The general sends out a white horse and crosses the Yellow River.

The flutes and drums are noisy in Chuanyue, and the sea is surging.

There are vibration tiles in Wu'an, but there are no cold songs in Yishui.

The iron ride is like a snow mountain, and the drink flows dry Hutuo.

Raise your troops to hunt Moon Cave, and turn your strategy towards that.

Relying on the sword to climb Yanran, the side towers are towering.

Thousands of miles away in the depression, there are many five plains cultivated.

Once the desert is cleared, Bao Hu beats Jin Ge.

——"White Horse" Li Bai


Speaking of this, Li Fuguo's eyes showed disdain, and he said: "Yang Guozhong became the prime minister by relying on his nepotism, it's nothing more than relying on favor and domineering power, the key is still a brainless idiot.

He was worried that An Lushan's entry into the pilgrimage would threaten his status, so he desperately pulled another prime minister, Wei Jiansu, fanned the flames, and preached the news that An Lushan was about to rebel in Li Longji's ears.

If he hadn't competed with An Lushan for favor and pressed at every step, giving An Lushan an excuse to raise troops and speeding up the pace of An Lushan's rebellion, An Lushan might have died of poison before he raised his troops.

In those days, Yang Guozhong begged An Lushan to turn against him day and night. Now that he heard that An Lushan had neglected the imperial envoy and gave Pei Shiyan the matter, he immediately ordered Jing Zhaoyin to send troops to surround An Lushan's mansion in the capital and arrest An Lushan's retainers. Li Chao and others were thrown into Yushitai Prison, where they were interrogated overnight.

However, Yushitai tried again and again, but did not find out any charges of rebellion against An Lushan. Yang Guozhong was furious, and ordered Yushitai to secretly execute Li Chao and others.

As a result, the conflict between the imperial court and An Lushan was further intensified, and the two sides no longer had mutual trust at all.

At that time, An Qingzong, the eldest son of An Lushan, was engaged to Princess Rongyi of the clan and lived in Chang'an.Seeing Yang Guozhong's murderous intent, he was terrified, and quickly sent someone to secretly report to An Lushan.

An Lushan was also waiting and watching, at worst, he would rise up after Xuanzong's death, but Yang Guozhong said every day that he was going to rebel, and finally An Lushan was completely angered.

An Lushan was startled and furious when he heard the news that the disciples had been killed and the eldest son was being watched as a hostage, so he decided to act first, stepping on Chang'an, and swallowing Yang Guozhong alive.

Therefore, An Lushan took the opportunity to forge a secret edict of the emperor, claiming that according to the secret edict, he would enter the court to crusade against Yang Guozhong.

On the ninth day of November in the 14th year of Tianbao, An Lushan gathered all the troops under his command, and together with Luo, Xi, Khitan, and Shiwei, a total of 15 people, swore an oath in the south of Jicheng (Fanyang Zhisuo), in the name of crusade against Yang Guozhong, Formally raised troops in Fanyang.

Mount Anlu rode on iron sedan chairs (iron sedan chairs to guard against arrows), with elite cavalry, the smoke and dust traveled thousands of miles, and the noise shook the ground.All the states and counties he passed, the lookout collapsed.Either open the door and go out to welcome, or abandon the city and hide, no one dares to refuse...

In this way, 15 Fanyang iron cavalry swept across the land of Yanzhao and advanced into the Central Plains.

When the battle reports from counties and counties in Hebei flew into the capital like snowflakes, everyone in the civil and military circles of the Manchu Dynasty was worried and terrified, but Yang Guozhong was triumphant and overjoyed.

Yang Guozhong fooled Li Longji and said, "Now the rebels are in Dulu Mountain, and none of the soldiers want it."But in ten days, the first attainment must be passed on. '"


At the end, Li Fuguo gloated and commented: "Things in this world are strange to say the least. Some things cannot bear to be talked about. Yang Guozhong is looking forward to the rebellion of Anlu Mountain every day. In the end, he got his wish and died. ..."...

Bai Fu pondered for a moment, puzzled and said: "It stands to reason that An Lushan himself is not willing to hand over his military power, and stays in Chang'an to serve as a general. After he returns to Fanyang, he will not pose a direct threat to Yang Guozhong. Why is Yang Guozhong still not obedient? What about forgiveness?"

Li Fuguo said bitterly: "The most poisonous woman's heart. Speaking of it, the root cause is Yang Guozhong's third concubine, Yin Fenglan, a bitch."

