Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1213 Bright Sword

The huge sword body extended into the air.

The sand and rocks on the surface of the peak slid down like rain, filling up countless gullies around Shanxia Peak.

As the gravel and sand on the surface peel off, the dark and hard rock mass inside the cliff body is gradually exposed.

Shanxia Peak is still rising, and finally merged with the jade sword that had been lifted into the sky before.

At the moment when the sword and the peak merged, the heaven and the earth resounded with clanging swords. The jade sword was like a hard diamond, inlaid on the tip of the giant sword formed by the peak body of Shanxia Peak, and perfectly fused into the sharpest point on the tip of the giant sword. A little sharpness.

"The pavilion master turned the entire Fanxia Peak into his sword!"

It was still the young elder who spoke.

All the elders and protectors of the Jiange, including the disciples in other peaks, stared blankly at the towering giant sword, shocked and speechless.

Outside the Jiange

Old man He was holding four pills that looked like iron balls in his hands, his eyes were quietly staring at the giant peak rising into the sky, his face was calm, and his heart had already been trampled by ten thousand muddy horses galloping.

Yu Song, he just said that he has grown older in the past two years and his temper has restrained.

Where did this Nima restrain herself?

The entire Jiange has been refined into his sword.

He has to live for another two years, isn't it the same for Tianbei Island?
The topography of Tianbei Island emerged in Old Man He's mind, and he suddenly discovered that the entire Tianbei Island happened to be embedded in a big cliff...

This shape is so unique.

It is very possible to refine Yu Song's sword!
Jia Guilin, the owner of the Zanbao Pavilion who was watching the battle, and the other pavilion owners were completely speechless in shock.

There are also some foreign sect monks who came to participate in the inquiry after sensing the breath, and they were all completely convinced by the scene in front of them.

The huge peak blade is approaching the sky.

Following Yu Song's exit with the word "broken", the huge sword that seemed to be made by nature pierced straight towards the huge thunder beam that was pressing down.

But this time, when the tip of the giant sword hit the thing contained in the beam of light, it didn't intend to stop at all.

The surging sword intent that fills the sky and the earth continuously emanates from the pavilion below the giant sword, urging the giant sword that supports the sky to overcome all obstacles and attack upwards.

The thick Thunderbolt was like a piece of crisp wood, as the tip of the sword deepened, it made a crisp sound of "click!" being split.

Except that the sound is a little louder, it feels exactly the same as chopping wood.

I don't know if the sword intent released by Yu Song is too powerful and compelling. The entire guard formation of the Jiange seems to feel his sword intent, releasing a pure and dazzling white light, which echoes the breath of the giant sword above the sky.

The beam of light was cut into two neat halves, but the towering sword's edge did not stop, and continued to rise, directly inserting into the dark cloud.

The sword body was gradually completely covered by thick clouds, and in the eyes of everyone, only the dark clouds like ink were left in the sky again.

The sky became quiet again.

The beam of light dissipated naturally after being split open, and no one could see what was going on with the giant sword wrapped in thick clouds.

Everyone on Tianbei Island began to worry again.

Isn't it too hasty? After splitting the thunder just now, he should stop in time. Now that he is surrounded by thunder clouds, will he hurt the giant sword?

Lanrong Pavilion
Yu Song sat cross-legged in the main hall, quietly closing his eyes, as if outside the window there were still endless cold pines and lonely peaks.

All around him, there was a powerful sword intent continuously radiating out, and the endless breath was calm and thick, as if there was inexhaustible huge energy in that body.

No one can imagine how much power can be wrapped in a fleshy body.

Yu Song seemed to turn every capillary and even every cell into sword intent.

Yu Song didn't open his eyes until the entire sword body of Pang Ran in the sea of ​​clouds penetrated into the thick clouds.

His pupils had turned bright white like sword intent, and a miniature sword shadow with a handle on his forehead gradually emerged.

That was his true essence sword intent.

Just like the one between Yu Xinzhu's brows, it was born with it.

It's just that Yu Song has long forgotten how long it took to use his natural sword will to fight.

The bright white sword shadow on his forehead became more and more clear, and the aura around him became more and more pure.

Those auras that seemed to be gradually tempered gradually converged towards the sword shadow on his forehead, until all the spiritual energy in the meridians were absorbed into the sword shadow.

Yu Song didn't have a trace of spiritual power all over his body, he looked like an ordinary old man.

But the sword shadow imprinted on his forehead was like a bright moon, extraordinarily bright.

After about a few breaths, the sword shadow on the forehead suddenly shone brightly, and thousands of rays of light bloomed from the sword body...

Outside the Jiange

Everyone held their breath and stared at the heavy cloud like thick ink above the Jiange without daring to blink.

Just now they watched the cloud, devouring the huge sword formed by the entire Fanxia Peak, until the sword disappeared into the cloud.

A few breaths passed, and neither the sword in the cloud nor the cloud wrapped in the sword moved at all.

What exactly is going on?

Although the distance is far away, everyone dare not even take a breath.

All nerves were tense, speculating about Yun Zhongjian's various fates for no reason.

The atmosphere was extremely tense.

Suddenly, a ray of light emerged from a gap in the thick clouds, white...

Someone let out a low exclamation.

It's Jia Guilin.

Before the voice of exclamation fell to the ground, countless streaks of red-white lights pierced through the gaps in the clouds.

Those white lights are like countless swords, cutting through the originally dense and stagnant clouds bit by bit.

The light shines through the clouds and falls into the mortal world, just like the sun covered by dark clouds, the thick clouds are cut into countless fine strands, and finally flowed by the high-altitude wind.

It drifted farther and farther away, gradually spreading out, until finally completely dissolving countless auras that are no longer visible to the naked eye, and disappearing into the vast world.

A ray of setting sun shone through the clouds piercing the sky, covering the summit of Shanxia Peak.

There are no electric clouds in the sky, and no great swords.

Only the eternal afterglow left a dazzling star on the roof tile eaves of Lanrong Hall.

Everything before was like a phantom.

"The Jiange is safe and sound. Thank you all for coming to protect the Dharma for my Heavenly Sad Jiange. Thank you very much. It is inconvenient to enter the Jiange at the moment. You can come to my Zanbao Pavilion. If there is anything else, I will express my gratitude with a cup of thin tea. There are plenty of good teas... ..."

Jia Guilin's voice sounded again, and he warmly greeted all the monks from the outer sect who had come to watch the battle, to go to Zanbao Pavilion.

In terms of communication and entertainment, Jia Guilin is a born connoisseur, and his words and etiquette are very thoughtful.

After the battle just now, when the outer sect faced Jia Gui, even though he was the master of the Zanbao Pavilion, he had a higher status than those sect elders who came to the scene in person.

But no one dared to take it lightly.

There is no other reason, Yu Song is too strong.

Everyone tactfully followed Pavilion Master Jia and left. On the stone-paved Jiange plank road, the usual desolation resumed.

On the desolate plank road, there was only one person standing in place and did not leave.

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