Chapter 685
A month in Chang'an, thousands of households slapped their clothes.

The autumn breeze never blows, always Yuguan sentiment.

He Riping and Hulu, his beloved stopped the expedition.

——"Midnight Wu Song Autumn Song" Li Bai


The rebellion of the Daming Palace caused the heads of countless courtiers to fall, and made countless family members of official families become servants of the Yeyou court; it caused countless children of officials and eunuchs to travel thousands of miles and die in the vast Gobi.

Some are happy and some are sad.

Countless people quickly filled the vacancies left by rebel generals and treacherous courtiers.

For a time, the Baqiao Pavilion was filled with weeping, and groups of prisoners wearing shackles around their necks and chains on their feet said goodbye to their relatives and embarked on the road of unknown life and death;

And at night, the Goulan and tile houses in Pingkang Square are adorned with lights and feasting, singing and singing, dancing and drinking, and countless high-flying officials are so drunk that they can't get enough of it.

Bai Fu watched coldly, with no interest.

After the civil strife was put down, Bai Fu did not participate in the struggle in the imperial court, nor did he participate in the "spoil sharing meeting". He declined the invitations of all walks of life, and rested alone in the Bashu Guild Hall, while treating his seriously injured Ziche Crack.

Speaking of Zi's broken car, it is also a mystery.

Bai Fu and others set up a net in the Daming Palace, and waited for Siqi Wang Li Zhen and others to be caught.

When everyone's attention was on the Daming Palace, Zi Che Li suddenly felt uneasy. He sneaked into the Xingqing Palace and ambush near Xuanzong's bedroom.

At the middle of the night, when Siqi Wang Li Zhen led the Yulin army to surround the Penglai Palace, an assassin in night clothes broke into Xingqing Palace and assassinated Xuanzong.

The assassin was strong and strong, and he walked like a civet cat. He entered the palace without being noticed by the guards in the palace.

When the assassin fell to the ground of the sleeping hall, he was as light as a feather.If it weren't for the palace maids such as Xianyuan who were skilled in martial arts, Xuanzong would have died on the spot long ago.

The assassin's attack was fierce, and Ru Xianyuan was obviously not his opponent.

At the critical moment, Zi Chechuang arrived in time.

With Zi Che Crack's kung fu, he thought he could easily take down the assassin.Unexpectedly, the assassin is not only strange in martial arts, but also proficient in Taoism.

The two fought for dozens of rounds. Although Zi Checi repelled the assassin, he was also seriously injured.

The assassination of Xuanzong is quite strange. Xuanzong was the instigator of this court chaos. Who would assassinate Xuanzong?Is it Suzong?

After Suzong learned of the plot between Xuanzong and Siqi Wang Li Zhen, he did not arrest Li Zhen in advance, just to make the truth about Xuanzong's restoration and rebellion, so as to avoid being charged with patricide.

Once Xuanzong's coup fails, his fame will be ruined.No one will follow the Taishanghuang who has suffered a crushing defeat. He only needs to be placed under house arrest without killing him.

On the contrary, only when Xuanzong's coup d'etat was in his hands and Suzong's death was broken, could he make such a bad move.Otherwise, Suzong has no need to do anything at all.

When the assassin assassinated, Suzong started to close the net, and the timing and rhythm were completely out of sync.

Based on this inference, Suzong can be excluded.

So, who is the black hand behind the assassin, and who is the ultimate winner of Xuanzong's death?
Bai Fu and Fang Shuliu couldn't figure it out.


Bai Fu took out the rags left by the puppet in the palace costume and handed it to Fang Shuliu.

When Fang Shuliu saw this thing, he gasped.He took the scraps of cloth to a bright place and looked at them repeatedly, observing the silk weaving technique, the material and texture of the cloth...

Fang Shuliu pointed to the unique pattern on the cloth strip and said, "That's right, that's it! This strip of cloth comes from the shroud on Concubine Liu Hua's body."

