Chapter 718
Traveling thousands of miles with a sword, a small body dares to say a word.

Once a guest of Liang, he lived up to his trust in Lingen.

——"Answer to the Prefect of Wuling" Wang Changling (Tang Dynasty)


After the rehearsal, Bai Fu, surrounded by all the master craftsmen, stood on the high platform and made a concluding speech.

Bai Fu said to the craftsmen: "Everyone, to be honest, I have opened my eyes today. The weapons you designed, whether it is convenient maneuverability or amazing lethality, are far superior to the ordnance deployed by the main force of the Tang army.

When it comes to how to improve, I have two suggestions:
First of all, the efficiency of the mechanical transmission device should be improved as much as possible, and the manpower required to control the bed crossbow should be reduced.On the battlefield, there is a shortage of manpower, so save one if you can.

Secondly, in terms of the cost of weapon manufacturing, we must find ways to reduce costs.

If a local battle evolves into a protracted war, the competition is consumption!Whoever consumes less personnel and equipment will be more likely to survive and win the final victory.

Taking the Siege of Suiyang as an example, in the absence of external reinforcements, use waste on the battlefield to quickly repair damaged weapons; see the tricks, and design weapons that defeat the enemy based on the opponent's offensive strategy.Those who have achieved both of these points are the best among craftsmen and the best among masters. "

Zhang Xun, the prefect of Suiyang, guarded the city with great resourcefulness.All craftsmen experienced it personally in the secret realm of Bingyu, and they deeply believe it.

After speaking the words of praise and praise, the expression on Bai Fu's face changed from joy to solemnity.He said to Ma Daifeng, Li Jin and other craftsmen: "

This batch of weapons has been successfully developed, and it is time to invite the Holy Master to observe the military exercise.After His Majesty's decree permits, it can be mass-produced and equipped with troops.

Once the military exercise is made public, all civil and military officials will know the strength of our Ordnance Supervisor.

All the blueprints and craftsmen related to these weapons are the top secrets of my Datang military circle!
From today onwards, you can no longer live in the Ordnance Superintendent.I will find a hidden place, protect everyone, and continue to develop new weapons.

For your family members, I will also arrange manpower to relocate them to other places and keep them secret.Until the end of the counter-insurgency, you can no longer meet with your family members, or even exchange letters.

You must also be mentally prepared, although you have worked hard to invent these peerless weapons, but in this world, except for your majesty and a few important officials, no one knows your names and contributions.Your files and certificates will be destroyed together.

Only after you die, will your deeds be known to the world, and your names on weapons will be worshiped by future generations!
Or perhaps, what future generations worship is only a code name, and the real name of a generation of master craftsmen will be forever annihilated in the annals of history..."

Everyone was silent, everyone knew what this meant.

Ma Daifeng spoke first, with a calm tone.He said to Bai Fu: "My lord, I originally came here to get promoted and make a fortune, and to honor the family. But until today, I realized the true meaning of anonymity to Datang, the family and myself.

Since we want to keep our names anonymous, then send us to Heyang. Only by visiting the battlefield in person can we truly compare the quality and pros and cons of the weapons of the enemy and our armies.

In addition, I ask for a poison pill for secret espionage. If I unfortunately fall into the hands of the rebels, I will swallow the poison pill, with a secret, with a smile on my face!
Live as a Datang person, die as a Datang ghost! "

"Born as a Tang man, die as a Tang ghost!" All the craftsmen had firm eyes and firm voices.

The oath is silent, under the starlight, the faces soaked in mud and sweat, thin and wrinkled, plain and unpretentious, calm and calm...

Zi Checi broke the silence, with piercing eyes, and said to Bai Fu: "Let me be responsible for their safety, as long as I am here, no spy can hold them hostage."

Zichexi's spell is unpredictable, and he does what he says. He has been Taifu Xu's personal entourage until now.With his protection, these craftsmen will be safe and sound.

Bai Fu held Zi Che's cracked hand tightly, feeling relieved.


After more than ten days, after everything was settled, Bai Fu invited Suzong to observe these new weapons.

Suzong happily went, and brought a group of courtiers to the shooting range of the Ordnance Supervision.

The soldiers demonstrated the bed crossbows such as the meteor crossbow, the double-bow winch crossbow, the three-bow and eight-ox giant crossbow and their matching crossbows one by one.

The civil and military officials were shocked on the spot, and were overwhelmed by the lethality of these weapons.The courtiers whispered to each other and were full of praise.

Bai Fu said to Su Zong: "Your Majesty, the demonstration above is the bed crossbow used to defend the city and destroy the siege equipment. Next, we will demonstrate the crossbow used to deal with the cavalry charge for all the adults."

The herald waved the command flag, and two mules and horses pulled out a bed crossbow chariot.Usually there is only one bed crossbow on a chariot, but this bed crossbow chariot has sixteen bed crossbows!

