Guide to the Empress becoming a God

Chapter 1344 Of course the human race deserves it!

Chapter 1344 Of course the human race deserves it!
The sun and the moon diminished and sank in Yanyan's pupils.

In the center of her eyebrows, the straight trunk of the Sanmulberry Sacred Tree almost merged with the sharp sword body, and the lush branches were like countless snow-white sword lights shooting towards the sky, reflecting on her whole body, overlapping with the strong halo of the sun together.

The wind was torn apart and healed again, sending out a sharp cry that vibrated the eardrums at high frequency, Yan Yan held up the scorching sun with his white bone body, and hit head-on with the heavy fist that pierced the sky in mid-air.

Hard shaking has never been the first choice of a good fighter, and doing so is often forced to death.

Yanyan is.

So did Qi Xiaowei.

From the ground to the sky, from the time when his feet left the dome of Canglang Que, to the time when the scorching sun hit the black fist, Yan Yan's body was revived several times like a phoenix in the flames.

Until the black fist was rubbed on the edge of the scorching sun, the last trace of flesh on Yanyan's cheek hadn't had time to heal.

In the blazing sun, part of it is the coagulation of her flesh and blood.

Qi Xiaowei is strong enough.

"She is ruthless!"

This sentence came from Jishui Leopard's mouth.

Ji Shuibao stared at the girl in the altar of stars, his eyes were burning hot, apart from deep shock, the deeper part was admiration.

"Yan girl is used to such things as flesh and bones. When the emperor accompanied her to hone, the number of peelings was much more than that just now."

When Lie Shanding said this, his tone of voice was normal, and everyone in Xumi Realm fell silent.

Behind the glamorous appearance and calm and free and easy, there has always been the accumulation of hardships that others cannot imagine.

Self-control is the instinct of all the strongest.

There was a strong wind whimpering at the high altitude of Xumi Realm, and the big sun held up by Yanyan's palms and the complete darkness blasted by Qi Xiaowei were in perfect harmony.

Apart from everyone in Xumi Realm, Qi Xiaowei was also shocked.

Canglang Que could be shattered with only fist wind, but he never expected to be blocked by Yanyan.

This result was completely beyond Qi Xiaowei's expectation.

Qi Xiaowei's face finally emerged in the darkness, nose to nose with Yanyan's.

"Why do you have to fight against me? I had planned to let you go."

Qi Xiaowei's face was deformed and condensed by the pressure of the dark matter flow and the sun's rays, but it was always sticking to Yan Yan's face ferociously.

Yan Yan's face was also pale and trembling because of the huge force's resistance, but her gaze was as firm as a sword.

"Because you are shameless!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

There was a sudden change in the sky, and Qi Xiaowei's rampant laughter echoed in the sky and the earth: "Why are you a human race? Why do you have to be a human race who is blessed with all these things and is supported by the spirits of heaven and earth, how are you worthy?"

"Of course the human race is worthy!"

The cold and harsh voice spread across the land, mountains and rivers.

All the beings on the ground raised their heads and looked at the beam of light that pierced the sky where black and white were facing each other.

"There is no ethnic group that can break the barriers of all ethnic groups like the human race;"

The whole herd of beasts silently came to the altar of stars, silently clasped their hands together, and prayed devoutly for Yanyan.

"No group of people can successfully raise other groups that have nothing to do with themselves, no matter animals, plants, or even monsters;"

The space under Yanyan's feet trembled for a while, and Tonba appeared at her feet, staring deeply at Yanyan with aqua-blue animal pupils full of attachment.

Then the beast's eyes sharpened, Taotie's body suddenly became huge, and Tonba placed his body under Yanyan's feet.

"This is great love, it is worthy of being respected by all races, and it is a noble quality contained in nature."

"Just for this, the human race is uniquely worthy!"

When she said these words, Yan Yan's hands suddenly changed their posture, from the previous pushing the big day, to two hands clasped on the top of the head.

It was as if he was about to draw a sword from his body.

In fact, she did draw a sword from her body.

The snow-white sword light only has a light body, not a solid sword.

When seeing this scene, even Canghua was a little surprised.

Yanyan's space power can cut and reorganize all materials, and can also integrate all power.

But no one expected that she would separate the innate sword consciousness Yu Song gave her from her spiritual consciousness.

Seeing this unparalleled natural sword sense, Qi Xiaowei's face, which was constantly distorted and restored by the aura, also showed a look of surprise.

He looked at Yanyan like a monster: "This world didn't give birth to you, why are you working so hard?"

Qi Xiaowei couldn't understand, he really couldn't understand why Yanyan was willing to pay so much for the world of mountains and seas.

"Fate itself is a cruel fellow."

"If it asks you to take on the mission, before it is sure that you can take on the mission, it will try its best to break every muscle and bone of you, strip away every trace of flesh and blood from you, and make you suffer the most extreme pain in the world. "

"Only when you survive these things can your will and heart be strong enough to be chosen by fate."

The focus of Yanyan's eyes focused on Qi Xiaowei's again, and she said earnestly: "I long to be favored by fate, very longing. This longing comes from my longing for my hometown."

"The birds love the old forest, and the pond fish think about the old abyss. Because I have experienced the pain of leaving my homeland and home. Therefore, in exchange for returning home, I am willing to help the world to gain peace."

After saying the last word, the bright sword light has been completely pulled out of her body by Yan Yan.

The light saber of divine consciousness was tightly held by her hands, and Yan Yan's gaze became firm again, just like the sword in her hand.

"You can't beat me."

At this time, Qi Xiaowei had already seen Yanyan's sword, but still said so confidently and calmly.

"Yanyan, I admire your courage and I recognize your ability. However, you underestimate the power of Daze outside the Territory, and you also underestimate the power of desire."

When Qi Xiaowei said this, the contempt finally disappeared from his eyes.

At this moment, he felt that Yan Yan was an opponent worthy of respect.

"In Blue Star, the Shenhua country you live in is a large and peaceful country with no interference from foreign enemies. You will not understand a race's deep desire to change its destiny. That desire will form the most powerful force in the world."

"Whether it is the human race or the Chi'e race, the most fundamental power comes from desire. Desire is the origin of everything, and it is also the bargaining chip that plays a decisive role in front of the god of destiny."

"And the power in my hand comes from outside the territory, from the strong desire of all the creatures in the dark world, eager to enter this rich world, that is a powerful force that you can't imagine."

After saying these words, Qi Xiaowei's face suddenly disappeared in front of Yanyan, and the powerful fist of darkness crushed him down again.

Almost instantly, the sunlight lifted by Yanyan was completely crushed by the fist of darkness.

Yanyan and the lightsaber in her hand disappeared into the vast darkness.

Everyone's pupils shrank.

Behind Yuchan and Jinwu, the illusion of the sun and the moon appeared almost simultaneously.

But the darkness devoured Yanyan's next breath, a bright white light shot up from the darkness, counterattacking the darkness.

Yanyan's voice resounded through the world once again:
"Maybe I can't understand the kind of power you mentioned, but in my understanding, no race is qualified to destroy or enslave another race. Resistance is also a race's natural power!"

At the same time, Yanyan softly called out in her consciousness: "Maha Luoga."

Bai Guang grows into a sky-supporting giant sword, Mahalaka's huge original body and the innate sword consciousness in Yanyan's hand merge into one.

(End of this chapter)

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