The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 697 Hell Cultivation

Chapter 697 Hell Cultivation
The bow destroys the Nanshan tiger, and the hand catches the Taihang tiger.

Competing for demeanor after drinking, three cups of swords.

Killing people is like mowing grass, playing Meng Tongyou.

——Excerpt from "White Horse Chapter" Li Bai


The girl leader chewed on Bai Fu's words, and remained silent for a long while.

The girl gang leader sighed: "If everyone thinks like you, Chang'an will not become a city of sin.

Let’s be honest, these gladiators are very popular.Every fierce gladiator was bought with a lot of money.

Huge profits, higher than that of smuggling salt, continue to give birth to this industry.It also allowed more underground gangs to join in and train gladiators with more inhumane methods.

The faster the update iteration of the gladiators, the more underground gangs earn.

Cruel training has shortened the time for the new generation of gladiators to emerge, made them more skilled in fighting skills, and made them more cunning and brutal.

As you just saw, the gladiators of the 'demon ape' generation will soon be replaced by the new generation of 'weak chicken' gladiators. "

Speaking of which, the girl gang leader continued to ask the previous topic: "Aside from the standard of good and evil, why do you disdain the gladiators who are favored by everyone and bought with a lot of money?"

Bai Fu's face was heavy, and he said: "This kind of gladiator who relies on life-and-death fights and is selected by the survival of the fittest may be better at killing, but it is also extremely dangerous.

As I said just now, the killer who destroys humanity is not a human being, but a beast.

I have several comrades-in-arms of the Khitan, Shiwei, and Mohe tribes. They told me that the herdsmen on the grassland never domesticate wolf cubs.Because wolf cubs are immature, when they see the moonlight and smell blood when they become adults, they will become fierce and hurt their masters. "

Similarly, although the Miao people in Nanzhao are good at raising poisonous insects such as snakes, scorpions, and centipedes, they are extremely cautious in their breeding methods, and they do not treat snakes and scorpions as pets such as cats and dogs.

The reason for this is that wild wolves, poisonous snakes and other things are hard to get rid of and are extremely difficult to domesticate. If you are not careful, they will be eaten back by their masters.

There is still a bit of kindness in the eyes of the "monster ape", and his conscience is not lost.

The eyes of the "weak chicken" are as gray as dead, dull and dull. When killing people, their eyes are gathered together, like the eyes of a viper, cruel and sinister, which is exactly the sign of destroying human nature.

I don't know how the "weak chicken" is trained. I guess the process must be extremely cruel to turn a young girl into a wild beast. "


As Bai Fu expected, the "weak chicken" stood out from the inhuman abuse.

When the battlefield in the Central Plains was full of starvation, and the "weak chicken" was sold by parents to a killer organization, the leader was called "Yasha".

"Yasha" locked "weak chicken" in a stone house with no windows but only a door. The door was locked, leaving only a gap through which the sun shines through.

"Yasha" has a ferocious face, and "weak chicken" dare not look directly at it.She curled up to a corner of the stone wall, and did not open her eyes until "Yasha" left.

The stone house is full of murals.The murals are all kinds of actions with words, such as civet cats climbing trees, rabbits kicking eagles, praying mantises catching cicadas, lions fighting rabbits, thieves flying over eaves and walls, killers flying to pounce, assassins sealing their throats with a sword...

After sleeping all night, the "weak chicken" was extremely thirsty and hungry.She started looking for water.

The stone house was empty, except for strips of air-dried meat hanging on the beams and bags of water bladders.

"Weak Chicken" licked his lips, jumped and jumped, and jumped countless times but couldn't reach it.

The "weak chicken" clung to the crack of the door and called out loudly, hoping that someone could hear him and rescue him.

However, no one knocked on the stone door despite shouting loudly.

Three days later, the "weak chicken" was hoarse and exhausted, and her hunger aroused her survival instinct, which kept her from falling to the death line.

"Weak Chicken" caught a glimpse of the mural of the ape jumping vertically to pick fruit, and pondered over and over again the movement of the ape jumping.

