Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1184 The house is built according to its appearance

Chapter 1184 The house is built according to its appearance

I don't know if it was too nervous or too unexpected, but when she heard Yu Zhen's words, Ai Xiang's first reaction was to press her hand firmly on the purse at her waist.

But she soon realized that this action of hers would more easily arouse Yu Zhen's suspicion.

Ai Xiang put on a serious face, turned her chin to the side, and her tone brought out her usual arrogance: "Hmph! Of course it is the treasure that Master gave me!"

"I told Master yesterday that I want to go to the sect to listen to the question today. Master worried that I would be in danger, so he specially gave me a treasure for protection. Could it be that the things that Master gave me in private, I have to beat the gong Say it with a drumbeat?"

Yu Zhen smiled, let go of Ai Xiang's arm without a trace, and said in a slightly sour tone:
"Master really still loves you the most. I told Master yesterday that I will go to the Changsheng Pavilion with the suzerain today to listen to Daoism, but Master didn't express anything."

Seeing that Yu Zhen believed it, Ai Xiang raised her chin even higher, and couldn't hide the embarrassment on her face: "Master has always loved me the most, who doesn't know that!"

Yu Zhen narrowed his eyes, smiled and echoed in a low voice: "Yes, Master treats you kindly, we are envious!"

While talking to Ai Xiang, Yu Zhen caressed Ai Xiang's wearing the monk's cloak she had given her without a trace.

Yu Zhen's movements were extraordinarily careful and meticulous, as if she was helping Ai Xiang smooth out the non-existing wrinkles on the monk's cloak.

In the eyes of others, her actions seemed to be that Yu Zhen was very reluctant to part with the monk cloak he gave away.

Seeing Yu Zhen like this, Ai Xiang felt that she must be extremely jealous at the moment, and couldn't help but feel more complacent, so she let Yu Zhen rub the monk's cloak.

When Guardian Gui's Ye Zhou descended, Yu Zhen let go of the monk's cloak.

The two of them stretched their necks and looked forward with other teachers from the same school, Yu Zhen couldn't help asking: "Is this the Pavilion of Eternal Life? It's really impressive!"

When Yu Zhen questioned, Ai Xiang was also dumbfounded.

Ai Xiang also came to Changsheng Pavilion for the first time.

Even though she has dealt with Rong Mochou several times, the two met yesterday, but Rong Mochou never brought her to the Changsheng Pavilion.

Changsheng Pavilion is so beautiful!

The sunlight filtered by the thin clouds poured down from the higher peaks and gathered into a series of colorful neon clouds that flowed naturally, scattered in the empty space of the main hall of the Changsheng Pavilion from time to time.

Sky-blue glazed tiles, pink-white walls, spacious gilded door foreheads, white jade temple steps, and twelve fairy mountain caves in the open mountain gate... It is deep and peaceful at first glance.

The entire pavilion is majestic and majestic.

"As expected of the facade of Tianbei Island, this facade is really beautiful!"

Yan Yan followed behind Yu Xinzhu, and after showing the passage jade certificate to the disciples of the Changsheng Pavilion outside the mountain gate, she couldn't help feeling emotional when she looked at the front yard of Changsheng's forehead.

Ah Gui smiled: "The most regrettable thing is that Yan girl has never seen our island owner. If you have seen the island owner, you will know why this palace of longevity is so beautiful."

Yan Yan smiled meaningfully: "The house is built beautifully, so it's because the island owner of the Yi family was born beautiful?"

Both Shen Yuyun and Mr. Yumei looked at Yanyan.

Then the two couldn't help showing deep and meaningful smiles at the same time.

Agui looked proud: "Of course, Yan girl, although you are not bad, but our island owner, I am not boasting, you look so handsome, you are so handsome!"

Yanyan thought about it...

Well, Wen Qiong's face is indeed not ugly.

But what does a good face have to do with a house?
She felt that Agui might be a little blindly worshiping of Wen Qiong.

While everyone was chatting and laughing, they had already walked to the seats reserved for Jiange.

