The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 684 Forced to relocate Xuanzong

Chapter 684 Forced to relocate Xuanzong
I come to pay homage to ancient times, go up dangerous buildings, and win a thousand hu of leisure and sorrow.Where are the tigers crouching and the dragons panning, there is only rise and fall everywhere.

However, he recalled that Anshi was romantic, Dongshan was late, and tears fell to mourn the zither song.Children's generations of fame and fame are paid, and the long day is just a game of chess.

——Excerpt from "Nian Nujiao · Deng Jiankang Xinxin Pavilion Presents History and Zhidao Stays Behind" Xin Qiji

When dawn broke, the rebellion in Daming Palace had been completely put down.

Due to the prior planning of Bai Fu and Fang Shuliu, Suzong was safe and sound, and was solemnly promoted to the Hanyuan Hall.

Only then did the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty know that the Daming Palace had spent a thrilling night.

Siqi Wang Li Zhen and other conspirators were tied up and escorted to the Jinluan Hall.

Su Zong pointed at Li Zhen and was furious: "The system of the state, the rule of law, the rule of law, the way of ministers, the general must be punished. Kuangqin is the family branch, righteousness and family and country, who dare to cherish injustice, self-shackles and severe punishment.

Dr. Yinqing Guanglu and Siqi Wangzhen are determined to cast out evil, but their actions are dangerous.The traces of the bandits have not yet been destroyed, and the military and the country are in danger.Because of gathering unsuccessful people, they sneak into chaos.I want to communicate with the traitors far away, and construct this murderous conspiracy..."

Due to the appearance of Gao Lishi and Chen Xuanli, the crime of treason involved Xuanzong himself.

Tears flashed in Suzong's eyes, and he cried: "Absurd! The emperor is merciful and benevolent, how could he do restoration?"

Li Fuguo kowtowed back and said: "Of course the emperor has no such intentions, but it's hard to say about the treacherous people around him who are greedy for wealth.

Take Gao Lishi and Chen Xuanli who participated in the rebellion as examples. These people were ruthless and gathered people day and night to conspire in an attempt to support the restoration of the emperor so as to seek high positions.

Your Majesty, you are the lord of the world, you should start from the country in everything, and wipe out the chaos in the bud. How can you follow the filial piety of a man! "

Suzong didn't say a word, weeping and sobbing.

When it comes to the grievances and grievances between Xuanzong and his son, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty kept silent.Hundreds of officials have their own thoughts, some officials disagree:

"Emperor Ether is 76 years old. It seems far-fetched to want to regain the power of the emperor in his dying years."

Some other veteran officials who followed Xuanzong thought to themselves:
"Nowadays the world is in great chaos and wars continue. The Supreme Emperor has been wise and powerful all his life, how can he be willing to be subordinated to others and just ignore him?
As the saying goes, the old tiger has great ambitions.If the Supreme Emperor took advantage of Yu Wei to raise his arms, who would guarantee that there would be no crowds of responders?
Both Gao Lishi and Chen Xuanli are confidantes of the Supreme Emperor, if both of them participated in the coup, the Supreme Emperor would definitely be involved.

In any case, this is His Majesty's family business, please don't involve us..."


Just when the civil and military officials were anxious, Li Fuguo ordered the soldiers of the forbidden army to enter the palace, kowtow to Suzong and cry together, and strongly demanded to welcome the Supreme Emperor to live in Nannei - Taiji Palace.

Li Fuguo burst into tears, and said: "The officers and soldiers of the imperial army who put down the rebellion this time were all heroes of the spirit and martial arts back then. They were worried about the rebellion last night and worried that there would be another rebellion. I have tried to appease them again and again, but the morale of the army is still unstable.

The Xingqing Palace is mixed with the market place, the walls are low, and there are many people, so it is not suitable for the emperor to live.

In my opinion, it is better to welcome the emperor back to the Tai Chi Palace, where the palace is strictly guarded, and it is better to prevent the bewitching of the villain.

