Chapter 699

Life is not a hundred years old, how about a hundred years old?
The ancient heroes have returned to the mountains and rivers.

——Liu Ji (Ming Dynasty) in "Quatrains: Life is not a hundred years old"

On this day, "Yasha" came to feed the "weak chicken" again.He was surprised to find that half of the clouded leopard's thick tail remained outside the edge of the ditch. Looking at the bottom of the ditch, the "weak chicken" was gnawing on the leopard's head meat.

He was stunned, which meant that the deep ditch could no longer hold the "weak chicken". She climbed out of the ditch, killed a clouded leopard, and then returned to the bottom of the ditch.

"Fortunately, she didn't run away, otherwise all previous efforts would have been wasted."

"Yasha" secretly rejoiced.

The next day, "Yasha" threw a lynx into a deep ditch.

"Weak Chicken" was not hungry at this time, but she still jumped up, and before the lynx landed, she pierced the lynx's throat with one claw.

That night, the "weak chicken" ate the lynx and fell into a coma.Weak chickens don't know that lynx meat has a strong anesthetic effect, and all animals will fall asleep after eating it.

"Weak Chicken" slept for a day and a night, and when she woke up, she was surprised to find herself lying in a cage the size of a carriage.

The cage was placed in a huge underground cavern.In the cave, there are dozens of such cages, placed every two or three feet.The cage is full of people who are dressed similarly to him.

In the cage, someone was curled up, unconscious; someone was grabbing the railing, with fierce eyes flashing, and threatening sounds like rattlesnakes.

The "weak chicken" was wary and looked around everyone vigilantly.

At this moment, a warm voice came from behind "Weak Chicken": "Girl, you are new here. Don't be afraid."

"Weak Chicken" turned around, and saw a boy who was a few years older than himself, with a dark and thin face, curly hair hanging on his forehead, with a carefree and indifferent look.

The boy looked at the "weak chicken" with a warm and sincere smile.

In two years, except for "Yasha", this is the first time someone has spoken to "Weak Chicken".

The "weak chicken" wanted to open his mouth to answer, but forgot how to speak and how to communicate with humans.The sound she made was a deep roar, like a wolf or a leopard.

The boy was taken aback for a moment, then smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry, everything will be fine when you return to Chang'an."

The boy's words seemed to have a hypnotic effect, and the "weak chicken" quickly settled down.Feeling drowsy, fell asleep drowsily.This sleep is another day and night.

Waking up again, the "weak chicken" was hungry, and found a food box by his feet, which was full of food and water.

This is the first time that "weak chicken" has eaten cooked food in two years.

The "weak chicken" vomited after taking the first bite, and vomited violently.He didn't stop until he vomited yellow-green sour and smelly stomach water, and there was nothing to vomit.

Hunger made the "weak chicken" pick up the food box again, but when he smelled the food, he immediately retched again.

The young man in the cage next door threw a pear over and said, "It's been like this for the first few days, eat raw food for two days, and you'll be fine."

After that, every meal, the boy saved the pears in his food box and threw them to the "weak chicken".

The young man was right. Five days later, the "weak chicken" was able to eat normally and his physical strength began to recover.

Seeing the same kind again, the "weak chicken" thought he had changed his luck, but he didn't expect that the bad luck had just begun.

On this day, "Yasha" appeared again and ordered people to open two cages, drive the two teenagers into a huge iron cage, and then lock the cage door tightly.

"Yasha" asked the two teenagers to choose weapons, and said: "Use your best weapons to kill each other. Only the winner can survive."

"Yasha" did not mobilize too much, and the two teenagers had already fought together.

They have come here every day for the past two years, and their opponents are either beasts or companions.

After a stick of incense, the two came out on top. One boy cut off the neck of the other with a steel knife, and walked out of the iron cage with scars on his opponent's head.

The teenagers in the cage came onto the stage one by one, the pear-throwing boy fought three against one, piercing the throats of the three with one sword, as fast as lightning.One sword ended the lives of three people.

