The martyr hits the jade pot and cherishes his old age.

Three cups of swords and swords danced in the autumn moon, and suddenly burst into tears.


Xishi should smile and frown, and the ugly woman will be exhausted.

Although the emperor loves eyebrows, he has no choice but to kill people with jealousy in the palace!
——Excerpt from Li Bai in "The Jade Pot Song"


Bai Fu suppressed the shock in his heart, and suddenly asked: "Is Bian Lingcheng, the eunuch in charge of the army, a secret spy of An Lushan?"

Li Fuguo was taken aback, nodded, and said: "That's right, he was indeed secretly bought by An Lushan and slandered Xuanzong. Li Longji was caught in a trick and issued an imperial order to behead Gao Xianzhi and Feng Changqing on the spot.

But if Li Longji hadn't lost his mind, the mere slander would never have killed the generals, and he would have killed Gao and Feng, these two famous generals with great military exploits!

After Feng Changqing was defeated in Luoyang and withdrew into Tongguan, he made a statement three times, stating the reasons for the defeat to Li Longji, and drafted a detailed strategy for the rebels' strategic intentions and tactics.However, these three memorials with great military value were discarded by Li Longji..."

Bai Fu interrupted Li Fuguo, and asked: "The reason why the rebels were able to easily break through Chang'an was due to the two major decision-making mistakes of the court, the unjust killing of General Gao and Feng and the fall of Tongguan. I would like to verify with you that General Ge Shuhan hastily left Tongguan.

I checked the military newspapers kept by the Ministry of War. When General Ge Shuhan was guarding Tongguan, Xuanzong suddenly received a piece of information.According to intelligence reports, the rebel general Cui Qianyou stationed in Shan County has no more than 4000 troops, and they are all old, weak and remnant soldiers. The defense is extremely weak. The Tang army should seize the opportunity to counterattack.

But in fact, Cui Qianyou, as the forward of the Yan Army's westward advance to Guanzhong, has a strength of at least [-] to [-]; moreover, Cui Ganyou's subordinates are all brave and skilled soldiers, belonging to the Yan Army's strong force. Especially the Tongluo cavalry among them are the elite among the elite.

It later proved that this intelligence was completely wrong.

This erroneous information led to Xuanzong's misjudgment, and immediately sent his ministers to Tongguan to announce an edict, ordering Ge Shuhan to immediately lead his troops to march eastward, attack Shan County, and conquer Luoyang.

Ge Shuhan didn't dare to resist the order, so he had to give up the natural danger of Tongguan and leave for a decisive battle.In the end, he was ambushed by the rebels, which led to Lingbao's disastrous defeat, and tens of thousands of Tang troops were wiped out.

I have never found out the source of this information. I wonder if it came from secret agents like Bian Lingcheng? "

Li Fuguo laughed loudly, and said: "Lord Bai, you think highly of our secret agents. This information with ulterior motives is indeed a fabrication, but the person who fabricated this false information was not our secret agents, but the Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty at that time—" — Yang Guozhong!

Lord Bai, you are also a person who has experienced battles, but whoever has led the army to fight, who would be fooled by this nonsense information?
But Li Longji just believed it, and regardless of the opposition of the courtiers, he made a major decision related to the entire war situation based on this false information.

Is it his old lake?
Do not!
It was because he had unexplainable reasons, and because he had an inescapable responsibility for the An Lushan rebellion.If it weren't for him to look at people astray and tolerate traitors, how could there be so much smoke in the Tang Dynasty?

At first, many courtiers were aware of An Lushan's intention to conspire against him. It can be seen that Li Longji loved An Lushan so much that no one dared to speak out. …

Even when An Lushan's guilt was clearly revealed, Li Longji said to his ministers: "Lushan, I treat him with all my heart, and I will have no different ambitions."The two captives in the Northeast were suppressed by them.I protect myself, so don't worry about it! '

(I trust An Lushan with all my heart, and I expect that he will not have a different mind. Xi and Khitan in the northeast are all guarded and contained by him. I can be his guarantor, so you don't have to worry!)
When the news of An Lushan's rebellion came back to Chang'an, Li Longji was disgraced.

At this moment, Li Longji desperately hopes to save his face with a decisive victory.He only thought about recovering Luoyang, capturing An Lushan alive, and thoroughly washing away the shame brought to him by this traitor.

Therefore, as long as it is beneficial to regain Luoyang and capture An Lushan alive, Li Longji is willing to believe it is true.

Yang Guozhong is the best at observing words and expressions, and it is precisely because he has figured out Li Longji's mind that he boldly fabricated this false information. "

Bai Fu asked: "Since this false information is full of loopholes, why didn't the crown prince and all the courtiers persuade Xuanzong?"

Li Fuguo sneered and said, "Is persuasion useful?

