Chapter 696
The years are hard to come by, and the brothers travelled west and east.

After the countryside was deserted and fought, the flesh and blood drifted away from the road.

The hanging shadows are divided into thousands of geese, and their roots are scattered as nine autumn trees.

We should weep when we see the bright moon together, and we will feel the same in five places all night.

——Bai Juyi in Feelings of Watching the Moon

I thought today's match was over.The gamblers yawned, exchanged their chips, and prepared to leave.

Hearing the sound of a gong, a woman in revealing clothes and heavy make-up twisted her water snake's waist and walked into the iron cage.She poked her head in a pose, and said to the gamblers: "This time, the one who challenges the 'Demon Ape' in the last life-and-death duel is the cold-blooded killer 'Weak Chicken' who has just been promoted to a gladiator.

All the judges, please buy and leave your hands. After a stick of incense, the duel will officially begin! "

Before the coquettish woman finished speaking, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl was brought into the iron cage.

The girl was thin and thin, unkempt, with a hungry face and heavy dark circles under her eyes.At first glance, it looks like a person who has been lacking sleep and food for a long time.

The gamblers booed.How can such a weak chicken be the opponent of the "monster ape" who fights Xionghu?It's not even enough to stuff the "demon ape"'s teeth.

The girl "weak chicken" was dressed in rags and had no armor. After pulling out her weapon, the gamblers laughed.

The weapon of the girl "weak chicken" is simple and shabby. It is not so much a dagger as it is a large embroidery needle.

The iron fiber is more than one foot long, and the sword body is thinner than the Emei thorn. There is neither blade nor tsuba, and the hilt is just two pieces of cork nailed to the body of the sword.

The gamblers were out of breath laughing, pointing at the girl "weak chicken" and yelling: "Hey, are you playing house? Are you still bringing toys? Haha"

"Demon Ape" strode into the iron cage, and the contrasting figures of the two caused the gamblers to boo again.

Almost no one is optimistic about the girl "weak chicken", and the result of the duel between the two is obvious.Although the odds are extremely high, most gamblers still bet on the "Demon Ape".

This match, rather than a duel, might as well be called a killing.

After a stick of incense, the girl "weak chicken" is likely to die in the iron cage, and a young life just passed away in vain.

However, no one will mind.

The gamblers looked at the girl in the iron cage without mercy, smiling and teasing.Someone even made a private bet that it would take several rounds for the "demon ape" to end the life of the "weak chicken".

The leader of the girl's sect was indignant, her lips were tightly pressed together, and a flame burst out from her eyes.

Only Bai Fu held his breath and focused his eyes on every move of the "weak chicken".

A gong sounded, and the game officially started.

"Demon Ape" didn't underestimate the enemy because of his physique.Holding the shield and the horizontal knife in his hand, he moved slowly, observing the reaction of the "weak chicken".

"Demon Ape" knows very well that those who can go to the Colosseum are all ruthless characters.There may be differences in martial arts, but they all have a strong desire to survive.Driven by this kind of desire, even a person who has no power to restrain a chicken can explode with amazing power.

"The lion fights the rabbit, go all out."This is the secret of "Demon Ape"'s invincibility.

Facing the temptation of the "demon ape", the "weak chicken" seems to have lost the desire to survive.She neither panicked nor frightened, she just stared at the ground in front of her, "stunned".

"Could it be that you're scared and stupid?" Now even "Demon Ape" couldn't be sure, showing a puzzled look.

"What 'weak chicken'? Just a 'stupid chicken' and a 'stupid chicken'!" A gambler was very bored and cursed.


There were boos in the venue.The audience whistled, stomped and cursed in disapproval.

"End this battle as soon as possible, and go home early!" The master of "Demon Ape" lost his patience, yawned, and made a gesture outside the iron cage.

The "monster ape" who received the order took a deep breath and prepared to attack.

He secretly told himself that when he makes a move, he should be more agile, so that the opponent will die without too much pain.

"Monster Ape" squatted down like a bow, ready to go.

"one two Three!"

Seeing the iconic offensive action of "Demon Ape", the audience's emotions were mobilized, and they all stood up, shouted the beat in unison, and cheered for "Demon Ape".

The "Monster Ape" kicked the ground with his calf, and he rushed out like a javelin, as fast as a gust of wind.

"Three steps, two steps, one step!"

The "embroidery needle" was inserted into the life gate of the "demon ape" and passed through the throat of the "demon ape".

"Weak Chicken" drew his sword so fast that almost no one could see clearly how the sword pierced into the throat of "Demon Ape"!

"Monster Ape" threw down his sword and shield, knelt down on the ground, and covered his throat with his hands.There was a "cluck" in his throat, muscles in his face twitched, his nostrils dilated, and he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue.

Blood dripped from the tip of his tongue.

