Chapter 717
Xiaozhu sits back and sleeps for a while, worrying about the old alliance.

Hu Zun come to bow to guests, wave a stag to sit and talk about soldiers.

The cloud protects the toothpick full, and the star contains the sword.

I don't want to be named Marquis, but I hope Hai Bo is at peace.

——Qi Jiguang in "Deep Tao Qian"

Two months later, the first batch of new weapons developed by the Ordnance Supervisor was released.The craftsmen were very excited and invited Bai Fu to come and inspect.

The first weapon demonstrated was called the Meteor Crossbow, a repeating bed crossbow operated by two soldiers, the loader and the shooter.

The base of the "Meteor Crossbow" is a rotating shaft that can be turned up and down, left and right, ensuring that the ballista has no shooting dead angle.The front of the crossbow body has "Wangshan" marked with a scale, which is convenient for the shooter to adjust the launch angle and aim at the target according to different distances, which greatly improves the hit rate of shooting.This is exactly the contribution made by Zheng Liang Lingzan, the supervisor of Qin Tianjian.

The arrows used in the Liannu are made of wood, and the feathers are made of iron. In fact, it is a spear with feathers, which is very destructive.

In the previous continuous crossbow, the arrows were placed in the quiver, put into the chamber of the crossbow when in use, and the bow was drawn to the string. The innovation of "Meteor Crossbow" lies in the improvement of arrow loading and stringing.

The arrows are placed in a quiver, and a quiver contains thirty arrows.Arrows are like bamboo slips, threaded side by side with strings.

When loading and stringing, the loader first inserts the arrow box into the body of the crossbow machine, steps on the pedal with his foot, the gear rotates, and the string of the crossbow is pulled.The loader pulls the handle again, and the arrows in the quiver are automatically loaded into the crossbow chamber, and the arrows bite the crossbowstring.

After the arrow is loaded, the crossbowman aims at the target through the "Watch Mountain", pulls the trigger, and fires the crossbow bolt.

A crossbow bolt is fired, the loader quickly loads the second crossbow bolt, and the crossbowman continues to aim at the target, firing continuously...

The improvement of the bed crossbow by craftsmen made the "Meteor Crossbow" easy to operate.The loader alone can complete a series of auxiliary actions of loading the arrow into the chamber and pulling the bow to string.The crossbowman only needs to concentrate all his energy on aiming and shooting the key blow.

An ordinary bed crossbow operated by three or five people can fire three arrows in one stick of incense. The "Meteor Crossbow" can shoot [-] arrows in a row without reducing its firepower.

The operation is simple, and the rapid-fire bursts make the firepower of the "Meteor Crossbow" extraordinarily powerful.Five "Meteor Crossbows" can weave an arrow net in front of the formation, making it impossible for more than a hundred cavalry to pass through.

Bai Fu went off the field himself, tried shooting two sets of arrows, and was full of praise: "In actual combat, cavalry are most afraid of crossbow arrows. Once a crossbow arrow hits, it will either penetrate the horse's belly or penetrate the heavy armor. With this continuous crossbow, you can Ride with steps!"

In addition to the easy-to-operate Liannu, the Ordnance Supervisor also developed a heavy-duty long-range weapon-the double-bow winch crossbow, a bed crossbow that uses a compound bow to strengthen its strength.

Bai Fu looked at the winch crossbow carefully with great interest.This is a double-bow crossbow with two bows mounted on the front and rear of a thick crossbow arm.A thick rope with hooks on both ends, one end is hooked to the crossbow string, the other end is hooked to the shaft of the winch, and the crossbow string is connected to the winch, and the winch needs to be used to pull the crossbow string.This huge compound bow greatly enhanced the tension and strength of the crossbow.

The crossbow arm of the winch crossbow is made of mixed materials such as bamboo, fir, and horn to ensure the perfect balance of elasticity and firmness of the crossbow arm.The crossbow string is mainly made of beef tendon, cowhide and other materials, so that it can achieve the best toughness effect.

The crossbow machine is the core component of the bed crossbow. It is installed in the crossbow box. The front part is the crossbow tooth for hanging the string, and the rear part has the "Wangshan" for aiming. Angle, in order to improve the accuracy of shooting.

The arrows of the winch crossbow are thick, and the arrowheads are flat chisel-shaped, which are called "chisel arrows".

Ma Daifeng waved the flag, and the demonstration began.

Seven or eight soldiers worked together to winch the winch, spread the crossbow string quickly, and fastened it to the machine teeth.The loader installs the bolts, and the shooter takes aim.

When firing, the trigger cannot be pulled with the strength of the human hand.A crossbowman raised a sledgehammer and struck the trigger with all his might.


A huge "Chisel Arrow" whizzed forward, piercing through an archery target made of cast iron 130 five steps away.

The power of the winch crossbow is so great, the lethality produced is appalling.

Seeing Bai Fu and other officials of the Ministry of War exclaimed, Ma Daifeng smiled triumphantly, and before Bai Fu could praise him, he ordered the craftsmen of the Ordnance Supervision to show the third bed crossbow - "Three bows and eight oxen giant crossbow". Pull the bed crossbow string.

This is a super large bed crossbow with three bows, its lethality is more powerful than that of the winch crossbow, and its range is doubled.There are three crossbows on the arms, two at the front and one at the back, opposite to each other.

The bottom of the "eight bull crossbow" used to defend the city is fixed, and only a pedestal that can rotate the direction is installed at the bottom.If mobility is desired, the bed crossbow needs to be transported by vehicle to change the direction of attack at any time.

