The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 698 Ferocious Animals

Chapter 698 Ferocious Animals
The universe is pitched, the sages and fools wake up drunk, and the past and present rise and fall.The sword flower is cold, sitting at night and returning home with a strong heart, it is another land.On the [-]th, the Ming Dynasty wine is fragrant, and the year is good and orange.On Longshan Mountain, the westerly wind blows the trees, blowing frost on the old temples.

——"Man Ting Fang Nine Days in the Guest" Zhang Kejiu (Yuan Dynasty)


Another month passed, another merciless beating, and the meat and water were hung up a little higher, and "Yasha" left again.

All year, every month.

The "weak chicken" was beaten to the ground by "Yasha" twelve times a year.The weapons used to beat her changed from jujube sticks, leather whips, and iron bars to maces.

Every time he was beaten to the ground, the "weak chicken" struggled to stand up and grew stubbornly.Along with the body came anger and hatred.

In a year's time, the "weak chicken" became more forbearing, and her skills were rapidly enhanced, especially the attacking technique.The killing movements on each mural are firmly grasped by her, and she knows them by heart.

In the last month, "Yasha" hung air-dried meat and water bags on the roof.After he left, the "weak chicken" pointed its toes and rushed up the wall, like a goshawk flapping its wings, grabbing the meat with one claw and circling down.


After the winter solstice, "Yasha" tied the "weak chicken" with a rope, led her to the deep mountain forest behind the stone house, and threw her into a deep ditch.

The deep ditch was originally a gully washed out by snow water, and the walls were made of hard granite.

"Yasha" ordered people to deepen the bottom of the ditch, and then used blue stones as the foundation to build a firm ground; steepened the ditch wall and heightened the edge of the ditch to make it difficult to climb; finally, transformed this natural prison into a training ground. The place of the gladiators.

The deep ditch is seven or eight feet long and two feet wide. The deepest part is about twenty feet, and the shallowest is about ten feet.The house in the deep ditch is bare and empty, except for a thatched hut with a herringbone roof at the corner to shelter from the rain.

The new environment made the "weak chicken" agitated, climbing and jumping in the deep ditch, trying to jump out of the deep ditch.After an hour, "weak chicken" was exhausted, and all attempts failed.

The night came quietly, the snow was flying, and it was bitterly cold. The "weak chicken" curled up in the thatched hut without sleep all night.Dong's face was blue and her lips were purple, and her upper and lower teeth clashed in trembling.

In the early morning of the next day, the clouds cleared, the wind stopped and the snow stopped, and it was freezing cold. The "weak chicken" looked up at the palm-sized blue sky and sighed in despair.


Along with the sigh of the "weak chicken", bursts of wolf howling came from above the deep ditch.

A group of hungry wolves, with green eyes, their front paws clawing at the edge of the ditch, poking out their wolf heads, sniffing deeply, hanging in the air to spy on the "weak chicken".

The "weak chicken" panicked and started running involuntarily.At the bottom of the ditch that was seven or eight feet away, she could run back and forth in the blink of an eye.After running for a while, the "weak chicken" realized that running was meaningless and would only waste energy, so he stopped and was fully on guard.

The head wolf drove through the pack, came to the edge of the deep ditch, overlooked the environment of the ditch, and stared at the "weak chicken".

In the eyes of the alpha wolf, this deep ditch is a trap set by a hunter, and the "weak chicken" is the bait.Once down the ditch, there is no return, and there is no way to jump out.

The alpha wolf let out a long howl, and led the pack away angrily.

After the wolves left, the "weak chicken" breathed a sigh of relief, and felt even more hungry.She was desperate to find that there was no hanging food, just bare rocks.

"Weak Chicken" began to lick the snow to quench his thirst.Three days passed, and the "weak chicken" licked up all the snow in the ditch.

In order to escape, the "weak chicken" began to dig the wall of the ditch vigorously with his fingers, trying to dig a passage for escape.

Several hours passed, "Weak Chicken" had blood dripping from his hands, but there was only a nest of shallow depressions on the wall of the ditch.

As the night came silently, the "weak chicken" became alert.

A lone wolf with a broken leg limped to the top of the deep pit.Looking at the "weak chicken", it sticks out its long scarlet tongue, salivating.