The bed crossbow launcher is I-shaped, divided into upper and lower layers, arranged in a staggered manner, like a honeycomb, densely packed.There are eight crossbow machines on each floor, and one volley can fire sixteen crossbow arrows.The shaft of the arrow is as thick as the spokes of a car, and the arrowhead is like a giant axe.

Bai Fu said: "This kind of bed crossbow can be fixed on the city wall to defend the city, or it can be carried on a chariot and lined up in the battle formation to deal with the charge of the rebel cavalry.

The sixteen-bed crossbow adopts a mechanical winch, and the gears are engaged.When ten soldiers work together to winch the capstan, they can string sixteen bed crossbows at the same time.

Two loading hands and feet step on the pedals, and two layers of crossbow arrows can be loaded with six fingers.The crossbowman adjusts the shooting angle according to the scale on the "Wangshan" and aims at the target.

This multi-tube bed crossbow has fast firing speed, strong firepower, and good surprise performance. It can fire a large number of arrows in a very short time, and can destroy the enemy's dense army in a large range. It is specially designed to restrain cavalry charges and suppress enemy firepower on the battlefield. , destroying fortifications. "

Suzong kept his long beard in his hands and nodded.

Bai Fu continued: "However, although this kind of bed crossbow chariot has powerful firepower, it also has one biggest shortcoming, that is, its accuracy is not high."

Dai Guogong Guo Ziyi asked: "Master Bai, the two armies are fighting, and the accuracy is not high. Isn't it very influential?"

Bai Fu nodded and said: "What Ling Gong said is very true. We have repeatedly demonstrated this point.

When several craftsmen designed it, they positioned it as a weapon of mass destruction, making up for the accuracy with the number of arrows.

It is not used to destroy a certain point, but to cover the entire area with firepower.What is needed is shock and awe, and momentum!

On the battlefield, time is life, and the time it takes to shoot a volley is one flick of a finger, while the rebel bed crossbow needs six flicks of fingers to shoot three to five arrows.

One stick of incense, that is, thirty snaps of the fingers, the rebel catapult can throw a boulder.

Before the rebel arrows were thrown out, our side had already finished fighting, and there was no time left for the rebel soldiers to react or escape.

Instead of slowly blasting for an hour, it is better to pour thousands of arrows on the rebel positions within a stick of incense, and win the battle quickly.

Furthermore, as long as the number of arrows is sufficient, accuracy is not a problem. One bed crossbow chariot may not be able to shoot accurately, but what about ten or a hundred? "

Guo Ziyi is also a battle-tested veteran, and he is deeply convinced that he is full of expectations for the firepower effect of the bed crossbow chariot.


At this time, the sun was setting and the sky was already dim.In order to enhance the demonstration effect, Bai Fu replaced the chisel arrows commonly used in bed crossbow chariots with cross-barbed iron spears filled with fierce fire oil.

After the iron spear was loaded, the loading hand pulled the handle, and the ignition member at the front of the crossbow struck the flint, quickly igniting the fuse on the iron spear.

At Bai Fu's order, the crossbowman struck the trigger with a sledgehammer and fired the multi-tube bed crossbow.More than a dozen bed crossbow chariots fired at the same time!
"Whoosh, whoosh," the sound of arrows piercing through the air can be heard endlessly.Just listening to the sound is a great shock.

When the iron spear slashed across the sky, the fuel oil inside the barb was just ignited by the fuse, and the tail flame illuminated the night sky, like a meteor shower across the sky, beautiful and magnificent.

The flying fire meteor fell to the target position in an instant, the flames soared into the sky, and the momentum was huge, destroying the sky and destroying the earth!
Su Zong couldn't help standing up and applauding.All the officials were dumbfounded, they had never seen such a shocking and unimaginable weapon, and even forgot to applaud.

Suzong Longyan was very happy.Bai Fu took advantage of the situation and said: "Your Majesty, a heavy weapon has been sent from the sky to protect the Tang Dynasty. Please give this crossbow a name!"

Su Zong raised his eyes and looked far away, full of pride, and said in a loud voice: "The thunder strikes, the momentum is overwhelming, who dares to be it? Let's call it the 'Wanjun Divine Crossbow'!"

All civil and military officials applauded and applauded in unison: "The Divine Crossbow of Wanjun, bless me in the Tang Dynasty!"


The ancients described time: a cup of tea represents 10 minutes, a stick of incense represents 5 minutes, and 1 minute is replaced by six snaps of fingers, and there are ten moments in one snap of fingers, and one moment is one second.

  The ancients described time: a cup of tea represents 10 minutes, a stick of incense represents 5 minutes, and 1 minute is replaced by six snaps of fingers, and there are ten moments in one snap of fingers, and one moment is one second.
(End of this chapter)

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