Due to its stronger power, the "Eight Bull Crossbow" requires dozens or even a hundred people to pull the crossbow string, and the range is [-] to [-] steps.

The crossbow bolts used in the "Eight Bull Crossbow" are even larger, with iron feathers and shafts as thick as javelins, and the arrows are huge three-edged iron arrowheads with blood-letting blades, which are called "one shot and three swords".

"Yiqiang" means that the arrow shaft is like a spear, and "Sanjian" means the sword-shaped tail feathers.If it is shot, it will definitely turn into a meat skewer, even if it is grazed by the arrow feathers, it will either die or be injured.

The use of the "Eight Bull Crossbow" is very similar to the winch crossbow.It uses a twisted shaft to drive the crossbow strings. After the completion, the soldiers smash the crossbow teeth with a sledgehammer, and the crossbow strings release the energy stored in three crossbows. The crossbow arrows are shot out instantly, pointing directly at the target, with amazing power.

Ma Daifeng introduced at the side: "The characteristics of the eight-ox giant crossbow are very distinctive:
First of all, it is huge in size, and the combination of iron crossbow and wooden base ensures the stability when launching.

Secondly, the structure of the giant crossbow is complicated. The crossbow machine relies on manpower to rotate the hinge shaft, and relies on the iron chain to drive the bowstring to achieve full energy storage and launch.

Finally, the giant crossbow has a high and low shooting range, has both offensive and defensive capabilities, is highly practical, and has great lethality. It is a killer weapon that can defeat the enemy with one blow.

Seeing such a huge killer weapon, Bai Fu was not as surprised as before, he frowned, and said to Ma Daifeng and other craftsmen: "

"The power of the eight-ox crossbow is astonishing, but it requires the cooperation of many people to turn and shoot. It consumes too much manpower to use it. There is a shortage of manpower on the battlefield. It is too wasteful to use dozens of people to operate the crossbow.

In addition, although the eight-ox crossbow has amazing lethality, its reloading speed is slow. Facing the rapid charge of cavalry, it is not cost-effective. "

Ma Daifeng smiled and said: "My lord, the target of the Eight Bulls Crossbow is not cavalry, but siege weapons such as catapults, nest carts, ladders, trench filling carts, rush carts, thread box carts, and well fences.

This kind of siege equipment does not move fast, but the protective armor is very thick, and ordinary crossbow arrows cannot penetrate it.The Eight Bull Crossbow is their nemesis. "

After all, Ma Daifeng asked the soldiers to raise the eight-ox giant crossbow to the high platform, simulating the environment of the city tower shooting down, and conducting offensive and defensive drills.

In the distance of the shooting range, [-] paces away, a cart was slowly driven into the field, pulled by a steer.This car was an armored city-breaking car, with a conical battering ram on the front and two iron plates on the roof to form a pointed triangle. It was not afraid of arrows or rolling logs and rocks.The three sides of the carriage are made of thick wood, covered with cowhide, which is not afraid of arrows and fire.

Ma Daifeng gave an order, and the eight-ox giant crossbow fired angrily.


The crossbow machine roared.

"One shot, three swords and arrows" shot out like a white line across the sky, the sound of piercing through the air was deafening, drawing a perfect arc, diving from top to bottom, hitting the thickest and strongest roof of the car right in the middle.

"Boom", "one shot, three swords and arrows" penetrated the roof of the car, and the momentum remained undiminished, firmly nailing the entire car to the ground.

The steer pulling the cart was frightened and wanted to speed up, but "one shot, three swords and arrows" nailed the cart to the ground forty times.

A smile appeared on Bai Fu's face.

Seeing the situation, craftsman Li Jin took the opportunity to hand over another arrow equipped with the Eight Bulls Crossbow, which is an iron spear with a crossed arrow on the arrow.

Li Jin said: "The Eight Bull Crossbow has another advantage, it can produce different attack effects according to the different characteristics of the arrows.

There is a small hole in the cross barb of this iron spear, which can be filled with fire oil.After being ignited with a firecracker fuse, the fire oil will not be extinguished when it encounters wind or water, and it can burn for a long time.

If large-scale siege weapons such as nest carts, ladders, and well rails are close to the city wall, they can fire ignited cross-hatched iron spears and nail them to the load-bearing columns, burning the beams and columns, and collapsing the siege towers.

In addition, there is a hole at the tail of this iron spear, which can be tied with an iron chain. After shooting, it can be retracted by rolling the winch, which is convenient for multiple use. "

Bai Fu caressed the crossed inverted iron spear, imagining the scene of it destroying the nest cart and the ladder, deeply convinced.

Li Jin took advantage of the opportunity to introduce the third type of iron arrow shaped like a wooden prong. Li Jin said: This arrow is called 'Treading Prong Arrow' and it is specially used for siege battles.

When attacking the city, use the eight-ox crossbow to shoot the thick iron arrow at the enemy's city wall.The powerful arrow force of the giant crossbow will nail the arrow deeply into the wall, leaving only half of the thick arrow shaft and tail feathers exposed outside the wall.

Under the cover of our firepower, the soldiers attacking the city can climb the huge arrow shafts nailed to the city wall to climb the city wall and capture the city.

This kind of huge crossbow arrows hit the city wall and became the stepping pegs for the siege soldiers to climb, so it has the name of "stepping arrows".

With the 'Treading Prong Arrow', when launching a surprise attack, it will be faster and more convenient than climbing a city ladder such as a flying ladder or a bamboo flying ladder. "


Inspired by the siege of Suiyang, these weapons are both offensive and defensive. They are really sharp weapons for defending cities and killing cavalry!
(End of this chapter)

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