She gritted her teeth, forced herself to stand up, and started running around the house in circles, faster and faster, running, jumping up, kicking her legs against the wall, her hands like claws, and pounced on the wall hanging high. Air-dried meat on the top of the head...

A month later, "Yasha" came back.

"Yasha" looked at "weak chicken" blankly, and found that although she was skinny, her eyes were piercing.

"Yasha" was quite satisfied to see that the "weak chicken" had eaten up all the air-dried meat and water sacs hanging on the beam.This shows that the "weak chicken" learns the movements in the murals and jumps every day, and can already jump very high.

Suddenly, "Weak Chicken" rushed towards the door without any warning, trying to escape from "Yasha".

"Yasha" kicked it over. The "weak chicken" rolled three times in a row and rolled to the corner.

"Weak chicken" felt the pain in her ribs unbearably. She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and looked at "Yasha", with flames of hatred in her eyes.

"Yasha" grinned grinningly in satisfaction, what he wanted was this kind of hatred.

He chanted to the "weak chicken":

"Only the engraved hatred can ignore the pain of the body.

Only by ignoring the pain of the body can we ignore the fear of life and death. "

"Yasha" hung a lot of air-dried meat and a few water sacs full of water on the higher beams of the house, then locked the door and left.

It's another month.

When "Yasha" came back again, the air-dried meat and water hanging on the beams of the house had been swept away, indicating that the "weak chicken" jumped at least one foot more than a month ago.

"Weak Chicken" crouched in the corner and stared at "Yasha" vigilantly.

Suddenly, the "weak chicken" pounced again, just like she pounced on the air-dried meat on the beam in extreme hunger, and the jumping distance was completely comparable to that of an adult leopard.

However, this time, the "weak chicken" did not rush to the door, but to the "Yasha" blocking the door.

"Yasha" let out a cry of surprise and shrank back.In a flash, he pulled out a thick jujube stick from behind, swung it up and hit it.

"Weak chicken" was knocked to the ground again, more seriously injured than last time.

"Weak chicken" refused to admit defeat, struggled to get up, and rushed to "Yasha" again...

The "weak chicken" pounced more than 20 times in a row, pouring out the fierceness and perseverance hidden in the body.

These more than 20 attacks have not been successful.Although there were more than 20 consecutive pounces, "Yasha" could not be thrown down once.

The attack failed, and what was summoned was the violent beating of jujube sticks like a storm.

The "weak chicken" dodged and screamed, was beaten all over his body, and collapsed on the ground, unable to move, and almost passed out.

"Weak chicken" was almost breathless, but the fierce light in his eyes became more and more fierce.

"Yasha" bent down, touched the whole body of "weak chicken", and smiled with satisfaction: "I beat you so hard, but I didn't break a single bone of yours. It seems that I am right. Your bones are so strange." , a born killer."

"Weak Chicken" had planned this sneak attack for a long time, and her attack was swift and precise.However, "Yasha" had been prepared long ago, and did not give the "weak chicken" an opportunity.

The lesson of returning in vain made the "weak chicken" understand a truth: "You must learn to pounce in place with one strike, control the enemy with one move, and kill with one blow!
In front of a powerful opponent, you have no second or third chance to attack. "

"Yasha" dropped the broken jujube stick, and once again hung the newly brought air-dried meat and water bag on a higher place on the beam.

When walking, "Yaksha" recited again:
"Only the engraved hatred can ignore the pain of the body.

Only by ignoring pain can one be free from fear of life and death. "

 Long horse flower snow hair, golden saddle Wuling Hao.

  The autumn frost cuts the jade sword, and the sunset pearl gown.

  Cockfighting is a thousand things, how high is the roof.

  The bow destroys the Nanshan tiger, and the hand catches the Taihang tiger.

  Competing for demeanor after drinking, three cups of swords.

  Killing people is like mowing grass, playing Meng Tongyou.

  Go to Hangu in anger and join the army to Lintao.

  After hundreds of battles, the Xiongnu ran away.

  When he came back, he was drunk and refused to worship Xiao Cao.

  Ashamed to enter the original constitutional room, the barren path hides basil.

  ——"White Horse" Li Bai

(End of this chapter)

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