Seeing Bai Fu's bewildered face, Fang Shuliu talked about a major case that shocked Chang'an more than ten years ago.

Concubine Hua Liu was the biological mother of King Qing Li Cong, who gave birth to Xuanzong's eldest sons Qing King Li Cong, Rong Wang Li Wan, and Yi Wang Li Fan.

Concubine Hua gave birth to three princes, and the mother was supposed to enjoy the glory and wealth with her children.However, the beauty was unlucky, and Concubine Liu Hua died of illness before the 28th year of Kaiyuan (740).

Xuanzong loved Concubine Liu Hua very much, and the funeral objects given to her were extremely extravagant, which attracted the attention of tomb robbers.

The tomb robbers stared at Concubine Liu Hua's tomb, but they were at a loss as to what to do.Because Xuanzong was worried that Concubine Hua's tomb would be stolen, he specially sent dozens of soldiers to guard Concubine Liu Hua's tomb.

In the 28th year of Kaiyuan, a group of tomb robbers came up with a way.They first pretended that someone in their family had died, and then built another big tomb a hundred steps away from Concubine Hua's tomb.The tomb robbers used it as a cover to dig a tunnel under the tomb and dug into Concubine Liu Hua's tomb from the ground.

In this way, when there were guards outside the tomb of Concubine Hua, the group of tomb robbers broke into Concubine Hua's tomb without anyone noticing.

After opening the coffin, the tomb robbers found that the glamorous Concubine Hua's skin was smooth and elastic, and her limbs were soft and could be flexed and stretched.

The tomb robbers looted all the jewels in the tomb, but they were still unwilling.

Seeing the precious golden bracelet wrapped around Concubine Liu Hua's arm, the tomb robbers chopped off Concubine Hua's hands with machetes in order to remove the golden bracelet.

In order to prevent Concubine Liu Hua's soul from reporting them in a dream, they cut off Concubine Liu Hua's tongue.

This is not over yet, they saw that Concubine Liu Hua's corpse was well preserved and lifelike, they became lustful and brutally insulted Concubine Liu Hua's corpse...

After succeeding, the tomb robber returned to the big tomb he had dug with a large number of treasures along the tunnel.It was already late at this time, and the tomb robbers all stayed in the big tomb at night.


That night, King Qing Li Cong had a nightmare.He dreamed that his mother had disheveled hair, was naked, her hands were cut off, and her body was covered with blood, crying to himself for help: "Cong'er, the queen mother is so miserable. The tomb robbers dug my tomb and insulted me. You have to avenge the queen mother." what!
This group of thieves will appear outside Chunming Gate tomorrow, you must arrest them and bring them to justice! "

Afterwards, Concubine Liu Hua described the face of the tomb robber in detail to King Qing Li Cong.

King Qing Li Cong was extremely filial, woke up crying in his dream, and went to the palace to face the saint early in the morning.After investigation, it was found that Concubine Hua's tomb was indeed stolen, and Concubine Hua's body was mutilated.

The ruling and opposition parties were shocked.

Xuanzong Longyan was furious, and ordered Jing Zhaoyin and Wannian county magistrate to lead dozens of bad people to wait at Chunming Gate and strictly check the passers-by.


Let's talk about the grave robbers.In order not to attract attention, on the second day after the tomb robbery, the accomplice of the tomb thief pretended to be a family's funeral procession, and sent people from the capital to the suburbs with an empty coffin, packed the stolen treasures in the coffin, and wanted to take them back to Chang'an City to sell the stolen goods.

Of course, they didn't know yet that the Chang'an guards and arresters had all been dispatched to arrest them.

When the group of tomb robbers returned with a full load and arrived outside Chunming Gate, they were caught by Jing Zhaoyin, Bad Shuai and others.

With all the stolen goods in hand, the tomb robber confessed.

After checking their identities, the Dali Temple officials who were in charge of the interrogation were quite surprised, because these tomb robbers were not poor people who took risks for their livelihood.This group of tomb robbers are all unlearned and incompetent officials' children in Chang'an City.

