Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1214 Bright Sword

It was old man He who stayed on the Jiange plank road.

When Jia Guilin left with all the monks from the foreign sect, he also silently put the four Shen Dan in his hand back into his sleeve.

But the old man He still stood quietly, looking at the Jiange, and even the highest and loneliest mountain in Tianbei Island, Shanxia Peak.

The reason why Shanxia Peak is called Shanxia Peak is because it is high. Every day at sunrise and dusk, the sun is the first to appear or the latest to leave this peak.

The location of Shanxia Peak is not the best, and when the pavilions were built, they were not favored by other pavilions.

But I heard that the owner of the Jiange chose this place almost at a glance, as the foundation for the Jiange to build a pavilion.

At that time, neither he nor Yu Song was born.

However, old man He heard from his master that the master of the Jiange pavilion chose Shanxia Peak, and he threatened that the strongest swordsman in the Eastern Continent must come from this peak.

In the following hundreds of years, the Jiange was indeed very strong, and the head of the Jiange was more powerful than the next.

When it comes to Yu Song's position, looking at the entire Eastern Continent, almost no one can surpass him in the way of swordsmanship.

But Old Man He was not convinced.

He practiced alchemy, but he never felt that Yu Song's sword was more powerful than his alchemy.

Although there is no substantial comparison between the two, but looking at the alchemy of the entire Eastern Continent, no one can surpass him.

Therefore, he felt that in terms of reputation, at least he could draw with Yu Song.

There is no extreme and vanity here, it is purely a competition among fellow students.

Both he and Yu Song are pure monks.

But today, when Yu Song saw Shanxia Peak being pointed at the sky by Yu Song as a sword, old man He suddenly felt a little frustrated in his haughty heart.

After today's battle.

That sword firmly pushed Yu Song to the position of the top monk in the Eastern Continent, and he was no longer just a sword cultivator.

The reputation of Jiange on Tianbei Island must also surpass that of Changsheng Pavilion.

The position of the leader of the sect in the cultivation world of Tianbei Island is bound to be firmly consolidated again by this sword.

The farce that Changsheng asked before was wiped clean by this sword.

Strength is the boss, don't you agree?But who dares to ask?

Old man He's eyes on Shanxia Peak gradually darkened.

Is the reason why Yu Song shines his sword today is Tianbei Island?
Although Yu Song's sword raised Tianbei Island's reputation a bit, within Tianbei Island, the balance of power began to become a little unbalanced because of this sword.

This time Tianbei asked, revealing many problems within Tianbei Island.

Even before asking, Yu Xinzhu's sudden illness, the messy marriage recruitment, and the chaotic Changsheng asked after the show just ended.

The contradiction between Jiange and Changsheng Pavilion is almost on the surface, but it has not been pointed out yet.

At such a sensitive moment, Yu Song suddenly showed his sword.

Old man He knew that what Yu Song wanted was definitely not just the glory and deterrence that the world gave him.

Because these things Yu Song already had.

So, what is the purpose of his sword?
Lan Rong Dian

Yu Song stood quietly in the yard in front of Lan Rong Hall in front of the cliff like a knife and an ax chisel.

The wind moved the wide hem of the monk's robe on his body, revealing a thin but still tall and straight body under the wide shirt.

Where he stood, he was like a sword stuck between the cliffs.

The golden crow took away the last ray of light, and the afterglow refracted by the sunset glow reflected on Yu Song's face, adding some gentleness to his resolute face.

Looking at the faint green hills in front of him, Yu Song's face was a little pale. Today's sword did consume a lot of his spiritual energy.

He finally smiled, with a low and gentle voice: "That's all I can do for you with this old bone. The rest is up to you!"



Another wooden sign suspended above Liu Nao was suddenly split into two pieces by an invisible force.

Blow, wrapped in a large black robe, yanked off the hood that covered his head and face, and stared at the brain in disbelief.

Beside him, Rong Mochou, who was also wearing a black robe, was holding half of his obviously swollen face, looking at Buluo with a complicated expression.

"This is impossible!"

"How can a human monk resist the attack of ECM?"

Blow's lips and hands were trembling, tremblingly holding up the wooden sign that had been split in two.

What is drawn on this wooden sign is a centipede with a pitch-black body and a bright red head, which looks coquettish and gorgeous.

It's just that it was split into two sections from the center, and this spell card was completely scrapped.

Blow's eyes were full of distress, and he kept repeating in his mouth: "Impossible, this is impossible, how can a human race destroy my brain...I don't believe's not true..."

Rong Mochou rubbed her swollen face impatiently.

He felt that Blow looked like an old trash with epilepsy at the moment, and couldn't help but sneered: "It's impossible for it to be rotten, these things of yours, I'm afraid they are just piles of rags..."

Bu Luo suddenly raised his eyelids, and the pair of gray eyeballs at the bottom due to old age stared fiercely at Rong Mochou.

"You say that everyone's things are tattered, and Liunao is a sacred object handed down from ancient times by my Chi'e clan. If you dare to say that Liunao is tattered, believe it or not, I will kill you with Liunao right now."

After speaking, Blow slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

He didn't know how old he had lived, and the loose and withered skin on his face showed neat lines following his expression. Coupled with the dim light in the room, he looked a bit sinister and treacherous.

"Hmph! Rong Mochou, I don't know about Yu Song's cultivation level, but I know your cultivation level. Do you want to try it? See if the brain is broken or not?"

Rong Mochou also glared back at Bu Luo viciously: "Then what do you think is going on? I failed in two consecutive attacks. Do you blame me?"

Rong Mochou removed her hand covering half of her face, and roared back angrily.

Bu Luo's eyes fell on Rong Mochou's obviously swollen cheeks. He wanted to laugh but was afraid that Rong Mochou would turn his back on him, so he could only endure it and softened his tone.

"The first time I was knocked into the air, I really didn't know why. Something went wrong."

Blow is also a little confused now.

Obviously the whole process of the brain attack was fine, but just when the thunder curse was about to hit, the black mamba's wooden sign suddenly flew out.

Even he had never encountered such a situation.

Because the force of the wooden sign flying out was a bit strong, and they were completely unprepared, it just happened to bump into Rong Mochou's left cheek.

Or it might be because of the brainstorming spell card, Rong Mochou's swollen face couldn't be relieved no matter what spells or medicines he used.

Therefore, Rong Mochou could only bear the deformed face temporarily, waiting for the swollen face to disappear naturally.

So it was understandable for him to be troubled by Eblo.

But in Rong Mochou's heart, she has completely given up any hope for Bu Luo.

Because he ran out of time, this visit to the Changsheng Pavilion completely disrupted his plan, and subsequent troubles would continue.

He must make those who caused him trouble disappear as soon as possible!

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