Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1220 Tonba disappeared

The crawling speed of the scorpion is much faster than that of Colony, and it seems that this is a very disciplined bug.

The scorpions could not fly like Ke Luoni, all the scorpions followed the crawling track of the first scorpion, crawling from Rong Mochou's arm along his body to his feet.

All the scorpions were lined up in a neat line, densely packed without a single one running around.

Perhaps because they are bugs, crawling down neatly like this makes people feel extremely horrified.

The scorpions lined up until they reached Rong Mochou's feet, and finally they lined up to climb to the edge of the cliff.

Many scorpions are connected into a black worm thread in the air, which looks strange and unbelievable.

"They can't fly, how could they climb the cliff?" Zhong Kun, a disciple of the White Mist Hall, couldn't help asking.

Yanyan and Yueya also discovered this strange phenomenon.

"Could it be that worms can also use spirit energy to walk in the sky?"

Jiange disciple Sun Fan couldn't help but stare wide-eyed.

None of them had ever seen Yu Xinzhu being possessed by a scorpion before, and they hadn't realized the horror of this kind of insect, so their emotions were relatively calm.

Yu Xinzhu's expression was very ugly at the moment, she stood behind Yanyan with her head down, tightly clutching the skirt of Yanyan's waist.

Yanyan's clothes were wet by her hands, she didn't dare to look at those scorpions, she closed her eyes tightly, her ears were filled with the sound of her nervous heartbeat like a drum beating.

"These bugs don't walk on air!"

Yan Yan suddenly said something in a deep voice.

Just now, she used Ling Qi to improve her eyesight, and she saw something covering the mouth of the pool.

It was a huge spider web.

Even Rong Mochou was standing on that huge spider web at the moment.

Those scorpions climbed down along one of the spider threads connected to the cliff.

"There may be other monsters ambushing up there, and the mouth of the pool has been sealed by spider webs!"

This time even Yanyan's voice was heavy.

Even Yueya couldn't see the spider web covering the mouth of the pool. It was very likely that the worm lying in ambush was more powerful than they had ever seen before.

Yan Yan has only seen Coroni and Scorpion now, and has not seen other insects.

"It seems that we can't rush out, we can only fight to the death!"

Yueya didn't speak, and continued to support the barrier steadily.But he couldn't help but look worriedly at Yu Xinzhu who was hiding behind Yanyan.

The scorpion who was lying at the front and taking the lead was about to set foot on the cliff.

Like Koroni, the scorpion is not afraid of the spiritual energy emanating from the monks. The army of bugs lining up is like a death squad, walking towards Yanyan people without hesitation...


Yan Yan called out.

The only thing Colony and Scorpion are afraid of is Tonba.

Tonba's breath is now the most effective weapon against these bugs.

But Yanyan called several times, but Tonba never appeared.

Yan Yan's heart sank.

When the pool was frozen just now, they were in the confrontation between the breaths of the two great gods at the same time, and the scene was chaotic.

Yanyan was only thinking about how to kill Rong Mochou, she didn't pay attention to Tonba at all.

Tonba's combat power was already higher than Rong Mochou's, Yanyan felt that even if Rong Mochou attacked with all his strength, Tonba would not be hurt.

In every previous battle, Tonba's performance has always been almost perfect.

But this time Yanyan ignored an important detail.

That is, there is something in this pool of water.

Because she was worried about Tonba, Yan Yan also became flustered.

Just when Yanyan was distracted, a scorpion who was walking in the front suddenly jumped and jumped onto Yueya's barrier.

The pitch-black little scorpion just lay on Yueya's barrier, like lying on a huge mushroom, and then, the scorpion opened its barbed mouthparts and began to eat the barrier.

Then another scorpion jumped up, and then another...

In the blink of an eye, the surface of the enchantment supported by Yueya was covered with a layer of black bugs.

There are more and more bugs jumping up, and the speed of gnawing is getting faster and faster

Everyone stared in horror at the densely packed black scorpions above their heads.

And with the gnawing, the bodies of those scorpions began to grow rapidly, almost covering the entire barrier.

"This won't work! The enchantment won't last long, so we must find a way as soon as possible."

Yueya's voice finally became hurried.

Yanyan raised her head, her eyes were not only frightened and angry, but also deeply remorseful and worried.

Tonba's sudden disappearance disturbed her mind, Yanyan could no longer think calmly as usual.

There are more and more black scorpions eating the barrier, growing bigger and bigger, the junior disciples who were protected in the barrier were finally frightened by what they saw in front of them, and asked desperately in a trembling voice...

Even Yueya's eyes became somewhat desperate.

No wonder the little pavilion master was easily possessed by this thing back then, and she also clearly felt that these fast-growing black shoes were quickly eating away at the spiritual energy in her body.

These greedy fellows suck the qi like a fly smelling honey.

Thinking of Yu Xinzhu being tormented by this kind of scorpion monster so that her life would be worse than death, and her indistinguishable appearance from a human to a ghost, Yueya felt even more miserable.

The people trapped at the bottom of the pool are almost in desperation.

"How long are you going to dawdle?"

Deep within Yan Yan's consciousness, a Canghua low reprimand suddenly came.

Yan Yan was confused, she didn't understand the meaning of Cang Hua's sudden words.

"Don't hurry, don't you want me to invite you personally?"

Canghua's voice sounded from the depths of Yanyan's consciousness again.

Yanyan was even more confused.

What do you want the emperor to invite?

Just when Yanyan was still in a daze, the rest of the people were staring in horror at the black scorpions densely packed with goosebumps above their heads.

The ice surface under the feet of several people suddenly made a crisp sound of "click!"

The sound came from the edge of the ice, and the sound was not loud. For the people who were highly focused on the scorpion, no one noticed the almost inaudible sound.


Suddenly, the entire ice surface made a loud noise.

The movement this time shocked everyone, and they looked down to see a deep crack in the ice under their feet.

The crack almost runs through the entire hard ice body, leading directly to the deep pool of water below.

How could the ice suddenly break?
Could it be that Rong Mochou withdrew the ice technique?
But isn't Rong Mochou's purpose to trap them in this small space so that those worms and monsters can attack?
How is it possible to open the ice surface at this time?

"Crack, click, crash..."

Just when everyone was in doubt, the thick solid ice that had condensed on the surface of the pool suddenly shook violently.

With a loud sound of stone breaking and landslides, the entire lake surface was shattered by a huge force rushing up from the bottom of the pool.

Everyone standing on the lake, including Yanyan, Yu Xinzhu and Yueya, all fell into Tan Shui.

At the same time that everyone fell into the water, everyone saw a huge tail, wrapped in a terrifying force, slamming on the water surface.

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