Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1185 Spreading rumors, Yan Yan: I didn't mean it

This sentence was so shocking that everyone, even the disciples of Jiange turned their heads, wanting to see who the person who spoke was...

Mainly to see who is so careless!
Seeing everyone looking over, Ai Xiang stroked the hair from her sideburns behind her ears, and smiled softly:

"Ah? You don't know yet? The villagers of Hushou Village called our suzerain 'silly Baiya' at that time, hehe..."

The veins on Bi Cheng's forehead had jumped up a long time ago, he stood up from his seat and was about to go towards Ai Xiang.But Yan Yan held down his wrist.

Looking at Ai Xiang, Yan Yan smiled and said to everyone: "When I was young, I was wandering in Shanhu Mountain. At that time, I was indeed regarded as a fool, and I grew up in Hushou Village eating a lot of food. That's why the villagers gave I named it Silly Baiya, this disciple is right."

This time, even the disciples of the main sect of the White Mist Hall were amazed.

Zhan Liang was in awe, stood up and bowed his hands to Yan Yan: "The suzerain has such a background, but with his extraordinary understanding and aggressiveness, he has achieved such a great feat with bare hands. Compared with the suzerain, I feel even more ashamed."

After Zhan Liang finished speaking, all the disciples of Baiwu Hall and Jiange nodded in agreement at the same time, and they praised Yanyan even more than before.

Ai Xiang didn't humiliate Yanyan, but stared at Yanyan with a livid face.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in her mind: "If a person succeeds, all the hardships she has suffered in the past will be praised and praised by others, and will help her win higher glory. Like me."

"If a person is not successful, all the hardships he suffered in the past are just suffering, and they will only get sympathetic eyes. Just like you."

Ai Xiang suddenly raised her head, looking at Yan Yan from the gap between the crowd.

Yan Yan was also looking at her, with the same smirk just now on her face.

Yanyan's lips moved meaningfully, and then Yanyan's voice sounded again in Ai Xiang's spiritual consciousness: "So, the suffering of the suzerain is glory, and the hardship you suffer is what you deserve!"

Ai Xiangxiang almost carried it back.

Gritting his teeth, he slammed his hand on the purse at his waist.

It was just that she suddenly remembered what Rong Mochou said when they parted yesterday, suppressed the anger in her heart, and looked away with a stern face.

snort!And let you jump around for a while.

When my future master gives an order, I will call you Yan and your dog disciples all to see the King of Hades!

This small disturbance passed quickly, and the auspicious beasts flying all over the sky quietly exited the arena, and there was a burst of elegant and soothing music from the Changsheng Pavilion.

Music is an ensemble of several orchestras and percussion instruments, the main instrument of which is chime bells.

As soon as this elegant music is heard, it is mixed with spiritual qi, and the strings are heard in the ears, and the mind immediately meditates, and the temperament becomes neutral and peaceful.

Yanyan raised her head, and saw a rainbow bridge flying from the Changsheng Pavilion into the clouds in Miaomiao Xianyin, leading directly to the Daoist Altar.

On the Hongqiao, a large group of Qingluan was leading the way. Qingluan flew over the Hongqiao, and a monk in green clothes with wide sleeves and elegant clothes stepped out of the Hall of Longevity stepping on the Hongqiao.

Yanyan didn't notice Rong Mochou who had already walked towards the Taoist altar, she thought the music was very pleasant, and couldn't help asking: "Although the musicians who played obviously mixed spiritual power into the performance, the level of the performance is really good, The melody is beautiful."

Yanyan's compliment was sincere.

Yu Xinzhu snorted coldly: "You actually invited Shang Yuzong, Rong Mochou really spared no effort to support her!"

Yan Yan had never heard of this sect, and asked curiously: "Is the Shang Yu Sect also from our Eastern Continent? Why have I never heard of it?"

Shen Yuyun: "The Shang Yu Sect is also a sect in the Eastern Continent, but this sect is a little different from other sects. This sect uses musical instruments to enter the Tao."