"Demon Ape" stared at "Weak Chicken" with wide eyes in disbelief.

The "weak chicken" had no expression on his face, and drew out his sword.

Blood splattered everywhere, and blood shot out from the throat of "Demon Ape" like an arrow. "Monster Ape" roared wildly, collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud, his legs and feet twitched twice, and died in the struggle.

Died at the hands of the "weak chicken", the "demon ape" was unwilling to die, his eyes protruded like dead fish, horrifying.

"Weak Chicken" inserted the sword into his waist without wiping off the blood on the sword.

She returned to the state just now, staring blankly at the ground in front of her, as if the death of "Demon Ape" had nothing to do with it.

The audience was silent, until now, everyone has not recovered.

A discordant laugh suddenly broke out in the silent venue.

A gambler who was lucky enough to bet on the "weak chicken" was ecstatic.He was very unlucky tonight and failed.Unexpectedly, at the end of the game, he risked it all, brought him back to life, and made a lot of money.


Regarding the result, the girl gang leader was also astonished.

Bai Fu was finally moved, and praised: "What a fast sword!"

The girl gang leader couldn't help asking Bai Fu: "Which school of swordsmanship is this?"

Bai Fu shook his head and said, "This is not swordsmanship, it's the instinct to survive."

Seeing that the girl leader didn't fully comprehend, Bai Fu explained: "Her moves are totally disorganized, her whole body is full of flaws, her only advantage is 'fast'!
This kind of 'speed' is not the speed produced by the improvement of internal strength, but a kind of speed derived from the hunting and survival instinct of animals, just like a rabbit kicking an eagle.

Have you ever seen a lizard catch insects?

The lizard lay motionless on the branch. Once the mosquito passed by, it puffed out its cheeks, and the tip of its tongue was as fast as lightning, swallowing the mosquito into its stomach in the blink of an eye.

We human beings are not born with such hunting skills, so we can only rely on weapons to assist in hunting, and rely on the acquired internal strength to make up for the lack of strength and speed.

I could see clearly that the moment she made a move, her waist, abdomen, arms and wrists contracted and expanded rapidly, like fleas bouncing, concentrating all her strength on one point, and bursting out instantly.

As far as swordsmanship is concerned, there is nothing fancy about the 'Weak Chicken''s sword, it's just a normal straight thrust.

So simple, so fast! "


The sky was bright, the gambling game was over, and Bai Fu and the girl gang leader walked out of the underground palace.

Looking at the sunny sky, it seems like a lifetime away.

The girl gang leader asked: "Didn't you just ask me why the government didn't ban the Colosseum? Because this is the paradise of many people.

Some people feel the excitement of killing here, and some people make a lot of money here.

Once the winning gladiators are favored by the powerful, they will be bought back as assassins and dead fighters.You say, who will ban this place?
Speaking of this, the girl gang leader joked: "Gladiator with the highest price wins. 'Weak Chicken' is a natural killer, don't you want to buy it?
If you don't have enough money, I can ask their masters to sell them at a discount. "

Bai Fu sighed, and said: "This person has lost his mind and lost his humanity. What use do I need her for a person who has lost his humanity?"

The girl's gang leader curled her lips and said, "Gladiators are slaves through and through.

When choosing a fighter, it is enough to kill people.Wouldn't it be better to control someone who has no humanity and only knows loyalty and obedience?
As a general of the Tang army, don't you want such a foolish and loyal warrior under your command? "

Bai Fu shook his head, and said: "They are not warriors, they are just tools for killing people, they are a group of walking dead zombies."

The girl gang leader scoffed at Bai Fu's words, saying: "General Bai's moral teaching is really not flattering.

Aren't soldiers meant to kill people?Is there a difference between despicable and noble? "

Bai Fu turned his head, his eyes were like torches, staring at the eyes of the girl gang leader.

The girl gang leader was rather unnatural, and turned her head away to avoid Bai Fu's sharp gaze.

Bai Fu stood with his hands behind his back, looked towards the sky, and said word by word: "Of course there is a difference, and it's a world of difference. The former is called a butcher, and the latter is called a soldier..."

 Since Henan was in turmoil, hunger was blocked in the pass, and the brothers were separated, each in one place.Because of Wangyue's feelings, I chatted with the book, and sent it to Brother Fuliang, Brother Yuqian, Brother Wujiang, and Brother Wujiang, and also showed Fuli and Xiagui brothers and sisters.

  The years are hard to come by, and the brothers travelled west and east.

  After the countryside was deserted and fought, the flesh and blood drifted away from the road.

  The hanging shadows are divided into thousands of geese, and their roots are scattered as nine autumn trees.

  We should weep when we see the bright moon together, and we will feel the same in five places all night.

  ——Bai Juyi in Feelings of Watching the Moon
(End of this chapter)

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