If this is the case, the emperor enjoys the peace of long live, and his majesty has the joy of three dynasties (three times a day), wouldn't it be the best of both worlds! "

Civil and military officials whispered to each other, calculating in their hearts, secretly said: "Please move the Supreme Emperor to Taiji Palace, which is actually no different from house arrest. But if the coup d'état is verified, this approach is also reasonable.

You can't let the sage decree that he should be punished for treason, and let the Supreme Emperor commit suicide. "

Now that the matter has come to this point, Suzong finally has to make a decision.Su Zong forced a smile towards the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, and said: "Nannei and Xinei are both imperial palaces, there is actually no difference.

I know that all the lovers are asking you, because you are worried that the emperor will be bewitched by traitors, so as to prevent the passing of time, so as to make the society safe!
It is my blessing and the fortune of the community that I have subjects like you. "


After understanding Suzong's mind, Li Fuguo decided to "share the worries of the Lord" and make new contributions.

On July [-]th, Li Fuguo made an edict and invited Xuanzong to visit Taiji Palace in the name of Suzong.

After the failure of the coup, Xuanzong was uneasy, not knowing what means Suzong would use to deal with him.

After receiving the imperial decree, Xuanzong did not dare to refuse, so he had to take Gao Lishi and a few attendants to Taiji Palace.

When Xuanzong and his party reached Ruiwu Gate, Li Fuguo, who had been in ambush for a long time, suddenly rushed out with [-] imperial cavalry, swords out of their sheaths, spears and halberds everywhere, and surrounded by Xuanzong and others.

Li Fuguo swaggered and rode his horse to come in front of Xuanzong, with a haughty look on his face, he said: "Xingqing Palace is damp and cramped, the Holy Majesty ordered this old slave to respectfully welcome the Emperor and move into the palace."

These formations reminded Xuanzong of the change in Maweipo.Xuanzong felt dizzy for a while and almost fell off his horse.

Gao Lishi was furious, stood up in front of Xuanzong, pointed at Li Fuguo, and shouted sharply: "Stop being rude!
Fuguo boy, if you don't get off your horse and make amends, this old man will kill you on the spot! "

Gao Lishi's voice was like a bell, and the innate qi gushed out.

Li Fuguo was shocked, he didn't expect Gao Lishi to recover so quickly.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Li Fuguo did not dare to use demonic methods, and had no choice but to temporarily avoid the edge.

Li Fuguo was unwilling, so he dilly-dally got off his horse.

Gao Lishi glared at Li Fuguo fiercely, facing the imperial army, and said loudly: "The emperor ordered me to ask you all the soldiers to be well!"

Seeing that Li Fuguo was silent and the group of dragons had no leader, the five hundred cavalrymen of the forbidden army dared not make a mistake, so they put their swords into their sheaths, dismounted all their horses, and lined up to bow to Xuanzong, shouting long live in unison.

Gao Lishi turned his head and reprimanded: "Eunuch Li, don't forget your identity, why don't you come and lead the emperor's horse!"

Li Fuguo was furious and looked at Gao Lishi.

Gao Lishi stood with his hands behind his back, Yue Zhiyuan stared fiercely at Li Fuguo, his eyes were like torches.

The two looked at each other, sparks splashed everywhere, and murderous aura filled the air.

Gao Lishi locked up Li Fuguo firmly with all his strength, and if he disagreed with him, he would attack and fight immediately!

Li Fuguo couldn't hold back Gao Lishi's aura, so he had no choice but to admit his cowardice, and bit the bullet to lead Xuanzong's horse and kick him down.

When they came to the Ganlu Hall of Taiji Palace, Li Fuguo held out an imperial edict to invite Xuanzong to stay in the Ganlu Hall; in order to protect Xuanzong's safety, no one was allowed to enter and leave the Ganlu Hall, and only dozens of old and weak were left as guards; especially Chen Xuanli, Gao Lishi and the old Some eunuchs and court ladies came to serve.