Bai Fu was taken aback, and said, "What does this have to do with Yin Fenglan?"

Li Fuguo said: "When Yin Fenglan was young, she abandoned her husband and son to become An Lushan's concubine for the sake of glory and wealth.

Later, An Lushan got tired of playing with Yin Fenglan, and abandoned him at the end.This woman has been holding a grudge and waiting for an opportunity to revenge.

Later, Yin Fenglan's fortune came and she became Yang Guozhong's third concubine under the help of her old family friend Xian Yu Zhongtong.

Since then, Yin and An have been entangled in resentment and will never die.

After all, once the low-level people approach the center of power, there is no one who will make trouble. "

Speaking of this, Li Fuguo still didn't forget to laugh at himself, teasing himself and Bai Fu.

Li Fuguo said: "Yang Guozhong is a brainless idiot, he doesn't know about Yin Fenglan and An Lushan's nonsense. He will frame Yin Fenglan as much as he instigates."

Bai Fu said: "Does An Lushan know that Yin Fenglan is behind the scenes? If he knows, why doesn't he send someone to kill Yin Fenglan?"

Li Fuguo said: "An Lushan gave me several assassination orders, but the assassination failed in the end. Before each attack, someone leaked the news.

So, I set up a bureau to find out who was tipping off Yin Fenglan.

The result of the test surprised me. It turned out that Shi Siming had been secretly protecting Yin Fenglan.

So I followed the clues and found a lot of clues.

According to these clues, if my prediction is correct, Yin Fenglan and An Lushan's good brother Shi Siming also had an affair back then, and they have been inseparable..."

Li Fuguo's brain opening is too big, even Bai Fu doubts the authenticity of Li Fuguo's deduction.

Seeing that Bai Fu didn't take it seriously, Li Fuguo said, "Let me give a few examples to prove my point.

When Shi Siming came to Beijing for the first time, he was only a low-level officer like Zhipinglu Military.Unexpectedly, Li Longji met him unexpectedly.

When Li Longji asked about Shi Siming's age, Shi Siming lamented that he was over forty and had accomplished nothing.

What Shi Siming didn't expect was that Xuanzong suddenly walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder solemnly, and said: "Qinggui is behind, encourage him!" '

There is no doubt that this is a promise made by Li Longji to Shi Siming.

After this meeting, Li Longji promoted Shi Siming to general and prefect of Beiping.

In the 11th year of Tianbao (752 A.D.), Li Longji promoted Shi Siming to the military envoy of Pinglu Duzhi.

Shi Siming's rapid promotion is astounding.In addition to An Lushan's recommendation, it was largely because Yin Fenglan encouraged Yang Guozhong, who was the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, to operate behind the scenes.


When Yin Fenglan founded the Caiyi Club, there was not enough manpower, and Shi Siming has been contributing money and efforts behind the scenes.The first batch of warriors in the Caiyi Society were all masters of the barbarians.


There is one more thing that can prove Shi Siming's private collusion with Yin Fenglan.

At that time, Xuanzong fell in love with Li Xuexuan from Emei, appointed her as the champion of martial arts, and ordered Gao Lishi to go to Huben Army from time to time to take care of Li Xuexuan's diet and daily life.

When he heard that the emperor's grandson Li Chu was crazily pursuing Li Xuexuan, Xuanzong was furious and transferred Li Xuexuan to Xuezang of Baima Temple in Luoyang.When Li Longji visits Luoyang, the eastern capital, next year, he will wait for the opportunity to be included in the palace as a concubine.

Yin Fenglan was worried that Li Xuexuan would win the favor and the Yang family would lose her reputation, so she secretly asked Shi Siming for help.

The matter was so important that Shi Siming personally took action and led a group of barbarian assassins to assassinate Li Xuexuan in the valley of Shaohua Mountain.Fortunately, Li Xuexuan's martial arts is strong, so she broke through the siege and survived.

After learning of the assassination, Li Longji was furious and angered Yang Yuhuan, driving Yang Yuhuan out of Daming Palace.

If it weren't for Gao Lishi's mediation, Yang Yuhuan might have been thrown into the cold palace at that time..."

Hearing this, Bai Fu saw the image of the masked killer leader with thin beard and hair, bow shoulders and slanted eyes and nose.If you put a mask on Shi Siming, wouldn't it be exactly what this consumptive ghost looks like? !

Bai Fu finally changed color!


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