Many disciples of Jiange had rushed over ahead of time. When they saw Yu Xinzhu and Yan Yan, they got up and greeted them.

After listening to the sermon and getting along with each other these days, everyone in the White Mist Hall was very familiar with the Jiange disciples, and the disciples of the White Mist Hall naturally sat in the vacant seats next to the Jiange disciples.

Talents like Yanyan and Yu Xinzhu were seated in the front row, and there was a beast with a head and face like a phoenix, a figure like a tortoise, and a thick armor on its back, stepping forward with four claws.

Several plates of delicate fragrant fruits were placed on the thick carapace on the back, and the tortoise came to Yanyan and Yu Xinzhu, and stopped obediently.

Shen Yuyun stood up and took the plates of fruit from his back, and placed them in front of the two girls.

Yanyan was curious, and reached out to touch the thick tortoise shell: "What kind of monster is this?"

Yu Xinzhu: "Xuangui."

Yanyan was stunned: "This is Xuangui?"

"Shan Hai Jing Nan Shan Jing" - the mountain of Fuyang.The strange water flows out, while the east flows into the water of Xianyi.Among them, there are many Xuanyu, whose shape is like a turtle with the head and tail of a bird. Its name is Xuangui.

In Shenhua State, it is said that when King Yu was controlling the water, King Yu drove the flood ahead, and Xuangui carried the sacred soil on his back and followed King Yu. While driving away the flood, he put in the soil to make the land grow continuously.

In Shen Huaguo, the tortoise is a symbol of longevity and auspiciousness.

Thinking of Xi Rang, Yan Yan subconsciously thought of the Sumeru Realm, and suddenly felt a little wronged by letting the black turtle serve the food.

Yu Xinzhu took off a complete tortoise shell from the side of Xuangui, and attracted the sideways glance of Xuangui who was about to leave.

It didn't seem to be in pain, it just yelled at Yu Xinzhu in displeasure.

Yu Xinzhu picked up a fruit from the plate and fed it to Xuan Gui's mouth.

Spinning Turtle bit the fruit with its sharp beak, then nodded to Yu Xinzhu.

It seemed to be very happy to see it, and left with four claws in the air.Yan Yan didn't know why, but she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

Although in this world, Xuan Gui is just like a cheap waiter, probably because she is a divine beast in her hometown, Yanyan still has reverence for Xuan Gui in her heart
Then she looked at Yu Xinzhu strangely.

Yu Xinzhu handed the tortoise shell that was just removed from the spin tortoise to Yanyan:

"Go back and grind it, and mix it into the elixir. There are guys in your caravan with bad ears who can take it. It is very effective in treating ear diseases."

Seeing that Yanyan didn't take the tortoise shell right away, Yu Xinzhu laughed: "The tortoise shell will molt sooner or later, didn't you see that it didn't hurt at all just now? This shell is so old, it's probably not far away from being molted off. "

Yan Yan then took the tortoise shell in her hand, and carefully put it into her purse.

Yu Xinzhu looked at her and smiled: "I think you're very interesting. It's not a big deal to keep talking about 'you'll come back after all your money is gone' with so many top-grade spirit stones."

"Now a piece of tortoise shell that people despise, you treat it like a treasure."

Yanyan raised her head, looked at the various spirit beasts flying around the sky that conveyed melons, fruits, bowls and dishes, her voice was a little low: "Xuangui is the spirit beast of my hometown."

Yu Xinzhu saw the rare loneliness from Yanyan's side face, and couldn't help frowning: "Shanhu Mountain? Why haven't I heard of the spinning turtle there?"

Shen Yuyun, Mr. Yumei, and Bi Cheng sitting in the back row silently looked at Yanyan with complicated eyes.

They knew that what Yan Yan was talking about was not Shanhu Mountain, but her hometown.

"Even if there is a spinning turtle, it's not up to our suzerain to touch it. Our suzerain was still a fool at that time!"

A voice suddenly came from among the disciples of the White Mist Palace sitting behind.

The tone of the voice is very clear, but the words are very clear.

(End of this chapter)

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