This is the fastest sword "weak chicken" has ever seen, and he didn't even see how to draw the sword clearly.

The pear-throwing boy knelt on the ground and gently brushed his opponent's eyes with his hands to help them close them.After doing all this, the boy returned to the cage with tired eyes.

It was "weak chicken"'s turn to come out, and "weak chicken" was dumbfounded looking at the various weapons on the weapon rack. She didn't know how to use these iron guys. "Weak Chicken" shook his head and chose to fight with bare hands.

The opponent was a burly teenager, taller than an adult.He waved a mace and looked at the "weak chicken" viciously.

The mace brought back the painful memory of the "weak chicken" being ruthlessly whipped, and the "weak chicken" became fierce.As soon as the gong sounded, she rushed forward, piercing through the burly boy's leather armor with one claw, and pulled out the boy's beating heart.

The "weak chicken" salivated when he smelled the blood.If she hadn't caught a glimpse of the terrified eyes of the pear-throwing boy, she might have swallowed this heart in one gulp.

Back in the cage, the pear-throwing boy did not throw pears to the "weak chicken".He looked at the "weak chicken" with pity or sadness in his eyes.

That night, the pear-throwing boy didn't talk to the "weak chicken", but leaned against the cage railing, humming a little nostalgic tune in his hometown dialect.

For the next few months, there were such fights every night.

There are fewer and fewer people in the cage, and finally only the "weak chicken" and the pear-throwing boy are left.

Throwing pear boy's short sword is an iron fiber more than one foot long. The blade is thinner than the Emei thorn. It has neither blade nor tsuba. The hilt is just two pieces of cork nailed to the body of the sword.

After the gong sounded, neither of the two attacked.

"Yasha" was outside the iron cage, beating the two of them with a leather whip dipped in water, blood was dripping from their backs, and their skins were torn apart.

The two were not driven by the whip.

Three days later, the iron cage was filled with fragrant food: braised bear paws, sweet and sour deer legs, grilled hump, braised deer tendon, steamed sea bass...

The two remained unmoved.

Five days later, the "weak chicken" was dizzy and crumbling from hunger.

She suddenly understood the meaning of the lips of the pear-throwing boy.

"perish together."

"Weak chicken" is relieved, she has seen the sword of the pear-throwing boy before, it is as fast as lightning, and the sword seals the throat.

"Three, Two, One"

The two shot at the same time, and the "weak chicken" spread its ten fingers and pounced on it like a moth to a flame.

While flying, "Weak Chicken" closed his eyes, waiting for the moment when the petals withered.


The sword's edge slashed across the neck of "weak chicken", and the fierce sword energy wiped out a faint bloodstain.

The five fingers of the "weak chicken" pierced the boy's throat, and blood gushed down from the boy's throat.

The young man was speechless. He looked at the weak chicken with a smile on his face. His smile was as bright and dazzling as a sunflower...

A bright yellow pear slipped from the boy's arms, rolling silently at the feet of the "weak chicken".

A tear fell, crystal clear.

Except for the moment when his parents hid their faces and left, the "weak chicken" never cried.

When she was in the stone house, she stared at the starry eyes with hunger, and her chest was pressed against her back, but she didn't cry;
She didn't cry when her skin was torn apart by the "Yasha" and her bones were broken;
In the deep ditch in the deep mountains and old forests, she was tightly entangled by a boa constrictor, slapped by a black bear's huge palm, and bitten by a tiger and leopard. When her life was hanging by a thread, she did not cry.

But at this moment, she burst into tears, tears streaming down her cheeks...

"Yasha" smiled with satisfaction, he didn't miss it, he knew from the very beginning that "weak chicken" was very talented, different from ordinary people.

"Weak Chicken" is his masterpiece.

With this cash cow, he can rescue his wife, children, and children who were arrested by mastiff guards and imprisoned unjustly...

The cold winter night turns people into ghosts.

(End of this chapter)

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