According to the confession of the tomb robber, Dali Temple officials followed the clues and arrested dozens of people.

After the truth came out.Li Cong, the king of Qing, wept loudly, his hatred was unbearable, and he told his father that he wanted to execute the five main tomb robbers with his own hands.Xuanzong will play.

Li Cong hacked five heads of tomb robbers into pieces, disemboweled and dug out their hearts, took out their internal organs, boiled them thoroughly and fried them thoroughly, and paid homage to Concubine Hua.The remaining dozens of tomb robbers were pulled out of Jingzhao Gate and beheaded for public display.

Emperor Xuanzong ordered that concubine Liu Hua be reburied in a chosen place to comfort her spirit in heaven.

Even so, King Qing Li Cong mourned for three years.


After talking about the tomb robbery case, Fang Shuliu said: "At that time, I was one of the investigators of this case. Although the stolen goods were both obtained and the truth was revealed, there are two doubts that have always troubled me."

Bai Fu knew that Fang Shuliu's words must have deep meaning, so he listened quietly.

Fang Shuliu said: "First, we compared the stolen goods obtained by the tomb robbers with Concubine Liu Hua's burial list, and the only thing missing was the shroud.

You must know that Liu Shigui is a concubine of Hua, and her shroud is also extraordinary, all of which are recorded in the record.There are so many valuable things, why does this thing disappear out of thin air? "

Bai Fu guessed: "Could it be that in the chaos, the tomb robbers brought out the tomb and then discarded it in the tunnel?"

Fang Shuliu shook his head and said, "The last tomb robber who left the tomb clearly remembered that when he left the tomb, he wiped his muddy hands with a shroud and threw them behind the door of the tomb passage."

Bai Fu nodded, no longer interrupting Fang Shuliu, let him finish the two doubtful points.

Fang Shuliu said: "Secondly, when we arrived at the scene where Concubine Hua's tomb was robbed, the tomb was in a mess. Concubine Liu Hua's body was stood sideways, and a candle was stuck in her chest...

The cruel method used by the tomb robbers to insult Concubine Liu Hua's body is unsightly and outrageous.But in this link, none of the tomb robbers admitted it. "

Bai Fu said: "That is to say, they confessed to more cruel methods, but they didn't admit to this one?"

Fang Shuliu nodded and said, "That's right. The crimes they committed are enough for Ling Chi and Xiao Shou four or five times, and it's not bad for this one. But from the beginning to the end, they didn't admit it."

Bai Fu pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said, "That is to say, after the tomb robbers left Concubine Liu Hua's tomb, there were still people who rushed into Concubine Hua's tomb before the six doors of you?"

Fang Shuliu had a long beard in his hands, and said, "That's right. This person should have left after King Qing Li Cong cried to Xuanzong.

According to this inference, this person is likely to be a person in the palace, and he can have the opportunity to ride a BMW horse, and he has extraordinary skills.

More importantly, this person must have a split personality, distorted temperament, cruel and perverted!
In the 28th year of Kaiyuan, Li Fuguo was the horse eunuch of Da Nei Feilong's stable, and his status was just right!

He can practice the bone claws of Mrs. Bone, and the conscienceless sorcery "resentment and evil spirit", which is enough to prove that this person has a distorted temperament, split and ruthless! "

Speaking of this, Bai Fu and Fang Shuliu looked at each other, shuddering.

Such a villainous and indignant figure turned out to be Suzong's confidant eunuch.He successively served as Sima of the Marching Army of the Marshal's Mansion, the third division of Kaifu Yitong, the Minister of Internal Affairs, and the Duke of Yi.In an important position, the power is overwhelming!

If this thief is not eliminated, the Tang Dynasty will be in danger!

  The robbery and excavation of Concubine Liu Hua's tomb is recorded in the collection of strange and legendary novels "Guang Yi Ji" written by Dai Fu in the Tang Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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