After Ge Shuhan received the edict of the Eastern Expedition, he drafted a memorial overnight and reported it to Li Longji. The weak military strength of Shan County was a trap set by An Lushan:
"The rebel army came from thousands of miles, and the advantage lies in a quick battle; the Tang army defends according to the danger, and the advantage lies in a long battle.The brutality of the rebel army will surely lose the hearts of the people over time, and the strength of the army will shrink. Sooner or later, civil strife will arise.As long as the Tang army waits and sees the changes, they will take advantage of the situation and enter, and they will be able to capture Anlu Mountain alive without a fight.

In addition, the King Qin's army recruited from various provinces has not yet assembled, so we should wait for a while. '

At the same time when Ge Shuhan submitted the memorial, Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi also reported to Li Longji: "Shuofang's army is planning to go north, go straight to Fanyang, capture the rebels' wives and children as hostages, and recruit the rebels to surrender."By then, the rebels are bound to crumble from within. '

In this memorial, Guo and Li also repeatedly emphasized that the Tang army stationed in Tongguan must not attack easily.Just take advantage of Tongguan's natural danger, stick to your position, and hold back the rebels.

These two memorials from the front line all mentioned the best strategy to deal with the rebels - stick to Tongguan.

After Li Longji ordered Ge Shuhan to march out of the Kanto, the prince knelt in front of the hall and kowtowed to persuade him, his head was bleeding, but Li Longji could not take back his order.

As a last resort, the prince could only tell Li Longji about King Qing Li Cong's poisoning of Anlu Mountain.Unexpectedly, Li Longji was furious, thinking that the prince should be punished for doing such an unseemly thing without his permission.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the old slave forcibly pulled the prince out.If he tried to persuade him again, Li Longji might depose the prince on the spot.

Later, you all know that Lingbao was defeated and Tongguan was lost. Li Longji had to flee to Bashu with his prince and grandson like a bereaved dog...

If Li Longji could accept advice humbly and stick to Tongguan at that time, the following things are destined to be completely rewritten.


Li Fuguo's disdain and hatred for Xuanzong are beyond words.

Bai Fu pressed on step by step, and asked, "So you think Xuanzong should be abdicated as soon as possible, and the crown prince should succeed? You were also the one who secretly planned the Maweipo mutiny?"

Li Fuguo thumped his cup on the table, his complexion changed, and he said grimly: "Bai Xiangguo, you ask too many questions! This matter involves His Majesty, you better not know anything."...

Bai Fu's eyes were like a torch, and he confronted him tit for tat, without giving in.

After a cup of tea time, Li Fuguo's complexion slowed down.He took a long breath and said to Bai Fu: "

The past is in the past, there is no need to repeat it.I just want to say that there is a reason why the old slave treats the Supreme Emperor like this today.

Lord Bai, the reason why I confess everything today is that I want to establish a relationship of mutual trust. Even if I can't form an alliance, I don't want to be enemies.

For a smart person like you, you can tell if what the miscellaneous say is true or not.

Some people say that different ways do not conspire with each other.The miscellaneous family hopes that Master Bai will not be like Fang Guan, who is so pure and rigid.Above the imperial court, there are many factions.There are no permanent allies, only constant interests.

As long as the interests are the same and the ways are different, you can still seek!
Both of us are His Majesty's favourites, and there are many people in court and in the field who look at us covetously.I guess someone must take the opportunity to provoke our relationship and make a fuss about your assassination.I can't wait to see the two of us fight to the death and enjoy the success.

Zajia can clearly say that your attack has nothing to do with Zajia.Miscellaneous family, just like you, rely on His Majesty to become prominent today.Your Majesty lives a long life, only miscellaneous families can live a prosperous life.

Although Zajia doesn't know who is behind the scenes, he can reveal some information.On the night of the assassination, after the banquet was over, God Uzuo Hachiman and the Holy Maiden of the Wa Kingdom were in the palace to accompany His Majesty and the Empress to listen to the opera.

Bai Fu narrowed his eyes, and said with a smile: "Eunuch Li, what you mean is that the assassination has nothing to do with them?"

"No no no, quite the opposite.

What Zajia meant was that the assassination must be related to these two people, so they deliberately produced evidence that they were not at the scene! A cruel smile appeared on Li Fuguo's face.


After sending Li Fuguo away, Zi Checi walked out of the secret room of the study.

Bai Fu asked, "Brother Ziche, what do you think of Li Fuguo's words?"

Zi Che said: "Li Fuguo definitely has many secrets to hide. However, he is an old fox and knows that lies cannot deceive us. Therefore, what he was willing to say just now is likely to be true.

Whether you want to form an alliance with him or not, you have to judge carefully. "

Bai Fu sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect so much valuable information to be learned from the enemy, I need to re-examine my relationship with Li Fuguo.

The death of Li Tan, the king of Jianning, Li Fuguo could hardly absolve himself of the blame.Forming an alliance with eunuchs and crafty sycophants like Li Fuguo is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger.However, I agree with what he said, above the court, there are no permanent allies, only unchanging interests.

Now that it is difficult to distinguish between friends and foes, we should not make enemies everywhere.At least from the current point of view, it is beneficial to both of us not to tear ourselves apart.

I have a hunch that the assassination is just the beginning.Now that they have made up their minds to get rid of me, they will definitely do everything they can. "

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