Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1221 Yan is a scavenger

Those big scorpions that were originally blocked by Yueya fell into the Tan water with Yueya and everyone else, and they also fell into the water together.

But because of the big tail that came out of nowhere, it suddenly flicked violently.

The raised dragon tail slapped heavily on the water surface, splashing high water and throwing all the bugs away.

The surface of the water was in a mess instantly, Yan Yan and the others were all pushed into the deeper pool by the turbulent pool water.

In a panic, Yueya quickly condensed the protective barrier and gathered all the disciples she could find in the barrier, only to find that Yanyan was missing.

"Ayan isn't still up there, is she?"

Yu Xinzhu asked worriedly, she could not perceive Yanyan's breath at all.

Thinking of so many terrible scorpions in the pool, Yu Xinzhu's face turned pale again because of the movement of spirit qi to avoid water.

Yueya's expression was also solemn.

Because she also couldn't feel Yanyan's breath.

Yueya raised her head, looked at the faintly bright pool above her head, and frowned: "This place is not very deep from the top, logically speaking, it is impossible not to sense Miss Yan's breath."

Yu Xinzhu's expression was serious.

"Based on the distance, it is definitely impossible. So there are only two reasons. A Yan has either left this space, or her breath has been cut off by something."

"Also, and, just, maybe, met, met the big monster."

It was Jiange disciple Jing Jin who spoke.

This disciple of Jiange had kept silent before, and he was the one with the least sense of presence among the junior disciples.One very important reason is that he stutters a bit.

However, his stuttering problem is actually fine on weekdays, but his pronunciation seems a little stuck, which does not affect communication.

But right now he was stuttering very badly, I don't know if he was frightened.

Because his face was also pale.

Reminded by Jing Jin, the others all remembered the huge tail that broke through the ice just now.

That tail is indeed huge, although it was swung just now, no one can see the whole picture of the tail clearly.

It seemed that only a small part of that tail was hitting the ice.

Everyone fell into silence.

The eyes of several White Mist Hall disciples were even more sorrowful.

Zhang Hui, a disciple of the White Mist Palace, suddenly said: "I remembered, since we entered this pool, the guardian beast of the sect has never shown up again!"

Yu Xinzhu and Yue Ya looked at Zhang Hui suspiciously at the same time.

Yueya: "What is the guardian beast of your sect?"

Zhang Hui looked at Yueya in surprise, his expression full of surprise "You don't even know this".

Then he said as it should be: "It's the suzerain's beast pet, Tonba."

Yu Xinzhu and Yue Ya showed a clear expression at the same time.

Oh, there is nothing wrong with Tongba being the guardian animal of the White Mist Palace.

Then everyone fell into a new round of quieter silence...

The expressions on everyone's faces were more serious than before.

Yanyan's disappearance is probably related to Tonba's disappearance.

But if Yan Yan can find a monster that can't even deal with a ton, it will be for nothing.

Among them, the highest cultivation base has never been Yueya.

Tonba is undoubtedly the most powerful one.

In fact, it's normal for these people not to sense Yanyan now, because Yanyan has indeed left this space.

She is in Sumeru Realm.

And before entering Xumi Realm, Yanyan did something that no one could have imagined.

Things have to go back to when the huge tail appeared and smashed the ice.

Yanyan had been worried about Tonba before, until the big tail suddenly smashed the ice, and the moment Yanyan fell into the water, she sensed two breaths at the same time.

There was a ton of breath that she was most familiar with.

Yan Yan's hanging heart relaxes.

The other breath is also familiar to her, the breath of the power of green wood.

Then Yanyan saw a giant shadow moving extremely fast, swimming towards the deeper bottom of the pool.

The shadow was so huge that it almost filled the entire pond, but even so, it was still impossible to tell how big it really was.

Can't even tell what the guy is.

I only saw the long beard flying like a cloud, ups and downs in the water following the opponent's movements.

A monster like this, no matter what level of monster it is, will naturally make people feel intimidated.

But Yan Yan chased after her with a smile, and hugged that thick big tail.

The moment the big tail was embraced by Yan Yan, a long and ancient roar came from the bottom of the extremely deep pool.


Hearing this roar, Yanyan not only did not let go, but also frowned with a smile, and tightened her arms that hugged Big Tail.

In fact, with the length of Yanyan's arms, there is no way to hug such a thick tail.

Her hug is basically equivalent to sticking her own body tightly to the side of the tail, looking like a scavenger lying on the wall of the fish tank.

Just when she hugged the big tail just now, Yan Yan obviously felt that the big tail stopped for a while, and then began to dive at a very high speed.

Like being frightened.

Yan Yan was led by the big tail, and they also dived to the deeper bottom of the pool at a very high speed.

When Yanyan dived down quickly, Tonba ran out from some corner and swam to Yanyan's side.

But Tonba didn't come over to act like a baby with Yanyan like every time, but looked at her with strange eyes.

The big tail has been diving, I don't know how deep it has dived, and finally gradually stopped.

Then Yanyan heard a voice: "You, can you let go first."

Without even thinking about it, Yan Yan blurted out two words: "No!"

After a while of silence, Big Tail spoke again: "How can the girl let go?"

Yanyan: "Don't even think about it, I won't let go."

It was hard to hold on, how could it be possible to let go?

Never let go!
Tonba still looked at Yanyan with that weird look, but with more resentment than before.

Yanyan freed a hand, wanting to touch Tunba's head.

Tonba turned his head to the side and dodged it.

Yan Yan glanced at it.

This guy is jealous again, just as worthless as Bi Cheng.

The big tail was silent again, this time it didn't speak again, it just swung left and right a few times quickly.

It seemed like he wanted to flick the Yanyan stuck to his tail, but he didn't dare to use too much force, so he seemed a little aggrieved.

The big tail is really aggrieved.

If it was changed to the past, if someone dared to hug its tail like this, it would have slapped people to death on the cliff long ago.

But in the face of this weak little girl of the human race, it hesitated.

It's not really cowardly, it's because it sensed a familiar yet unfamiliar aura from this little girl.

And whether it is familiar or unfamiliar, it is powerful and ancient, and it cannot be offended.


PS: Scavenger is a kind of ornamental fish. It mainly feeds on moss and microorganisms on the wall of the tank. It has a suction cup on its mouth that can attach to the tank wall.

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