It is difficult for a lone wolf exiled by wolves to survive the cold winter.What's more, it has a broken leg, so it can't even hunt ordinary hares and deer.For several months, it could only survive on carrion.

The fresh smell of the "weak chicken" attracted the lone wolf, and it lingered on the top of the pit for several hours, unable to bear to leave.

The weather is getting colder and food is getting harder to find.If you miss this delicious meal, you may freeze to death on the wasteland in a short time.

The lone wolf finally made up his mind that even if he died at the bottom of the pit, he would still be a full and exhausted wolf.

It runs from the shallowest part of the deep ditch to the bottom of the ditch.It rolled a few times on the ground to absorb the impact of the fall.

The lone wolf shook his hair and raised his head, startled by the opponent in front of him.These are a pair of blood-red eyes from hunger, exactly the same as his own eyes.

The "weak chicken" bowed his waist, put his limbs on the ground, and stared at the lone wolf motionlessly.

The lone wolf sucked its nose up, opened its bloody mouth wide, exposed its sharp wolf teeth as if threatening, and took a step forward.

The wolf has seen that "weak chicken" is a thin person, and he is not afraid of her at all.

But the wolf did not expect that the girl in front of him was hungrier and more ferocious than him.

Before the lone wolf could attack, the "weak chicken" pounced on it with lightning speed.

The speed was so fast that even the "weak chicken" didn't even react, his hands had already clamped into the back of the wolf's neck, and ten bloody holes were inserted.

The dying struggle of the lone wolf made the "weak chicken" extremely excited. She bent down, bit the throat of the lone wolf, and gulped down the wolf's blood.

The bloody smell of wolves is tangy to the nose, but it is extremely thirst-quenching.


In this way, the "weak chicken" stayed in the deep ditch for a whole year.It hadn't eaten a bite of carrion in a year, all it ate was the meat of wild beasts.

Some wild beasts, like lone wolves, jumped into the deep pit without any food; some wild beasts were deliberately released by "Yasha".

The "weak chicken" does not ask the source of the prey, but only fights to the death.

The law of the jungle has always been like this, either be killed or eat meat.

The "weak chicken" has fought with wild boars, leopards, lynxes, bears, and fierce tigers. Of course, the most frequent fights are with wolves. There are prairie wolves, jackals, and others. A small pack of wolves.

She bit all the beasts that fell into the bottom of the ditch - wolves, leopards or bears, and culled them immediately, killing them with one blow.Sometimes with teeth, sometimes with claws.

During the year, the "weak chicken" used his fingers as claws to dig the wall of the ditch every day, hoping to dig a tunnel one day and escape.However, the solid granite walls made progress slow.

The "weak chicken" is not discouraged, rain or shine, and perseveres.

Not only are her fingers strong, but her nails are getting stronger and stronger.

She dug out many shallow pits on the stone wall. Although she didn't get what she wanted, she sharpened her hands into two sharp claws and a steel drill, and she could scratch five claw marks on the stone wall with just one stretch.

The sun and the moon change, spring goes and autumn comes, severe cold and heat, and desperate fights turn the "weak chicken" into a ferocious beast.

She is as vigorous as a leopard, as powerful as a black bear, as fierce as a tiger, as cunning as a wild wolf...

One day, "Yasha" cast down a gibbon, which was probably the most agile beast that fell to the bottom of the ditch.

The gibbon broke free from the rope that bound it, and ran away. After swaying for a while, it found that it couldn't get out and began to climb.

Although the wall of the ditch is smooth and steep, the gibbon grasped the shallow pits on the rock wall with both hands, and then moved up step by step.

Climbing to the middle of the deep ditch, there were no more pits. The gibbon jumped back to the bottom of the ditch, unloaded a thigh bone of a black bear carcass, and climbed again.

Arriving at the dilemma just now, the gibbon used the sharp tip of the black bear's femur to continue digging the stone wall, trying to dig a pit above it so that it could climb to the mouth of the ditch.

"Weak Chicken" watched this scene with great interest, and stopped attacking the gibbon, as if giving the gibbon a chance to escape.

A few days later, the "weak chicken" pounced on a tiger, killing the gibbon.If she wasn't too hungry, she might have waited until the gibbon carved out a climbing ladder.

Next, if you want to escape from birth, you have to do it yourself.


  "Tibetan Mastiff", Yang Zhijun, People's Literature Publishing House, published in September 2019

(End of this chapter)

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