After Li Fuguo announced the decree, he looked at Gao Lishi triumphantly and said, "His Majesty's decree, if Gao Lishi dares to resist the decree, he will be killed!"


After Xuanzong was placed under house arrest, Gao Lishi and others were like fish on a chopping board, and could only be slaughtered by Li Fuguo.

On July 27, Yushi Zhongcheng Jingyu reported the coup in Daming Palace, and Siqi Wang Lizhen and his party confessed to the conspiracy.

Suzong decreed that Siqi King Li Zhen would be conspired by General Dou Rufeng of Youwuwei (the sixth grandson of Dou Yi), Cui Chang, the emissary of water in the test capital, and Liu Congjian, general of Youyulin Army (who had been arrested during the Daming Palace turmoil). General Zhu Rong of Weizhou Township, General Hu Lie of the Right Guard, Gao Baosu of Zhisi Tiantai Tongxuanyuan, Prince Wei Zhao of the Prince Yousiyu, Wang Daocheng, the governor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc. Nine people, executed.

The crown prince Xima and Zhisi Tiantai Industry Department head Zhao Feixiong, Chen Wang (Li Gui) governor Shi Chenhong, Chuzhou Sima Zhang Ang, Youwu guard Cao Canjun Jiao Zirong, former Fengxiang Prefecture Kai County chief book Li Qi (clan), Guozijian Guangwen Jinshi Zhang Huan and other six people were killed.

Xue Lvqian (husband of Princess Lecheng), captain of the son-in-law, took part in the conspiracy and committed suicide.Zuo Sanqi's regular attendant Zhang Hao sat in the traffic and was demoted to Chenzhou to join the army.

Li Zhen was abolished as a commoner and resettled in Qinzhou (now Wansheng District, Chongqing).

(A few days later, on the way to exile in Qinzhou, Li Zhen was sentenced to death.)
Taking into account the face of the royal family, the coup involved Xuanzong's lineage, so no further investigation will be carried out. It will only be convicted and punished in the name of bewitching the emperor and separating father and son.

On July 28, Li Fuguo issued an edict in the name of Emperor Suzong to exile Gao Lishi to Wuzhou (now Qiancheng Town, Northwest Hongjiang City, Hunan Province), Wang Chengen, an interior eunuch, to Banzhou (now ZY City, Guizhou Province), and Wei Yue to Qinzhou (now southeast of QJ District, Chongqing); ordered Chen Xuanli to become an official; exiled the court lady Ru Xianyuan to Guizhou (now Zigui County, Hubei) for custody; ordered Princess Yuzhen Li Chiying to leave the palace and return to Yuzhen Temple.

Yan Zhenqing, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, could not understand Li Fuguo's actions, so he united with all the officials and sent a letter to the Supreme Emperor to greet him.

This move was regarded as a provocation by Li Fuguo.Li Fuguo immediately invited Suzong to expell Yan Zhenqing from the court and relegate him to the post of chief historian of Pengzhou (now south of Yilong County, Sichuan).

In this way, a vigorous palace coup finally came to an end and became a taboo for the ruling and opposition parties to discuss...

 I come to pay homage to ancient times, go up dangerous buildings, and win a thousand hu of leisure and sorrow.Where are the tigers crouching and the dragons panning, there is only rise and fall everywhere.The sun is setting outside the willows, the birds are returning by the water, and the trees are blowing on the Long.Pianfan went west, whoever sprayed frost bamboo.

  However, he recalled that Anshi was romantic, Dongshan was late, and tears fell to mourn the zither song.Children's generations of fame and fame are paid, and the long day is just a game of chess.The precious mirror is hard to find, and the blue cloud will be dusk, who can persuade the green in the cup.The wind at the head of the river is angry, and the waves come to overturn the house.

  ——"Nian Nujiao Deng Jiankang Xinxin Pavilion Presents History Zhidao Left Behind" Xin Qiji
(End of this chapter)

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