed.

Zi Cheli asked: "Brother Fu, when you went to Daming Palace, which day did you visit the most places? Do you still remember which month and which day it was? The closer and more accurate the day is, the clearer my memory will be when I cast a spell..."


After deduction, Zi Che Li worked out the key and steps of casting the spell.

According to the orientation of Fu Xi's innate gossip, Zi Che Chai selected eight points in the house, and marked each point with a special talisman with a cinnabar pen.

Then, he took out a ball of red thread from his backpack.Tie the red thread to the fixtures at four points to form a square matrix.

Zicheci took out four more incense sticks, lit them and put them in a gilt copper box, and then put these four incense boxes on the other four points.

Zi Che Li took out several yellow talismans and stuck them on several important points on Bai Fu's body.

After arranging all these, the three of them sat cross-legged in Fuxi's innate gossip formation.Zi Che Cie holds a magical instrument in his left hand and a mahogany sword in his right, casting incantations and chanting words.

The spell really worked.

There was a sudden flash of light in the room, blinding the eyes, Fang and Bai instinctively closed their eyes.When he opened his eyes again, the foreground had changed, as if it was the scene of Daming Palace.

Although it is a fantasy, it is extremely real, with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, and the breeze blowing on the face, it is as if you are on the scene.

Zi Che smiled and said: "Brother Fu, this is the image that remains in your mind of Daming Palace that day. We will return to the palace with you!"


Daming Palace is a place full of rules, with strict hierarchy, and those who trespass will be beheaded.The emperor walked the royal road, and the court ladies and eunuchs must not take a step.Queens, concubines, concubine Liang, and maids live in palaces and pavilions, which are all strictly regulated, and they live according to rank.

Holding the picture scroll, the three of them stopped and walked in the "Daming Palace", pointing and pointing.

Along the way, I met court ladies and eunuchs from time to time, passing by without them noticing.

Not only that, in some places, the three of them can even enter through walls and walk on water!
Bai Fu was amazed, and asked, "Brother Zi Che, why some places can pass through walls, but others can't. Is there anything special about it?"

Zi Che cracked and said with a smile: "Brother Fu, we are traveling through your memory. If you had seen the scene behind the wall, we could pass through the wall. Otherwise, not.

This is why we can float on the water but not fly on the temple.Because you have never jumped and played happily on the eaves of the palace. "

Zi Checi's words were humorous, which made the three of them laugh out loud.


From Linde Hall to the north, through the three main halls of Chang'an Hall, Xianju Hall, and Shicui Hall, the three of them came to a wide Yuhe River.

This Yuhe River is the waterway leading to Taiye Pool, which brings the running water of Yong'an Canal into Taiye Pool through the Forbidden Garden.


Fang Shuguang is worthy of being a catcher, and he does not let go of every detail, so the inferences he makes are appropriate and reasonable.

Bai Fu is most familiar with Daming Palace.As a master of painting, he is particularly sensitive to the metaphors in "A Picture of Qingyuan Mountains and Streams".

After a night of 'on-the-spot' investigation, the three roughly deduced the code contained in "A Picture of Qingyuan Streams and Mountains":
In "Qingyuan Picture of Streams and Mountains", the peaks, cliffs, giant rocks, etc. are the most inked, and they are also the most attractive landscapes in the picture scroll.

The peaks, cliffs, and giant rocks have distinctive features, representing the palaces, castles, corridors and other buildings of the Daming Palace in various shapes.

The painter used the "axe chopping" brushwork method to paint the mountains and rocks - the brush and ink are like the traces left by the axe splitting the wood.When he painted big rocks, he used "big axe" to express small details with "small axe".

In addition to the ax chopping, the painter also added other brushwork techniques, such as "scraping iron cracking": first outline the outline of the mountain and rock with the center of the brush, and then scrape the wrinkles horizontally with the side edge of the brush, drawing traces like scraping iron.Finally rendered in light ink.The pen is vigorous and straight, used to describe the steep and hard texture of the stone.

For some special giant rocks, the painter used the technique of "dipping ink": first dip the entire brush with light ink, and then put a little bit of thick ink on the tip of the brush.After such a stroke, two ink colors appear on the scroll, and they blend together on the rice paper.

The painter mobilized so many brushwork to outline the boulder, there must be a deep meaning.But Fang Shuliu didn't understand Danqing, so he couldn't decipher it.Fang Shuliu racked his brains, but still couldn't figure out what the painter intended?