Yanyan raised her eyebrows: "It's interesting. It's a bit like our White Mist Palace."

Shen Yuyun said again: "They have another characteristic, that is, the sect only accepts female monks, not male disciples."

Yan Yan felt that Lan Xing was going to a women's college.

A women's college for vocal music.

Mr. Yumei: "You haven't heard of them, it's because the female disciples of Shang Yuzong never go down the mountain, and they never have to associate with other sects."

"They only go down the mountain for the five-year mountain and sea festival, because in the entire mountain and sea world, only the Tianyin drum of Shang Yuzong can reach the sky, and the only ones who can beat the Tianyin drum are the successive suzerains of Shang Yu Pavilion."

Yan Yan suddenly said: "So, this Shang Yu Pavilion usually doesn't have to do anything, and it has to be supported by all the sects."

This is a rich and idle sect.

Shen Yuyun nodded: "It can be said that they are indeed staying and practicing in Shang Yu Pavilion on weekdays. Compared with other sects, they really do not have to worry about making a living and are relatively relaxed."

Yan Yan: "Then why did they go down the mountain when Rong Mochou asked? Didn't they never go down the mountain except for the five-year mountain and sea festival?"

Yu Xinzhu sneered: "That's why I said that Rong Mochou probably promised Tianyin Pavilion additional benefits."

Yanyan felt that when Yu Xinzhu said this, the expression on her expression was a bit meaningful, so she looked curiously at Agui and Yueya who were sitting on the other side of Yu Xinzhu.

Agui laughed: "In addition to the five-year mountain and sea festival, Tianyin Pavilion has another reason to go down the mountain, and that is the Taoist partner of the owner of the Tianyin Pavilion. If you become the Taoist partner selected by the owner of the Tianyin Pavilion, then the other party If there is a need, Tianyin Pavilion will also come forward to help."

Yan Yan opened her mouth wide in surprise: "Rong Mochou actually betrayed her appearance for the sake of ostentation!"

Because Yanyan was too surprised, her voice became much higher when she couldn't control it.

In addition to Jiange, many monks in other seats also heard it.

Although everyone knew about this not-so-secret secret, they were quite surprised to be told so loudly.

However, these words hit everyone's minds, and many people whispered.

More and more people were whispering, and many monks who didn't know the reason gradually heard the inside story, and they were all surprised by Rong Mochou's boldness.

Of course, the main reason for his surprise was that he felt that this person's vanity was a bit outrageous.

At this moment, the tall fragrance of time had already been ignited, and Rong Mochou had already stood on the asking altar.

He was about to start asking questions, only to realize that the atmosphere below seemed to be more lively than before.

Many monks who came to listen to the question seemed to be whispering and whispering.

But he asked that it hadn't started yet, what are these people talking about?

Rong Mochou frowned, and turned his gaze towards the Changsheng Pavilion.

The elders and protectors of the disciples in the Changsheng Pavilion did not whisper, and all of them sat upright.

The person sitting at the front of the Changsheng Pavilion lineup was naturally Geng Tong.

As if sensing Rong Mochou's gaze, Geng Tong raised his head and looked at the altar.

Rong Mochou sent a voice transmission: "What's the discussion below?"

Geng Tong sent it back almost without thinking, "Looking forward to the wonderful performance of senior brother today."

Rong Mochou was relieved, she looked away, and her expression returned to the elegant and dusty appearance just now, and she began to ask questions formally.

Geng Tong withdrew his gaze, and continued to listen to the whispers of the people around him without changing his expression.

In fact, he heard clearly that what these people were talking about was that his elder brother was selling out his appearance in order to maintain his appearance.

Why not tell Rong Mochou the truth?

Afraid that anger would disturb his Dao heart.

Why not suppress rumors?


Geng Tong felt that what everyone said was actually the truth.

Since it is the truth, there is no reason not to let others tell it!

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