Bai Fu, as the general who led the troops to fight, was extremely sensitive to the topography.

According to the location of the Daming Palace where the giant rock is located, Bai Fu found that the location of the giant rock is the transportation hub and defense point of the Daming Palace.

Bai Fu changed his mind, if he launched a mutiny, how would he deploy military operations at this critical point?To launch an attack with the momentum of thunder, or to set up an ambush to block reinforcements?
Bai Fu thought hard, and finally came to a conclusion: the brushwork that outlines the rock represents the military operations that the coup army should carry out after arriving here: fighting, main attack, cover, taking hostages, arson, retreat, etc.


In "A Picture of Qingyuan Stream and Mountains", whether it is the top of the mountain or the waterside, or the temples and pavilions, there are endless forests.

The forest is a metaphor for the imperial guards guarding the Daming Palace.Different tree species represent different military branches.For example, the bamboo forest represents Qianniuwei, the maple forest represents the Habayashi Army, the jujube tree represents the elite Jinwu Guards holding lances, and the ancient locust tree represents the top masters of the Longwu Army...

The sparse distribution of woods represents the defense map of the Imperial Guards in Daming Palace.

In "The Picture of Qingyuan Stream and Mountains", some forests have one or two prominent main trees.The forest with the main tree means that there is Xuanzong's internal support in this imperial guard army.The shape of the branches and leaves of the main tree should be the secret signal of the joint, perhaps a gesture, perhaps the pattern of the shirt, or the armband worn on the arm.


From right to left, a large river runs through the entirety of "Mountain Streams and Qingyuan Map". The river course through which this large river flows is the route for the coup troops to attack and retreat in the Daming Palace.

The water of the big river is presented differently in different areas of the scroll.The river is either deep or shallow, or torrents or bays, sometimes it is high tide, sometimes it is low tide,
The river water and tides are all metaphors of time, representing the time when the coup army should arrive here.


There are several bridges in "Mountains and Streams", and the bridge is a metaphor for the backup plan, which means that there are different degrees of risks hidden here, and the second plan may be adopted.

The traveler near the bridge is also a metaphor, and his expressions, postures, and actions represent different signals for the activation of the second plan.


"Oh oh oh", a few cock crows came from the ears of the three of them.

The crowing of the cock was the evacuation signal set by Zi Che Li in advance, which meant that it was dawn and it was time to evacuate from the "Daming Palace".

Ziche chanted a mantra and removed the gossip guard, and the three of them "woke up".

At this time, the sky is bright and the empty room is white.

After staying up all night and sitting cross-legged, Fang Shu's back was sore and his legs were numb, and when he got up, he felt a little dizzy.

On the other hand, Bai Fu and Zi Che Li were in high spirits, without any sense of fatigue.

Fang Shuliu held his long beard in his hand, and sighed with a smile: "Back then, we pissed ten feet in the wind, but now we wet our shoes with the wind. I'm old! I can't accept it."

Bai Fu and Zi Checi looked at each other and couldn't help smiling.


  1. Axe chopping is a hooking method created by Li Sixun in the Tang Dynasty. The pen lines are strong and the brush strokes are full of twists and turns, just like cutting with a knife and an axe. Therefore, it is called axe chopping. This kind of wrinkling method is suitable for expressing hard texture and sharp edges and corners. rocks.The green and green landscapes of the Tang Dynasty were more sketchy than broken.The landscape painters in the Southern Song Dynasty used the axe for ink landscapes, which emphasized the dyeing and showed a vigorous style of ink. When painting the axe, they often used the center to outline the outline of the mountains and rocks, and used the side edge to draw wrinkles, and then used light ink to render .The thin and strong pen lines are called small ax chopping, and the thick pen lines are called big ax chopping.

  2. Scraping iron cracking and ax chopping are both surface cracking methods, which were first created by Li Tang in the Southern Song Dynasty.It is generally used to express hard and sharp-edged rocks.The characteristics of Scraping Tie Cun are: the overall shape is tall and straight, the bones are square and hard, the stone pattern is cut horizontally, and the Cun brush runs along the horizontal line from top to bottom, as if scraping on an iron plate with a sharp tool, hence the name.Compared with the ax chopping, the ink used for scraping iron has less water content, and the strokes are mainly vertical. The brush is calm and powerful, which is suitable for expressing hard rocks.

(End of this chapter)

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